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明代山东德平葛氏家族因为"三朝尚书"葛守礼的崛起而成为当地的望族,葛氏家族典型地体现了科举时代新仕宦阶层家族成长和发展的一般特征.为了承家久远,葛氏家族缘俗制礼,制订了<家礼摘要>,并利用家礼来敬宗收族、凝聚人心.通过解析葛氏家礼的撰述与实践,探讨家礼如何在不同时间营造出有利于家族联谊的"关系性空间",如何构建具有广泛包容性的血缘网络,并达至家族整合的目标.由家达乡,家礼最终是实现中国传统社会家邦和谐的"治世工具".  相似文献   

道德整合:社会公平与社会秩序获得的根本出路   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
稳定的社会秩序是一个社会健全程度的标志。因此 ,如何获得社会秩序的问题历来受到人们的关注。在所有谋求社会秩序的方式中 ,通过政府而实现的社会公平和正义是最为可靠的。一个社会只有实现了公平和正义 ,才能够消解一切根本性的社会冲突诱因 ,实现稳定的社会秩序供给。但是 ,在现实中 ,腐败问题尤其是政府中存在的一些严重的腐败问题成了当前一切社会冲突的诱因。所以 ,应当从反腐败着手 ,在实现政府道德化的过程中 ,实现整个社会道德水平的全面提升 ,实现社会秩序的道德整合  相似文献   

单位团体献血运作的过程与机制:以北京市T大学为个案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余成普 《社会》2010,30(2):116-143
本文在中国社会结构转型和血液制度变迁的背景下,以T大学的一次“女生节”献血活动为关键案例,应用集体行动的有关理论,分析单位团体献血的运作过程和运作机制。本文认为自愿无偿献血的运作过程是一个意义框架建构和延伸的过程。无偿并非没有任何激励,只是淡化物质激励,更多地强调象征激励,即对符号、话语、意义、价值等的突出,这不仅表达了对献血者的尊重,也促进了献血框架的再生产。单位团体献血的有效运作有赖于单位内部的结构易得性,由于高校具有更强的结构易得性,自然成为团体献血的主体。  相似文献   

姚凤阁 《学术交流》2008,(3):190-190
哈尔滨工程大学经济管理学院张玉喜教授的著作<产业政策的金融支持:机制、体系与政策>(经济科学出版社,2007年),作出国家社会科学基金重点项目<全面建设小康社会的产业政策研究>的研究成果之一,对此做了具有较大理论和实践价值的探索和研究.  相似文献   

王洪涛 《创新》2010,4(6):74-76
区域创新体系是国家创新体系在区域层次上的发展和延伸,是国家创新体系的有机组成部分。它是指某一区域内,在一定的创新环境下,由相互合作的参加技术创新和扩散的企业、大学及研究机构、科技中介服务机构以及政府组成的,为创造、储备、使用和转让知识、技能及新产品提供交流关系的网络系统。区域创新体系主要包括五个方面的子系统,即:知识创新体系、技术创新体系、创新服务体系、环境支持体系、投融资体系。区域创新运行过程是一个复杂的过程,其中交织着多种动力,区域创新行为的产生是外部动力和内部动力共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

医药卫生体制机制创新:特殊矛盾和路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周柏清 《创新》2009,3(2):10-14
在市场经济条件下,医药卫生事业发展面临五大特殊矛盾。我国医疗卫生事业要解决的首要问题是体制机制创新问题。公立医院改革和医疗保险体制改革相结合,建立以公益性医院为主体的医疗保险职能和公共医疗服务职能相结合的制度统一、全民覆盖、统筹城乡的新型公共医疗服务保险制度,构建政事分开、管办分开、医保基金管用分开的医疗卫生管理体制,化解现行医药卫生体制蕴藏的内在矛盾,是破解我国医改难题可行的路径选择。  相似文献   

In a social world, occasionally we all will harm others, as well as be harmed. Previous research has focused largely on how perpetration and victimization events are distinct rather than on how they might be integrated with one another, jointly shaping moral agency. We report on an exploratory qualitative analysis of narratives about perpetration and victimization. Our sample included 30 participants divided evenly by gender and age (ages 11–12, 16–17, and 19–26). Our aims were: (a) to identify potential forms of integration in moral agency across perpetration and victimization; (b) to explore developmental paths in integration; and (c) to examine forms of integration that were not tied directly to the construction of moral agency. We found three frequent integration patterns: harm was similarly understandable in perpetrator and victim narratives; harm was similarly incomprehensible in perpetrator and victim narratives; and harm was understandable in perpetration narratives but incomprehensible in victim narratives. Other forms of integration suggestive of how diminished moral agency can be reclaimed via narrative also were identified.  相似文献   

卢兆龙  何智 《创新》2011,5(2):42-45,127
"企业家政府"理论的适用,超出了国界和社会制度的范畴,符合我国行政服务机构的发展现状和塑造服务型政府的社会发展趋势,对改革和完善我国行政服务机构运行机制有一定的借鉴和参考价值。  相似文献   

The present study examined moral distress among Finnish social workers and the role of perceived resource insufficiencies in explaining it. The aim was to shed light on this understudied phenomenon in the field of social welfare. The study focused on work‐related moral distress, defined as impaired wellbeing that is connected to the continual inability to implement actions that one considers morally appropriate. The survey data were collected with an electronic questionnaire between the years 2011 and 2012. The respondents (n = 817) were social workers in the public social welfare services and the overall response rate was 46.5 per cent. Nearly 11 per cent of the respondents reported experiencing moral distress and perceived resource insufficiencies strongly explained this experience. Moreover, social workers with moral distress reported that they were less willing to continue in their post, were more frequently on sick leave and had positive work‐related experiences less often than their colleagues who did not experience moral distress. Key Practitioner Message: ● The concept of moral distress is useful in describing the experiences of social welfare workers when they are unable to practise their profession according to their moral code and the emotional burden related to this inability;Perceived resource insufficiencies are strongly associated with experiences of moral distress among frontline social workers;Social workers experiencing moral distress are less willing to continue in their work, take sick leave more often and less frequently have positive experiences related to their work.  相似文献   

景风华 《社会》2016,36(2):31-57
在发生母杀父的人伦惨剧时,子女应当如何作为是困扰中国传统法律的难题。中国传统士大夫就这一问题的论争主要围绕着对《丧服》等经典的诠释展开。在“继母杀父”的案件中,孔季彦由“绝生母”推导出“绝继母”,而汉武帝从“继母如母”的经义本身得出继母身份的存废依据,魏晋丧服学家则进一步提出继母可能因失去配父之义而丧失母名,然亲生母子关系却不会断绝的观点。在“亲母杀父”的立法之争中,窦瑗立足于父系伦理,强调“父尊母卑”,要求人子“为父绝母”,控告母亲;封君义则站在孝子的服制立场上,认为子女对于父母的情感是相同的,理应保持缄默。后一观点的阶段性胜利使中国传统法有关母子关系的规定在父系家族伦理秩序中呈现出别样的面貌。  相似文献   

新兴国家崛起正在打破以西方为中心的国际等级权力结构,给国际政治带来了经典的结构性张力。但是,新兴国家崛起又具有三个全新的结构性特征,包括国际体系的扩展、新国际安全关系和"区域极化"等。这些特征一方面在很大程度上可以避免激烈的大国冲突甚至霸权战争,另一方面又为新地区国际秩序的出现注入积极因素。  相似文献   

王翀 《唐都学刊》2007,23(5):30-32
作为公共权力的运作者和实施者,公务员应承诺包括行政道德责任在内的许多责任。现实中,行政道德责任的落实并不容易甚至出现缺失状况。为此,应该强化道德人格,坚持制度正义原则。道德人格是实现行政道德责任的依据,制度正义原则是实现行政道德责任的保障,二者相辅相成,共同促进责任的实现。  相似文献   

日本女性社会保障运行机制是其社会保障体系的重要组成部分,主要通过《生育休假法》、《男女雇用机会均等法》等法律法规确保女性在生育、教育、就业、医疗和养老等方面的权利,并将构筑"国民皆参保"的医疗保障网作为保障女性权益的重要一环。日本在加强女性社会保障立法和健全女性社保机制方面很值得中国借鉴。  相似文献   

This study examines the construction of the culture-specific self through a form of seemingly harmful socializing practices among young Taiwanese children. Spontaneous daily family interactions have been systematically and longitudinally videotaped in seven families and events of shame are found to occur regularly at all datapoints. One third of these events occur in chains, involving multiple episodes about the child's transgressions committed at different times, mostly in the here-and-now, followed by reenactments of the past and expectations for a better self in the future. While in nearly half of the episodes, some authority is explicitly invoked to judge the child's behaviors, family members are always co-present with the child and ready to share his/her transgression and shame. Findings of analyses on spatiotemporal and relational markers in these situated events suggest a dynamic and fluid view of the self and a holistic treatment of multi-leveled contexts.  相似文献   

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