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We consider a stochastic differential equation involving standard and fractional Brownian motion with unknown drift parameter to be estimated. We investigate the standard maximum likelihood estimate of the drift parameter, two non-standard estimates and three estimates for the sequential estimation. Model strong consistency and some other properties are proved. The linear model and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck model are studied in detail. As an auxiliary result, an asymptotic behaviour of the fractional derivative of the fractional Brownian motion is established.  相似文献   

In this paper, we give a strong approximation of the tempered fractional Brownian motion via transport processes and derive the rate of convergence.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to find Bayesian estimates for the Hurst dimension of a Fractional Brownian motion with a Beta prior when the process is observed at discrete times. Overestimation is observed though the overestimation is less severe as real H goes up. In addition, the estimated H decreases as Beta parameters go up given an Alpha value. In contrast, the estimated H increases as Alpha parameters go up given a Beta value. For the real-world data, the 2011 daily Taiwan stock index was used and the estimated Hurst index was 0.21.  相似文献   

Using multiple stochastic integrals and the Malliavin calculus, we analyze the asymptotic behavior of the adjusted quadratic variation for a sub-fractional Brownian motion. We apply our results to construct strongly consistent statistical estimators for the self-similarity of sub-fractional Brownian motion.  相似文献   

This paper investigates ruin probability and ruin time of a two-dimensional fractional Brownian motion risk process. The net loss process of an insurance company is modeled by a fractional Brownian motion. The two-dimensional fractional Brownian motion risk process models the surplus processes of an insurance and a reinsurance company, where the net loss is divided between them in some specified proportions. The ruin problem considered is that of the two-dimensional risk process first entering the negative quadrant, that is, the simultaneous ruin problem. We derive both asymptotics of the ruin probability and approximations of the scaled conditional ruin time as the initial capital tends to infinity.  相似文献   

Csàki and Vincze have shown that for an elementary tied-down random walk, the pair (maximum, instant of maximum) has the same law as (time spent in (0, 1/2), time spent above 1/2). Formal passage to the limit indicates that the former pair has for a Brownian bridge the same law as (local time at 0, duration of positivity). A quadrivariate density of Karatzas and Shreve and an equivalence for Brownian motion with drift follow.  相似文献   

We treat the change point problem in ergodic diffusion processes from discrete observations. Tonaki et al. (2021a) proposed adaptive tests for detecting changes in the diffusion and drift parameters in ergodic diffusion process models. When any change in the diffusion or drift parameter is detected by this or any other method, the next question to consider is where the change point is located. Therefore, we propose the method to estimate the change point of the parameter for two cases: the case where there is a change in the diffusion parameter, and the case where there is no change in the diffusion parameter but a change in the drift parameter. Furthermore, we present rates of convergence and distributional results of the change point estimators. Some examples and simulation results are also given.  相似文献   

This article deals with the problem of estimating all the unknown parameters in the drift fractional Brownian motion with discretely sampled data. The estimation procedure is built upon the marriage of the variation method and the ergodic theory. The strong consistencies of these estimators are provided. Moreover, our method and two existing approaches are compared based on the computational running time and the accuracy of estimation via simulation studies. We also apply the proposed method to the real high-frequency financial data within a window of 4 h in the trading day from the Chinese mainland stock market.  相似文献   

Abstract.  When the Hurst coefficient of a fractional Brownian motion     is greater than 1/2 it is possible to define a stochastic integral with respect to     , as the pathwise limit of Riemann sums, and thus to consider pathwise solutions to fractional diffusion equations. In this paper, we consider the vanishing drift case and assume that the solution X t is parameterized by θ in a compact parameter space Θ . Our main interest is the estimation of θ based on discrete time, but with very frequent observations. It is shown that the estimation problem in this context is locally asymptotically mixed normal. The asymptotic behaviour of a certain class of minimum contrast estimators is then studied and asymptotic efficiency is discussed.  相似文献   

The paper studies long time asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the signal drift parameter in a partially observed fractional diffusion system with dependent noise. Using the method of weak convergence of likelihoods due to Ibragimov and Khasminskii [1981. Statistics of Random Processes. Springer, New-York], consistency, asymptotic normality and convergence of the moments are established for MLE. The proof is based on Laplace transform computations which was introduced in Brouste and Kleptsyna [2008. Asymptotic properties of MLE for partially observed fractional diffusion system, preprint].  相似文献   

Approximate normality and unbiasedness of the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) of the long-memory parameter H of a fractional Brownian motion hold reasonably well for sample sizes as small as 20 if the mean and scale parameter are known. We show in a Monte Carlo study that if the latter two parameters are unknown the bias and variance of the MLE of H both increase substantially. We also show that the bias can be reduced by using a parametric bootstrap procedure. In very large samples, maximum likelihood estimation becomes problematic because of the large dimension of the covariance matrix that must be inverted. To overcome this difficulty, we propose a maximum likelihood method based upon first differences of the data. These first differences form a short-memory process. We split the data into a number of contiguous blocks consisting of a relatively small number of observations. Computation of the likelihood function in a block then presents no computational problem. We form a pseudo-likelihood function consisting of the product of the likelihood functions in each of the blocks and provide a formula for the standard error of the resulting estimator of H. This formula is shown in a Monte Carlo study to provide a good approximation to the true standard error. The computation time required to obtain the estimate and its standard error from large data sets is an order of magnitude less than that required to obtain the widely used Whittle estimator. Application of the methodology is illustrated on two data sets.  相似文献   

In statistical inference on the drift parameter a in the fractional Brownian motion WHt with the Hurst parameter H ∈ (0, 1) with a constant drift YHt = at + WHt, there is a large number of options how to do it. We may, for example, base this inference on the properties of the standard normal distribution applied to the differences between the observed values of the process at discrete times. Although such methods are very simple, it turns out that more appropriate is to use inverse methods. Such methods can be generalized to non constant drift. For the hypotheses testing about the drift parameter a, it is more proper to standardize the observed process, and to use inverse methods based on the first exit time of the observed process of a pre-specified interval until some given time. These procedures are illustrated, and their times of decision are compared against the direct approach. Other generalizations are possible when the random part is a symmetric stochastic integral of a known, deterministic function with respect to fractional Brownian motion.  相似文献   

The geometric Brownian motion (GBM) is very popular in modeling the dynamics of stock prices. However, the constant volatility assumption is questionable and many models with nonconstant volatility have been developed. In the papers [7 M.L. Esquível and P.P. Mota, On some auto-induced regime switching double-threshold glued diffusions, J. Stat. Theory Pract. 8 (2014), pp. 760771. doi: 10.1080/15598608.2013.854184.[Taylor &; Francis Online] [Google Scholar],12 P. P. Mota and M.L. Esquível, On a continuous time stock price model with regime switching, delay, and threshold, Quant. Financ. 14 (2014), pp. 14791488. doi: 10.1080/14697688.2013.879990.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]] the authors introduce a regime switching process where in each regime the process is driven by GBM and the change in regime is defined by the crossing of a threshold. In this paper we used Akaike's and Bayesian information criteria to show that the GBM with regimes provides a better fit than the GBM. We also perform a forecasting comparison of the models for two selected companies.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider, using technique based on Girsanov theorem, the problem of efficient estimation for the drift of subfractional Brownian motion SH ? (SHt)t ∈ [0, T]. We also construct a class of biased estimators of James-Stein type which dominate, under the usual quadratic risk, the natural maximum likelihood estimator.  相似文献   

A new generalization of the logarithmic series distribution is presented based on a generalized negative binomial distribution obtained from a generalized Poisson distribution compounded with the truncated gamma distribution. By length biasing this generalized log-series distribution, another generalized geometric distribution is uresented. For the generalized log-series distribution, maximum likelihood estimators are developed and an example is presented for illustration.  相似文献   

We investigate the issue of the validation of the local asymptotic normality property of three characterizing parameters of the fractional Brownian motion under high-frequency discrete sampling. We prove that the local asymptotic normality property holds true for the likelihood only when at least one of the volatility parameter and the Hurst exponent is known. We provide optimal rates of convergence of the three parameters and Fisher information matrix in closed form.  相似文献   

Pseudo maximum likelihood estimation (PML) for the Dirich-let-multinomial distribution is proposed and examined in this pa-per. The procedure is compared to that based on moments (MM) for its asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) relative to the maximum likelihood estimate (ML). It is found that PML, requiring much less computational effort than ML and possessing considerably higher ARE than MM, constitutes a good compromise between ML and MM. PML is also found to have very high ARE when an estimate for the scale parameter in the Dirichlet-multinomial distribution is all that is needed.  相似文献   

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