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A modification of the sequential probability ratio test is proposed in which Wald's parallel boundaries are broken at some preassigned point of the sample number axis and Anderson's converging boundaries are used prior to that. Read's partial sequential probability ratio test can be considered as a special case of the proposed procedure. As far as 'the maximum average sample number reducing property is concerned, the procedure is as good as Anderson's modified sequential probability ratio test.  相似文献   

A sequential method for approximating a general permutation test (SAPT) is proposed and evaluated. Permutations are randomly generated from some set G, and a sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) is used to determine whether an observed test statistic falls sufficiently far in the tail of the permutation distribution to warrant rejecting some hypothesis. An estimate and bounds on the power function of the SPRT are used to find bounds on the effective significance level of the SAPT. Guidelines are developed for choosing parameters in order to obtain a desired significance level and minimize the number of permutations needed to reach a decision. A theoretical estimate of the average number of permutations under the null hypothesis is given along with simulation results demonstrating the power and average number of permutations for various alternatives. The sequential approximation retains the generality of the permutation test,- while avoiding the computational complexities that arise in attempting to computer the full permutation distribution exactly  相似文献   

With rapid development of computing technology, Bayesian statistics have increasingly gained more attention in various areas of public health. However, the full potential of Bayesian sequential methods applied to vaccine safety surveillance has not yet been realized, despite acknowledged practical benefits and philosophical advantages of Bayesian statistics. In this paper, we describe how sequential analysis can be performed in a Bayesian paradigm in the field of vaccine safety. We compared the performance of the frequentist sequential method, specifically, Maximized Sequential Probability Ratio Test (MaxSPRT), and a Bayesian sequential method using simulations and a real world vaccine safety example. The performance is evaluated using three metrics: false positive rate, false negative rate, and average earliest time to signal. Depending on the background rate of adverse events, the Bayesian sequential method could significantly improve the false negative rate and decrease the earliest time to signal. We consider the proposed Bayesian sequential approach to be a promising alternative for vaccine safety surveillance.  相似文献   

Two-parameter Gompertz distribution has been introduced as a lifetime model for reliability inference recently. In this paper, the Gompertz distribution is proposed for the baseline lifetimes of components in a composite system. In this composite system, failure of a component induces increased load on the surviving components and thus increases component hazard rate via a power-trend process. Point estimates of the composite system parameters are obtained by the method of maximum likelihood. Interval estimates of the baseline survival function are obtained by using the maximum-likelihood estimator via a bootstrap percentile method. Two parametric bootstrap procedures are proposed to test whether the hazard rate function changes with the number of failed components. Intensive simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, a CUSUM procedure is given for monitoring for a decrease in the variance (process improvement) as well as a two-sided CUSUM which monitors for both increases and decreases in the variance. The observations are assumed to be independent and normally distributed. The procedure is based on the log¬arithm of the likelihood ratio of the probability density functions under the two competing hypotheses. Formulae that approximate the average run length of the CUSUM procedure for detecting an increase (or decrease) in the variance of a normal distribution are given. These formulae, when corrected for the overshoot from the boundary, provide a very accurate approximation  相似文献   

With linear dispersion effects, the standard factorial designs are not optimal estimation of a mean model. A sequential two-stage experimental design procedure has been proposed that first estimates the variance structure, and then uses the variance estimates and the variance optimality criterion to develop a second stage design that efficiency estimates the mean model. This procedure has been compared to an equal replicate design analyzed by ordinary least squares, and found to be a superior procedure in many situations.

However with small first stage sample sizes the variance estiamtes are not reliable, and hence an alternative procedure could be more beneficial. For this reason a Bayesian modification to the two-stage procedure is proposed which will combine the first stage variance estiamtes with some prior variance information that will produce a more efficient procedure. This Bayesian procedure will be compared to the non-Bayesian twostage procedure and to the two one-stage alternative procedures listed above. Finally, a recommendation will be made as to which procedure is preferred in certain situations.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop procedures to test hypotheses concerning transition probability matrices arising from certain nonhomogeneous Markov processes. It is assumed that the data consist of sample paths, some of which are observed until a certain terminal state, and the other paths are censored. Problems of this type arise in the context of multi-state models relevant to Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Competing Risks. The test statistic is based on the estimator for the associated intensity matrix. We show that the asymptotic null distribution of the proposed statistic is Gaussian, and demonstrate how the procedure can be adopted for HRQoL studies and competing risks model using real data sets. Finally, we establish that the test statistic for the HRQoL has greatest local asymptotic power against a sequence of proportional hazards alternatives converging to the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

Jürgen Franz 《Statistics》2013,47(4):499-510
Let θ be a parameter of a homogenous additive stochastic process. In order to get an unbiased and efficient estimator for a function h(v) one has often to use sequential procedures. In this paper we consider processes of the socalled exponential class. We study level crossing times, which characterize certain sequential estimations. It is shown that the family of level crossing times for an increasing sequence of levels is also a process of the exponential class. The density function of the one-dimensional probability distributions of this new process is given Examples and applications conclude the paper.  相似文献   

Given an inverse Gaussian distribution I(.μ,a2μ) with known coefficient of variation a, the hypothesis HO: .μ <ce:glyph name="dbnd6"/> μo is tested against H1: μ <ce:glyph name="dbnd6"/> μ1 using the sequential probability ratio test. The maximum of the expected sample number is shown to occur when μ is approximately equal to the geometric mean of μoand μ1 and it is shown that this maximum value depends on .μo and μ1 only through their ratio. It is observed that the test can be used to discriminate between two one-sided hypotheses.  相似文献   

In this paper, classical optimum tests for symmetry of two-piece normal distribution is derived. Uniformly most powerful one-sided test for the skewness parameter is obtained when the location and scale parameters are known and is compared with sequential probability ratio test. An ad-hoc test for symmetry and likelihood ratio test for symmetry for large samples, can be found in literature for this distribution. But in this paper, we derive exact likelihood ratio test for symmetry, when location parameter is known. The exact power of the test is evaluated for different sample sizes.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider testing the effects of treatment on survival time when a subject experiences an immediate intermediate event (IE) prior to death or predetermined endpoint. A two-stage model incorporating both (i) the effects of the covariates on the immediate IE and (ii) survival regression with the immediate IE and other covariates is presented. We study the likelihood ratio test (LRT) for testing the treatment effect based on the proposed two stage model. We propose two procedures: an asymptotic-based procedure and a resampling-based procedure, to approximate the null distribution of the LRT. We numerically show the advantages of the two stage modeling over the existing single stage survival model with interactions between the covariates and the immediate IE. In addition, an illustrative empirical example is provided.  相似文献   

The randomized response (RR) technique pioneered by Warner, S.L. (1965) [Randomised response: a survey technique for eliminating evasive answer bias. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 60 , 63–69] is a useful tool in estimating the proportion of persons in a community bearing sensitive or socially disapproved characteristics. Mangat, N.S. & Singh, R. (1990) [An alternative rendomized response procedure. Biometrika 77 , 439–442] proposed a modification of Warner's procedure by using two RR techniques. Presented here is a generalized two‐stage RR procedure and derivation of the condition under which the proposed procedure produces a more precise estimator of the population parameter. A comparative study on the performance of this two‐stage procedure and conventional RR techniques, assuming that the respondents' jeopardy level in this proposed method remains the same as that offered by the traditional RR procedures, is also reported. In addition, a numerical example compares the efficiency of the proposed method with the traditional RR procedures.  相似文献   

We consider methods of computing exactly the probability of “acceptance” and the “average sample size needed” for the sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) and likewise the newer “2-SPRT,” concerning the value of a Bernoulli parameter. The methods permit one to approximate, iteratively, the desired operating characteristics for the test.  相似文献   

Using asymptotic expansions of the Kummer hypergeometric function, the sequential. F-test criterion is evaluated asymptotically in terms of the sample size. The continuation region inequalities for the test are inverted and expressed in terms of known test criteria. A rapidly converging algorithm for carrying out the sequential procedure is provided. This makes the F-test easier for the practitioner to use. Almost sure finite termination of the sequential. F-test is asserted by appealing to the continuation inequalities and a heuristic asymptotic expansion of the test criterion. Average stopping times of the sequential procedure for a variety of population means and population number configurations are tabulated. The computer symbolic manipulation program MAPLE was used to derive some formulae.  相似文献   

A class of statistics is proposed for the problem of testing for location difference using randomly right censored matched pair data. Each member of the class provides a conditionally distribution-free test of H0: no location difference. Simulation results indicate that powers tests basd on certain members in the class are as good as or better thatn the power of a test proposed by Woolson and Lachenbruch (1980).  相似文献   

Let X1 X2…denote Independent and Identically distributed random vectors whose common distributions form a multiparameter exponential family, and consider the problem of sequentially testing separated hypotheses. It is known that the sequential procedure which continues sampling until the likelihood ratio statistic for testing one of the hypotheses exceeds a given level approximates the optimal Bayesian procedure, under general conditions on the loss function and prior distribution. Here we ask whether the approximate procedure is Bayes risk efficient--that is, whether the ratio of the Bayes risk of the approximate procedure to the Bayes risk of the optimal procedure approaches one as the cost of samping approaches zero. We show that the answer depends on the choice of certain parameters in the approximation and the dimensions of the hypotheses.  相似文献   

We restrict attention to a class of Bernoulli subset selection procedures which take observations one-at-a-time and can be compared directly to the Gupta-Sobel single-stage procedure. For the criterion of minimizing the expected total number of observations required to terminate experimentation, we show that optimal sampling rules within this class are not of practical interest. We thus turn to procedures which, although not optimal, exhibit desirable behavior with regard to this criterion. A procedure which employs a modification of the so-called least-failures sampling rule is proposed, and is shown to possess many desirable properties among a restricted class of Bernoulli subset selection procedures. Within this class, it is optimal for minimizing the number of observations taken from populations excluded from consideration following a subset selection experiment, and asymptotically optimal for minimizing the expected total number of observations required. In addition, it can result in substantial savings in the expected total num¬ber of observations required as compared to a single-stage procedure, thus it may be de¬sirable to a practitioner if sampling is costly or the sample size is limited.  相似文献   

A double sample (two stage) testing procedure is proposed as an alternative to the usual one stage  相似文献   

The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) chart is a very effective tool for monitoring manufacturing processes. This paper proposes a rational SPRT chart to monitor both process mean and variance. This SPRT chart determines the sampling interval d based on the rational subgroup concept according to the process conditions and administrative considerations. Since the rational subgrouping is widely adopted in the design and implementation of control charts, the studies of the rational SPRT have a practical significance. The rational SPRT chart is designed optimally in order to minimize the index average extra quadratic loss for the best overall performance. A systematic performance study has also been conducted. From an overall viewpoint, the rational SPRT chart is more effective than the cumulative sum chart by more than 63%. Furthermore, this article provides a design table, which contains the optimal values of the parameters of the rational SPRT charts for different specifications. This will greatly facilitate the potential users to select an appropriate SPRT chart for their applications. The users can also justify the application of the rational SPRT chart according to the achievable enhancement in detection effectiveness.  相似文献   

A new multivariate approach to quality control is presented. On the basis of sequential probability ratio tests, a multivariate cumulative sum chart is derived. Using an approximation to the noncentral x2 distribution, a linear decision rule is obtained.  相似文献   

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