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This paper extends the previous convergence results in Cerqueti and Costantini (2008) to a more general case using larger normed set of functions. In this regard, the weight-based convergence of the random matrices and their generalized eigenvalues is obtained under less restrictive requirements for the weights.  相似文献   

The Craig-Sakamoto theorem establishes a sufficient and necessary condition for the independence of two quadratic forms in normal variates, fascinating many statisticians and mathematicians, who continuously seek for simple and better proofs of the theorem and its extensions. In this article, we present a simple proof of a unified theorem on the independence of linear and quadratic functions in general normal variates.  相似文献   

In this article the problem of the optimal selection and allocation of time points in repeated measures experiments is considered. D‐ optimal designs for linear regression models with a random intercept and first order auto‐regressive serial correlations are computed numerically and compared with designs having equally spaced time points. When the order of the polynomial is known and the serial correlations are not too small, the comparison shows that for any fixed number of repeated measures, a design with equally spaced time points is almost as efficient as the D‐ optimal design. When, however, there is no prior knowledge about the order of the underlying polynomial, the best choice in terms of efficiency is a D‐ optimal design for the highest possible relevant order of the polynomial. A design with equally‐spaced time points is the second best choice  相似文献   

The effects of heteroscedasticity have been studied on the mean and variance of F ratio and on the power of F-test in unbalanced one-way random model, numerically. The computed results reveal that the heteroscedasticity and unbalanoedness have combined effects. The mean and variance of F as well as the power of F-test increase with inequality of error variances under balanced and those unbalanced situations where more variable groups have larger size. The effects are of serious nature when more variable groups have smaller size.  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the small sample distribution of the likelihood ratio test in the random effects model which is often recommended for meta-analyses. We find that this distribution depends strongly on the true value of the heterogeneity parameter (between-study variance) of the model, and that the correct p-value may be quite different from its large sample approximation. We recommend that the dependence of the heterogeneity parameter be examined for the data at hand and suggest a (simulation) method for this. Our setup allows for explanatory variables on the study level (meta-regression) and we discuss other possible applications, too. Two data sets are analyzed and two simulation studies are performed for illustration.  相似文献   

The asymptotic null distribution of the locally best invariant (LBI) test criterion for testing the random effect in the one-way multivariable analysis of variance model is derived under normality and non-normality. The error of the approximation is characterized as O(1/n). The non-null asymptotic distribution is also discussed. In addition to providing a way of obtaining percentage points and p-values, the results of this paper are useful in assessing the robustness of the LBI criterion. Numerical results are presented to illustrate the accuracy of the approximation.  相似文献   


The studied topic is motivated by the problem of interlaboratory comparisons. This paper focuses on the confidence interval estimation of the between group variance in the unbalanced heteroscedastic one-way random effects model. Several interval estimators are proposed and compared by means of the simulation study. The most recommended (safest) is the confidence interval based on Bonferroni's inequality.  相似文献   

We present two new statistics for estimating the number of factors underlying in a multivariate system. One of the two new methods, the original NUMFACT, has been used in high profile environmental studies. The two new methods are first explained from a geometrical viewpoint. We then present an algebraic development and asymptotic cutoff points. Next we present a simulation study that shows that for skewed data the new methods are typically superior to traditional methods and for normally distributed data the new methods are competitive to the best of the traditional methods. We finally show how the methods compare by using two environmental data sets.  相似文献   

Random coefficients may result in heteroscedasticity of observations. For particular situations, where only one observation is available per individual, we derive optimal designs based on the geometry of the design locus.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the use of quasi-likelihood methods of inference for hidden Markov random fields. These are simple to use and can be employed under circumstances where only the model form and its covariance structure are specified. In particular they can be used to derive the same estimating equations as the E-M algorithm or change of measure methods, which make full distributional assumptions.  相似文献   

After a brief review of social applications of Markov chains, the paper discusses nonlinear (“interactive”) Markov models in discrete and continuous time. The rather subtle relationship between the deterministic and stochastic versions of such models is explored by means of examples. It is shown that the behaviour of nonlinear systems over time periods of practical interest depends critically on the total size as well as on the system parameters. Particular attention is paid to strong and weak forms of quasi-stationarity exhibited by stochastic systems.  相似文献   

In this paper D- and V-optimal population designs for the quadratic regression model with a random intercept term and with values of the explanatory variable taken from a set of equally spaced, non-repeated time points are considered. D-optimal population designs based on single-point individual designs were readily found but the derivation of explicit expressions for designs based on two-point individual designs was not straightforward and was complicated by the fact that the designs now depend on ratio of the variance components. Further algebraic results pertaining to d-point D-optimal population designs where d≥3 and to V-optimal population designs proved elusive. The requisite designs can be calculated by careful programming and this is illustrated by means of a simple example.  相似文献   

We derive an exact F-test for random effects in the nested-error regression model. The derivation utilizes a matrix decomposition that offers a transformation of the response vector into two independent subvectors. When the random effects are absent, the test statistic reduces to a ratio of two independent residual sums of squares that are computed by fitting a regression model using each subvector. A small simulation study compares the power of the F-test with various recent tests and shows that the proposed test has a competitive performance under small as well as large number of clusters.  相似文献   

The asymptotic theory is given for quantile estimation in the proportional hazards model of random censorship. In this model, the tail of the censoring distribution function is some power of the tail of the survival distribution function. The quantile estimator is based on the maximum likelihood estimator for the survival time distribution, due to Abdushukurov, Cheng and Lin.  相似文献   

Simultaneous tolerance intervals developed by Limam and Thomas (19881, for the normal regression model, are generalized to the random one-way model with covariates. Simultaneous tolerance intervals for unit means are developed for the balanced model. A simulation study is used to estimate the exact confidence of the tolerance intervals for models with one covariate.  相似文献   

This paper considers two-phase random design linear regression models. Errors and regressors are stationary long-range-dependent Gaussian processes. The regression parameters, the scale parameter and the change-point are estimated using a method introduced by Rousseeuw and Yohai [Robust regression by means of S-estimators, in Robust and Nonlinear Time Series Analysis, J. Franke, W. Hrdle, and R.D. Martin, eds., Lecture Notes in Statistics, Vol. 26, Springer, New York, 1984, pp. 256–272], which is called the S-estimator and has the property be more robust than the classical estimators in the sense that the outliers do not bias the estimation results. Some asymptotic results, including the strong consistency and the convergence rate of the S-estimator are proved. Simulations and an application to the Nile River data are also presented. It is shown via Monte Carlo simulations that the S-estimator is better than two other estimators that are proposed in the literature.  相似文献   

Summary. Although some researchers have examined posterior multimodality for specific richly parameterized models, multimodality is not well characterized for any such model. The paper characterizes bimodality of the joint and marginal posteriors for a conjugate analysis of the balanced one-way random-effects model with a flat prior on the mean. This apparently simple model has surprisingly complex and even bizarre mode behaviour. Bimodality usually arises when the data indicate a much larger between-groups variance than does the prior. We examine an example in detail, present a graphical display for describing bimodality and use real data sets from a statistical practice to shed light on the practical relevance of bimodality for these models.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) for the survival function STunder the proportional hazards model of censorship is derived and shown to differ from the Abdushukurov-Cheng-Lin estimator when the class of allowable distributions includes all continuous and discrete distributions. The estimators are compared via an example. The MLE is calculated using a Newton-Raphson iterative procedure and implemented via a FORTRAN algorithm.  相似文献   

For the problem of testing the homogeneity of the variances in a covariance matrix with a block compound symmetric structure, the likelihood ratio test is derived in this paper, A modification of the test that allows its distribution to be better approximated by the chi-square distribution is also considered, Formulae for calculating approximate sample size and power are derived, Small sample performances of these tests in the case of two dependent bivariate or trivariate normals are compared to each other and to the competing tests by simulating levels of significance and powers, and recommendation is made of the ones that have good performance, The recommended tests are then demonstrated in an illustrative example.  相似文献   

The effects of non-normality on type-I and type-II errors in a one-way random model are investigated for moderate departures from normality. It is found that the probabilities of both errors are more sensitive to the kurtosis of between group effects than that of within group effects.  相似文献   

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