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The limiting distribution of the log-likelihood-ratio statistic for testing the number of components in finite mixture models can be very complex. We propose two alternative methods. One method is generalized from a locally most powerful test. The test statistic is asymptotically normal, but its asymptotic variance depends on the true null distribution. Another method is to use a bootstrap log-likelihood-ratio statistic which has a uniform limiting distribution in [0,1]. When tested against local alternatives, both methods have the same power asymptotically. Simulation results indicate that the asymptotic results become applicable when the sample size reaches 200 for the bootstrap log-likelihood-ratio test, but the generalized locally most powerful test needs larger sample sizes. In addition, the asymptotic variance of the locally most powerful test statistic must be estimated from the data. The bootstrap method avoids this problem, but needs more computational effort. The user may choose the bootstrap method and let the computer do the extra work, or choose the locally most powerful test and spend quite some time to derive the asymptotic variance for the given model.  相似文献   

A nonparametric test for circular symmetry about 0 in a continuous bivariate distribution is proposed. The test is of the von Mises type, based on the empirical cdf of the sample, expressed in polar co-ordinates. However, the test is independent of the choice of the polar axis. The asymptotic form of the test statistic is obtained by considering the weak convergence of the empirical process to a limiting Gaussian process. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is found explicitly, both under the null hypothesis and under simple alternatives. The test is shown to be consistent against all alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop procedures to test hypotheses concerning transition probability matrices arising from certain nonhomogeneous Markov processes. It is assumed that the data consist of sample paths, some of which are observed until a certain terminal state, and the other paths are censored. Problems of this type arise in the context of multi-state models relevant to Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and Competing Risks. The test statistic is based on the estimator for the associated intensity matrix. We show that the asymptotic null distribution of the proposed statistic is Gaussian, and demonstrate how the procedure can be adopted for HRQoL studies and competing risks model using real data sets. Finally, we establish that the test statistic for the HRQoL has greatest local asymptotic power against a sequence of proportional hazards alternatives converging to the null hypothesis.  相似文献   

 当误差项不服从独立同分布时,利用Moran’s I统计量的渐近检验,无法有效判断空间经济计量滞后模型2SLS估计残差间存在空间关系与否。本文采用两种基于残差的Bootstrap方法,诊断空间经济计量滞后模型残差中的空间相关关系。大量Monte Carlo模拟结果显示,从功效角度看,无论误差项服从独立同分布与否,与渐近检验相比,Bootstrap Moran检验都具有更好的有限样本性质,能够更有效地进行空间相关性检验。尤其是,在样本量较小和空间衔接密度较高情况下,Bootstrap Moran检验的功效显著大于渐近检验。  相似文献   

An asymptotic expansion is given for the distribution of the α-th largest latent root of a correlation matrix, when the observations are from a multivariate normal distribution. An asymptotic expansion for the distribution of a test statistic based on a correlation matrix, which is useful in dimensionality reduction in principal component analysis, is also given. These expansions hold when the corresponding latent root of the population correlation matrix is simple. The approach here is based on a perturbation method.  相似文献   

When prediction intervals are constructed using unobserved component models (UCM), problems can arise due to the possible existence of components that may or may not be conditionally heteroscedastic. Accurate coverage depends on correctly identifying the source of the heteroscedasticity. Different proposals for testing heteroscedasticity have been applied to UCM; however, in most cases, these procedures are unable to identify the heteroscedastic component correctly. The main issue is that test statistics are affected by the presence of serial correlation, causing the distribution of the statistic under conditional homoscedasticity to remain unknown. We propose a nonparametric statistic for testing heteroscedasticity based on the well-known Wilcoxon''s rank statistic. We study the asymptotic validation of the statistic and examine bootstrap procedures for approximating its finite sample distribution. Simulation results show an improvement in the size of the homoscedasticity tests and a power that is clearly comparable with the best alternative in the literature. We also apply the test on real inflation data. Looking for the presence of a conditionally heteroscedastic effect on the error terms, we arrive at conclusions that almost all cases are different than those given by the alternative test statistics presented in the literature.  相似文献   

A variance homogeneity test for type II right-censored samples is proposed. The test is based on Bartlett's statistic. The asymptotic distribution of the statistic is investigated. The limiting distribution is that of a linear combination of i.i.d. chi-square variables with 1 degree of freedom. By using simulation, the critical values of the null distribution of the modified Bartlett's statistic for testing the homogeneity of variances of two normal populations are obtained when the sample sizes and censoring levels are not equal. Also, we investigate the properties of the proposed test (size, power and robustness). Results show that the distribution of the test statistic depends on the censoring level. An example of the use of the new methodology in animal science involving reproduction in ewes is provided.  相似文献   

A new goodness-of-fit test for time series models is proposed. The test statistic is based on the distance between a kernel estimator of the ratio between the true and the hypothesized spectral density and the expected value of the estimator under the null. It provides a quantification of how well a parametric spectral density model fits the sample spectral density (periodogram). The asymptotic distribution of the statistic proposed is derived and its power properties are discussed. To improve upon the large sample (Gaussian) approximation of the distribution of the test statistic under the null, a bootstrap procedure is presented and justified theoretically. The finite sample performance of the test is investigated through a simulation experiment and applications to real data sets are given.  相似文献   

Historical control trials compare an experimental treatment with a previously conducted control treatment. By assigning all recruited samples to the experimental arm, historical control trials can better identify promising treatments in early phase trials compared with randomized control trials. Existing designs of historical control trials with survival endpoints are based on asymptotic normal distribution. However, it remains unclear whether the asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is close enough to the true distribution given relatively small sample sizes in early phase trials. In this article, we address this question by introducing an exact design approach for exponentially distributed survival endpoints, and compare it with an asymptotic design in both real examples and simulation examples. Simulation results show that the asymptotic test could lead to bias in the sample size estimation. We conclude the proposed exact design should be used in the design of historical control trials.  相似文献   

Power-divergence goodness-of-fit statistics have asymptotically a chi-squared distribution. Asymptotic results may not apply in small-sample situations, and the exact significance of a goodness-of-fit statistic may potentially be over- or under-stated by the asymptotic distribution. Several correction terms have been proposed to improve the accuracy of the asymptotic distribution, but their performance has only been studied for the equiprobable case. We extend that research to skewed hypotheses. Results are presented for one-way multinomials involving k = 2 to 6 cells with sample sizes N = 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 and nominal test sizes f = 0.1, 0.05, 0.01 and 0.001. Six power-divergence goodness-of-fit statistics were investigated, and five correction terms were included in the study. Our results show that skewness itself does not affect the accuracy of the asymptotic approximation, which depends only on the magnitude of the smallest expected frequency (whether this comes from a small sample with the equiprobable hypothesis or a large sample with a skewed hypothesis). Throughout the conditions of the study, the accuracy of the asymptotic distribution seems to be optimal for Pearson's X2 statistic (the power-divergence statistic of index u = 1) when k > 3 and the smallest expected frequency is as low as between 0.1 and 1.5 (depending on the particular k, N and nominal test size), but a computationally inexpensive improvement can be obtained in these cases by using a moment-corrected h2 distribution. If the smallest expected frequency is even smaller, a normal correction yields accurate tests through the log-likelihood-ratio statistic G2 (the power-divergence statistic of index u = 0).  相似文献   

In this article the authors show how by adequately decomposing the null hypothesis of the multi-sample block-scalar sphericity test it is possible to obtain the likelihood ratio test statistic as well as a different look over its exact distribution. This enables the construction of well-performing near-exact approximations for the distribution of the test statistic, whose exact distribution is quite elaborate and non-manageable. The near-exact distributions obtained are manageable and perform much better than the available asymptotic distributions, even for small sample sizes, and they show a good asymptotic behavior for increasing sample sizes as well as for increasing number of variables and/or populations involved.  相似文献   

The Cochran-Armitage test is the most frequently used test for trend among binomial proportions. This test can be performed based on the asymptotic normality of its test statistic or based on an exact null distribution. As an alternative, a recently introduced modification of the Baumgartner-Weiß-Schindler statistic, a novel nonparametric statistic, can be used. Simulation results indicate that the exact test based on this modification is preferable to the Cochran-Armitage test. This exact test is less conservative and more powerful than the exact Cochran-Armitage test. The power comparison to the asymptotic Cochran-Armitage test does not show a clear winner, but the difference in power is usually small. The exact test based on the modification is recommended here because, in contrast to the asymptotic Cochran-Armitage test, it guarantees a type I error rate less than or equal to the significance level. Moreover, an exact test is often more appropriate than an asymptotic test because randomization rather than random sampling is the norm, for example in biomedical research. The methods are illustrated with an example data set.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of testing normality against the logistic distribution, based on a random sample of observations. Since the two families are separate (non nested), the ratio of maximized likelihoods (RML) statistic does not have the usual asymptotic chi-square distribution. We derive the saddlepoint approximation to the distribution of the RML statistic and show that this approximation is more accurate than the normal and Edgeworth approximations, especially for tail probabilities that are the main values of interest in hypothesis testing. It is also shown that this test is almost identical to the most powerful invariant test.  相似文献   


The sign test based on the k-tuple ranked set samples is discussed here. We first derive the distribution of the k-tuple ranked set sample sign test statistic, and then the asymptotic distribution is also obtained. We then compare its performance with its counterparts based on simple random sample and classical ranked set sample. The asymptotic relative efficiency and the power are then derived. Finally, the effect of imperfect ranking on the procedure is assessed.  相似文献   

Two simple tests which allow for unequal sample sizes are considered for testing hypothesis for the common mean of two normal populations. The first test is an exact test of size a based on two available t-statistics based on single samples made exact through random allocation of α among the two available t-tests. The test statistic of the second test is a weighted average of two available t-statistics with random weights. It is shown that the first test is more efficient than the available two t-tests with respect to Bahadur asymptotic relative efficiency. It is also shown that the null distribution of the test statistic in the second test, which is similar to the one based on the normalized Graybill-Deal test statistic, converges to a standard normal distribution. Finally, we compare the small sample properties of these tests, those given in Zhou and Mat hew (1993), and some tests given in Cohen and Sackrowitz (1984) in a simulation study. In this study, we find that the second test performs better than the tests given in Zhou and Mathew (1993) and is comparable to the ones given in Cohen and Sackrowitz (1984) with respect to power..  相似文献   

The approximate chi-square statistic, X 2 Q , which is calculated as the difference between the usual chi-square statistic for heterogeneity and the Cochran-Armitage trend test statistic, has been widely applied to test the linearity assumption for dose-response data. This statistic can be shown to be asymptotically distributed as chi-square with K - 2 degrees of freedom. However, this asymptotic property could be quite questionable if the sample size is small, or if there is a high degree of sparseness or imbalance in the data. In this article, we consider how exact tests based on this X 2 Q statistic can be performed. Both the exact conditional and unconditional versions will be studied. Interesting findings include: (i) the exact conditional test is extremely sensitive to a small change in dosages, which may eventually produce a degenerate exact conditional distribution; and (ii) the exact unconditional test avoids the problem of degenerate distribution and is shown to be less sensitive to the change in dosages. A real example involving an animal carcinogenesis experiment as well as a fictitious data set will be used for illustration purposes.  相似文献   

The paper considers the problem of homogeneity among groups by comparison of genomic sequences. Some alternative procedures that attach less emphasis on the likelihood approach, and more on alternative measures that deal with similar homogeneity problems are considered here. On this approach, a one-sided hypothesis test is considered and the classical ANOVA decomposition can be directly adapted to sample measures based on the Hamming distance, without necessarily going through their second moments. Some results of U-statistics theory will be useful for the decomposition of the test statistic and to find its asymptotic distribution. An application of this test with real data is shown and the p-value of the test statistic is found via bootstrap resampling.  相似文献   

In this paper, asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of Wald tests for the Tweedie class of models with log-linear mean, is considered when the aux¬iliary variable is measured with error. Wald test statistics based on the naive maximum likelihood estimator and on a consistent estimator which is obtained by using Nakarnura's (1990) corrected score function approach are defined. As shown analytically, the Wald statistics based on the naive and corrected score function estimators are asymptotically equivalents in terms of ARE. On the other hand, the asymptotic relative efficiency of the naive and corrected Wald statistic with respect to the Wald statistic based on the true covariate equals to the square of the correlation between the unobserved and the observed co-variate. A small scale numerical Monte Carlo study and an example illustrate the small sample size situation.  相似文献   

The authors discuss a graph‐based approach for testing spatial point patterns. This approach falls under the category of data‐random graphs, which have been introduced and used for statistical pattern recognition in recent years. The authors address specifically the problem of testing complete spatial randomness against spatial patterns of segregation or association between two or more classes of points on the plane. To this end, they use a particular type of parameterized random digraph called a proximity catch digraph (PCD) which is based on relative positions of the data points from various classes. The statistic employed is the relative density of the PCD, which is a U‐statistic when scaled properly. The authors derive the limiting distribution of the relative density, using the standard asymptotic theory of U‐statistics. They evaluate the finite‐sample performance of their test statistic by Monte Carlo simulations and assess its asymptotic performance via Pitman's asymptotic efficiency, thereby yielding the optimal parameters for testing. They further stress that their methodology remains valid for data in higher dimensions.  相似文献   

The author addresses the problem of testing circular data for reflective symmetry about an unknown central direction and proposes a simple omnibus test based on the sample second sine moment about an estimation of this direction. Under quite general conditions, for an underlying distribution which is reflectively symmetric, the large‐sample asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is standard normal. Randomization and bootstrap variants of the test are also introduced, and the operating characteristics of different versions of the test are investigated in a Monte Carlo study. The large‐sample and bootstrap versions of the test are applied in the analysis of two illustrative examples drawn from the circular statistics literature.  相似文献   

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