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Given the vigorous support of the Chinese Government and women's federations, at all levels throughout China, there are many outstanding examples of women who have started their own businesses in various regions of the country. They have not only realized, through their painstaking efforts, their dreams of getting rich through hard work, they have also employed many women and helped some women start businesses. As a result, they have created tremendous social and economic benefits.  相似文献   

WHEN the market economy took the place of the planned economy, Chinese society entered a stage of transformation. This transformation brought about the reform of the labor management system. And with it, the contradiction hidden within the old mode of "full employment for women" was exposed. Market competition is doomed to be a competition of talent. A considerable number of women factory workers who can't adapt to a competitive workforce have been sifted out. These women who had immersed themselves in their jobs for many years and had gotten used to connecting their individual lives with the destiny of the enterprise couldn't accept this reality. Chinese women have made tremendous efforts to leave their homes in favor of working in factories;  相似文献   

OF the 517 large and small cities in the country, more than 300 have women mayors and vice mayors. These women play an important role in the construction and development of their cities. Ordinary Chinese people like to call their local officials "father-and- mother officials," but these women  相似文献   

DRUM teams from along the Yellow River are known not only in China but by many foreign friends. Recently women have formed their own teams and their performances have further increased the popularity of this ancient Chinese folk art.  相似文献   

THE degree of women's participation in politics is a good indicator of women's emancipation. Chinese women have been concerned about the number of women in politics after they gained economic independence as a whole. In 1986, no woman was elected a member of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee at the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of China; the next year, some women leading cadres lost their reelections at all governmental levels. Since there were only a few women cadres, these events caused wide repercussions in society and the press considered Chinese women's emancipation movement challenged and the future of women's participation in politics was an anxious issue.Afterwards, governments and women's federations at all levels have made great efforts to train more women cadres and have made headway. Because of these efforts, Peng Peiyun became a State Councillor, two women have become Vice-Chairmen of the National People's Congress, one women has become Vice-Chairman of the Chine  相似文献   

THE intense excitement of the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women (FWCW) waned, with Chinese women realizing the heavy commitments outlined in the Beijing Declaration and the Platform for Action. The documents, which represent the grand goals women have set for realizing their emancipation, will surely be fulfilled through the arduous efforts of women throughout the world. A look back at the past year following the release of the Platform for Action reveals the earnest and effective efforts Chinese women have made for realizing  相似文献   

Over the past two years,Chinese and Russian women paintershave exchanged visits introducing each other to the typicalcharacteristics of their art.They have exchanged ideas andestablished friendships.  相似文献   

March 8th is International Women's Day. This day is an ideal opportunity to reflect on the progress made to advance women's equality, to assess the challenges facing women in contemporary society and to consider future steps to enhance the status of women and, of course, to celebrate the gains made in these areas. During this commemoration, the All-China Women's Federation will honor Chinese women who have made outstanding achievements. The honorees set an example, inspiring women to utilize their full potential for the good of society and to realize their own value  相似文献   

ON the eve of the founding of the People's Republic of China,Chinese women established their own nationwide organizationin Beijing-the All-China Democratic Federation of Women.Thefounding of the womens federation greatly promoted thedevelopment of the women’s movement in China and women hadtheir own home at last,In the late 40s and 50s,Chinese womenexperienced an unprecedented change in their lives;they wereassigned their own land for the first time during the Land Reformand the women’s federation helped the government to eradicate the  相似文献   

Nuannan (nuan means warmth and nan means men) has become one of the most popular terms among Chinese women in recent months. Many of those women have said they admired nuannan, or warmhearted men, because they could easily arouse their imaginations about Jove.  相似文献   

IN any society, the degree to which women receive education is always linked with their social status. Up to the first half of the 20th century Chinese women were still not able to attend school. In the old China, 90 percent of women were illiterate, and the enrollment rate for girls was only 20 percent. After the People's Republic of China was founded in 1949, the government established that women legally enjoyed equal rights with men in politics, the economy and education. After 45 years, women have considerably improved  相似文献   

In Shanghai,a rapidly-developing modern metropolisthere are a lot of foreign women who have moved with theirfamilies to live and work there.During their leisure time theytake sightseeing trips and study Chinese culture,so theybecome readers and friends of our magazine.Recently,at ourReaders Forum in Shanghai,women from the UK,Belgium,the  相似文献   

Since the 1990s,it has been hard to identify a single trend in the way Chinese women choose their spouses.Coinciding with the country's fast-growing economy and the large number of highly educated women,Chinese women are becoming increasingly  相似文献   

MY late grandmother was one of the last generation of women who had bound feet. In the beginning of this century, she was born in a small remote village inhabited by the Mongol and Han nationalities. In those years her mother bound her childish feet tightly, using strips of cloth, so her feet remained small and pointed. Although I didn't know much about life when I was a child, I often felt constrained at the sight of my grandmother's bound feet. While I was growing up, I read some books about women's emancipation and started to be more concerned about the fate of women. Chinese women have struggled up a long  相似文献   

JUNE 5, 1994 has been mandated World Environment Day. On this day the first meeting on Women and the Environment in China was held in Beijing and the Declaration of Chinese Women on Environment was established. According to the declaration, environmental pollution and the destruction of the ecology have posed a serious threat to the survival of the human race. It has become a great issue of common concern. The functions of women in procreation and social development are directly affected by the deterioration of the environment. It is the common interest of the populations of the world to protect the environment. The declaration notes that Chinese women are greatly concerned about the environmental conditions of their  相似文献   

WHEN they first entered the open door of China, foreign entrepreneurs probably did not expect that their coming would help to shorten the distance between ordinary Chinese women and developed countries of the outside world. In the Jinzhou Industry and Technology Development Zone in Dalian, Liaoning Province, a large number of young women whose families have been living a rural life for generations are working in foreign funded enterprises and are a major part of the labor force there.  相似文献   

ON November 12, 1993, the Chinese Women Lawyers Society was established in Beijing. The more than 10,000 women lawyers in the country were excited to have their own organization. Xu Weihua, secretary-general of the society and a lawyer working in the All-China Women's Federation, said: "The society's establishment will promote the participation of  相似文献   

FOR over 2,000-year Chinese feudal society excluded women from political life. Women had their feet bound. This very real restraint also symbolized the way women were oppressed by political power, clan power, religious authority and the authority of the husband. Because of their long history of subjection women could hardly comprehend the profound meaning of the equal political rights stipulated in the first constitution after  相似文献   

THE decision-making status of rural women in families is an important aspect which reflects the degree of their participation in development. Implementation of the Nairobi Forward-Looking Strategies for the Advancement of Women represent over the past 10 years has witnessed the gradual maturation of the production-related contract responsibility system in Chinese rural areas. Family functions have been further strengthened in both productive and social development in basic units such as production, consumption and trade. The period has been an important time for the rapid development of Chinese township  相似文献   

In every important historical event from the Founding Ceremony of New China in 1949 to today's opening and reform, from domestic economic construction to regional wars in the word, Chinese women journalists have left their footprints. The eight pictures shown here are not able to display all of their charms, but at least our readers may see how they cover their reports with diligence and hard work.  相似文献   

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