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We introduce a class of spatial point processesinteracting neighbour point (INP) processes, where the density of the process can be written by means of local interactions between a point and subsets of its neighbourhood but where the processes may not be Ripley-Kelly Markov processes with respect to this neighbourhood. We show that the processes are iterated Markov processes defined by Hayat and Gubner (1996). Furthermore, we pay special attention to a subclass of interacting neighbour processes, where the density belongs to the exponential family and all neighbours of a point affect it simultaneously. A simulation study is presented to show that some simple processes of this subclass can produce clustered patterns of great variety. Finally, an empirical example is given.  相似文献   

We suggest a generalized spatial system GMM (SGMM) estimation for short dynamic panel data models with spatial errors and fixed effects when n is large and T is fixed (usually small). Monte Carlo studies are conducted to evaluate the finite sample properties with the quasi-maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE). The results show that, QMLE, with a proper approximation for initial observation, performs better than SGMM in general cases. However, it performs poorly when spatial dependence is large. QMLE and SGMM perform better for different parameters when there is unknown heteroscedasticity in the disturbances and the data are highly persistent. Both estimates are not sensitive to the treatment of initial values. Estimation of the spatial autoregressive parameter is generally biased when either the data are highly persistent or spatial dependence is large. Choices of spatial weights matrices and the sign of spatial dependence do affect the performance of the estimates, especially in the case of the heteroscedastic disturbance. We also give empirical guidelines for the model.  相似文献   

Numerous estimation techniques for regression models have been proposed. These procedures differ in how sample information is used in the estimation procedure. The efficiency of least squares (OLS) estimators implicity assumes normally distributed residuals and is very sensitive to departures from normality, particularly to "outliers" and thick-tailed distributions. Lead absolute deviation (LAD) estimators are less sensitive to outliers and are optimal for laplace random disturbances, but not for normal errors. This paper reports monte carlo comparisons of OLS,LAD, two robust estimators discussed by huber, three partially adaptiveestimators, newey's generalized method of moments estimator, and an adaptive maximum likelihood estimator based on a normal kernal studied by manski. This paper is the first to compare the relative performance of some adaptive robust estimators (partially adaptive and adaptive procedures) with some common nonadaptive robust estimators. The partially adaptive estimators are based on three flxible parametric distributions for the errors. These include the power exponential (Box-Tiao) and generalized t distributions, as well as a distribution for the errors, which is not necessarily symmetric. The adaptive procedures are "fully iterative" rather than one step estimators. The adaptive estimators have desirable large sample properties, but these properties do not necessarily carry over to the small sample case.

The monte carlo comparisons of the alternative estimators are based on four different specifications for the error distribution: a normal, a mixture of normals (or variance-contaminated normal), a bimodal mixture of normals, and a lognormal. Five hundred samples of 50 are used. The adaptive and partially adaptive estimators perform very well relative to the other estimation procedures considered, and preliminary results suggest that in some important cases they can perform much better than OLS with 50 to 80% reductions in standard errors.  相似文献   

Numerous estimation techniques for regression models have been proposed. These procedures differ in how sample information is used in the estimation procedure. The efficiency of least squares (OLS) estimators implicity assumes normally distributed residuals and is very sensitive to departures from normality, particularly to "outliers" and thick-tailed distributions. Lead absolute deviation (LAD) estimators are less sensitive to outliers and are optimal for laplace random disturbances, but not for normal errors. This paper reports monte carlo comparisons of OLS,LAD, two robust estimators discussed by huber, three partially adaptiveestimators, newey's generalized method of moments estimator, and an adaptive maximum likelihood estimator based on a normal kernal studied by manski. This paper is the first to compare the relative performance of some adaptive robust estimators (partially adaptive and adaptive procedures) with some common nonadaptive robust estimators. The partially adaptive estimators are based on three flxible parametric distributions for the errors. These include the power exponential (Box-Tiao) and generalized t distributions, as well as a distribution for the errors, which is not necessarily symmetric. The adaptive procedures are "fully iterative" rather than one step estimators. The adaptive estimators have desirable large sample properties, but these properties do not necessarily carry over to the small sample case.

The monte carlo comparisons of the alternative estimators are based on four different specifications for the error distribution: a normal, a mixture of normals (or variance-contaminated normal), a bimodal mixture of normals, and a lognormal. Five hundred samples of 50 are used. The adaptive and partially adaptive estimators perform very well relative to the other estimation procedures considered, and preliminary results suggest that in some important cases they can perform much better than OLS with 50 to 80% reductions in standard errors.


In this paper the stochastic properties of two estimators of linear models, mixed and minimax, based on different types of prior information, are compared using quadratic risk as the criterion for superiority. A necessary and sufficient condition for the minimax estimator to be superior to the comparable mixed estimator is derived as well as a simpler necessary but not sufficient condition.  相似文献   

The authors consider a simple parametric model for data from a point process version of a reaction time experiment to test the nature of thinning mechanisms in the presence of nonlinear inhibition in the eye‐brain‐hand system. In particular, they study the effects of two such mechanisms on the third order intensity estimate. An alternative nonparametric estimate is also considered in this context. These various approaches are applied on twelve runs of real data, but the analysis turns out to be inconclusive: neither mechanism can be ruled out, nor the possibility that their effects could be combined.  相似文献   

Robust nonparametric estimators for additive regression or autoregression models under an α-mixing condition are proposed. They are based on local M-estimators or local medians with kernel weights, and their asymptotic behaviour is studied. Moreover, diese local M-estimators achieve the same univariate rate of convergence as their linear relatives.  相似文献   

We consider two problems concerning locating change points in a linear regression model. One involves jump discontinuities (change-point) in a regression model and the other involves regression lines connected at unknown points. We compare four methods for estimating single or multiple change points in a regression model, when both the error variance and regression coefficients change simultaneously at the unknown point(s): Bayesian, Julious, grid search, and the segmented methods. The proposed methods are evaluated via a simulation study and compared via some standard measures of estimation bias and precision. Finally, the methods are illustrated and compared using three real data sets. The simulation and empirical results overall favor both the segmented and Bayesian methods of estimation, which simultaneously estimate the change point and the other model parameters, though only the Bayesian method is able to handle both continuous and dis-continuous change point problems successfully. If it is known that regression lines are continuous then the segmented method ranked first among methods.  相似文献   

Aoristic data can be described by a marked point process in time in which the points cannot be observed directly but are known to lie in observable intervals, the marks. We consider Bayesian state estimation for the latent points when the marks are modeled in terms of an alternating renewal process in equilibrium and the prior is a Markov point process. We derive the posterior distribution, estimate its parameters and present some examples that illustrate the influence of the prior distribution. The model is then used to estimate times of occurrence of interval censored crimes.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the linear, exponential and Gompertz models and compares the bias and variance of a number of estimators of the growth-rate parameters of these models. Some of these estimators have been commonly recommended in the literature and others are most frequently used in empirical practice. The present analysis points to the strengths and weaknesses of the estimators in their usage.  相似文献   

The statistical methods for analyzing spatial count data have often been based on random fields so that a latent variable can be used to specify the spatial dependence. In this article, we introduce two frequentist approaches for estimating the parameters of model-based spatial count variables. The comparison has been carried out by a simulation study. The performance is also evaluated using a real dataset and also by the simulation study. The simulation results show that the maximum likelihood estimator appears to be with the better sampling properties.  相似文献   

Non-parametric estimators for interquantile differences in moderate sized samples are identified, including a simple method based on sample quantiles, an extension of the Harrell and Davis (1982) method, an extension of the Kaigh and Lachenbruch (1982) approach, and methods based on Yang (1985). For those estimators compared via a simulation study (Harrell-Davis and sample quantile), using relative bias and relative efficiency as judgment criteria, the Harrell-Davis method is judged to be preferable for interquantile estimation with data sets of moderate size.  相似文献   

Ordinary least squares (OLS) yield inefficient parameter estimates and inconsistent estimates of the covariance matrix in case of heteroskedastic errors. Robinson's adaptive estimator and the Cragg estimator avoid any explicit parameterization of heteroskedasticity, and reduce the danger of misspecification. A small Monte Carlo experiment is performed to compare the behavior of the adaptive estimator with the performance of the Cragg estimator. The Monte Carlo experiment includes simulations of the Generalized Least Squares (GLS) estimator. Indeed, an interesting question is how more sophisticated techniques, like the adaptive estimator, compare with GLS when the latter relies on an incorrect specification of the heteroskedastic process. It turns out that the regression parameters, when estimated adaptively, display small mean squared errors and great efficiency in case of medium or high heteroskedasticity. The covariance matrix, instead, is better estimated by the Cragg estimator or by GLS based on a misspecified error term, since the adaptive estimator overpredicts the standard errors of the regression parameters.  相似文献   


This article considers linear models with a spatial autoregressive error structure. Extending Arnold and Wied (2010) Arnold, M., Wied, D. (2010). Improved GMM estimation of the spatial autoregressive error model. Econ. Lett. 108:6568.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], who develop an improved generalized method of moment (GMM) estimator for the parameters of the disturbance process to reduce the bias of existing estimation approaches, we establish the asymptotic normality of a new weighted version of this improved estimator and derive the efficient weighting matrix. We also show that this efficiently weighted GMM estimator is feasible as long as the regression matrix of the underlying linear model is non stochastic and illustrate the performance of the new estimator by a Monte Carlo simulation and an application to real data.  相似文献   

Using mean absolute deviation, we compare the efficay of two new parametric conditional error rate estimators with six others, four of which are well known.The performance of both new estimators is found to be superior to the six competing estimators examined in this paper, especially when the ratio of the training sample size to the feature dimensionality is small.  相似文献   

The marginal totals of a contingency table can be rearranged to form a new table. If at least twoof these totals include the same cell of the original table, the new table cannot be treated as anordinary contingency table. An iterative method is proposed to calculate maximum likelihood estimators for the expected cell frequencies of the original table under the assumption that some marginal totals (or more generally, some linear functions) of these expected frequencies satisfy a log-linear model.In some cases, a table of correlated marginal totals is treated as if it was an ordinary contingency table. The effects of ignoring the special structure of the marginal table on thedistributionof the goodness-of-fit test statistics are discussed and illustrated, with special reference to stationary Markov chains.  相似文献   

We propose a robust estimation procedure for the analysis of longitudinal data including a hidden process to account for unobserved heterogeneity between subjects in a dynamic fashion. We show how to perform estimation by an expectation–maximization-type algorithm in the hidden Markov regression literature. We show that the proposed robust approaches work comparably to the maximum-likelihood estimator when there are no outliers and the error is normal and outperform it when there are outliers or the error is heavy tailed. A real data application is used to illustrate our proposal. We also provide details on a simple criterion to choose the number of hidden states.  相似文献   


In this article, we consider non parametric range-based estimation procedure for diffusion processes and propose a instantaneous volatility estimator. Under some weak conditions, we certify that the proposed estimator has convergence in probability. Adding some necessary conditions, we prove a central limit theorem. By inference, we reach a conclusion that, with high frequency data in hand, the proposed estimator is more precise than those pure realized instantaneous volatility ones. Numerical simulation illustrates the finite sample properties of the proposed estimator.  相似文献   

We provide an optimization interpretation of both back-fitting and integration estimators for additive nonparametric regression. We find that the integration estimator is a projection with respect to a product measure. We also provide further understanding of the back-fitting method.  相似文献   

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