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A convenient recursive computational method for repeated measures analysis, provided by McGilchrist and Cullis (1990), has been extended by the authors to heterogeneous error structures and also to the repeated measures model with random coefficients. The approach is outlined briefly in this paper. A computing program for the approach has been written and used to obtain results for simulated data having various error structures. A summary of the results is given. The computing program together with some subroutines is available from the authors.  相似文献   

This paper examines the use of bootstrapping for bias correction and calculation of confidence intervals (CIs) for a weighted nonlinear quantile regression estimator adjusted to the case of longitudinal data. Different weights and types of CIs are used and compared by computer simulation using a logistic growth function and error terms following an AR(1) model. The results indicate that bias correction reduces the bias of a point estimator but fails for CI calculations. A bootstrap percentile method and a normal approximation method perform well for two weights when used without bias correction. Taking both coverage and lengths of CIs into consideration, a non-bias-corrected percentile method with an unweighted estimator performs best.  相似文献   

A rank-based inference is developed for repeated measures balanced incomplete block and randomized complete block designs using a suitable dispersion function. Asymptotic distributions of rank estimators are developed after establishing approximate linearity of the gradient vector of the dispersion function. Unlike available nonparametric procedures for those designs, estimation and testing are tied together. Three different test statistics are developed for testing the linear hypotheses. Friedman's (1937) statistic and Durbin's (1951) statistic are particular cases of one of the three proposed statistics. An estimate of a scale parameter which appears in the ARE expression as well as as in the variences and covariances of the rank estimators is discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, small area estimation under a multivariate linear model for repeated measures data is considered. The proposed model aims to get a model which borrows strength both across small areas and over time. The model accounts for repeated surveys, grouped response units, and random effects variations. Estimation of model parameters is discussed within a likelihood based approach. Prediction of random effects, small area means across time points, and per group units are derived. A parametric bootstrap method is proposed for estimating the mean squared error of the predicted small area means. Results are supported by a simulation study.  相似文献   

The techniques for recursive estimation of the general linear model with dependent errors and known second order properties, is generalised to allow for simultaneous addition of an arbitrary number of additional observations. Computational formulae for recursive updating of parameter estimates are derived, together with a sequence of univariate recursive residuals for testing the constancy of the regression relation over time.  相似文献   

Clustered or correlated samples of categorical response data arise frequently in many fields of application. The method of generalized estimating equations (GEEs) introduced in Liang and Zeger [Longitudinal data analysis using generalized linear models, Biometrika 73 (1986), pp. 13–22] is often used to analyse this type of data. GEEs give consistent estimates of the regression parameters and their variance based upon the Pearson residuals. Park et al. [Alternative GEE estimation procedures for discrete longitudinal data, Comput. Stat. Data Anal. 28 (1998), pp. 243–256] considered a modification of the GEE approach using the Anscombe residual and the deviance residual. In this work, we propose to extend this idea to a family of generalized residuals. A wide simulation study is conducted for binary and Poisson correlated outcomes and also two numerical illustrations are presented.  相似文献   

Linear mixed effects model (LMEM) is efficient in modeling repeated measures longitudinal data. However, little research has been done in developing goodness-of-fit measures that can evaluate the models, particularly those that can be interpreted in an absolute sense without referencing a null model. This paper proposes three coefficient of determination (R 2) as goodness-of-fit measures for LMEM with repeated measures longitudinal data. Theorems are presented describing the properties of R 2 and relationships between the R 2 statistics. A simulation study was conducted to evaluate and compare the R 2 along with other criteria from literature. Finally, we applied the proposed R 2 to a real virologic response data of an HIV-patient cohort. We conclude that our proposed R 2 statistics have more advantages than other goodness-of-fit measures in the literature, in terms of robustness to sample size, intuitive interpretation, well-defined range, and unnecessary to determine a null model.  相似文献   

Tables of critical values are given, which can be used to execute interim analyses in clinical trials involving two groups when the joint distribution of the test statistics can be approximated by a multivariate normal distribution. Critical values are given for both the one and two interim analyses cases for a variety of partitions of α and correlation structures. Results of power calculations are presented, which reflect the effects of both the correlation structure and partitions of α.Several examples are given, which illustrate how to apply the tables to a variety of experiments  相似文献   

Rank tests are considered that compare t treatments in repeated measures designs. A statistic is given that contains as special cases several that have been proposed for this problem, including one that corresponds to the randomized block ANOVA statistic applied to the rank transformed data. Another statistic is proposed, having a null distribution holding under more general conditions, that is the rank transform of the Hotelling statistic for repeated measures. A statistic of this type is also given for data that are ordered categorical rather than fully rankedo Unlike the Friedman statistic, the statistics discussed in this article utilize a single ranking of the entire sample. Power calculations for an underlying normal distribution indicate that the rank transformed ANOVA test can be substantially more powerful than the Friedman test.  相似文献   

Non‐likelihood‐based methods for repeated measures analysis of binary data in clinical trials can result in biased estimates of treatment effects and associated standard errors when the dropout process is not completely at random. We tested the utility of a multiple imputation approach in reducing these biases. Simulations were used to compare performance of multiple imputation with generalized estimating equations and restricted pseudo‐likelihood in five representative clinical trial profiles for estimating (a) overall treatment effects and (b) treatment differences at the last scheduled visit. In clinical trials with moderate to high (40–60%) dropout rates with dropouts missing at random, multiple imputation led to less biased and more precise estimates of treatment differences for binary outcomes based on underlying continuous scores. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo study was used to compare the Type I error rates and power of two nonparametric tests against the F test for the single-factor repeated measures model. The performance of the nonparametric Friedman and Conover tests was investigated for different distributions, numbers of blocks and numbers of repeated measures. The results indicated that the type of the distribution has little effect on the ability of the Friedman and Conover tests to control Type error rates. For power, the Friedman and Conover tests tended to agree in rejecting the same false hyporhesis when the design consisted of three repeated measures. However, the Conover test was more powerful than the Friedman test when the number of repeated measures was 4 or 5. Still, the F test is recommended for the single-factor repeated measures model because of its robustness to non-normality and its good power across a range of conditions.  相似文献   

Longitudinal imaging studies have moved to the forefront of medical research due to their ability to characterize spatio-temporal features of biological structures across the lifespan. Valid inference in longitudinal imaging requires enough flexibility of the covariance model to allow reasonable fidelity to the true pattern. On the other hand, the existence of computable estimates demands a parsimonious parameterization of the covariance structure. Separable (Kronecker product) covariance models provide one such parameterization in which the spatial and temporal covariances are modeled separately. However, evaluating the validity of this parameterization in high dimensions remains a challenge. Here we provide a scientifically informed approach to assessing the adequacy of separable (Kronecker product) covariance models when the number of observations is large relative to the number of independent sampling units (sample size). We address both the general case, in which unstructured matrices are considered for each covariance model, and the structured case, which assumes a particular structure for each model. For the structured case, we focus on the situation where the within-subject correlation is believed to decrease exponentially in time and space as is common in longitudinal imaging studies. However, the provided framework equally applies to all covariance patterns used within the more general multivariate repeated measures context. Our approach provides useful guidance for high dimension, low-sample size data that preclude using standard likelihood-based tests. Longitudinal medical imaging data of caudate morphology in schizophrenia illustrate the approaches appeal.  相似文献   

The relationship between the mixed-model analysis and multivariate approach to a repeated measures design with multiple responses is presented. It is shown that by taking the trace of the appropriate submatrix of the hypothesis (error) sums of squares and crossproducts (SSCP) matrix obtained from the multivariate approach, one can get the hypothesis (error) SSCP matrix for the mixed-model analysis. Thus, when analyzing data from a multivariate repeated measures design, it is advantageous to use the multivariate approach because the result of the mixed-model analysis can also be obtained without additional computation.  相似文献   

Four nonparametric test statistics for the change-point problem with repeated measures data are proposed. In a Monte Carlo simulation study, critical values for the proposed test statistics are simulated and the performances of the proposed tests are compared with the performances of some competitive tests in terms of asymptotic behavior and power. We provide appropriate recommendations for different occurrences of the change-point and illustrate the testing methods using a set of real data.  相似文献   

Under the assumption of multivariate normality the likelihood ratio test is derived to test a hypothesis for Kronecker product structure on a covariance matrix in the context of multivariate repeated measures data. Although the proposed hypothesis testing can be computationally performed by indirect use of Proc Mixed of SAS, the Proc Mixed algorithm often fails to converge. We provide an alternative algorithm. The algorithm is illustrated with two real data sets. A simulation study is also conducted for the purpose of sample size consideration.  相似文献   

Asymptotic distributions of maximum likelihood estimators for the parameters in explosive growth curve models are derived. Limit distributions of prediction errors when the parameters are estimated are also obtained. The growth curve models are viewed as multivariate time-series models, and the usual time-series methods are used for prediction. Estimation constrained by a hypothesis of homogeneity of growth rates is also considered.  相似文献   

We discuss the construction of discrete orthonormal polynomials, using MAPLE procedures. We also study two important applications of these polynomials in statistics: in multiple linear regression and in repeated measures analysis. In particular, it is argued that the tests given by SPSS for linear and other trends in a within-subject factor are inefficient. Examples are given, including two (from psychology and medicine, respectively) which involve repeated measures and SPSS. Extensive tables of discrete orthornormal polynomials are given in the Appendix.  相似文献   

Asymptotic tests for multivariate repeated measures are derived under non-normality and unspecified dependence structure. Notwithstanding their broader scope of application, the methods are particularly useful when a random vector of large number of repeated measurements are collected from each subject but the number of subjects per treatment group is limited. In some experimental situations, replicating the experiment large number of times could be expensive or infeasible. Although taking large number of repeated measurements could be relatively cheaper, due to within subject dependence the number of parameters involved could get large pretty quickly. Under mild conditions on the persistence of the dependence, we have derived asymptotic multivariate tests for the three testing problems in repeated measures analysis. The simulation results provide evidence in favour of the accuracy of the approximations to the null distributions.  相似文献   

In a physical activity (PA) study, the 7-day PA log viewed as an alloyed gold standard was used to correct the measurement error in the physical activity questionnaire. Due to correlations between the errors in the two measurements, the usual regression calibration (RC) may result in a biased estimate of the calibration factor. We propose a method for removing the correlation through orthogonal decomposition of the errors, and then the usual RC can be applied. Simulation studies show that our method can effectively correct the bias.  相似文献   

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