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We propose a test for equality of two means when data are functions and obtain the asymptotic properties of the test statistic as data dimension increases with the sample size. We also derive the asymptotic power of the test under some local alternatives and show that the test statistic is root-n consistent. A simulation study is conducted to evaluate the performance of the test numerically and to compare the proposed test with other existing four popular tests.  相似文献   

The penalized logistic regression is a useful tool for classifying samples and feature selection. Although the methodology has been widely used in various fields of research, their performance takes a sudden turn for the worst in the presence of outlier, since the logistic regression is based on the maximum log-likelihood method which is sensitive to outliers. It implies that we cannot accurately classify samples and find important factors having crucial information for classification. To overcome the problem, we propose a robust penalized logistic regression based on a weighted likelihood methodology. We also derive an information criterion for choosing the tuning parameters, which is a vital matter in robust penalized logistic regression modelling in line with generalized information criteria. We demonstrate through Monte Carlo simulations and real-world example that the proposed robust modelling strategies perform well for sparse logistic regression modelling even in the presence of outliers.  相似文献   

In the recent years, the notion of data depth has been used in nonparametric multivariate data analysis since it gives natural ‘centre-outward’ ordering of multivariate data points with respect to the given data cloud. In the literature, various nonparametric tests are developed for testing equality of location of two multivariate distributions based on data depth. Here, we define two nonparametric tests based on two different test statistic for testing equality of locations of two multivariate distributions. In the present work, we compare the performance of these tests with the tests developed by Li and Liu [New nonparametric tests of multivariate locations and scales using data depth. Statist Sci. 2004;(1):686–696] for testing equality of locations of two multivariate distributions. Comparison in terms of power is done for multivariate symmetric and skewed distributions using simulation for three popular depth functions. Application of tests to real life data is provided. Conclusion and recommendations are also provided.  相似文献   


The adoption of control charts can be traced to the classic text by Shewhart (1931 Shewhart, W. A. 1931. Economic control of quality of manufactured product. London: Macmillan. ISBN: 1614278115. [Google Scholar]) and championed by many writers since then, including Deming (1982 Deming, W. E. 1982. Out of the crisis: Quality, productivity and competitive position. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN: 0521305535. [Google Scholar]). Numerous other texts and publications stress the continuing importance of this area. While tables of key Shewhart control chart parameters are extremely useful they are easily lost or mislaid and can sometimes be difficult to interpret. To address this issue spreadsheet code is implemented to produce all the key control chart factors.  相似文献   


In this article, we introduce new nonparametric Shewhart-type control charts that take into account the location of two order statistics of the test sample as well as the number of observations in that sample that lie between the control limits. Exact formulae for the alarm rate, the run length distribution and the average run length (ARL) are all derived. A key advantage of the new charts is that, due to its nonparametric nature, the false alarm rate (FAR) and in-control run length distribution is the same for all continuous process distributions. Tables are provided for the implementation of the proposed charts for some typical FAR and ARL values. Furthermore, a numerical study carried out reveals that the new charts are quite flexible and efficient in detecting shifts to Lehmann-type out-of-control situations, while they seem preferable from a robustness point of view in comparison with the distribution-free control chart of Balakrishnan et al. (2009).  相似文献   

For the problem of variable selection for the normal linear model, fixed penalty selection criteria such as AIC, CpCp, BIC and RIC correspond to the posterior modes of a hierarchical Bayes model for various fixed hyperparameter settings. Adaptive selection criteria obtained by empirical Bayes estimation of the hyperparameters have been shown by George and Foster [2000. Calibration and Empirical Bayes variable selection. Biometrika 87(4), 731–747] to improve on these fixed selection criteria. In this paper, we study the potential of alternative fully Bayes methods, which instead margin out the hyperparameters with respect to prior distributions. Several structured prior formulations are considered for which fully Bayes selection and estimation methods are obtained. Analytical and simulation comparisons with empirical Bayes counterparts are studied.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis is an essential tool in the development of robust models for engineering, physical sciences, economics and policy-making, but typically requires running the model a large number of times in order to estimate sensitivity measures. While statistical emulators allow sensitivity analysis even on complex models, they only perform well with a moderately low number of model inputs: in higher dimensional problems they tend to require a restrictively high number of model runs unless the model is relatively linear. Therefore, an open question is how to tackle sensitivity problems in higher dimensionalities, at very low sample sizes. This article examines the relative performance of four sampling-based measures which can be used in such high-dimensional nonlinear problems. The measures tested are the Sobol' total sensitivity indices, the absolute mean of elementary effects, a derivative-based global sensitivity measure, and a modified derivative-based measure. Performance is assessed in a ‘screening’ context, by assessing the ability of each measure to identify influential and non-influential inputs on a wide variety of test functions at different dimensionalities. The results show that the best-performing measure in the screening context is dependent on the model or function, but derivative-based measures have a significant potential at low sample sizes that is currently not widely recognised.  相似文献   

Control charts show the distinction between the random and assignable causes of variation in a process. The real process may be affected by many characteristics and several assignable causes. Therefore, the economic statistical design of multiple control chart under Burr XII shock model with multiple assignable causes can be an appropriate candidate model. In this paper, we develop a cost model based on the optimization of the average cost per unit of time. Indeed, the cost model under the influence of a single match case assignable cause and multiple assignable causes under a same cost and time parameters were compared. Besides, a sensitivity analysis was also presented in which the changeability of loss-cost and design parameters were evaluated based on the changes in cost, time and Burr XII distribution parameters.  相似文献   

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