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The resistance of least absolute values (L1) estimators to outliers and their robustness to heavy-tailed distributions make these estimators useful alternatives to the usual least squares estimators. The recent development of efficient algorithms for L1 estimation in linear models has permitted their use in practical data analysis. Although in general the L1 estimators are not unique, there are a number of properties they all share. The set of all L1 estimators for a given model and data set can be characterized as the convex hull of some extreme estimators. Properties of the extreme estimators and of the L1-estimate set are considered.  相似文献   

We developed robust estimators that minimize a weighted L1 norm for the first-order bifurcating autoregressive model. When all of the weights are fixed, our estimate is an L1 estimate that is robust against outlying points in the response space and more efficient than the least squares estimate for heavy-tailed error distributions. When the weights are random and depend on the points in the factor space, the weighted L1 estimate is robust against outlying points in the factor space. Simulated and artificial examples are presented. The behavior of the proposed estimate is modeled through a Monte Carlo study.  相似文献   

The performance of nine different nonparametric regression estimates is empirically compared on ten different real datasets. The number of data points in the real datasets varies between 7, 900 and 18, 000, where each real dataset contains between 5 and 20 variables. The nonparametric regression estimates include kernel, partitioning, nearest neighbor, additive spline, neural network, penalized smoothing splines, local linear kernel, regression trees, and random forests estimates. The main result is a table containing the empirical L2 risks of all nine nonparametric regression estimates on the evaluation part of the different datasets. The neural networks and random forests are the two estimates performing best. The datasets are publicly available, so that any new regression estimate can be easily compared with all nine estimates considered in this article by just applying it to the publicly available data and by computing its empirical L2 risks on the evaluation part of the datasets.  相似文献   

By modifying the direct method to solve the overdetermined linear system we are able to present an algorithm for L1 estimation which appears to be superior computationally to any other known algorithm for the simple linear regression problem.  相似文献   

We regard the simple linear calibration problem where only the response y of the regression line y = β0 + β1 t is observed with errors. The experimental conditions t are observed without error. For the errors of the observations y we assume that there may be some gross errors providing outlying observations. This situation can be modeled by a conditionally contaminated regression model. In this model the classical calibration estimator based on the least squares estimator has an unbounded asymptotic bias. Therefore we introduce calibration estimators based on robust one-step-M-estimators which have a bounded asymptotic bias. For this class of estimators we discuss two problems: The optimal estimators and their corresponding optimal designs. We derive the locally optimal solutions and show that the maximin efficient designs for non-robust estimation and robust estimation coincide.  相似文献   

A fast routine for converting regression algorithms into corresponding orthogonal regression (OR) algorithms was introduced in Ammann and Van Ness (1988). The present paper discusses the properties of various ordinary and robust OR procedures created using this routine. OR minimizes the sum of the orthogonal distances from the regression plane to the data points. OR has three types of applications. First, L 2 OR is the maximum likelihood solution of the Gaussian errors-in-variables (EV) regression problem. This L 2 solution is unstable, thus the robust OR algorithms created from robust regression algorithms should prove very useful. Secondly, OR is intimately related to principal components analysis. Therefore, the routine can also be used to create L 1, robust, etc. principal components algorithms. Thirdly, OR treats the x and y variables symmetrically which is important in many modeling problems. Using Monte Carlo studies this paper compares the performance of standard regression, robust regression, OR, and robust OR on Gaussian EV data, contaminated Gaussian EV data, heavy-tailed EV data, and contaminated heavy-tailed EV data.  相似文献   

We consider the properties of the trimmed mean, as regards minimax-variance L-estimation of a location parameter in a Kolmogorov neighbourhood K() of the normal distribution: We first review some results on the search for an L-minimax estimator in this neighbourhood, i.e. a linear combination of order statistics whose maximum variance in Kt() is a minimum in the class of L-estimators. The natural candidate – the L-estimate which is efficient for that member of Kt,() with minimum Fisher information – is known not to be a saddlepoint solution to the minimax problem. We show here that it is not a solution at all. We do this by showing that a smaller maximum variance is attained by an appropriately trimmed mean. We argue that this trimmed mean, as well as being computationally simple – much simpler than the efficient L-estimate referred to above, and simpler than the minimax M- and R-estimators – is at least “nearly” minimax.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a method of averaging generalized least squares estimators for linear regression models with heteroskedastic errors. The averaging weights are chosen to minimize Mallows’ Cp-like criterion. We show that the weight vector selected by our method is optimal. It is also shown that this optimality holds even when the variances of the error terms are estimated and the feasible generalized least squares estimators are averaged. The variances can be estimated parametrically or nonparametrically. Monte Carlo simulation results are encouraging. An empirical example illustrates that the proposed method is useful for predicting a measure of firms’ performance.  相似文献   

Consider the linear regression model y =β01 ++ in the usual notation. It is argued that the class of ordinary ridge estimators obtained by shrinking the least squares estimator by the matrix (X1X + kI)-1X'X is sensitive to outliers in the ^variable. To overcome this problem, we propose a new class of ridge-type M-estimators, obtained by shrinking an M-estimator (instead of the least squares estimator) by the same matrix. Since the optimal value of the ridge parameter k is unknown, we suggest a procedure for choosing it adaptively. In a reasonably large scale simulation study with a particular M-estimator, we found that if the conditions are such that the M-estimator is more efficient than the least squares estimator then the corresponding ridge-type M-estimator proposed here is better, in terms of a Mean Squared Error criteria, than the ordinary ridge estimator with k chosen suitably. An example illustrates that the estimators proposed here are less sensitive to outliers in the y-variable than ordinary ridge estimators.  相似文献   

This note investigates the efficiency of using near-best or approximate L1 estimators as starting values in L1 linear programming procedures. In particular, it is shown that the total computer time can often be reduced if one first computes the least squares estimator, β, and then adjust y to y - Xβ in Barrodale and Roberts’ improved algorithm.  相似文献   

In multiple linear regression analysis each lower-dimensional subspace L of a known linear subspace M of ? n corresponds to a non empty subset of the columns of the regressor matrix. For a fixed subspace L, the C p statistic is an unbiased estimator of the mean square error if the projection of the response vector onto L is used to estimate the expected response. In this article, we consider two truncated versions of the C p statistic that can also be used to estimate this mean square error. The C p statistic and its truncated versions are compared in two example data sets, illustrating that use of the truncated versions may result in models different from those selected by standard C p .  相似文献   

Because outliers and leverage observations unduly affect the least squares regression, the identification of influential observations is considered an important and integrai part of the analysis. However, very few techniques have been developed for the residual analysis and diagnostics for the minimum sum of absolute errors, L1 regression. Although the L1 regression is more resistant to the outliers than the least squares regression, it appears that outliers (leverage) in the predictor variables may affect it. In this paper, our objective is to develop an influence measure for the L1 regression based on the likelihood displacement function. We illustrate the proposed influence measure with examples.  相似文献   

This is the first of a projected series of papers dealing with computational experimentation in mathematical programming. This paper provides early results of a test case using four discrete linear L1 approximation codes. Variables influencing code behavior are identified and measures of performance are specified. More importantly, an experimental design is developed for assessing code performance and is illustrated using the variable “problem size”.  相似文献   

The nonlinear least squares algorithm of Gill and Murray (1978) is extended and modified to solve nonlinear L р-norm estimation problems efficiently. The new algorithm uses a mixture of 1st-order derivative (Guass-Newton) and 2nd-order derivative (Newton) search directions. A new rule for selecting the “grade” r of the p-jacobiab matrix Jp was also incorporated. This brought about rapid convergence of the algorithm on previously reported test examples.  相似文献   

Estimating multivariate location and scatter with both affine equivariance and positive breakdown has always been difficult. A well-known estimator which satisfies both properties is the Minimum Volume Ellipsoid Estimator (MVE). Computing the exact MVE is often not feasible, so one usually resorts to an approximate algorithm. In the regression setup, algorithms for positive-breakdown estimators like Least Median of Squares typically recompute the intercept at each step, to improve the result. This approach is called intercept adjustment. In this paper we show that a similar technique, called location adjustment, can be applied to the MVE. For this purpose we use the Minimum Volume Ball (MVB), in order to lower the MVE objective function. An exact algorithm for calculating the MVB is presented. As an alternative to MVB location adjustment we propose L 1 location adjustment, which does not necessarily lower the MVE objective function but yields more efficient estimates for the location part. Simulations compare the two types of location adjustment. We also obtain the maxbias curves of L 1 and the MVB in the multivariate setting, revealing the superiority of L 1.  相似文献   

The varying coefficient model (VCM) is an important generalization of the linear regression model and many existing estimation procedures for VCM were built on L 2 loss, which is popular for its mathematical beauty but is not robust to non-normal errors and outliers. In this paper, we address the problem of both robustness and efficiency of estimation and variable selection procedure based on the convex combined loss of L 1 and L 2 instead of only quadratic loss for VCM. By using local linear modeling method, the asymptotic normality of estimation is driven and a useful selection method is proposed for the weight of composite L 1 and L 2. Then the variable selection procedure is given by combining local kernel smoothing with adaptive group LASSO. With appropriate selection of tuning parameters by Bayesian information criterion (BIC) the theoretical properties of the new procedure, including consistency in variable selection and the oracle property in estimation, are established. The finite sample performance of the new method is investigated through simulation studies and the analysis of body fat data. Numerical studies show that the new method is better than or at least as well as the least square-based method in terms of both robustness and efficiency for variable selection.  相似文献   

The least squares estimator is usually applied when estimating the parameters in linear regression models. As this estimator is sensitive to departures from normality in the residual distribution, several alternatives have been proposed. The Lp norm estimators is one class of such alternatives. It has been proposed that the kurtosis of the residual distribution be taken into account when a choice of estimator in the Lp norm class is made (i.e. the choice of p). In this paper, the asymtotic variance of the estimators is used as the criterion in the choice of p. It is shown that when this criterion is applied, other characteristics of the residual distribution than the kurtosis (namely moments of order p-2 and 2p-2) are important.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss a parsimonious approach to estimation of high-dimensional covariance matrices via the modified Cholesky decomposition with lasso. Two different methods are proposed. They are the equi-angular and equi-sparse methods. We use simulation to compare the performance of the proposed methods with others available in the literature, including the sample covariance matrix, the banding method, and the L1-penalized normal loglikelihood method. We then apply the proposed methods to a portfolio selection problem using 80 series of daily stock returns. To facilitate the use of lasso in high-dimensional time series analysis, we develop the dynamic weighted lasso (DWL) algorithm that extends the LARS-lasso algorithm. In particular, the proposed algorithm can efficiently update the lasso solution as new data become available. It can also add or remove explanatory variables. The entire solution path of the L1-penalized normal loglikelihood method is also constructed.  相似文献   

The L1-type regularization provides a useful tool for variable selection in high-dimensional regression modeling. Various algorithms have been proposed to solve optimization problems for L1-type regularization. Especially the coordinate descent algorithm has been shown to be effective in sparse regression modeling. Although the algorithm shows a remarkable performance to solve optimization problems for L1-type regularization, it suffers from outliers, since the procedure is based on the inner product of predictor variables and partial residuals obtained from a non-robust manner. To overcome this drawback, we propose a robust coordinate descent algorithm, especially focusing on the high-dimensional regression modeling based on the principal components space. We show that the proposed robust algorithm converges to the minimum value of its objective function. Monte Carlo experiments and real data analysis are conducted to examine the efficiency of the proposed robust algorithm. We observe that our robust coordinate descent algorithm effectively performs for the high-dimensional regression modeling even in the presence of outliers.  相似文献   

In this paper, the regression model with a nonnegativity constraint on the dependent variable is considered. Under weak conditions, L 1 estimates of the regression coefficients are shown to be consistent.  相似文献   

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