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本文收集和整理了英文委婉法在社会生活中的广泛应用,涉及到社会生活的许多方面,提供了大量的委婉用语,并且归纳了这些用语的用法、使用目的,以及运用范围:(一)表示人之死、年老、蠢学生、肥胖人等一类的委婉语,是为了避免刺伤别人的感情;(二)关于人之卫生习惯如上厕所一类的委婉语,是为了避免使用那些粗俗的字眼,使谈话变得文雅些;(三)表示盗窍、被囚禁等一类的委婉用语,是为了在披露事实时,避免使用那些直统统的词语;(四)关于咒骂一类的委婉语,是为了用一种婉转的方式表达愤慨;(五)关示性交一类的委婉语,是为了回避人们忌讳使用的诲淫字眼;(六)关于贫困、失业一类的委婉语,可以和缓地说出令人难受的实际情况;(七)关于人体部位的委婉语,可以使那些不宜启齿的名词变得婉转悦耳一些;(八)关于低级职业方面的委婉语,可以使人听起来不觉得低人一等,在某种意义上也反映了人们争取改变现状的美好愿望;(九)关于杀身的委婉语,可以使人听起来不致毛骨悚然;(十)关于政治军事活动方面的委婉语,目的在于掩盖事情的真相,用一种娓娓动听的词句来蒙骗群众;(十一)关于不道德方面的委婉语,是用来粉饰某些人的不道德行为;还有其它杂类,存这里就不列举了。光汉  相似文献   

福建:出台老年人优待措施日前,福建省印发了《关于进一步做好老年人优待工作的意见》,要求各地建立公共财政补偿机制,对承担公益事业和完成政府指令性任务增加支出的单位,  相似文献   

In this article we investigate the propensities to have the second child in Italy for foreign women from Albania, Morocco, and Romania. Our study contributes to the international debate on migrant fertility by testing the main competing hypotheses present in literature, using the Italian case as an illustration. Italy is an important case study because it has been a country of immigration for only a few decades and because the literature on this topic was limited in Italy by the difficulties in obtaining proper longitudinal data. An important component of our work was therefore to build a new data set, using record linkage procedures that allow us to improve the information from Survey on Birth and Resident Permit Registers and to study the individual childbearing trajectories. Our results confirm the importance of the mother??s citizenship. The impact remains strong after controlling for the main demographic and migratory characteristics. We found that older cohorts experience a disruption effect but that a native Italian partner can promote an adaptation process such as a convergence in fertility behavior toward that of native Italian women.  相似文献   

Although there is some awareness of how women in infertility treatment have suffered physically and psychologically, it is a little known fact that there is a limit to the “cures” that can be achieved even with assisted reproductive technologies. Here, I describe how the existence of ART affects women’s decision making about their lives. Through life histories of women who underwent infertility treatment, I explore the factors which cause their suffering and conflict—that they cannot give up on having children even though they want to give up—as follows: (1) The models of their ideal family which have been formed throughout their lives is ‘ordinary’ family; (2) they experienced the alienation from their own bodies in infertility treatment; (3) they are afraid that they deviate from the community norm because of infertility; (4) their narrative shows their suffering from infertility is caused by tense relationship in family and community. These factors make women in infertility belittle themselves. Through their life histories, I conclude that they need to be empowered if they want to akirameru (give up) having children after prolonged infertility treatment. To paraphrase, a woman who suffers from infertility and infertility treatment is empowered when she becomes unafraid to deviated from cultural norms.
Azumi TsugeEmail:

在诗歌的翻译中,译者要根据需要对所译的作品进行表层结构的调整和深层结构的传达,其中以后者的难度更大。美国诗人朗费罗的A Psalm of Life是最早被译为汉语的英诗,研究其不同译本如何传达原文的深层结构对诗歌翻译的研究具有积极的意义。  相似文献   

译者的风格是文学翻译中译者身份的标识。译者风格的建构离不开译文所体现的语言特征和贯穿于译文的翻译观。朱生豪、梁实秋两位翻译家所译《理查二世》译文风格迥异,在于译者处于不同的文化背景,出于各自的翻译目的、翻译原则和审美取向,采用了不同的解读文本策略,从而分别形成了“豪放、率真、大气”和“含蓄、简洁、典雅”的两种艺术风格。  相似文献   

《IsThereLifeonEarth?》(collegeEnglish,UnitOne,BookTwo)是闻名遐迩的美国《华盛顿晚邮报》幽默专栏作家ArtBuchwald的手笔.语言幽默而脱俗,讽刺辛辣而精深,无论是在构思谋篇和文体风格方面,还是在炼词殷句和修辞方法方面,邪不乏精到之处.本文拟就这篇幽默小品的修辞手法进行简折.作者运用了多种修辞手法,从不同的侧面增强了文章的说服力和感染力.设问(Rh。tonealQuestion):一位地球上的作家竟以“IsThereLifeonEarth?”为题著文立说,供诺亚方舟的读者们阅读.乍看起来,颇有荒诞无稽、危言耸听之嫌,但细细琢…  相似文献   

This paper “maps” a number of trajectories through which the conceptual contours of sex could be traced in the bioscientific discourse of Republican China. Focusing on the writings of the embryologist Zhu Xi (1899–1962), I analyze the epistemic functionality of such biological terms as ci (“biological femaleness”) and xiong (“biological maleness”) that acquired an unprecedented scope of cultural discursiveness in China only alongside the arrival of Western biology, which replaced classical learning and natural studies as the authoritative field of inquiry about life. I first show that when Chinese scientists used these terms to describe the sex of biological species, they relied on an epistemological framework of visual knowledge that granted some foundational operative power to a signifying order in which one could know by seeing the differences between ci and xiong (and, ultimately, sexual differences). These two terms’ lexicality and indexicality thus mutually reinforced one another in the production of their semiotic possibilities and epistemo-logicality. I then show that while they adopted ci and xiong as the bioscientific synonyms of the more culturally anthropocentric words such as (woman) and nan (man), Chinese biologists also incorporated sophisticated biological theories of sex from Europe and North America, including the theories of “gynandromorphism” and “intersexuality.” The implicit and explicit figurations of hermaphroditism reveal the ways in which at the heart of the entire bioscientific discourse of ci and xiong resides its key conceptual anchor: the human–non-human divide.
Howard Hsueh-Hao ChiangEmail:

翻译实践证明,译者审美情趣、艺术修养和翻译观念的不同直接影响翻译过程中译者的具体操作,忠实地译出散文的内涵与风格殊为不易,而是否能使译文读者得到与原作读者相似的审美信息和审美感受应作为评判译文高下的重要标准之一。译作之美,不只取决于原作客体表现的完美,更取决于译者主体再现的完美。美国作家Washington Irving的散文不乏佳译。对比评析Rural Life in England的译文证明,散文翻译作为一种审美艺术创造,要求艺术上高度的选择性,即必须择优而从,以使译作臻于完美。  相似文献   

DiscussionoftheConnotationofEnglishTermsbyLiuShuyingIt’sessentialforustoknownotonlythedenotationofEnglishtermsbutalsotheconno...  相似文献   

As an inseparable part of language teaching,language testing will either foster or impede language teaching,depending on whether it is appropriately employed or not.Nevertheless,language testing and assessment system in China leaves much to be desired.The author takes the case of National Matriculation English Test(NMET) which boasts an annual testing population of millions and exerts tremendous impact on high school teaching and learning in China to discover the problems of Chinese Language Testing and offers some suggestions for improvement.  相似文献   

As time goes by.Liaoning University is going to celebrate her 60th anniversary.To carry forward the spirit of our school motto-"Have moral integrity and learn what is best.Live up to our cause and make China strong  相似文献   

TheArtofOrganizingaPieceofEnglishProse¥LiWenzhiAbstract:ApieceofEnglishproseisusuallymadeupofthreemainparts:introduction,body...  相似文献   

Charlotte Bronte in one of the distinguished English novelists of themid-19th century.As a gifted woman of the 19th century,she has  相似文献   

The book Leaves of Grass was written by Walt Whitman (1819-1892). Through Whitman, American poets finally freed themselves from the Old English traditions. Whitman invented a completely new and completely American form of poetrc expression. To him,message was always  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine trends in life expectancy by educational level in Belgium and to present elements of interpretation for the observed evolution. The analysis is based on census data providing information on educational level linked to register data on mortality for the periods 1991–1994 and 2001–2004. Using exhaustive individual linked data allows to avoid selection bias and numerator–denominator bias. The trends reveal a general increase in life expectancy together with a widening social gap. Summary indices of inequality based on life expectancies show, however, a more complex pattern and point to the importance to include the shifts in population composition by educational level in an overall assessment of the evolution of inequality by educational level.  相似文献   

a simulation of     
technique.thermophysical experiment;VRML;virtual reality;simulation军内工程热物理虚拟实验专项经费0实验技术与管理Experimental Technology and Management106-108TP391.9I138;C13;A;I;I138_C13;王建中;100-102试剂测量的虚拟实验模型设计李振亭;陈中;河南师范大学教育技术系,河南师范大学教育技术系 河南新乡453007,河南新乡4  相似文献   

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