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Inspired by the notion of lower semilinear copulas, we introduce a new class of copulas. These copulas, called lower semiquadratic copulas, are constructed by quadratic interpolation on segments connecting the diagonal of the unit square to the lower and left boundary of the unit square. Moreover, we unveil the necessary and sufficient conditions on a diagonal function and two auxiliary real functions u and v to obtain a copula that has this diagonal function as diagonal section. Under some mild assumptions, we characterize the smallest and the greatest lower semiquadratic copulas with a given diagonal section.  相似文献   

Using special iterated function systems (IFS) Fredricks et al. (2005) constructed two-dimensional copulas with fractal supports and showed that for every s∈(1,2)s(1,2) there exists a copula A whose support has Hausdorff dimension s. In the current paper we present a stronger version and prove that the same result holds for the subclass of idempotent copulas. Additionally we show that every doubly stochastic idempotent matrix N (having neither minimum nor maximum rank) induces a family of idempotent copulas such that, firstly, the corresponding Markov kernels transform according to N   and, secondly, the set of Hausdorff dimensions of the supports of elements of the family covers (1,2). Furthermore we generalize the IFS approach to arbitrary dimensions d≥2d2 and show that for every s∈(1,d)s(1,d) we can find a d-dimensional copula whose support has Hausdorff dimension s.  相似文献   

Research on structure determination and parameter estimation of hierarchical Archimedean copulas (HACs) has so far mostly focused on the case in which all appearing Archimedean copulas belong to the same Archimedean family. The present work addresses this issue and proposes a new approach for estimating HACs that involve different Archimedean families. It is based on employing goodness-of-fit test statistics directly into HAC estimation. The approach is summarized in a simple algorithm, its theoretical justification is given and its applicability is illustrated by several experiments, which include estimation of HACs involving up to five different Archimedean families.  相似文献   

Two estimators for estimating the extropy of an absolutely continuous random variable with known support were introduced by using spacing. It is shown that the proposed estimators are consistent and their mean square errors are shift invariant. Their behaviours were also studied by means of real data and Monte Carlo simulation. The winner estimator of extropy in the Monte Carlo experiment was used to develop goodness-of-fit test for standard uniform distribution. It is shown that the extropy-based test that we proposed performs well by comparing its powers with that of other tests for uniformity.  相似文献   

Many studies have been used to compare the power of several goodness-of-fit (GOF) tests under simple random sampling (SRS) and ranked set sampling (RSS). In our study, a different design procedure and ranking process in RSS are thoroughly investigated. A simulation study is conducted to compare the power of the Kolmogorov–Smirnov test under SRS and RSS with different sets and cycle sizes for several distributions. Level-2 sampling design and partially rank-ordered sets are used. Also, we benefited from auxiliary variables in the ranking process. Finally, results are presented with tables and figures. Under these conditions we show that the RSS has better performance against the SRS in finite population.  相似文献   

We present a test of the fit to a Poisson model based on the empirical probability generating function (epgf). We derive the limiting distribution of the test under the Poisson hypothesis and show that a rescaling of it is approximately independent of the mean parameter in the Poisson distribution. When inspected under a simulation study over a range of alternative distributions, we find that this test shows reasonable behaviour compared to other goodness-of-fit tests like the Poisson index of dispersion and smooth test applied to the Poisson model. These results illustrate that epgf-based methods for anlyzing count data are promising.  相似文献   


Satten et al. [Satten, G. A., Datta, S., Robins, J. M. (2001). Estimating the marginal survival function in the presence of time dependent covariates. Statis. Prob. Lett. 54: 397--403] proposed an estimator [denoted by ?(t)] of survival function of failure times that is in the class of survival function estimators proposed by Robins [Robins, J. M. (1993). Information recovery and bias adjustment in proportional hazards regression analysis of randomized trials using surrogate markers. In: Proceedings of the American Statistical Association-Biopharmaceutical Section. Alexandria, VA: ASA, pp. 24--33]. The estimator is appropriate when data are subject to dependent censoring. In this article, it is demonstrated that the estimator ?(t) can be extended to estimate the survival function when data are subject to dependent censoring and left truncation. In addition, we propose an alternative estimator of survival function [denoted by ? w (t)] that is represented as an inverse-probability-weighted average Satten and Datta [Satten, G. A., Datta, S. (2001). The Kaplan–Meier estimator as an inverse-probability-of-censoring weighted average. Amer. Statist. Ass. 55: 207--210]. Simulation results show that when truncation is not severe the mean squared error of ?(t) is smaller than that of ? w (t), except for the case when censoring is light. However, when truncation is severe, ? w (t) has the advantage of less bias and the situation can be reversed.  相似文献   

The Dirichlet-multinomial model is considered as a model for cluster sampling. The model assumes that the design's covariance matrix is a constant times the covariance under multinomial sampling. The use of this model requires estimating a parameter C, that measures the clustering effect. In this paper, a regression estimate for C is obtained. An approximate distribution of this estimator is obtained through the use of asymptotic techniques. A goodness of fit statistic for testing the fit of the Dirichlet Multinomial model is also obtained, based on those asymptotic techniques. These statistics provide a means of knowing when the data satisfy the model assumption. These results are used to analyze data concerning the authorship of Greek prose.  相似文献   

In consumer preference studies, it is common to seek a complete ranking of a variety of, say N, alternatives or treatments. Unfortunately, as N increases, it becomes progressively more confusing and undesirable for respondents to rank all N alternatives simultaneously. Moreover, the investigators may only be interested in consumers’ top few choices. Therefore, it is desirable to accommodate the setting where each survey respondent ranks only her/his most preferred k (k?N) alternatives. In this paper, we propose a simple procedure to test the independence of N alternatives and the top-k ranks, such that the value of k can be predetermined before securing a set of partially ranked data or be at the discretion of the investigator in the presence of complete ranking data. The asymptotic distribution of the proposed test under root-n local alternatives is established. We demonstrate our procedure with two real data sets.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new characterization of the Pareto distribution and consider goodness-of-fit tests based on it. We provide an integral and Kolmogorov–Smirnov-type statistics based on U-statistics and we calculate Bahadur efficiency for various alternatives. We find locally optimal alternatives for those tests. For small sample sizes, we compare the power of those tests with some common goodness-of-fit tests.  相似文献   


New invariant and consistent goodness-of-fit tests for multivariate normality are introduced. Tests are based on the Karhunen–Loève transformation of a multidimensional sample from a population. A comparison of simulated powers of tests and other well-known tests with respect to some alternatives is given. The simulation study demonstrates that power of the proposed McCull test almost does not depend on the number of grouping cells. The test shows an advantage over other chi-squared type tests. However, averaged over all of the simulated conditions examined in this article, the Anderson–Darling type and the Cramer–von Mises type tests seem to be the best.  相似文献   

A general sampling algorithm for nested Archimedean copulas was recently suggested. It is given in two different forms, a recursive or an explicit one. The explicit form allows for a simpler version of the algorithm which is numerically more stable and faster since less function evaluations are required. The algorithm can also be given in general form, not being restricted to a particular nesting such as fully nested Archimedean copulas. Further, several examples are given.  相似文献   


In this paper, Vasicek [A test for normality based on sample entropy. J R Stat Soc Ser B. 1976;38:54–59] entropy estimator is modified using paired ranked set sampling (PRSS) method. Also, two goodness-of-fit tests using PRSS are suggested for the inverse Gaussian and Laplace distributions. The new suggested entropy estimator and goodness-of-fit tests using PRSS are compared with their counterparts using simple random sampling (SRS) via Monte Carlo simulations. The critical values of the suggested tests are obtained, and the powers of the tests based on several alternatives hypotheses using SRS and PRSS are calculated. It turns out that the proposed PRSS entropy estimator is more efficient than the SRS counterpart in terms of root mean square error. Also, the proposed PRSS goodness-of-fit tests have higher powers than their counterparts using SRS for all alternative considered in this study.  相似文献   

Stefan Fremdt 《Statistics》2015,49(1):128-155
In a variety of different settings cumulative sum (CUSUM) procedures have been applied for the sequential detection of structural breaks in the parameters of stochastic models. Yet their performance depends strongly on the time of change and is best under early change scenarios. For later changes their finite sample behavior is rather questionable. We therefore propose modified CUSUM procedures for the detection of abrupt changes in the regression parameter of multiple time series regression models, that show a higher stability with respect to the time of change than ordinary CUSUM procedures. The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics and the consistency of the procedures are provided. In a simulation study it is shown that the proposed procedures behave well in finite samples. Finally the procedures are applied to a set of capital asset pricing data related to the Fama–French extension of the CAPM.  相似文献   

The author presents a multivariate location model for cluster correlated observations. He proposes an affine‐invariant multivariate sign statistic for testing the value of the location parameter. His statistic is an adaptation of that proposed by Randles (2000). The author shows, under very mild conditions, that his test statistic is asymptotically distributed as a chi‐squared random variable under the null hypothesis. In particular, the test can be used for skewed populations. In the context of a general multivariate normal model, the author obtains values of his test's Pitman asymptotic efficiency relative to another test based on the overall average. He shows that there is an improvement in the relative performance of the new test as soon as intra‐cluster correlation is present Even in the univariate case, the new test can be very competitive for Gaussian data. Furthermore, the statistic is easy to compute, even for large dimensional data. The author shows through simulations that his test performs well compared to the average‐based test. He illustrates its use with real data.  相似文献   

In a recent paper, Paparoditis [Scand. J. Statist. 27 (2000) 143] proposed a new goodness‐of‐fit test for time series models based on spectral density estimation. The test statistic is based on the distance between a kernel estimator of the ratio of the true and the hypothesized spectral density and the expected value of the estimator under the null and provides a quantification of how well the parametric density fits the sample spectral density. In this paper, we give a detailed asymptotic analysis of the corresponding procedure under fixed alternatives.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a unified sequentially rejective test procedure for testing simultaneously the equality of several independent binomial proportions to a specified standard. The proposed test procedure is general enough to include some well-known multiple testing procedures such as the Ordinary Bonferroni procedure, Hochberg procedure and Rom procedure. It involves multiple tests of significance based on the simple binomial tests (exact or approximate) which can be easily found in many elementary standard statistics textbooks. Unlike the traditional Chi-square test of the overall hypothesis, the procedure can identify the subset of the binomial proportions, which are different from the prespecified standard with the control of the familywise type I error rate. Moreover, the power computation of the procedure is provided and the procedure is illustrated by two real examples from an ecological study and a carcinogenicity study.  相似文献   

This paper studies a sequential procedure R for selecting a random size subset that contains the multinomial cell which has the smallest cell probability. The stopping rule of the proposed procedure R is the composite of the stopping rules of curtailed sampling, inverse sampling, and the Ramey-Alam sampling. A reslut on the worst configuration is shown and it is employed in computing the procedure parameters that guarantee certain probability requirements. Tables of these procedure parameters, the corresponding probability of correct selection, the expected sample size, and the expected subset size are given for comparison purpose.  相似文献   

A goodness‐of‐fit procedure is proposed for parametric families of copulas. The new test statistics are functionals of an empirical process based on the theoretical and sample versions of Spearman's dependence function. Conditions under which this empirical process converges weakly are seen to hold for many families including the Gaussian, Frank, and generalized Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern systems of distributions, as well as the models with singular components described by Durante [Durante ( 2007 ) Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 344, 195–198]. Thanks to a parametric bootstrap method that allows to compute valid P‐values, it is shown empirically that tests based on Cramér–von Mises distances keep their size under the null hypothesis. Simulations attesting the power of the newly proposed tests, comparisons with competing procedures and complete analyses of real hydrological and financial data sets are presented. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 80‐101; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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