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运用GARCH族模型分析旅游酒店板块指数日收益率的波动特征,研究表明:旅游酒店板块收益率是一个平稳过程,其波动具有“聚集”现象和“非对称效应”。GARCH(2,1)模型比GARCH(1,1)模型更好地消除了收益率序列的异方差性;TARCH(2,1)模型的拟合效果最好;GARCH—M模型和非对称的CARCH(1,1)模型都不适用于描述收益率的波动特征。  相似文献   

波动率模型在中国股市中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对上证综合指数收益率和深证成分指数收益率进行统计分析,运用GARCH,EGARCH,TARCH模型对其进行建模,发现股票收益率序列所存在的尖峰厚尾现象、波动聚类特性以及杠杆效应,通过比较不同的模型发现非对称模型的拟合效果最为理想;另外通过采用三种不同的损失函数评价各类模型的预测效果,结果表明,非对称模型样本外预测的能力也是最强的.  相似文献   

运用二维非对称BEKK-GARCH模型,考察了上海金融期货与现货市场间收益率的非对称波动溢出效应.实证结果表明:样本期铝期货与现货收益率间存在双向的波动溢出效应,而铜期货与现货收益率波动溢出效应不显著;铜、铝期货、现货市场间都存在双向的波动非对称效应,都对来自对方市场的"消息"的冲击有显著的反应.  相似文献   

文章应用含二阶非对称效应的TARCH模型分析深证综指收益率波动的变化特征.结果显示:深证综指收益率的变动受滞后1、4阶影响较强;深证综指收益率存在较强的条件异方差,而TARCH模型能较好的消除条件异方差.相对于好消息而言,不利消息对深证综指收益率的冲击要大,且总体上存在较为明显的杠杆效应.  相似文献   

通过对极少被研究的中国股票型、债券型和混合型开放式基金收益率的波动性进行了GARCH和EGARCH模型分析,结果表明:大部分基金存在非对称效应,并且由于基金条件波动序列的非平稳性,信息冲击曲线具有多样化特征,这为非平稳非线性模型的研究提供了新的方向;通过构建基金类型指数,对开放式基金整体波动性的研究发现,中国开放式基金收益率的波动存在ARCH效应,但不具有非对称性效应。  相似文献   

应用非对称拉普拉斯分布拟合沪深两市股指日、周收益率数据。研究结果表明:非对称拉普拉斯分布能够比正态分布更好地反映两市股指的日、周收益率数据的尖峰、厚尾、偏态特征。由于非对称拉普拉斯分布有显性的表达式,便于开展参数估计和数字特征的计算,因此对于股指期货投资者而言,在计算股指收益率的VaR、CVaR进行风险测量时,采用非对称拉普拉斯分布将是较好的选择。  相似文献   

韩猛等 《统计研究》2020,37(11):106-115
门槛因子模型可以有效地刻画高维度时间序列的共变特征和区制转换行为,具有良好的可解释性和预测能力。针对因子载荷矩阵存在的门槛效应,本文提出了拉格朗日乘子和沃尔德检验方法,并给出了渐近分布,相关结果表明以上检验统计量具有良好的大样本性质和有限样本表现。在实证部分,以我国股市的行业指数作为研究对象,通过构建门槛因子模型来刻画我国股票市场波动的共变性特征和非对称效应。实证结果表明基于门槛因子模型可以很好地刻画中国股市行业收益率波动的共变特征和区制转换行为。  相似文献   

文章以2005年4月8日至2007年10月30日沪深300指数日收盘价格序列为样本,以复合收益率为研究对象,通过对股市收益率非正态性检验,分析了沪深300指数的一些典型统计特征,验证了沪深300指数收益率"尖峰厚尾"的特性。因此有必要寻找一种更合适的模型,以便更准确地反映沪深300指数收益的真实分布。最后对其进行了GARCH效应的检验,结果表明沪深300指数收益率的波动存在着显著的GARCH效应。  相似文献   

在金融风险的度量中,拟合分布的选取直接影响到风险度量的精度问题。针对金融收益序列的动态变化,在SV模型中引入广义双曲线学生偏t分布(SV-GHSKt)拟合金融收益序列的尖峰厚尾、不对称以及杠杆效应等特征,通过马尔科夫蒙特卡洛模拟的方法将收益率序列转化为标准残差序列,然后用极值理论的POT模型拟合标准残差序列尾部分布,进而建立一种新的金融风险度量模型———基于SV-GHSKt-POT的动态VaR模型。用该模型对上证综合指数做实证研究,结果表明,SV-GHSKt-POT的动态VaR模型能很好地模拟金融收益序列的尖峰厚尾性、波动集聚性及杠杆效应,并且能够合理有效地提高风险测度的精度,尤其在高的置信水平下表现更好。  相似文献   

沪深股市的风险测度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林宇  魏宇 《统计与决策》2006,(24):78-79
本文比较风险测度方法在不同置信水平下是否能力有效测度沪深市场风险.针对上证综指收益率具有自相关、波动集聚性和杠杆效应特征,运用ARMA-GJR模型对上证综指的负收益率序列进行MLE以求出条件均值和方差以及标准残差序列,运用10%的数据作为极值数据运用MLE方法来估计广义帕累托分布,还对风险测度方法的估计效果进行分析,认为极值VaR能有效测度沪深股市风险.  相似文献   

 为了更好地发挥农产品期货的避险功能,本文考察了基差和“消息”对期货套期保值比率的非对称影响。本文选取了2008年5月至2012年2月的大豆、棉花、白糖和菜油四种代表性农产品的期现货数据进行实证分析,结果表明:(1) 4种农产品期现货对数价格都是非平稳的,并且存在协整关系,协整向量靠近(1,-1),从而套期保值过程中有必要考虑基差的影响;(2) 基差和“消息”对期现货的对数收益的波动率以及相关系数均存在非对称效应;(3) 对于样本内估计和样本外预测结果,与静态模型以及DCC-GARCH模型想比,考虑基差和“消息”的非对称效应模型能更大程度地降低风险,因此套期保值过程中基差和“消息”的非对称效应不可忽略。  相似文献   

顾文涛等 《统计研究》2020,37(11):68-79
金融市场的发展关系着一国的经济命脉,而股票市场作为金融市场的重要组成部分,对其收益率的研究也一直都是学术界的热点。财经新闻常被认为蕴含着丰富的信息,其中所包含的情感信息作为影响投资者投资决策的重要因素之一,对股票收益率也具有一定的影响。故本文构建了适用于金融投资领域的财经新闻情感词典来对财经新闻进行文本分析,同时构造了新的预测模型:将财经新闻文本中所含的情感量化为情绪指数并与时变密度函数相结合,得到时变加权密度模型。并在此基础上以模型评分为权重组合多个预测模型构建出评分加权模型用于股票收益率预测。结果显示,加入情绪指数能有效提高模型预测能力,而评分加权模型的预测能力则在此基础上更进一步,在准确率以及评分规则上基本达到双重最优。  相似文献   

Sentiment affects the evolving economic valuation of companies through the stock market. It is unclear how ‘news’ affects the sentiment towards major public investments like the Olympics. In this paper we consider, from the context of the pre-event stage of the 30th Olympiad, the relationship between attitudes towards the Olympics and Olympic-related news; specifically the bad news associated with an increase in the cost of provision, and the good news associated with Team Great Britain's medal success in 2008. Using a unique data set and an event-study approach that involves compositional time-series analysis, it is found that ‘good’ news affects sentiments much more than ‘bad’, but that the distribution of such sentiment varies widely. For example, a much more pronounced effect of good news is identified for females than males, but ‘bad’ news has less of an impact on the young and older age groups.  相似文献   

吴翌琳  南金伶 《统计研究》2020,37(5):94-103
神经网络模型对大样本时间序列的拟合效果优于传统时间序列模型,但对于年度、月度、日度等低频时间序列的预测则难以发挥其优势。鉴于此,本文应用传统时间序列模型和神经网络模型,建立Holtwinters-BP组合模型,利用Holtwinters模型分别拟合各解释变量序列,利用BP模型拟合解释变量和自变量的非线性关系,基于某社交新闻类APP的日广告收入数据进行互联网企业广告收入预测研究。通过与循环神经网络(RNN)模型、长短期记忆神经网络(LSTM)模型等预测结果的对比发现:Holtwinters-BP组合模型的预测精度和稳定性更高;证明多维变量对于广告收入的显著影响,多变量模型的预测准确性高于单变量模型;构建的Holtwinters-BP组合模型对于低频数据预测有较好的有效性和适用性。  相似文献   

In this paper, changepoint analysis is applied to stochastic volatility (SV) models which aim to understand the locations and movements of high frequency FX financial time series. Bayesian inference using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo method is performed using a process called variable dimension for SV parameters. Interesting results are that FX series have locations where one or more positions of the sequence correspond to systemic changes, and overall non-stationarity, in the returns process. Furthermore, we found that the changepoint locations provide an informative estimate for all FX series. Importantly in most cases, the detected changepoints can be identified with economic factors relevant to the country concerned. This helps support the fact that macroeconomics news and the movement in financial price are positively related.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on models for recovery data from birds ringed as young. In some cases, it is important to be able to include in these models a degree of age variation in the reporting probability. For certain models this has been found, empirically, to result in completely flat likelihood surfaces, due to parameter redundancy. These models cannot then be fitted to the data, to produce unique parameter estimates. However, empirical evidence also exists that other models with such age variation can be fitted to data by maximum likelihood. Using the approach of Catchpole and Morgan (1996b), we can now identify which models in this area are parameter-redundant, and which are not. Models which are not parameter-redundant may still perform poorly in practice, and this is investigated through examples, involving both real and simulated data. The Akaike Information Criterion is found to select inappropriate models in a number of instances. The paper ends with guidelines for fitting models to data from birds ringed as young, when age dependence is expected in the reporting probability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we focus on models for recovery data from birds ringed as young. In some cases, it is important to be able to include in these models a degree of age variation in the reporting probability. For certain models this has been found, empirically, to result in completely flat likelihood surfaces, due to parameter redundancy. These models cannot then be fitted to the data, to produce unique parameter estimates. However, empirical evidence also exists that other models with such age variation can be fitted to data by maximum likelihood. Using the approach of Catchpole and Morgan (1996b), we can now identify which models in this area are parameter-redundant, and which are not. Models which are not parameter-redundant may still perform poorly in practice, and this is investigated through examples, involving both real and simulated data. The Akaike Information Criterion is found to select inappropriate models in a number of instances. The paper ends with guidelines for fitting models to data from birds ringed as young, when age dependence is expected in the reporting probability.  相似文献   

In linear mixed‐effects (LME) models, if a fitted model has more random‐effect terms than the true model, a regularity condition required in the asymptotic theory may not hold. In such cases, the marginal Akaike information criterion (AIC) is positively biased for (?2) times the expected log‐likelihood. The asymptotic bias of the maximum log‐likelihood as an estimator of the expected log‐likelihood is evaluated for LME models with balanced design in the context of parameter‐constrained models. Moreover, bias‐reduced marginal AICs for LME models based on a Monte Carlo method are proposed. The performance of the proposed criteria is compared with existing criteria by using example data and by a simulation study. It was found that the bias of the proposed criteria was smaller than that of the existing marginal AIC when a larger model was fitted and that the probability of choosing a smaller model incorrectly was decreased.  相似文献   

To capture mean and variance asymmetries and time‐varying volatility in financial time series, we generalize the threshold stochastic volatility (THSV) model and incorporate a heavy‐tailed error distribution. Unlike existing stochastic volatility models, this model simultaneously accounts for uncertainty in the unobserved threshold value and in the time‐delay parameter. Self‐exciting and exogenous threshold variables are considered to investigate the impact of a number of market news variables on volatility changes. Adopting a Bayesian approach, we use Markov chain Monte Carlo methods to estimate all unknown parameters and latent variables. A simulation experiment demonstrates good estimation performance for reasonable sample sizes. In a study of two international financial market indices, we consider two variants of the generalized THSV model, with US market news as the threshold variable. Finally, we compare models using Bayesian forecasting in a value‐at‐risk (VaR) study. The results show that our proposed model can generate more accurate VaR forecasts than can standard models.  相似文献   

We construct a monthly real-time dataset consisting of vintages for 1991.1–2010.12 that is suitable for generating forecasts of the real price of oil from a variety of models. We document that revisions of the data typically represent news, and we introduce backcasting and nowcasting techniques to fill gaps in the real-time data. We show that real-time forecasts of the real price of oil can be more accurate than the no-change forecast at horizons up to 1 year. In some cases, real-time mean squared prediction error (MSPE) reductions may be as high as 25% 1 month ahead and 24% 3 months ahead. This result is in striking contrast to related results in the literature for asset prices. In particular, recursive vector autoregressive (VAR) forecasts based on global oil market variables tend to have lower MSPE at short horizons than forecasts based on oil futures prices, forecasts based on autoregressive (AR) and autoregressive moving average (ARMA) models, and the no-change forecast. In addition, these VAR models have consistently higher directional accuracy.  相似文献   

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