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The inverted (or inverse) distributions are sometimes very useful to explore additional properties of the phenomenons which non-inverted distributions cannot. We introduce a new inverted model called the inverted Nadarajah–Haghighi distribution which exhibits decreasing and unimodal (right-skewed) density while the hazard rate shapes are decreasing and upside-down bathtub. Our main focus is the estimation (from both frequentist and Bayesian points of view) of the unknown parameters along with some mathematical properties of the new model. The Bayes estimators and the associated credible intervals are obtained using Markov Chain Monte Carlo techniques under squared error loss function. The gamma priors are adopted for both scale and shape parameters. The potentiality of the distribution is analysed by means of two real data sets. In fact, it is found to be superior in its ability to sufficiently model the data as compared to the inverted Weibull, inverted Rayleigh, inverted exponential, inverted gamma, inverted Lindley and inverted power Lindley models.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new class of distributions by compounding the inverse Lindley distribution and power series distributions which is called compound inverse Lindley power series (CILPS) distributions. An important feature of this distribution is that the lifetime of the component associated with a particular risk is not observable, rather only the minimum lifetime value among all risks is observable. Further, these distributions exhibit an unimodal failure rate. Various properties of the distribution are derived. Besides, two special models of the new family are investigated. The model parameters of the two sub-models of the new family are obtained by the methods of maximum likelihood, least square, weighted least square and maximum product of spacing and compared them using the Monte Carlo simulation study. Besides, the log compound inverse Lindley regression model for censored data is proposed. Three real data sets are analyzed to illustrate the flexibility and importance of the proposed models.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Rayleigh–Lindley (RL) distribution is introduced, obtained by compounding the Rayleigh and Lindley discrete distributions, where the compounding procedure follows an approach similar to the one previously studied by Adamidis and Loukas in some other contexts. The resulting distribution is a two-parameter model, which is competitive with other parsimonious models such as the gamma and Weibull distributions. We study some properties of this new model such as the moments and the mean residual life. The estimation was approached via EM algorithm. The behavior of these estimators was studied in finite samples through a simulation study. Finally, we report two real data illustrations in order to show the performance of the proposed model versus other common two-parameter models in the literature. The main conclusion is that the model proposed can be a valid alternative to other competing models well established in the literature.  相似文献   

Several probability distributions have been proposed in the literature, especially with the aim of obtaining models that are more flexible relative to the behaviors of the density and hazard rate functions. Recently, two generalizations of the Lindley distribution were proposed in the literature: the power Lindley distribution and the inverse Lindley distribution. In this article, a distribution is obtained from these two generalizations and named as inverse power Lindley distribution. Some properties of this distribution and study of the behavior of maximum likelihood estimators are presented and discussed. It is also applied considering two real datasets and compared with the fits obtained for already-known distributions. When applied, the inverse power Lindley distribution was found to be a good alternative for modeling survival data.  相似文献   

Generalizing lifetime distributions is always precious for applied statisticians. In this paper, we introduce a new four-parameter generalization of the exponentiated power Lindley (EPL) distribution, called the exponentiated power Lindley geometric (EPLG) distribution, obtained by compounding EPL and geometric distributions. The new distribution arises in a latent complementary risks scenario, in which the lifetime associated with a particular risk is not observable; rather, we observe only the maximum lifetime value among all risks. The distribution exhibits decreasing, increasing, unimodal and bathtub-shaped hazard rate functions, depending on its parameters. It contains several lifetime distributions as particular cases: EPL, new generalized Lindley, generalized Lindley, power Lindley and Lindley geometric distributions. We derive several properties of the new distribution such as closed-form expressions for the density, cumulative distribution function, survival function, hazard rate function, the rth raw moment, and also the moments of order statistics. Moreover, we discuss maximum likelihood estimation and provide formulas for the elements of the Fisher information matrix. Simulation studies are also provided. Finally, two real data applications are given for showing the flexibility and potentiality of the new distribution.  相似文献   

The purpose of the paper is to estimate the parameters of the two-component mixture of Weibull distribution under doubly censored samples using Bayesian approach. The choice of Weibull distribution is made due to its (i) capability to model failure time data from engineering, medical and biological sciences (ii) added advantages over the well-known lifetime distributions such as exponential, Raleigh, lognormal and gamma distribution in terms of flexibility, increasing and decreasing hazard rate and closed-form distribution function and hazard rate. The proposed two-component mixture of Weibull distribution is even more flexible than its conventional form. However, the estimation of the parameters from the proposed mixture is more complex. Further, we have assumed couple of loss functions under non informative prior for the Bayesian analysis of the parameters from the mixture model. As the resultant Bayes estimators and associated posterior risks cannot be derived in the closed form, we have used the importance sampling and Lindley’s approximation to obtain the approximate estimates for the parameters of the mixture model. The comparison between the performances of approximation techniques has been made on the basis of simulation study and real-life data analysis. The importance sampling is found to be better than Lindley’s approximation as it gives better estimation for shape and mixing parameters of the mixture model and computations under this technique are much easier/shorter than those under Lindley’s approximation.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a new lifetime distribution by compounding exponential and Poisson–Lindley distributions, named the exponential Poisson–Lindley (EPL) distribution. A practical situation where the EPL distribution is most appropriate for modelling lifetime data than exponential–geometric, exponential–Poisson and exponential–logarithmic distributions is presented. We obtain the density and failure rate of the EPL distribution and properties such as mean lifetime, moments, order statistics and Rényi entropy. Furthermore, estimation by maximum likelihood and inference for large samples are discussed. The paper is motivated by two applications to real data sets and we hope that this model will be able to attract wider applicability in survival and reliability.  相似文献   

A new four-parameter class of generalized Lindley (GL) distribution called the beta-generalized Lindley (BGL) distribution is proposed. This class of distributions contains the beta-Lindley, GL and Lindley distributions as special cases. Expansion of the density of the BGL distribution is obtained. The properties of these distributions, including hazard function, reverse hazard function, monotonicity property, shapes, moments, reliability, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves are derived. Measures of uncertainty such as Renyi entropy and s-entropy as well as Fisher information are presented. Method of maximum likelihood is used to estimate the parameters of the BGL and related distributions. Finally, real data examples are discussed to illustrate the applicability of this class of models.  相似文献   

We define two new lifetime models called the odd log-logistic Lindley (OLL-L) and odd log-logistic Lindley Poisson (OLL-LP) distributions with various hazard rate shapes such as increasing, decreasing, upside-down bathtub, and bathtub. Various structural properties are derived. Certain characterizations of OLL-L distribution are presented. The maximum likelihood estimators of the unknown parameters are obtained. We propose a flexible cure rate survival model by assuming that the number of competing causes of the event of interest has a Poisson distribution and the time to event has an OLL-L distribution. The applicability of the new models is illustrated by means real datasets.  相似文献   

The weighted distributions provide a comprehensive understanding by adding flexibility in the existing standard distributions. In this article, we considered the weighted Lindley distribution which belongs to the class of the weighted distributions and investigated various its properties. Although, our main focus is the Bayesian analysis however, stochastic ordering, the Bonferroni and the Lorenz curves, various entropies and order statistics derivations are obtained first time for the said distribution. Different types of loss functions are considered; the Bayes estimators and their respective posterior risks are computed and compared. The different reliability characteristics including hazard function, stress and strength analysis, and mean residual life function are also analysed. The Lindley approximation and the importance sampling are described for estimation of parameters. A simulation study is designed to inspect the effect of sample size on the estimated parameters. A real-life application is also presented for the illustration purpose.  相似文献   

In this study, classical and Bayesian inference methods are introduced to analyze lifetime data sets in the presence of left censoring considering two generalizations of the Lindley distribution: a first generalization proposed by Ghitany et al. [Power Lindley distribution and associated inference, Comput. Statist. Data Anal. 64 (2013), pp. 20–33], denoted as a power Lindley distribution and a second generalization proposed by Sharma et al. [The inverse Lindley distribution: A stress–strength reliability model with application to head and neck cancer data, J. Ind. Prod. Eng. 32 (2015), pp. 162–173], denoted as an inverse Lindley distribution. In our approach, we have used a distribution obtained from these two generalizations denoted as an inverse power Lindley distribution. A numerical illustration is presented considering a dataset of thyroglobulin levels present in a group of individuals with differentiated cancer of thyroid.  相似文献   


We introduce a new four-parameter generalization of the exponentiated power Lindley (EPL) distribution, called the exponentiated power Lindley power series (EPLPS) distribution. The new distribution arises on a latent complementary risks scenario, in which the lifetime associated with a particular risk is not observable; rather, we observe only the minimum lifetime value among all risks. The distribution exhibits a variety of bathtub-shaped hazard rate functions. It contains as particular cases several lifetime distributions. Various properties of the distribution are investigated including closed-form expressions for the density function, cumulative distribution function, survival function, hazard rate function, the rth raw moment, and also the moments of order statistics. Expressions for the Rényi and Shannon entropies are also given. Moreover, we discuss maximum likelihood estimation and provide formulas for the elements of the Fisher information matrix. Finally, two data applications are given showing flexibility and potentiality of the EPLPS distribution.  相似文献   

The Poisson–Lindley distribution is a compound discrete distribution that can be used as an alternative to other discrete distributions, like the negative binomial. This paper develops approximate one-sided and equal-tailed two-sided tolerance intervals for the Poisson–Lindley distribution. Practical applications of the Poisson–Lindley distribution frequently involve large samples, thus we utilize large-sample Wald confidence intervals in the construction of our tolerance intervals. A coverage study is presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed tolerance intervals. The tolerance intervals are also demonstrated using two real data sets. The R code developed for our discussion is briefly highlighted and included in the tolerance package.  相似文献   

In the past few years, the Lindley distribution has gained popularity for modeling lifetime data as an alternative to the exponential distribution. This paper provides two new characterizations of the Lindley distribution. The first characterization is based on a relation between left truncated moments and failure rate function. The second characterization is based on a relation between right truncated moments and reversed failure rate function.  相似文献   

In this paper we firstly develop a Sarmanov–Lee bivariate family of distributions with the beta and gamma as marginal distributions. We obtain the linear correlation coefficient showing that, although it is not a strong family of correlation, it can be greater than the value of this coefficient in the Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern family. We also determine other measures for this family: the coefficient of median concordance and the relative entropy, which are analyzed by comparison with the case of independence. Secondly, we consider the problem of premium calculation in a Poisson–Lindley and exponential collective risk model, where the Sarmanov–Lee family is used as a structure function. We determine the collective and Bayes premiums whose values are analyzed when independence and dependence between the risk profiles are considered, obtaining that notable variations in premiums values are obtained even when low levels of correlation are considered.  相似文献   


In this article, a two-parameter generalized inverse Lindley distribution capable of modeling a upside-down bathtub-shaped hazard rate function is introduced. Some statistical properties of proposed distribution are explicitly derived here. The method of maximum likelihood, least square, and maximum product spacings are used for estimating the unknown model parameters and also compared through the simulation study. The approximate confidence intervals, based on a normal and a log-normal approximation, are also computed. Two algorithms are proposed for generating a random sample from the proposed distribution. A real data set is modeled to illustrate its applicability, and it is shown that our distribution fits much better than some other existing inverse distributions.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problems of frequentist and Bayesian estimation for the unknown parameters of generalized Lindley distribution based on lower record values. We first derive the exact explicit expressions for the single and product moments of lower record values, and then use these results to compute the means, variances and covariance between two lower record values. We next obtain the maximum likelihood estimators and associated asymptotic confidence intervals. Furthermore, we obtain Bayes estimators under the assumption of gamma priors on both the shape and the scale parameters of the generalized Lindley distribution, and associated the highest posterior density interval estimates. The Bayesian estimation is studied with respect to both symmetric (squared error) and asymmetric (linear-exponential (LINEX)) loss functions. Finally, we compute Bayesian predictive estimates and predictive interval estimates for the future record values. To illustrate the findings, one real data set is analyzed, and Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation and prediction.  相似文献   

The exponential–Poisson (EP) distribution with scale and shape parameters β>0 and λ∈?, respectively, is a lifetime distribution obtained by mixing exponential and zero-truncated Poisson models. The EP distribution has been a good alternative to the gamma distribution for modelling lifetime, reliability and time intervals of successive natural disasters. Both EP and gamma distributions have some similarities and properties in common, for example, their densities may be strictly decreasing or unimodal, and their hazard rate functions may be decreasing, increasing or constant depending on their shape parameters. On the other hand, the EP distribution has several interesting applications based on stochastic representations involving maximum and minimum of iid exponential variables (with random sample size) which make it of distinguishable scientific importance from the gamma distribution. Given the similarities and different scientific relevance between these models, one question of interest is how to discriminate them. With this in mind, we propose a likelihood ratio test based on Cox's statistic to discriminate the EP and gamma distributions. The asymptotic distribution of the normalized logarithm of the ratio of the maximized likelihoods under two null hypotheses – data come from EP or gamma distributions – is provided. With this, we obtain the probabilities of correct selection. Hence, we propose to choose the model that maximizes the probability of correct selection (PCS). We also determinate the minimum sample size required to discriminate the EP and gamma distributions when the PCS and a given tolerance level based on some distance are before stated. A simulation study to evaluate the accuracy of the asymptotic probabilities of correct selection is also presented. The paper is motivated by two applications to real data sets.  相似文献   

A new four-parameter distribution called the exponentiated power Lindley–Poisson distribution which is an extension of the power Lindley and Lindley–Poisson distributions is introduced. Statistical properties of the distribution including the shapes of the density and hazard functions, moments, entropy measures, and distribution of order statistics are given. Maximum likelihood estimation technique is used to estimate the parameters. A simulation study is conducted to examine the bias, mean square error of the maximum likelihood estimators, and width of the confidence interval for each parameter. Finally, applications to real data sets are presented to illustrate the usefulness of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   


The Lindley distribution has been used recently for modeling lifetime data and studying some stress-strength problems. In this paper, a new three-parameter Lindley distribution is introduced. The added location parameter offers more flexibility in fitting some real data against other common distributions. Several statistical and reliability properties are discussed. A simulation study has been carried to examine the MSE, bias, and coverage probability for the parameters. A real data set is used to illustrate the flexibility of the proposed distribution.  相似文献   

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