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To overcome multicollinearity, a new stochastic mixed Liu estimator is presented and its efficiency is considered. We also compare the proposed estimators in the sense of matrix mean squared error criteria. Finally a numerical example and a simulation study are given to show the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   

The two parameter estimator proposed by Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two parameter estimators. Comm Statist Theory Methods. 2007;36(15):2707–2725] is a general estimator which includes the ordinary least squares, the ridge and the Liu estimators as special cases. In the present paper we introduce Almon two parameter estimator based on the two parameter estimation procedure to deal with the problem of multicollinearity for the distiributed lag models. This estimator outperforms the Almon estimator according to the matrix mean square error criterion. Moreover, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are presented by using different estimators of the biasing parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce mixed Liu estimator (MLE) for the vector of parameters in linear measurement error models by unifying the sample and the prior information. The MLE is a generalization of the mixed estimator (ME) and Liu estimator (LE). In particular, asymptotic normality properties of the estimators are discussed, and the performance of the MLE over the LE and ME are compared based on mean squared error matrix (MSEM). Finally, a Monte Carlo simulation and a numerical example are also presented for analysis.  相似文献   

The maximum likelihood (ML) method is used to estimate the unknown Gamma regression (GR) coefficients. In the presence of multicollinearity, the variance of the ML method becomes overstated and the inference based on the ML method may not be trustworthy. To combat multicollinearity, the Liu estimator has been used. In this estimator, estimation of the Liu parameter d is an important problem. A few estimation methods are available in the literature for estimating such a parameter. This study has considered some of these methods and also proposed some new methods for estimation of the d. The Monte Carlo simulation study has been conducted to assess the performance of the proposed methods where the mean squared error (MSE) is considered as a performance criterion. Based on the Monte Carlo simulation and application results, it is shown that the Liu estimator is always superior to the ML and recommendation about which best Liu parameter should be used in the Liu estimator for the GR model is given.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the preliminary test approach to the estimation of the regression parameter in a multiple regression model under multicollinearity situation. The preliminary test almost unbiased two-parameter estimators based on the Wald, the Likelihood ratio, and the Lagrangian multiplier tests are given, when it is suspected that the regression parameter may be restricted to a subspace and the regression error is distributed with multivariate Student’s t errors. The bias and quadratic risk of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. Furthermore, a Monte Carlo simulation is provided to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this article, the stochastic restricted almost unbiased ridge regression estimator and stochastic restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator are proposed to overcome the well-known multicollinearity problem in linear regression model. The quadratic bias and mean square error matrix of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. Furthermore, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

?iray et al. proposed a restricted Liu estimator to overcome multicollinearity in the logistic regression model. They also used a Monte Carlo simulation to study the properties of the restricted Liu estimator. However, they did not present the theoretical result about the mean squared error properties of the restricted estimator compared to MLE, restricted maximum likelihood estimator (RMLE) and Liu estimator. In this article, we compare the restricted Liu estimator with MLE, RMLE and Liu estimator in the mean squared error sense and we also present a method to choose a biasing parameter. Finally, a real data example and a Monte Carlo simulation are conducted to illustrate the benefits of the restricted Liu estimator.  相似文献   

Negative binomial regression (NBR) and Poisson regression (PR) applications have become very popular in the analysis of count data in recent years. However, if there is a high degree of relationship between the independent variables, the problem of multicollinearity arises in these models. We introduce new two-parameter estimators (TPEs) for the NBR and the PR models by unifying the two-parameter estimator (TPE) of Özkale and Kaç?ranlar [The restricted and unrestricted two-parameter estimators. Commun Stat Theory Methods. 2007;36:2707–2725]. These new estimators are general estimators which include maximum likelihood (ML) estimator, ridge estimator (RE), Liu estimator (LE) and contraction estimator (CE) as special cases. Furthermore, biasing parameters of these estimators are given and a Monte Carlo simulation is done to evaluate the performance of these estimators using mean square error (MSE) criterion. The benefits of the new TPEs are also illustrated in an empirical application. The results show that the new proposed TPEs for the NBR and the PR models are better than the ML estimator, the RE and the LE.  相似文献   

Two-stage least squares estimation in a simultaneous equations model has several desirable properties under the problem of multicollinearity. So, various kinds of improved estimation techniques can be developed to deal with the problem of multicollinearity. One of them is ridge regression estimation that can be applied at both stages and defined in Vinod and Ullah [Recent advances in regression methods. New York: Marcel Dekker; 1981]. We propose three different kinds of Liu estimators that are named by their implementation stages. Mean square errors are derived to compare the performances of the mentioned estimators and two different choices of the biasing parameter are offered. Moreover, a numerical example is given with a data analysis based on the Klein Model I and a Monte Carlo experiment is conducted.  相似文献   

Partially linear additive model is useful in statistical modelling as a multivariate nonparametric fitting technique. This paper considers statistical inference for the semiparametric model in the presence of multicollinearity. Based on the profile least-squares (PL) approach and Liu estimation method, we propose a PL Liu estimator for the parametric component. When some additional linear restrictions on the parametric component are available, the corresponding restricted Liu estimator for the parametric component is constructed. The properties of the proposed estimators are derived. Some simulations are conducted to assess the performance of the proposed procedures and the results are satisfactory. Finally, a real data example is analysed.  相似文献   


This article introduces some Liu parameters in the linear regression model based on the work of Shukur, Månsson, and Sjölander. These methods of estimating the Liu parameter d increase the efficiency of Liu estimator. The comparison of proposed Liu parameters and available methods has done using Monte Carlo simulation and a real data set where the mean squared error, mean absolute error and interval estimation are considered as performance criterions. The simulation study shows that under certain conditions the proposed Liu parameters perform quite well as compared to the ordinary least squares estimator and other existing Liu parameters.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a restricted Liu regression estimator (RLRE) for estimating the parameter vector, β, in the presence of multicollinearity, when the dependent variable is binary and it is suspected that β may belong to a linear subspace defined by ?=?r. First, we investigate the mean squared error (MSE) properties of the new estimator and compare them with those of the restricted maximum likelihood estimator (RMLE). Then we suggest some estimators of the shrinkage parameter, and a simulation study is conducted to compare the performance of the different estimators. Finally, we show the benefit of using RLRE instead of RMLE when estimating how changes in price affect consumer demand for a specific product.  相似文献   

For the linear regression model y=Xβ+e with severe multicollinearity, we put forward three shrinkage-type estimators based on the ordinary least-squares estimator including two types of independent factor estimators and a seemingly convex combination. The simulation study shows that the new estimators are not good enough when multicollinearity is mild to moderate, but perform very well when multicollinearity is severe to very severe.  相似文献   

In the multiple linear regression analysis, the ridge regression estimator and the Liu estimator are often used to address multicollinearity. Besides multicollinearity, outliers are also a problem in the multiple linear regression analysis. We propose new biased estimators based on the least trimmed squares (LTS) ridge estimator and the LTS Liu estimator in the case of the presence of both outliers and multicollinearity. For this purpose, a simulation study is conducted in order to see the difference between the robust ridge estimator and the robust Liu estimator in terms of their effectiveness; the mean square error. In our simulations, the behavior of the new biased estimators is examined for types of outliers: X-space outlier, Y-space outlier, and X-and Y-space outlier. The results for a number of different illustrative cases are presented. This paper also provides the results for the robust ridge regression and robust Liu estimators based on a real-life data set combining the problem of multicollinearity and outliers.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the parameter estimation in partly linear regression models when the errors are dependent. To overcome the multicollinearity problem, a generalized Liu estimator is proposed. The theoretical properties of the proposed estimator and its relationship with some existing methods designed for partly linear models are investigated. Finally, a hypothetical data is conducted to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

In this paper, some new algorithms for estimating the biasing parameters of the ridge, Liu and two-parameter estimators are introduced with the help of genetic algorithm (GA). The proposed algorithms are based on minimizing some statistical measures such as mean square error (MSE), mean absolute error (MAE) and mean absolute prediction error (MAPE). At the same time, the new algorithms allow one to keep the condition number and variance inflation factors to be less than or equal to ten by means of the GA. A numerical example is presented to show the utility of the new algorithms. In addition, an extensive Monte Carlo experiment is conducted. The numerical findings prove that the proposed algorithms enable to eliminate the problem of multicollinearity and minimize the MSE, MAE and MAPE.  相似文献   

In regression, detecting anomalous observations is a significant step for model-building process. Various influence measures based on different motivational arguments are designed to measure the influence of observations through different aspects of various regression models. The presence of influential observations in the data is complicated by the existence of multicollinearity. The purpose of this paper is to assess the influence of observations in the Liu [9] and modified Liu [15] estimators by using the method of approximate case deletion formulas suggested by Walker and Birch [14]. A numerical example using a real data set used by Longley [10] and a Monte Carlo simulation are given to illustrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The ordinary least-square estimators for linear regression analysis with multicollinearity and outliers lead to unfavorable results. In this article, we propose a new robust modified ridge M-estimator (MRME) based on M-estimator (ME) to deal with the combined problem resulting from multicollinearity and outliers in the y-direction. MRME outperforms modified ridge estimator, robust ridge estimator and ME, according to mean squares error criterion. Furthermore, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The problem of multicollinearity and outliers in the data set produce undesirable effects on the ordinary least squares estimator. Therefore, robust two parameter ridge estimation based on M-estimator (ME) is introduced to deal with multicollinearity and outliers in the y-direction. The proposed estimator outperforms ME, two parameter ridge estimator and robust ridge M-estimator according to mean square error criterion. Moreover, a numerical example and a Monte Carlo simulation experiment are presented.  相似文献   


One of the problems with the Liu estimator is the appropriate value for the unknown biasing parameter d. In this article we consider the optimum value for d and give upper bound for the expected value of the estimator of this biasing parameter. We also derive the general expressions for the moments of the stochastic shrinkage parameters of the Liu estimator and the generalized Liu estimator. Numerical calculations are carried out to illustrate the behavior of the mean and variance of the biasing parameter. Also, a numerical example is given to illustrate the effect of the biasing parameter d, on the mean square error of the Liu estimator.  相似文献   

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