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Time-irreversibility, asymmetry of the distribution, and the occurrence of sudden bursts are considered, amongst others, as non-linear features in time series modeling. The implication is often made that time series showing these features must be analyzed using non-linear models. In contrast, this paper shows that time-irreversible asymmetric time series showing certain types of sudden bursts may be generated by linear models with adequate input sequences. Thus some non-linear time series features may be caused by the pattern in the input sequence rather than by non-linearity in the model. Examples are considered to illustrate the situation.  相似文献   

In the real world situations, many time series are aggregates of two or more time series. An aggregation may take place due to an addition or the product or both of two or more time series. We are often interested in the study of the properties of aggregates which are, in turn, dependent on the properties of the constituent series. Motivated by this problem, the authors study in this paper the properties of models generated by the operator (Σ+II) on autoregressive-moving-average (ARMA) processes of orders (pi,qi), i = l→n . A few practical examples where such models have been used are given in the introduction and an illustrative numerical example is discussed at the end of the paper.  相似文献   

"A model for birth forecasting based on prediction of the so-called 'birth order probabilities' is constructed. The relation between this model and recent models of fertility prediction is derived. Birth forecasts with approximate probability limits for the U.S. for the period 1983-1997 are generated. The performance of the proposed model in predicting future fertility is tested by fitting time series models to part of the available series (1917-1982) and ultimately generating birth forecasts for the remainder of the period, then comparing these forecasts with the actual data." The accuracy of the fertility forecasts made are compared with those made by other methods.  相似文献   

This paper deals with hypothesis testing for independent time series with unequal length. It proposes a spectral test based on the distance between the periodogram ordinates and a parametric test based on the distance between the parameter estimates of fitted autoregressive moving average models. Both tests are compared with a likelihood ratio test based on the pooled spectra. In all cases, the null hypothesis is that the two series under consideration are generated by the same stochastic process. The performance of the three tests is investigated by a Monte Carlo simulation study.  相似文献   

This study considers a goodness-of-fit test for location-scale time series models with heteroscedasticity, including a broad class of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedastic-type models. In financial time series analysis, the correct identification of model innovations is crucial for further inferences in diverse applications such as risk management analysis. To implement a goodness-of-fit test, we employ the residual-based entropy test generated from the residual empirical process. Since this test often shows size distortions and is affected by parameter estimation, its bootstrap version is considered. It is shown that the bootstrap entropy test is weakly consistent, and thereby its usage is justified. A simulation study and data analysis are conducted by way of an illustration.  相似文献   

Multiple time series of scalp electrical potential activity are generated routinely in electroencephalographic (EEG) studies. Such recordings provide important non-invasive data about brain function in human neuropsychiatric disorders. Analyses of EEG traces aim to isolate characteristics of their spatiotemporal dynamics that may be useful in diagnosis, or may improve the understanding of the underlying neurophysiology or may improve treatment through identifying predictors and indicators of clinical outcomes. We discuss the development and application of non-stationary time series models for multiple EEG series generated from individual subjects in a clinical neuropsychiatric setting. The subjects are depressed patients experiencing generalized tonic–clonic seizures elicited by electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) as antidepressant treatment. Two varieties of models—dynamic latent factor models and dynamic regression models—are introduced and studied. We discuss model motivation and form, and aspects of statistical analysis including parameter identifiability, posterior inference and implementation of these models via Markov chain Monte Carlo techniques. In an application to the analysis of a typical set of 19 EEG series recorded during an ECT seizure at different locations over a patient's scalp, these models reveal time-varying features across the series that are strongly related to the placement of the electrodes. We illustrate various model outputs, the exploration of such time-varying spatial structure and its relevance in the ECT study, and in basic EEG research in general.  相似文献   

Long memory has been widely documented for realized financial market volatility. As a novelty, we consider daily realized asset correlations and we investigate whether the observed persistence is (i) due to true long memory (i.e. fractional integration) or (ii) artificially generated by some structural break processes. These two phenomena are difficult to be distinguished in practice. Our empirical results strongly indicate that the hyperbolic decay of the autocorrelation functions of pair-wise realized correlation series is indeed not driven by a truly fractionally integrated process. This finding is robust against user specific parameter choices in the applied test statistic and holds for all 15 considered time series. As a next step, we apply simple models with deterministic level shifts. When selecting the number of breaks, estimating the breakpoints and the corresponding structural break models we find a substantial degree of co-movement between the realized correlation series hinting at co-breaking. The estimated structural break models are interpreted in the light of the historic economic and financial development.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this article is to assess the performance of autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models when occasional level shifts occur in the time series under study. A random level-shift time series model that allows the level of the process to change occasionally is introduced. Between two consecutive changes, the process behaves like the usual autoregressive moving average (ARMA) process. In practice, a series generated from a random level-shift ARMA (RLARMA) model may be misspecified as an ARIMA process. The efficiency of this ARIMA approximation with respect to estimation of current level and forecasting is investigated. The results of examining a special case of an RLARMA model indicate that the ARIMA approximations are inadequate for estimating the current level, but they are robust for forecasting future observations except when there is a very low frequency of level shifts or when the series are highly negatively correlated. A level-shift detection procedure is presented to handle the low-frequency level-shift phenomena, and its usefulness in building models for forecasting is demonstrated.  相似文献   

We develop an autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) model to study the statistical behavior of the numerical error generated from three fourth-order ordinary differential equation solvers: Milne's method, Adams–Bashforth method and a new method that randomly switches between the Milne and Adams–Bashforth methods. With the actual error data based on three differential equations, we desire to identify an ARIMA model for each data series. Results show that some of the data series can be described by ARIMA models but others cannot. Based on the mathematical form of the numerical error, other statistical models should be investigated in the future. Finally, we assess the multivariate normality of the sample mean error generated by the switching method.  相似文献   

结合当前Copula函数及其应用的热点问题,着重评述了基于Copula函数的金融时间序列模型的应用。鉴于利用Copula可以将边际分布和变量间的相依结构分开来研究这一优良性质,在设定和估计模型时便显得极为方便和灵活。从模型的构造、Copula函数的选择、模型的估计以及拟合优度检验等几方面展开阐述和评价,介绍了Copula模型在金融领域中的几类应用,并对Copula理论和应用的新视角进行了展望。  相似文献   

This article assumes the goal of proposing a simulation-based theoretical model comparison methodology with application to two time series road accident models. The model comparison exercise helps to quantify the main differences and similarities between the two models and comprises of three main stages: (1) simulation of time series through a true model with predefined properties; (2) estimation of the alternative model using the simulated data; (3) sensitivity analysis to quantify the effect of changes in the true model parameters on alternative model parameter estimates through analysis of variance, ANOVA. The proposed methodology is applied to two time series road accident models: UCM (unobserved components model) and DRAG (Demand for Road Use, Accidents and their Severity). Assuming that the real data-generating process is the UCM, new datasets approximating the road accident data are generated, and DRAG models are estimated using the simulated data. Since these two methodologies are usually assumed to be equivalent, in a sense that both models accurately capture the true effects of the regressors, we are specifically addressing the modeling of the stochastic trend, through the alternative model. Stochastic trend is the time-varying component and is one of the crucial factors in time series road accident data. Theoretically, it can be easily modeled through UCM, given its modeling properties. However, properly capturing the effect of a non-stationary component such as stochastic trend in a stationary explanatory model such as DRAG is challenging. After obtaining the parameter estimates of the alternative model (DRAG), the estimates of both true and alternative models are compared and the differences are quantified through experimental design and ANOVA techniques. It is observed that the effects of the explanatory variables used in the UCM simulation are only partially captured by the respective DRAG coefficients. This a priori, could be due to multicollinearity but the results of both simulation of UCM data and estimating of DRAG models reveal that there is no significant static correlation among regressors. Moreover, in fact, using ANOVA, it is determined that this regression coefficient estimation bias is caused by the presence of the stochastic trend present in the simulated data. Thus, the results of the methodological development suggest that the stochastic component present in the data should be treated accordingly through a preliminary, exploratory data analysis.  相似文献   

A procedure is developed for seasonally adjusting weekly time series, based on a composite of regression and time series models. The procedure is applied to some weekly U.S. money supply series currently seasonally adjusted by the Federal Reserve.  相似文献   

Much attention has focused in recent years on the use of state-space models for describing and forecasting industrial time series. However, several state-space models that are proposed for such data series are not observable and do not have a unique representation, particularly in situations where the data history suggests marked seasonal trends. This raises major practical difficulties since it becomes necessary to impose one or more constraints and this implies a complicated error structure on the model. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that state-space models are useful for describing time series data for forecasting purposes and that there are trend-projecting state-space components that can be combined to provide observable state-space representations for specified data series. This result is particularly useful for seasonal or pseudo-seasonal time series. A well-known data series is examined in some detail and several observable state-space models are suggested and compared favourably with the constrained observable model.  相似文献   

In this paper the class of Bilinear GARCH (BL-GARCH) models is proposed. BL-GARCH models allow to capture asymmetries in the conditional variance of financial and economic time series by means of interactions between past shocks and volatilities. The availability of likelihood based inference is an attractive feature of BL-GARCH models. Under the assumption of conditional normality, the log-likelihood function can be maximized by means of an EM type algorithm. The main reason for using the EM algorithm is that it allows to obtain parameter estimates which naturally guarantee the positive definiteness of the conditional variance with no need for additional parameter constraints. We also derive a robust LM test statistic which can be used for model identification. Finally, the effectiveness of BL-GARCH models in capturing asymmetric volatility patterns in financial time series is assessed by means of an application to a time series of daily returns on the NASDAQ Composite stock market index.  相似文献   

Much attention has focused in recent years on the use of state-space models for describing and forecasting industrial time series. However, several state-space models that are proposed for such data series are not observable and do not have a unique representation, particularly in situations where the data history suggests marked seasonal trends. This raises major practical difficulties since it becomes necessary to impose one or more constraints and this implies a complicated error structure on the model. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that state-space models are useful for describing time series data for forecasting purposes and that there are trend-projecting state-space components that can be combined to provide observable state-space representations for specified data series. This result is particularly useful for seasonal or pseudo-seasonal time series. A well-known data series is examined in some detail and several observable state-space models are suggested and compared favourably with the constrained observable model.  相似文献   

Matrix-analytic Models and their Analysis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We survey phase-type distributions and Markovian point processes, aspects of how to use such models in applied probability calculations and how to fit them to observed data. A phase-type distribution is defined as the time to absorption in a finite continuous time Markov process with one absorbing state. This class of distributions is dense and contains many standard examples like all combinations of exponential in series/parallel. A Markovian point process is governed by a finite continuous time Markov process (typically ergodic), such that points are generated at a Poisson intensity depending on the underlying state and at transitions; a main special case is a Markov-modulated Poisson process. In both cases, the analytic formulas typically contain matrix-exponentials, and the matrix formalism carried over when the models are used in applied probability calculations as in problems in renewal theory, random walks and queueing. The statistical analysis is typically based upon the EM algorithm, viewing the whole sample path of the background Markov process as the latent variable.  相似文献   

Lots of semi-parametric and nonparametric models are used to fit nonlinear time series data. They include partially linear time series models, nonparametric additive models, and semi-parametric single index models. In this article, we focus on fitting time series data by partially linear additive model. Combining the orthogonal series approximation and the adaptive sparse group LASSO regularization, we select the important variables between and within the groups simultaneously. Specially, we propose a two-step algorithm to obtain the grouped sparse estimators. Numerical studies show that the proposed method outperforms LASSO method in both fitting and forecasting. An empirical analysis is used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Two structural time series models for annual observations are constructed in terms of trend, cycle, and irregular components. The models are then estimated via the Kalman filter using data on five U.S. macroeconomic time series. The results provide some interesting insights into the dynamic structure of the series, particularly with respect to cyclical behavior. At the same time, they illustrate the development of a model selection strategy for structural time series models.  相似文献   

A method for robust estimation and multiple outlier detection in time series generated by autoregressive integrated moving average processes in industrial environments is developed. The procedure is based on reweighted maximum likelihood estimation using Huber or redescending weights and, therefore, generalizes the well-established robust M -estimation procedures used in the regression framework. When the scalar process is non-stationary, the computations required can be performed equally well using either rhe original undifferenced series or auxiliary differenced series. Whereas the latter alternative may be preferred for scalar series, the former might be extended to cope with vector partially non-stationary time series without differencing the series, thus avoiding non-invertibility and parameter identifiability problems caused by overdifferencing. The overall strategy is applied in two real industrial data sets.  相似文献   


We develop and exemplify application of new classes of dynamic models for time series of nonnegative counts. Our novel univariate models combine dynamic generalized linear models for binary and conditionally Poisson time series, with dynamic random effects for over-dispersion. These models estimate dynamic regression coefficients in both binary and nonzero count components. Sequential Bayesian analysis allows fast, parallel analysis of sets of decoupled time series. New multivariate models then enable information sharing in contexts when data at a more highly aggregated level provide more incisive inferences on shared patterns such as trends and seasonality. A novel multiscale approach—one new example of the concept of decouple/recouple in time series—enables information sharing across series. This incorporates cross-series linkages while insulating parallel estimation of univariate models, and hence enables scalability in the number of series. The major motivating context is supermarket sales forecasting. Detailed examples drawn from a case study in multistep forecasting of sales of a number of related items showcase forecasting of multiple series, with discussion of forecast accuracy metrics, comparisons with existing methods, and broader questions of probabilistic forecast assessment.  相似文献   

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