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In this article, a competing risks model based on exponential distributions is considered under the adaptive Type-II progressively censoring scheme introduced by Ng et al. [2009, Naval Research Logistics 56:687-698], for life testing or reliability experiment. Moreover, we assumed that some causes of failures are unknown. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of unknown parameters are established. The exact conditional and the asymptotic distributions of the obtained estimators are derived to construct the confidence intervals as well as the two different bootstraps of different unknown parameters. Under suitable priors on the unknown parameters, Bayes estimates and the corresponding two sides of Bayesian probability intervals are obtained. Also, for the purpose of evaluating the average bias and mean square error of the MLEs, and comparing the confidence intervals based on all mentioned methods, a simulation study was carried out. Finally, we present one real dataset to conduct the proposed methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the problem of predicting times to the latent failures of units censored in multiple stages in a progressively Type-II censored competing risks model. It is assumed that the lifetime distribution of the latent failure times are independent and exponential-distributed with the different scale parameters. Several classical point predictors such as the maximum likelihood predictor, the best unbiased predictor, the best linear unbiased predictor, the median unbiased predictor and the conditional median predictor are obtained. The Bayesian point predictors are derived under squared error loss criterion. Moreover, the point estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained using the observed data and different point predictors of the latent failure times. Finally, Monte-Carlo simulations are carried out to compare the performances of the different methods of prediction and estimation and one real data is used to illustrate the proposed procedures.  相似文献   

The Type-II progressive hybrid censoring scheme has received wide attention, but it has a disadvantage in that long time may be required to complete the life test. The generalized progressive Type-II hybrid censoring scheme has recently been proposed to solve this problem. Under the censoring scheme, the time on test does not exceed a predetermined time. In this paper, we propose a robust Bayesian approach based on a hierarchical structure when the generalized progressive Type-II hybrid censored sample has a two-parameter exponential distribution. For unknown parameters, marginal posterior distributions are provided in closed forms, and their statistical properties are discussed. To examine the robustness of the proposed method, Monte Carlo simulations are conducted and a real data set is analyzed. Further, the quality and adequacy of the proposed model are evaluated in an analysis based on the real data.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the scale parameter of the inverse Rayleigh distribution based on general progressively Type-II censored samples and progressively Type-II censored samples. The pivotal quantity method is used to derive the estimator of the scale parameter. Besides, considering that the maximum likelihood estimator is tough to obtain for this distribution, we derive an explicit estimator of the scale parameter by approximating the likelihood equation with Taylor expansion. The interval estimation is also studied based on pivotal inference. Then we conduct Monte Carlo simulations and compare the performance of different estimators. We demonstrate that the pivotal inference is simpler and more effective. The further application of the pivotal quantity method is also discussed theoretically. Finally, two real data sets are analyzed using our methods.  相似文献   

In this article, the statistical inference for the Gompertz distribution based on Type-II progressively hybrid censored data is discussed. The estimation of the parameters for Gompertz distribution is obtained using maximum likelihood method (MLE) and Bayesian method under three different loss functions. We also proved the existence and uniqueness of the MLE. The one-sample Bayesian prediction intervals are obtained. The work is done for different values of the parameters. We apply the Monto Carlo simulation to compare the proposed methods, also an example is discussed to construct the Prediction intervals.  相似文献   

In reliability and life-testing experiments, the researcher is often interested in the effects of extreme or varying stress factors such as temperature, voltage and load on the lifetimes of experimental units. Step-stress test, which is a special class of accelerated life-tests, allows the experimenter to increase the stress levels at fixed times during the experiment in order to obtain information on the parameters of the life distributions more quickly than under normal operating conditions. In this paper, we consider a new step-stress model in which the life-testing experiment gets terminated either at a pre-fixed time (say, Tm+1Tm+1) or at a random time ensuring at least a specified number of failures (say, r out of n). Under this model in which the data obtained are Type-II hybrid censored, we consider the case of exponential distribution for the underlying lifetimes. We then derive the maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) of the parameters assuming a cumulative exposure model with lifetimes being exponentially distributed. The exact distributions of the MLEs of parameters are obtained through the use of conditional moment generating functions. We also derive confidence intervals for the parameters using these exact distributions, asymptotic distributions of the MLEs and the parametric bootstrap methods, and assess their performance through a Monte Carlo simulation study. Finally, we present two examples to illustrate all the methods of inference discussed here.  相似文献   

This article studies the estimation of the reliability R = P[Y < X] when X and Y come from two independent generalized logistic distributions of Type-II with different parameters, based on progressively Type-II censored samples. When the common scale parameter is unknown, the maximum likelihood estimator and its asymptotic distribution are proposed. The asymptotic distribution is used to construct an asymptotic confidence interval of R. Bayes estimator of R and the corresponding credible interval using the Gibbs sampling technique have been proposed too. Assuming that the common scale parameter is known, the maximum likelihood estimator, uniformly minimum variance unbiased estimator, Bayes estimation, and confidence interval of R are extracted. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the different proposed methods. Analysis of a real dataset is given for illustrative purposes. Finally, methods are extended for proportional hazard rate models.  相似文献   

In this paper, by considering a progressively Type-II censored sample from the two-parameter Gompertz distribution, a necessary and sufficient condition is established for the existence and uniqueness of the maximum-likelihood estimates of the shape and scale parameters. The results for the special cases of complete and ordinary Type-II right censored samples are then deduced. Several numerical examples from the literature are presented for the purpose of illustrating the established results.  相似文献   

Epstein [Truncated life tests in the exponential case, Ann. Math. Statist. 25 (1954), pp. 555–564] introduced a hybrid censoring scheme (called Type-I hybrid censoring) and Chen and Bhattacharyya [Exact confidence bounds for an exponential parameter under hybrid censoring, Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 17 (1988), pp. 1857–1870] derived the exact distribution of the maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) of the mean of a scaled exponential distribution based on a Type-I hybrid censored sample. Childs et al. [Exact likelihood inference based on Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution, Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 55 (2003), pp. 319–330] provided an alternate simpler expression for this distribution, and also developed analogous results for another hybrid censoring scheme (called Type-II hybrid censoring). The purpose of this paper is to derive the exact bivariate distribution of the MLE of the parameter vector of a two-parameter exponential model based on hybrid censored samples. The marginal distributions are derived and exact confidence bounds for the parameters are obtained. The results are also used to derive the exact distribution of the MLE of the pth quantile, as well as the corresponding confidence bounds. These exact confidence intervals are then compared with parametric bootstrap confidence intervals in terms of coverage probabilities. Finally, we present some numerical examples to illustrate the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of predicting the future sequential order statistics based on observed multiply Type-II censored samples of sequential order statistics from one- and two-parameter exponential distributions is addressed. Using the Bayesian approach, the predictive and survival functions are derived and then the point and interval predictions are obtained. Finally, two numerical examples are presented for illustration.  相似文献   

In this paper, based on an adaptive Type-II progressively censored sample from the generalized exponential distribution, the maximum likelihood and Bayesian estimators are derived for the unknown parameters as well as the reliability and hazard functions. Also, the approximate confidence intervals of the unknown parameters, and the reliability and hazard functions are calculated. Markov chain Monte Carlo method is applied to carry out a Bayesian estimation procedure and in turn calculate the credible intervals. Moreover, results from simulation studies assessing the performance of our proposed method are included. Finally, an illustrative example using real data set is presented for illustrating all the inferential procedures developed here.  相似文献   

Arnab Koley  Ayon Ganguly 《Statistics》2017,51(6):1304-1325
Kundu and Gupta [Analysis of hybrid life-tests in presence of competing risks. Metrica. 2007;65:159–170] provided the analysis of Type-I hybrid censored competing risks data, when the lifetime distributions of the competing cause of failures follows exponential distribution. In this paper, we consider the analysis of Type-II hybrid censored competing risks data. It is assumed that latent lifetime distributions of the competing causes of failures follow independent exponential distributions with different scale parameters. It is observed that the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters do not always exist. We propose the modified estimators of the scale parameters, which coincide with the corresponding maximum likelihood estimators when they exist, and asymptotically they are equivalent. We obtain the exact distribution of the proposed estimators. Using the exact distributions of the proposed estimators, associated confidence intervals are obtained. The asymptotic and bootstrap confidence intervals of the unknown parameters are also provided. Further, Bayesian inference of some unknown parametric functions under a very flexible Beta-Gamma prior is considered. Bayes estimators and associated credible intervals of the unknown parameters are obtained using the Monte Carlo method. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations are performed to see the effectiveness of the proposed estimators and one real data set has been analysed for the illustrative purposes. It is observed that the proposed model and the method work quite well for this data set.  相似文献   

There have been numerous tests proposed to determine whether or not the exponential model is suitable for a given data set. In this article, we propose a new test statistic based on spacings to test whether the general progressive Type-II censored samples are from exponential distribution. The null distribution of the test statistic is discussed and it could be approximated by the standard normal distribution. Meanwhile, we propose an approximate method for calculating the expectation and variance of samples under null hypothesis and corresponding power function is also given. Then, a simulation study is conducted. We calculate the approximation of the power based on normality and compare the results with those obtained by Monte Carlo simulation under different alternatives with distinct types of hazard function. Results of simulation study disclose that the power properties of this statistic by using Monte Carlo simulation are better for the alternatives with monotone increasing hazard function, and otherwise, normal approximation simulation results are relatively better. Finally, two illustrative examples are presented.  相似文献   

The generalized exponential distribution proposed by Gupta and Kundu [Gupta, R.D and Kundu, D., 1999, Generalized exponential distributions. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 41(2), 173–188.] is an important lifetime distribution in survival analysis. In this paper, we consider the maximum likelihood estimation procedure of the parameters of the generalized exponential distribution when the data are left censored. We obtain the maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown para-meters and the Fisher information matrix. Simulation studies are carried out to observe the performance of the estimators in small sample.  相似文献   

In this paper, we establish the existence and uniqueness of the maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters of a general class of inverse exponentiated distributions based on complete as well as progressively Type-I and Type-II censored data.  相似文献   


Recently, exact confidence bounds and exact likelihood inference have been developed based on hybrid censored samples by Chen and Bhattacharyya [Chen, S. and Bhattacharyya, G.K. (1998). Exact confidence bounds for an exponential parameter under hybrid censoring. Communications in StatisticsTheory and Methods, 17, 1857–1870.], Childs et al. [Childs, A., Chandrasekar, B., Balakrishnan, N. and Kundu, D. (2003). Exact likelihood inference based on Type-I and Type-II hybrid censored samples from the exponential distribution. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 55, 319–330.], and Chandrasekar et al. [Chandrasekar, B., Childs, A. and Balakrishnan, N. (2004). Exact likelihood inference for the exponential distribution under generalized Type-I and Type-II hybrid censoring. Naval Research Logistics, 51, 994–1004.] for the case of the exponential distribution. In this article, we propose an unified hybrid censoring scheme (HCS) which includes many cases considered earlier as special cases. We then derive the exact distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator as well as exact confidence intervals for the mean of the exponential distribution under this general unified HCS. Finally, we present some examples to illustrate all the methods of inference developed here.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to review existing goodness-of-fit tests for the exponential distribution under progressive Type-II censoring and to provide some new ideas and adjustments. In particular, we consider two-parameter exponentially distributed random variables and adapt the proposed test procedures to our scenario if necessary. Then, we compare their power by an extensive simulation study. Furthermore, we propose five new test procedures that provide reasonable alternatives to those already known.  相似文献   

A hybrid censoring is a mixture of Type-I and Type-II censoring schemes. This article presents the statistical inferences on Weibull parameters when the data are hybrid censored. The maximum likelihood estimators (MLEs) and the approximate maximum likelihood estimators are developed for estimating the unknown parameters. Asymptotic distributions of the MLEs are used to construct approximate confidence intervals. Bayes estimates and the corresponding highest posterior density credible intervals of the unknown parameters are obtained under suitable priors on the unknown parameters and using the Gibbs sampling procedure. The method of obtaining the optimum censoring scheme based on the maximum information measure is also developed. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the different methods and one data set is analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

We consider the progressively Type-II censored competing risks model based on sequential order statistics. It is assumed that the latent failure times are independent and the failure of each unit influences the lifetime distributions of the latent failure times of surviving units. We provide explicit expressions for the likelihood function of the available data under the conditional proportional hazard rate (CPHR) and the power trend conditional proportional hazard rate (PTCPHR) models. Under CPHR and PTCPHR models and assumption that the baseline distributions of the latent failure times are exponential, classical and Bayesian estimates of the unknown parameters are provided. Monte Carlo simulations are then performed for illustrative purposes. Finally, two datasets are analyzed.  相似文献   

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