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In religious terms, East and West Germany are still two separate societies more than 20 years after reunification. While the large majority of the population in West Germany belongs to one of the two main Christian churches, the proportion of those without a denomination in East Germany is now more than 70 %. Moreover, as far as church involvement, confidence in the church and individual religiosity are concerned, the West Germans have a much stronger religious affiliation to the church than their East German counterparts. The main reason for this difference is the influence of different political systems and legal cultures in East and West during the period when the two parts of Germany were divided. The fact, though, that the process of secularization has continued unabated in East Germany since 1989, and that the religious and ecclesiastical discrepancies between the two parts of the country have, if anything, become stronger rather than weaker since then, would suggest that there are other factors at work here, too. In this contribution, we argue that one of the factors that needs to be considered is the dominant denominational culture that exists in each of the two parts of the country, a culture which is highly persistent, can easily reproduce itself, puts pressure on the respective minority cultures, and is able to diffuse into them. While the dominant denominational culture in West Germany is able to slow down the current processes of secularization, the secular, non-denominational majority culture in the East tends rather to produce effects which accelerate these processes. In this essay, we use a variety of empirical indicators (effectiveness of religious socialization, denominational affiliation, churchly affiliation, faith in God) to demonstrate these effects.  相似文献   

This article discusses the by the evolution genetically preformed behavior of human beings in group settings and the socially valued acting in small groups (a social representation) as naturally given and socially desirable. This is the individual behavior in groups which is automatically facilitated by evolution and culture. These guidelines known as normative influences are successful under specific tasks (selection advantage), other tasks with different aims than the reproduction success are hindered by the same internal facilitation leading to the well-known effects of losses of group performance. Against this natural behavior in groups (internal facilitation) group facilitation methods, which are task oriented, have to be developed (external facilitation) to avoid the losses and reach the expected advantages. Theoretical and practicable hints are given.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung  Der Aufsatz stellt das Profilstudienprogramm ‚Konfliktberatung für P?dagoginnen und P?dagogen‘ an der Universit?t Kassel vor. Dabei handelt es sich um ein freiwilliges Studienangebot für Lehramtsstudierende. Die Ausbildungsziele werden auf Grundlage von aktuellen Untersuchungsergebnissen zu den Gründen von Frühpensionierungen im Lehrerberuf im Kontext von psychosozialen Belastungen und berufsrelevanten Pers?nlichkeitsmerkmalen erl?utert. Im Anschluss daran werden die Bedeutung der Berufswahlmotivation sowie die Schulung der F?higkeit zur Selbstreflexion als ein wesentlicher Teil der Professionalisierung im Lehreramtsstudium hervorgehoben. Die verschiedenen Seminarbausteine werden vorgestellt. Abschlie?end wird die Bedeutung des Profilstudienprogramms für die Lehrerbildung diskutiert.
Timo NolleEmail:

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