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The current literature deals with the change-point problem only in the context of the obser¬vation of a single sequence. In this paper, inference will be based on the observation of TV sequences of random variables, each sequence containing one change-point. This extension allows the effective use of bootstrap and empirical Bayes methods, both of which are not feasible in the single-path context. Two classes of these “multi-path” change-point problems are considered. If the change-point is assumed to occur at the the same position in each sequence, then the terminology “fixed-tau multi-path change-point” will be used. In other cases, one may expect the change-point to occur at random positions in each sequence, according to some distribution, a “random-tau multi-path change-point” problem. Examples and simulations are given.  相似文献   

The prediction problem of sea state based on the field measurements of wave and meteorological factors is a topic of interest from the standpoints of navigation safety and fisheries. Various statistical methods have been considered for the prediction of the distribution of sea surface elevation. However, prediction of sea state in the transitional situation when waves are developing by blowing wind has been a difficult problem until now, because the statistical expression of the dynamic mechanism during this situation is very complicated. In this article, we consider this problem through the development of a statistical model. More precisely, we develop a model for the prediction of the time-varying distribution of sea surface elevation, taking into account a non-homogeneous hidden Markov model in which the time-varying structures are influenced by wind speed and wind direction. Our prediction experiments suggest the possibility that the proposed model contributes to an improvement of the prediction accuracy by using a homogenous hidden Markov model. Furthermore, we found that the prediction accuracy is influenced by the circular distribution of the circular hidden Markov model for the directional time series wind direction data.  相似文献   

The hidden Markov model regression (HMMR) has been popularly used in many fields such as gene expression and activity recognition. However, the traditional HMMR requires the strong linearity assumption for the emission model. In this article, we propose a hidden Markov model with non-parametric regression (HMM-NR), where the mean and variance of emission model are unknown smooth functions. The new semiparametric model might greatly reduce the modeling bias and thus enhance the applicability of the traditional hidden Markov model regression. We propose an estimation procedure for the transition probability matrix and the non-parametric mean and variance functions by combining the ideas of the EM algorithm and the kernel regression. Simulation studies and a real data set application are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new estimation procedure.  相似文献   

The hidden Markov model (HMM) provides an attractive framework for modeling long-term persistence in a variety of applications including pattern recognition. Unlike typical mixture models, hidden Markov states can represent the heterogeneity in data and it can be extended to a multivariate case using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. This article provides a nonparametric Bayesian modeling approach to the multi-site HMM by considering stick-breaking priors for each row of an infinite state transition matrix. This extension has many advantages over a parametric HMM. For example, it can provide more flexible information for identifying the structure of the HMM than parametric HMM analysis, such as the number of states in HMM. We exploit a simulation example and a real dataset to evaluate the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Change-point detection regains much attention recently for analyzing array or sequencing data for copy number variation (CNV) detection. In such applications, the true signals are typically very short and buried in the long data sequence, which makes it challenging to identify the variations efficiently and accurately. In this article, we propose a new change-point detection method, a backward procedure, which is not only fast and simple enough to exploit high-dimensional data but also performs very well for detecting short signals. Although motivated by CNV detection, the backward procedure is generally applicable to assorted change-point problems that arise in a variety of scientific applications. It is illustrated by both simulated and real CNV data that the backward detection has clear advantages over other competing methods, especially when the true signal is short. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 48: 366–385; 2020 © 2020 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The limiting behaviour of Bayes procedures in the asymptotic setting of the change-point estimation problem is studied. It is shown that the distribution of the difference between the Bayes estimator and the parameter converges to the distribution of a fairly complicated random variable. A class of linear statistics is introduced, and the form of the Bayes estimator within this class is deduced. The asymptotic properties of this linear estimator are investigated in two different settings for the prior distribution.  相似文献   

The authors consider hidden Markov models (HMMs) whose latent process has m ≥ 2 states and whose state‐dependent distributions arise from a general one‐parameter family. They propose a test of the hypothesis m = 2. Their procedure is an extension to HMMs of the modified likelihood ratio statistic proposed by Chen, Chen & Kalbfleisch (2004) for testing two states in a finite mixture. The authors determine the asymptotic distribution of their test under the hypothesis m = 2 and investigate its finite‐sample properties in a simulation study. Their test is based on inference for the marginal mixture distribution of the HMM. In order to illustrate the additional difficulties due to the dependence structure of the HMM, they show how to test general regular hypotheses on the marginal mixture of HMMs via a quasi‐modified likelihood ratio. They also discuss two applications.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a framework to detect financial crises, pinpoint the end of a crisis in stock markets and support investment decision-making processes. This proposal is based on a hidden Markov model (HMM) and allows for a specific focus on conditional mean returns. By analysing weekly changes in the US stock market indexes over a period of 20 years, this study obtains an accurate detection of stable and turmoil periods and a probabilistic measure of switching between different stock market conditions. The results contribute to the discussion of the capabilities of Markov-switching models of analysing stock market behaviour. In particular, we find evidence that HMM outperforms threshold GARCH model with Student-t innovations both in-sample and out-of-sample, giving financial operators some appealing investment strategies.  相似文献   

Multivariate data with a sequential or temporal structure occur in various fields of study. The hidden Markov model (HMM) provides an attractive framework for modeling long-term persistence in areas of pattern recognition through the extension of independent and identically distributed mixture models. Unlike in typical mixture models, the heterogeneity of data is represented by hidden Markov states. This article extends the HMM to a multi-site or multivariate case by taking a hierarchical Bayesian approach. This extension has many advantages over a single-site HMM. For example, it can provide more information for identifying the structure of the HMM than a single-site analysis. We evaluate the proposed approach by exploiting a spatial correlation that depends on the distance between sites.  相似文献   

A Poisson regression model with an offset assumes a constant baseline rate after accounting for measured covariates, which may lead to biased estimates of coefficients in an inhomogeneous Poisson process. To correctly estimate the effect of time-dependent covariates, we propose a Poisson change-point regression model with an offset that allows a time-varying baseline rate. When the non-constant pattern of a log baseline rate is modeled with a non-parametric step function, the resulting semi-parametric model involves a model component of varying dimensions and thus requires a sophisticated varying-dimensional inference to obtain the correct estimates of model parameters of a fixed dimension. To fit the proposed varying-dimensional model, we devise a state-of-the-art Markov chain Monte Carlo-type algorithm based on partial collapse. The proposed model and methods are used to investigate the association between the daily homicide rates in Cali, Colombia, and the policies that restrict the hours during which the legal sale of alcoholic beverages is permitted. While simultaneously identifying the latent changes in the baseline homicide rate which correspond to the incidence of sociopolitical events, we explore the effect of policies governing the sale of alcohol on homicide rates and seek a policy that balances the economic and cultural dependencies on alcohol sales to the health of the public.  相似文献   

Stefan Fremdt 《Statistics》2015,49(1):128-155
In a variety of different settings cumulative sum (CUSUM) procedures have been applied for the sequential detection of structural breaks in the parameters of stochastic models. Yet their performance depends strongly on the time of change and is best under early change scenarios. For later changes their finite sample behavior is rather questionable. We therefore propose modified CUSUM procedures for the detection of abrupt changes in the regression parameter of multiple time series regression models, that show a higher stability with respect to the time of change than ordinary CUSUM procedures. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics and the consistency of the procedures are provided. In a simulation study it is shown that the proposed procedures behave well in finite samples. Finally the procedures are applied to a set of capital asset pricing data related to the Fama–French extension of the CAPM.  相似文献   

Consider a set of real valued observations collected over time. We pro¬pose a simple hidden Markow model for these realizations in which the the predicted distribution of the next future observation given the past is easily computed. The hidden or unobservable set of parameters is assumed to have a Markov structure of a special type. The model is quite flexible and can be used to incorporate different types of prior information in straightforward and sensible ways.  相似文献   

Consider an inhomogeneous Poisson process X on [0, T] whose unk-nown intensity function “switches” from a lower function g* to an upper function h* at some unknown point ?* that has to be identified. We consider two known continuous functions g and h such that g*(t) ? g(t) < h(t) ? h*(t) for 0 ? t ? T. We describe the behavior of the generalized likelihood ratio and Wald’s tests constructed on the basis of a misspecified model in the asymptotics of large samples. The power functions are studied under local alternatives and compared numerically with help of simulations. We also show the following robustness result: the Type I error rate is preserved even though a misspecified model is used to construct tests.  相似文献   

隐马尔可夫模型对于异质纵向数据的处理有良好的效果,因此被广泛应用于工程技术、生物医学、经济管理等领域。文章引入了一种特殊的非齐次隐马尔可夫状态转移方式,并将其与经典的多元线性回归相结合,提出了隐非齐次马尔可夫多元线性回归模型,介绍了对该模型进行贝叶斯推断的方法原理和技术细节。最后,通过两个模拟实验说明了推断方法的结果是可靠的。  相似文献   


HYGARCH model is basically used to model long-range dependence in volatility. We propose Markov switch smooth-transition HYGARCH model, where the volatility in each state is a time-dependent convex combination of GARCH and FIGARCH. This model provides a flexible structure to capture different levels of volatilities and also short and long memory effects. The necessary and sufficient condition for the asymptotic stability is derived. Forecast of conditional variance is studied by using all past information through a parsimonious way. Bayesian estimations based on Gibbs sampling are provided. A simulation study has been given to evaluate the estimations and model stability. The competitive performance of the proposed model is shown by comparing it with the HYGARCH and smooth-transition HYGARCH models for some period of the S&P500 and Dow Jones industrial average indices based on volatility and value-at-risk forecasts.  相似文献   

Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) is a popular technique for analysing data for complex models where the likelihood function is intractable. It involves using simulation from the model to approximate the likelihood, with this approximate likelihood then being used to construct an approximate posterior. In this paper, we consider methods that estimate the parameters by maximizing the approximate likelihood used in ABC. We give a theoretical analysis of the asymptotic properties of the resulting estimator. In particular, we derive results analogous to those of consistency and asymptotic normality for standard maximum likelihood estimation. We also discuss how sequential Monte Carlo methods provide a natural method for implementing our likelihood‐based ABC procedures.  相似文献   

In this article, we develop a Bayesian variable selection method that concerns selection of covariates in the Poisson change-point regression model with both discrete and continuous candidate covariates. Ranging from a null model with no selected covariates to a full model including all covariates, the Bayesian variable selection method searches the entire model space, estimates posterior inclusion probabilities of covariates, and obtains model averaged estimates on coefficients to covariates, while simultaneously estimating a time-varying baseline rate due to change-points. For posterior computation, the Metropolis-Hastings within partially collapsed Gibbs sampler is developed to efficiently fit the Poisson change-point regression model with variable selection. We illustrate the proposed method using simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the robust estimation for the order of hidden Markov model (HMM) based on a penalized minimum density power divergence estimator, which is obtained by utilizing the finite mixture marginal distribution of HMM. For this task, we adopt the locally conic parametrization method used in [D. Dacunha-Castelle and E. Gassiate, Testing in locally conic models and application to mixture models. ESAIM Probab. Stat. (1997), pp. 285–317; D. Dacunha-Castelle and E. Gassiate, Testing the order of a model using locally conic parametrization: population mixtures and stationary arma processes, Ann. Statist. 27 (1999), pp. 1178–1209; T. Lee and S. Lee, Robust and consistent estimation of the order of finite mixture models based on the minimizing a density power divergence estimator, Metrika 68 (2008), pp. 365–390] to avoid the difficulties that arise in handling mixture marginal models, such as the non-identifiability of the parameter space and the singularity problem with the asymptotic variance. We verify that the estimated order is consistent and simulation results are provided for illustration.  相似文献   

Intervention trials such as studies on smoking cessation may observe multiple, discrete outcomes over time. When the outcome is binary, participant observations may alternate between two states over the course of the study. The generalized estimating equation (GEE) approach is commonly used to analyze binary, longitudinal data in the context of independent variables. However, the sequence of observations may be assumed to follow a Markov chain with stationary transition probabilities when observations are made at fixed time points. Participants favoring the transition to one particular state over the other would be evidence of a trend in the observations. Using a log-transformed trend parameter, the determinants of a trend in a binary, longitudinal study may be evaluated by maximizing the likelihood function. A new methodology is presented here to test for the presence and determinants of a trend in binary, longitudinal observations. Empirical studies are evaluated and comparisons are made with the GEE approach. Practical application of the proposed method is made to the data available from an intervention study on smoking cessation.  相似文献   

Internal migration is one of the major components of rapid and unplanned growth of towns and cities especially in the developing countries. This paper describes the transition pattern of internal out migration in Bangladesh and some sociodemographic factors influencing such migration in the country using a covariate-dependent Markov model. Four types of migration behavior namely, rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and urban to urban are under consideration of this paper. Defining two discrete states, urban and rural, each of such transition can be characterized by a stochastic process; hence we use a two-state Markov chain for this purpose. We find that age, sex, division and reason of migration are significantly associated with internal migration in Bangladesh. The major findings include that any type of migration, rural to rural, rural to urban, urban to rural and urban to urban, mostly take place at the ages of 15–30 as well as at the ages of 0–15; females have higher odds than males to make a migration; Dhaka, Rajshahi and Chittagong divisions have remarkably higher migration rate as compared to Barisal and Sylhet division; and the professional reason is the main reason for rural to urban migration.  相似文献   

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