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Local linear regression involves fitting a straight line segment over a small region whose midpoint is the target point x, and the local linear estimate at x   is the estimated intercept of that straight line segment, with an asymptotic bias of order h2h2 and variance of order (nh)-1(nh)-1 (h is the bandwidth). In this paper, we propose a new estimator, the double-smoothing local linear estimator, which is constructed by integrally combining all fitted values at x   of local lines in its neighborhood with another round of smoothing. The proposed estimator attempts to make use of all information obtained from fitting local lines. Without changing the order of variance, the new estimator can reduce the bias to an order of h4h4. The proposed estimator has better performance than local linear regression in situations with considerable bias effects; it also has less variability and more easily overcomes the sparse data problem than local cubic regression. At boundary points, the proposed estimator is comparable to local linear regression. Simulation studies are conducted and an ethanol example is used to compare the new approach with other competitive methods.  相似文献   

Ordinary least squares (OLS) is omnipresent in regression modeling. Occasionally, least absolute deviations (LAD) or other methods are used as an alternative when there are outliers. Although some data adaptive estimators have been proposed, they are typically difficult to implement. In this paper, we propose an easy to compute adaptive estimator which is simply a linear combination of OLS and LAD. We demonstrate large sample normality of our estimator and show that its performance is close to best for both light-tailed (e.g. normal and uniform) and heavy-tailed (e.g. double exponential and t 3) error distributions. We demonstrate this through three simulation studies and illustrate our method on state public expenditures and lutenizing hormone data sets. We conclude that our method is general and easy to use, which gives good efficiency across a wide range of error distributions.  相似文献   

In this paper, the notion of the general linear estimator and its modified version are introduced using the singular value decomposition theorem in the linear regression model y=X β+e to improve some classical linear estimators. The optimal selections of the biasing parameters involved are theoretically given under the prediction error sum of squares criterion. A numerical example and a simulation study are finally conducted to illustrate the superiority of the proposed estimators.  相似文献   

In at least one important application of stochastic linear programming (Lavaca-Tres Palacios Estuary:A Study of the Influence of Freshwater Inflows, 1980)constraint parameters are simultaneously estimated using multiple regression with historic data for the values of the decision variables and the right hand side of the constraint function. In this circumstance, the question immediately arises "How stable is the linear programming (LP) solution with regard to regression issues such as sample size, magnitude of the error variance, centroids of the decision variables, apd collinearity?" This paper reports a simulation designed to assess the stability of the LP solution and to compare the effectiveness of ridge as an alternative to ordinary least squares (OLS) regression. For the given scenario, the LP solution is consistently "biased." The amount of bias is exacerbated by small samples, large error variances, and collinearity among observations of the decision variables. The best regression criterion is a function not only of collinearity, but also of the magnitude of the error variance and the sum of the means of the decision variables relative to the right hand side of the stochastic constraint

In the application that motivated this research, the LP solutions were recommended fresh water inflows from Lake Texana into the estuaries of the Gulf of Mexico. The stochastic constraint estimates commercial fish harvest as a function of seasonal fresh water inflow. The historic data set used to estimate parameters of the constraint comprised rainfall data and fish harvest data prior to the construction of the Lake Texana dam, of necessity a small sample with collinear seasonal rainfall. It is not the authors' intent to solve this application, but rather to investigate through a simpler simulated systemwhether or not regression estimates in similar circumstances might introduce a systematic and predictable bias. The answer to this latter question is a qualified Yes!.  相似文献   

For the problem of individual prediction in linear regression models, that is, estimation of a linear combination of regression coefficients, mean square error behavior of a general class of adaptive predictors is examined.  相似文献   

Semi-parametric modelling of interval-valued data is of great practical importance, as exampled by applications in economic and financial data analysis. We propose a flexible semi-parametric modelling of interval-valued data by integrating the partial linear regression model based on the Center & Range method, and investigate its estimation procedure. Furthermore, we introduce a test statistic that allows one to decide between a parametric linear model and a semi-parametric model, and approximate its null asymptotic distribution based on wild Bootstrap method to obtain the critical values. Extensive simulation studies are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology and the new test. Moreover, several empirical data sets are analysed to document its practical applications.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a robust estimation procedure for a class of non‐linear regression models when the covariates are contaminated with Laplace measurement error, aiming at constructing an estimation procedure for the regression parameters which are less affected by the possible outliers, and heavy‐tailed underlying distribution, as well as reducing the bias introduced by the measurement error. Starting with the modal regression procedure developed for the measurement error‐free case, a non‐trivial modification is made so that the modified version can effectively correct the potential bias caused by measurement error. Large sample properties of the proposed estimate, such as the convergence rate and the asymptotic normality, are thoroughly investigated. A simulation study and real data application are conducted to illustrate the satisfying finite sample performance of the proposed estimation procedure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider using a local linear (LL) smoothing method to estimate a class of discontinuous regression functions. We establish the asymptotic normality of the integrated square error (ISE) of a LL-type estimator and show that the ISE has an asymptotic rate of convergence as good as for smooth functions, and the asymptotic rate of convergence of the ISE of the LL estimator is better than that of the Nadaraya-Watson (NW) and the Gasser-Miiller (GM) estimators.  相似文献   

We present a Bayesian analysis of a piecewise linear model constructed by using basis functions which generalizes the univariate linear spline to higher dimensions. Prior distributions are adopted on both the number and the locations of the splines, which leads to a model averaging approach to prediction with predictive distributions that take into account model uncertainty. Conditioning on the data produces a Bayes local linear model with distributions on both predictions and local linear parameters. The method is spatially adaptive and covariate selection is achieved by using splines of lower dimension than the data.  相似文献   

The problem of multivariate regression modelling in the presence of heterogeneous data is dealt to address the relevant issue of the influence of such heterogeneity in assessing the linear relations between responses and explanatory variables. In spite of its popularity, clusterwise regression is not designed to identify the linear relationships within ‘homogeneous’ clusters exhibiting internal cohesion and external separation. A within-clusterwise regression is introduced to achieve this aim and, since the possible presence of a linear relation ‘between’ clusters should be also taken into account, a general regression model is introduced to account for both the between-cluster and the within-cluster regression variation. Some decompositions of the variance of the responses accounted for are also given, the least-squares estimation of the parameters is derived, together with an appropriate coordinate descent algorithms and the performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated in different datasets.  相似文献   

We show that the definition of the θth sample quantile as the solution to a minimization problem introduced by Koenker and Bassett (Econometrica 46(1):33–50, 1978) can be easily extended to obtain an analogous definition for the θth sample quantity quantile widely investigated and applied in the Italian literature. The key point is the use of the first-moment distribution of the variable instead of its distribution function. By means of this definition we introduce a linear regression model for quantity quantiles and analyze some properties of the residuals. In Sect. 4 we show a brief application of the methodology proposed. This research was partially supported by Fondo d’Ateneo per la Ricerca anno 2005—Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca. The paper is the result of the common work of the authors; in particular M. Zenga has written Sects. 1 and 5 while P. Radaelli has written the remaining sections.  相似文献   

This paper studies M-estimation in functional linear regression in which the dependent variable is scalar while the covariate is a function. An estimator for the slope function is obtained based on the functional principal component basis. The global convergence rate of the M-estimator of unknown slope function is established. The convergence rate of the mean-squared prediction error for the proposed estimators is also established. Monte Carlo simulation studies are conducted to examine the finite-sample performance of the proposed procedure. Finally, the proposed method is applied to analyze the Berkeley growth data.  相似文献   


A radio frequency (RF) repeater is a wireless electronic device that transmits signals from a base transceiver station to a mobile station. When inspecting RF repeaters, various items are required to be tested to ensure their quality. In this paper, we propose a systematic procedure for the inspection by using a multiple linear regression method. The basic idea is to predict the inspection result without real inspection. In particular, a multicollinearity problem is considered in the regression analysis. Two case studies are conducted for validating the proposed method with an RF repeater production company in Korea.  相似文献   

When variable selection with stepwise regression and model fitting are conducted on the same data set, competition for inclusion in the model induces a selection bias in coefficient estimators away from zero. In proportional hazards regression with right-censored data, selection bias inflates the absolute value of parameter estimate of selected parameters, while the omission of other variables may shrink coefficients toward zero. This paper explores the extent of the bias in parameter estimates from stepwise proportional hazards regression and proposes a bootstrap method, similar to those proposed by Miller (Subset Selection in Regression, 2nd edn. Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2002) for linear regression, to correct for selection bias. We also use bootstrap methods to estimate the standard error of the adjusted estimators. Simulation results show that substantial biases could be present in uncorrected stepwise estimators and, for binary covariates, could exceed 250% of the true parameter value. The simulations also show that the conditional mean of the proposed bootstrap bias-corrected parameter estimator, given that a variable is selected, is moved closer to the unconditional mean of the standard partial likelihood estimator in the chosen model, and to the population value of the parameter. We also explore the effect of the adjustment on estimates of log relative risk, given the values of the covariates in a selected model. The proposed method is illustrated with data sets in primary biliary cirrhosis and in multiple myeloma from the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group.  相似文献   

In this paper, a robust estimator is proposed for partially linear regression models. We first estimate the nonparametric component using the penalized regression spline, then we construct an estimator of parametric component by using robust S-estimator. We propose an iterative algorithm to solve the proposed optimization problem, and introduce a robust generalized cross-validation to select the penalized parameter. Simulation studies and a real data analysis illustrate that the our proposed method is robust against outliers in the dataset or errors with heavy tails.  相似文献   

In this note we present a criterion for linear estimation which is similar to MV-MB-LE of Rao (1978) in Gauss-Markoff model (Y, XB, α2G). We call this criterion MMS-MB-LE (Minimum Mean Square Error-Minimum Bias-Linear Estimation)> Representations of solutions to such estimators similar to those of Rao (1978) are provided.  相似文献   

Xia Chen 《Statistics》2013,47(6):745-757
In this paper, we consider the application of the empirical likelihood method to a partially linear model with measurement errors in the non-parametric part. It is shown that the empirical log-likelihood ratio at the true parameters converges to the standard chi-square distribution. Furthermore, we obtain the maximum empirical likelihood estimate of the unknown parameter by using the empirical log-likelihood ratio function, and the resulting estimator is shown to be asymptotically normal. Some simulations and an application are conducted to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

Linear regression models are useful statistical tools to analyze data sets in different fields. There are several methods to estimate the parameters of a linear regression model. These methods usually perform under normally distributed and uncorrelated errors. If error terms are correlated the Conditional Maximum Likelihood (CML) estimation method under normality assumption is often used to estimate the parameters of interest. The CML estimation method is required a distributional assumption on error terms. However, in practice, such distributional assumptions on error terms may not be plausible. In this paper, we propose to estimate the parameters of a linear regression model with autoregressive error term using Empirical Likelihood (EL) method, which is a distribution free estimation method. A small simulation study is provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimation method over the CML method. The results of the simulation study show that the proposed estimators based on EL method are remarkably better than the estimators obtained from CML method in terms of mean squared errors (MSE) and bias in almost all the simulation configurations. These findings are also confirmed by the results of the numerical and real data examples.  相似文献   

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