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We introduce a new, flexible family of distributions for non‐negative data, defined by means of a quantile function. We describe some properties of this family, and discuss several methods for estimating the parameters. The distribution is applied to an example from environmental engineering.  相似文献   

We introduce and study general mathematical properties of a new generator of continuous distributions with three extra parameters called the new generalized odd log-logistic family of distributions. The proposed family contains several important classes discussed in the literature as submodels such as the proportional reversed hazard rate and odd log-logistic classes. Its density function can be expressed as a mixture of exponentiated densities based on the same baseline distribution. Some of its mathematical properties including ordinary moments, quantile and generating functions, entropy measures, and order statistics, which hold for any baseline model, are presented. We also present certain characterization of the proposed distribution and derive a power series for the quantile function. We discuss the method of maximum likelihood to estimate the model parameters. We study the behavior of the maximum likelihood estimator via simulation. The importance of the new family is illustrated by means of two real data sets. These applications indicate that the new family can provide better fits than other well-known classes of distributions. The beauty and importance of the new family lies in its ability to model real data.  相似文献   

We introduce and study general mathematical properties of a new generator of continuous distributions with one extra parameter called the generalized odd half-Cauchy family. We present some special models and investigate the asymptotics and shapes. The new density function can be expressed as a linear mixture of exponentiated densities based on the same baseline distribution. We derive a power series for the quantile function. We discuss the estimation of the model parameters by maximum likelihood and prove empirically the flexibility of the new family by means of two real data sets.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of continuous distributions with two extra shape parameters named the generalized odd log-logistic family of distributions. The proposed family contains as special cases the proportional reversed hazard rate and odd log-logistic classes. Its density function can be expressed as a linear combination of exponentiated densities based on the same baseline distribution. Some of its mathematical properties including ordinary moments, quantile and generating functions, two entropy measures and order statistics are obtained. We derive a power series for the quantile function. We discuss the method of maximum likelihood to estimate the model parameters. We study the behaviour of the estimators by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We introduce the log-odd log-logistic Weibull regression model with censored data based on the odd log-logistic-Weibull distribution. The importance of the new family is illustrated using three real data sets. These applications indicate that this family can provide better fits than other well-known classes of distributions. The beauty and importance of the proposed family lies in its ability to model different types of real data.  相似文献   

We study a new family of distributions defined by the minimum of the Poisson random number of independent identically distributed random variables having a general exponentiated G distribution. Some mathematical properties of the new family including ordinary and incomplete moments, quantile and generating functions, mean deviations, order statistics and their moments, reliability, and Shannon entropy are derived. Maximum likelihood estimation of the model parameters is investigated. Two special models of the new family are discussed. We perform an application to a real data set to show the potentiality of the proposed family.  相似文献   

In this article, we investigate the limitations of traditional quantile function estimators and introduce a new class of quantile function estimators, namely, the semi-parametric tail-extrapolated quantile estimators, which has excellent performance for estimating the extreme tails with finite sample sizes. The smoothed bootstrap and direct density estimation via the characteristic function methods are developed for the estimation of confidence intervals. Through a comprehensive simulation study to compare the confidence interval estimations of various quantile estimators, we discuss the preferred quantile estimator in conjunction with the confidence interval estimation method to use under different circumstances. Data examples are given to illustrate the superiority of the semi-parametric tail-extrapolated quantile estimators. The new class of quantile estimators is obtained by slight modification of traditional quantile estimators, and therefore, should be specifically appealing to researchers in estimating the extreme tails.  相似文献   

This work is motivated in part by a recent publication by Ma et al. (2011) who resolved the asymptotic non-normality problem of the classical sample quantiles for discrete data through defining a new mid-distribution based quantile function. This work is the motivation for defining a new and improved smooth population quantile function given discrete data. Our definition is based on the theory of fractional order statistics. The main advantage of our definition as compared to its competitors is the capability to distinguish the uth quantile across different discrete distributions over the whole interval, u∈(0,1). In addition, we define the corresponding estimator of the smooth population quantiles and demonstrate the convergence and asymptotic normal distribution of the corresponding sample quantiles. We verify our theoretical results through a Monte Carlo simulation, and illustrate the utilization of our quantile function in a Q-Q plot for discrete data.  相似文献   

We propose a new class of distributions called the exponentiated G geometric family motivated mainly by lifetime issues which can generate several lifetime models discussed in the literature. Some mathematical properties of the new family including asymptotes and shapes, moments, quantile and generating functions, extreme values and order statistics are fully investigated. We propose the log-exponentiated Weibull geometric and log-exponentiated log-logistic geometric regression models to cope with censored data. The model parameters are estimated by maximum likelihood. Three examples with real data expose quite well the new family.  相似文献   

We study some mathematical properties of a new generator of continuous distributions with one extra parameter called the odd power Cauchy family including asymptotics, linear representation, moments, quantile and generating functions, entropies, order statistics and extreme values. We introduce two bivariate extensions of the new family. The maximum likelihood method is discussed to estimate the model parameters by means of a Monte Carlo simulation study. We define a new log-odd power Cauchy–Weibull regression model. The usefulness of the proposed models is proved empirically by means of three real data sets.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new weighted quantile regression method. Traditionally, the estimation of the parameters involved in quantile regression is obtained by minimizing a loss function based on absolute distances with weights independent of explanatory variables. Specifically, we study a new estimation method using a weighted loss function with the weights associated with explanatory variables so that the performance of the resulting estimation can be improved. In full generality, we derive the asymptotic distribution of the weighted quantile regression estimators for any uniformly bounded positive weight function independent of the response. Two practical weighting schemes are proposed, each for a certain type of data. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out for comparing our proposed methods with the classical approaches. We also demonstrate the proposed methods using two real-life data sets from the literature. Both our simulation study and the results from these examples show that our proposed method outperforms the classical approaches when the relative efficiency is measured by the mean-squared errors of the estimators.  相似文献   

In this note we develop a new quantile function estimator called the tail extrapolation quantile function estimator. The estimator behaves asymptotically exactly the same as the standard linear interpolation estimator. For finite samples there is small correction towards estimating the extreme quantiles. We illustrate that by employing this new estimator we can greatly improve the coverage probabilities of the standard bootstrap percentile confidence intervals. The method does not reqiure complicated calculations and hence it should appeal to the statistical practitioner.  相似文献   


Recently, Risti? and Nadarajah [A new lifetime distribution. J Stat Comput Simul. 2014;84:135–150] introduced the Poisson generated family of distributions and investigated the properties of a special case named the exponentiated-exponential Poisson distribution. In this paper, we study general mathematical properties of the Poisson-X family in the context of the T-X family of distributions pioneered by Alzaatreh et al. [A new method for generating families of continuous distributions. Metron. 2013;71:63–79], which include quantile, shapes of the density and hazard rate functions, asymptotics and Shannon entropy. We obtain a useful linear representation of the family density and explicit expressions for the ordinary and incomplete moments, mean deviations and generating function. One special lifetime model called the Poisson power-Cauchy is defined and some of its properties are investigated. This model can have flexible hazard rate shapes such as increasing, decreasing, bathtub and upside-down bathtub. The method of maximum likelihood is used to estimate the model parameters. We illustrate the flexibility of the new distribution by means of three applications to real life data sets.  相似文献   

Quantile regression has become a powerful complement to the usual mean regression. A simple approach to use quantile regression in marginal analysis of longitudinal data is to assume working independence. However, this may incur potential efficiency loss. On the other hand, correctly specifying a working correlation in quantile regression can be difficult. We propose a new quantile regression model by combining multiple sets of unbiased estimating equations. This approach can account for correlations between the repeated measurements and produce more efficient estimates. Because the objective function is discrete and non-convex, we propose induced smoothing for fast and accurate computation of the parameter estimates, as well as their asymptotic covariance, using Newton-Raphson iteration. We further develop a robust quantile rank score test for hypothesis testing. We show that the resulting estimate is asymptotically normal and more efficient than the simple estimate using working independence. Extensive simulations and a real data analysis show the usefulness of the method.  相似文献   

A new class of probability distributions, the so-called connected double truncated gamma distribution, is introduced. We show that using this class as the error distribution of a linear model leads to a generalized quantile regression model that combines desirable properties of both least-squares and quantile regression methods: robustness to outliers and differentiable loss function.  相似文献   


In this paper, we present a flexible mechanism for constructing probability distributions on a bounded intervals which is based on the composition of the baseline cumulative probability function and the quantile transformation from another cumulative probability distribution. In particular, we are interested in the (0, 1) intervals. The composite quantile family of probability distributions contains many models that have been proposed in the recent literature and new probability distributions are introduced on the unit interval. The proposed methodology is illustrated with two examples to analyze a poverty dataset in Peru from the Bayesian paradigm and Likelihood points of view.  相似文献   

Recently, in the literature, the use of quantile functions in the place of distribution functions has provided new models, alternative methodology and easier algebraic manipulations. In this paper, we introduce new orders among the random variables in terms of their quantile functions like the reversed hazard quantile function, the reversed mean residual quantile function and the reversed variance residual quantile function orders. The relationships among the proposed orders and some existing orders are also discussed.  相似文献   

Quantile regression provides a flexible platform for evaluating covariate effects on different segments of the conditional distribution of response. As the effects of covariates may change with quantile level, contemporaneously examining a spectrum of quantiles is expected to have a better capacity to identify variables with either partial or full effects on the response distribution, as compared to focusing on a single quantile. Under this motivation, we study a general adaptively weighted LASSO penalization strategy in the quantile regression setting, where a continuum of quantile index is considered and coefficients are allowed to vary with quantile index. We establish the oracle properties of the resulting estimator of coefficient function. Furthermore, we formally investigate a Bayesian information criterion (BIC)-type uniform tuning parameter selector and show that it can ensure consistent model selection. Our numerical studies confirm the theoretical findings and illustrate an application of the new variable selection procedure.  相似文献   

A statistical distribution of a random variable is uniquely represented by its normal-based quantile function. For a symmetrical distribution it is S-shaped (for negative kurtosis) and inverted S-shaped (otherwise). As skewness departs from zero, the quantile function gradually transforms into a monotone convex function (positive skewness) or concave function (otherwise). Recently, a new general modeling platform has been introduced, response modeling methodology, which delivers good representation to monotone convex relationships due to its unique “continuous monotone convexity” property. In this article, this property is exploited to model the normal-based quantile function, and explored using a set of 27 distributions.  相似文献   

We present a multi-stage conditional quantile predictor for time series of Markovian structure. It is proved that at any quantile level, p ∈ (0, 1), the asymptotic mean squared error (MSE) of the new predictor is smaller than the single-stage conditional quantile predictor. A simulation study confirms this result in a small sample situation. Because the improvement by the proposed predictor increases for quantiles at the tails of the conditional distribution function, the multi-stage predictor can be used to compute better predictive intervals with smaller variability. Applying this predictor to the changes in the U.S. short-term interest rate, rather smooth out-of-sample predictive intervals are obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a class of distributions with the inverse linear mean residual quantile function. The distributional properties of the family of distributions are studied. We then discuss the reliability characteristics of the family of distributions. Some characterizations of the class of distributions are also discussed. The parameters of the class of distributions are estimated using the method of L-moments. The proposed class of distributions is applied to a real data set.  相似文献   

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