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This article aims to propose a method to effectively estimate global sensitivity indices under non-parametric models. The new method involves two stages. First, all the non-influential sensitivity indices are filtered out by an adjustive W-statistic test process with low cost, and then the remaining significant sensitivity indices are precisely estimated by an orthogonal array (OA) with large number of levels and low strength. The method avoids complicated prototype building and shows a much lower experimental cost. The performance of this method as well as comparisons with polynomial regression method, Gaussian Process (GP) method, and component selection and smoothing operator (COSSO) method are tested on three numerical models that are widely used in engineering and statistical areas. Finally, a real data example is analyzed.  相似文献   

Global sensitivity indices play important roles in global sensitivity analysis based on ANOVA high-dimensional model representation. However, few effective methods are available for the estimation of the indices when the objective function is a non-parametric model. In this paper, we explore the estimation of global sensitivity indices of non-parametric models. The main result (Theorem 2.1) shows that orthogonal arrays (OAs) are A-optimality designs for the estimation of ΘM,ΘM, the definition of which can be seen in Section 1. Estimators of global sensitivity indices are proposed based on orthogonal arrays and proved to be accurate for small indices. The performance of the estimators is illustrated by a simulation study.  相似文献   

The fact of estimating how a model output is influenced by the variations of inputs has become an important problematic in reliability and sensitivity analysis. This article is interested in estimating sensitivity indices useful to quantify the contribution of inputs to the variance of model output. A multivariate mixed kernel estimator is investigated since, until now, discrete and continuous inputs have been separately considered in kernel estimation of sensitivity indices. To illustrate the differences between the influence of mixed, discrete, and continuous inputs, analytical expressions of Sobol sensitivity indices are expressed in these three cases for the Ishigami test function. Besides, the performance of the mixed kernel estimator is illustrated through simulations in which the Bayesian procedure is applied for bandwidth parameter choice. An application is also realized on a real example. Finally, the use of an appropriate kernel estimator according to the type of inputs is found to be influential on the accuracy of sensitivity indices estimates.  相似文献   

Symmetrical global sensitivity analysis (SGSA) can help practitioners focusing on the symmetrical terms of inputs whose uncertainties have an impact on the model output, which allows reducing the complexity of the model. However, there remains the challenging problem of finding an efficient method to get symmetrical global sensitivity indices (SGSI) when the functional form of the symmetrical terms is unknown, including numerical and non-parametric situations. In this study, we propose a novel sampling plan, called symmetrical design, for SGSA. As a preliminary experiment for model feature extracting, such plan offers the virtue of run-size economy due to its closure respective to the given group. Using the design, we give estimation methods of SGSI as well as their asymptotic properties respectively for numerical model and non-parametrical model directly by the model outputs, and further propose a significance test for SGSI in non-parametric situation. A case study for a benchmark of GSA and a real data analysis show the effectiveness of the proposed design.  相似文献   

Microarray experiments are being widely used in medical and biological research. The main features of these studies are the large number of variables (genes) involved and the low number of replicates (arrays). It seems clear that the most appropriate models, when looking for detecting differences in gene expression are those that exploit the most useful information to compensate for the lack of replicates. On the other hand, the control of the error in the decision process plays an important role for the high number of simultaneous statistical tests (one for each gene), so that concepts such as the false discovery rate (FDR) take a special importance. One of the alternatives for the analysis of the data in these experiments is based on the calculation of statistics derived from modifications of the classical methods used in this type of problems (moderated-t, B-statistic). Nonparametric techniques have been also proposed [B. Efron, R. Tibshirani, J.D. Storey, and V. Tusher, Empirical Bayes analysis of a microarray experiment, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc. 96 (2001), pp. 1151–1160; W. Pan, J. Lin, and C.T. Le, A mixture model approach to detecting differentially expressed genes with microarray data, Funct. Integr. Genomics 3 (2003), pp. 117–124], allowing the analysis without assuming any prior condition about the distribution of the data, which make them especially suitable in such situations. This paper presents a new method to detect differentially expressed genes based on non-parametric density estimation by a class of functions that allow us to define a distance between individuals in the sample (characterized by the coordinates of the individual (gene) in the dual space tangent to the manifold of parameters) [A. Miñarro and J.M. Oller, Some remarks on the individuals-score distance and its applications to statistical inference, Qüestiió, 16 (1992), pp. 43–57]. From these distances, we designed the test to determine the rejection region based on the control of FDR.  相似文献   

Global sensitivity analysis with variance-based measures suffers from several theoretical and practical limitations, since they focus only on the variance of the output and handle multivariate variables in a limited way. In this paper, we introduce a new class of sensitivity indices based on dependence measures which overcomes these insufficiencies. Our approach originates from the idea to compare the output distribution with its conditional counterpart when one of the input variables is fixed. We establish that this comparison yields previously proposed indices when it is performed with Csiszár f-divergences, as well as sensitivity indices which are well-known dependence measures between random variables. This leads us to investigate completely new sensitivity indices based on recent state-of-the-art dependence measures, such as distance correlation and the Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion. We also emphasize the potential of feature selection techniques relying on such dependence measures as alternatives to screening in high dimension.  相似文献   


Local linear estimator is a popularly used method to estimate the non-parametric regression functions, and many methods have been derived to estimate the smoothing parameter, or the bandwidth in this case. In this article, we propose an information criterion-based bandwidth selection method, with the degrees of freedom originally derived for non-parametric inferences. Unlike the plug-in method, the new method does not require preliminary parameters to be chosen in advance, and is computationally efficient compared to the cross-validation (CV) method. Numerical study shows that the new method performs better or comparable to existing plug-in method or CV method in terms of the estimation of the mean functions, and has lower variability than CV selectors. Real data applications are also provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the new method.  相似文献   

Uncertainty and sensitivity analysis is an essential ingredient of model development and applications. For many uncertainty and sensitivity analysis techniques, sensitivity indices are calculated based on a relatively large sample to measure the importance of parameters in their contributions to uncertainties in model outputs. To statistically compare their importance, it is necessary that uncertainty and sensitivity analysis techniques provide standard errors of estimated sensitivity indices. In this paper, a delta method is used to analytically approximate standard errors of estimated sensitivity indices for a popular sensitivity analysis method, the Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (FAST). Standard errors estimated based on the delta method were compared with those estimated based on 20 sample replicates. We found that the delta method can provide a good approximation for the standard errors of both first-order and higher-order sensitivity indices. Finally, based on the standard error approximation, we also proposed a method to determine a minimum sample size to achieve the desired estimation precision for a specified sensitivity index. The standard error estimation method presented in this paper can make the FAST analysis computationally much more efficient for complex models.  相似文献   

Probabilistic sensitivity analysis (SA) allows to incorporate background knowledge on the considered input variables more easily than many other existing SA techniques. Incorporation of such knowledge is performed by constructing a joint density function over the input domain. However, it rarely happens that available knowledge directly and uniquely translates into such a density function. A naturally arising question is then to what extent the choice of density function determines the values of the considered sensitivity measures. In this paper we perform simulation studies to address this question. Our empirical analysis suggests some guidelines, but also cautions to practitioners in the field of probabilistic SA.  相似文献   


Physical phenomena are commonly modelled by time consuming numerical simulators, function of many uncertain parameters whose influences can be measured via a global sensitivity analysis. The usual variance-based indices require too many simulations, especially as the inputs are numerous. To address this limitation, we consider recent advances in dependence measures, focusing on the distance correlation and the Hilbert–Schmidt independence criterion. We study and use these indices for a screening purpose. Numerical tests reveal differences between variance-based indices and dependence measures. Then, two approaches are proposed to use the latter for a screening purpose. The first approach uses independence tests, with existing asymptotic versions and spectral extensions; bootstrap versions are also proposed. The second considers a linear model with dependence measures, coupled to a bootstrap selection method or a Lasso penalization. Numerical experiments show their potential in the presence of many non-influential inputs and give successful results for a nuclear reliability application.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of stochastic features of volatility in the Japanese stock price index, or TOPIX, using high-frequency data sampled every 5 min. The process of TOPIX is modeled by a stochastic differential equation with the time-homogeneous drift and diffusion coefficients. To avoid the risk of misspecification for the volatility function, which is defined by the squared diffusion coefficient, the local polynomial model is applied to the data, and then produced the estimates of the volatility function together with their confidence intervals. The result of the estimation suggests that the volatility function shows similar patterns for one period, but drastically changes for another.  相似文献   

Approximate confidence intervals are given for the lognormal regression problem. The error in the nominal level can be reduced to O(n ?2), where n is the sample size. An alternative procedure is given which avoids the non-robust assumption of lognormality. This amounts to finding a confidence interval based on M-estimates for a general smooth function of both ? and F, where ? are the parameters of the general (possibly nonlinear) regression problem and F is the unknown distribution function of the residuals. The derived intervals are compared using theory, simulation and real data sets.  相似文献   

In this article, we introduce a new method for modelling curves with dynamic structures, using a non-parametric approach formulated as a state space model. The non-parametric approach is based on the use of penalised splines, represented as a dynamic mixed model. This formulation can capture the dynamic evolution of curves using a limited number of latent factors, allowing an accurate fit with a small number of parameters. We also present a new method to determine the optimal smoothing parameter through an adaptive procedure, using a formulation analogous to a model of stochastic volatility (SV). The non-parametric state space model allows unifying different methods applied to data with a functional structure in finance. We present the advantages and limitations of this method through simulation studies and also by comparing its predictive performance with other parametric and non-parametric methods used in financial applications using data on the term structure of interest rates.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with feature screening for the ultrahigh dimensional discriminant analysis. A variance ratio screening method is proposed and the sure screening property of this screening procedure is proved. The proposed method has some additional desirable features. First, it is model-free which does not require specific discriminant model and can be directly applied to the multi-categories situation. Second, it can effectively screen main effects and interaction effects simultaneously. Third, it is relatively inexpensive in computational cost because of the simple structure. The finite sample properties are performed through the Monte Carlo simulation studies and two real-data analyses.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new non-parametric multivariate exponentially weighted moving average (NMEWMA) sign chart is proposed for monitoring the process dispersion. The run length characteristics of the NMEWMA sign chart are computed with the help of Markov chain and Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the NMEWMA sign chart is also used to detect changes in the process mean and dispersion simultaneously. An illustrative example is also used to explain the implementation of proposed control chart.  相似文献   

The validity conditions for univariate or multivariate analyses of repeated measures are highly sensitive to the usual assumptions. In cancer experiments, the data are frequently heteroscedastic and strongly correlated with time, and standard analyses do not perform well. Alternative non-parametric approaches can contribute to an analysis of these longitudinal data. This paper describes a method for such situations, using the results from a comparative experiment in which tumour volume is evaluated over time. First, we apply the non-parametric approach proposed by Raz in constructing a randomization Ftest for comparing treatments. A local polynomial fit is conducted to estimate the growth curves and confidence intervals for each treatment. Finally, this technique is used to estimate the velocity of tumour growth.  相似文献   

Results of a computer simulation study of power and robustness of three competitor tests for comparing scales, for use with correlated data: Rothstein, Richardson and Bell (RRB), Arvesen, and Pitman, are presented. It is found that unless one could ímprove the approximate null distributions for Arvesen's and Pitman's test, RRB's procedure is best, having simulated probabilities of Type I error closest to the test's nominal α and being reasonably robust and powerful, for all distributions considered.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis (SA) of a numerical model, for instance simulating physical phenomena, is useful to quantify the influence of the inputs on the model responses. This paper proposes a new sensitivity index, based upon the modification of the probability density function (pdf) of the random inputs, when the quantity of interest is a failure probability (probability that a model output exceeds a given threshold). An input is considered influential if the input pdf modification leads to a broad change in the failure probability. These sensitivity indices can be computed using the sole set of simulations that has already been used to estimate the failure probability, thus limiting the number of calls to the numerical model. In the case of a Monte Carlo sample, asymptotical properties of the indices are derived. Based on Kullback–Leibler divergence, several types of input perturbations are introduced. The relevance of this new SA method is analysed through three case studies.  相似文献   

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