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Many algorithms originated from decision trees have been developed for classification problems. Although they are regarded as good algorithms, most of them suffer from loss of prediction accuracy, namely high misclassification rates when there are many irrelevant variables. We propose multi-step classification trees with adaptive variable selection (the multi-step GUIDE classification tree (MG) and the multi-step CRUISE classification tree (MC) to handle this problem. The variable selection step and the fitting step comprise the multi-step method.

We compare the performance of classification trees in the presence of irrelevant variables. MG and MC perform better than Random Forest and C4.5 with an extremely noisy dataset. Furthermore, the prediction accuracy of our proposed algorithm is relatively stable even when the number of irrelevant variables increases, while that of other algorithms worsens.  相似文献   

Summary. When a number of distinct models contend for use in prediction, the choice of a single model can offer rather unstable predictions. In regression, stochastic search variable selection with Bayesian model averaging offers a cure for this robustness issue but at the expense of requiring very many predictors. Here we look at Bayes model averaging incorporating variable selection for prediction. This offers similar mean-square errors of prediction but with a vastly reduced predictor space. This can greatly aid the interpretation of the model. It also reduces the cost if measured variables have costs. The development here uses decision theory in the context of the multivariate general linear model. In passing, this reduced predictor space Bayes model averaging is contrasted with single-model approximations. A fast algorithm for updating regressions in the Markov chain Monte Carlo searches for posterior inference is developed, allowing many more variables than observations to be contemplated. We discuss the merits of absolute rather than proportionate shrinkage in regression, especially when there are more variables than observations. The methodology is illustrated on a set of spectroscopic data used for measuring the amounts of different sugars in an aqueous solution.  相似文献   

In this paper, we .consider the problem of prediction of an unobserved variable and then selecting a group of individuals which are superior with respect to this variable. It is desired at the same time that for this group, mean values of other unobserved variables or some other function of some variable are above certain prespecified levels. We provide the methods of computing the decision rules for these problems. These problems may be termed as the problems of restricted prediction.  相似文献   

Many tree algorithms have been developed for regression problems. Although they are regarded as good algorithms, most of them suffer from loss of prediction accuracy when there are many irrelevant variables and the number of predictors exceeds the number of observations. We propose the multistep regression tree with adaptive variable selection to handle this problem. The variable selection step and the fitting step comprise the multistep method.

The multistep generalized unbiased interaction detection and estimation (GUIDE) with adaptive forward selection (fg) algorithm, as a variable selection tool, performs better than some of the well-known variable selection algorithms such as efficacy adaptive regression tube hunting (EARTH), FSR (false selection rate), LSCV (least squares cross-validation), and LASSO (least absolute shrinkage and selection operator) for the regression problem. The results based on simulation study show that fg outperforms other algorithms in terms of selection result and computation time. It generally selects the important variables correctly with relatively few irrelevant variables, which gives good prediction accuracy with less computation time.  相似文献   


This paper is motivated by our collaborative research and the aim is to model clinical assessments of upper limb function after stroke using 3D-position and 4D-orientation movement data. We present a new nonlinear mixed-effects scalar-on-function regression model with a Gaussian process prior focusing on the variable selection from a large number of candidates including both scalar and function variables. A novel variable selection algorithm has been developed, namely functional least angle regression. As it is essential for this algorithm, we studied the representation of functional variables with different methods and the correlation between a scalar and a group of mixed scalar and functional variables. We also propose a new stopping rule for practical use. This algorithm is efficient and accurate for both variable selection and parameter estimation even when the number of functional variables is very large and the variables are correlated. And thus the prediction provided by the algorithm is accurate. Our comprehensive simulation study showed that the method is superior to other existing variable selection methods. When the algorithm was applied to the analysis of the movement data, the use of the nonlinear random-effect model and the function variables significantly improved the prediction accuracy for the clinical assessment.


Most methods for variable selection work from the top down and steadily remove features until only a small number remain. They often rely on a predictive model, and there are usually significant disconnections in the sequence of methodologies that leads from the training samples to the choice of the predictor, then to variable selection, then to choice of a classifier, and finally to classification of a new data vector. In this paper we suggest a bottom‐up approach that brings the choices of variable selector and classifier closer together, by basing the variable selector directly on the classifier, removing the need to involve predictive methods in the classification decision, and enabling the direct and transparent comparison of different classifiers in a given problem. Specifically, we suggest ‘wrapper methods’, determined by classifier type, for choosing variables that minimize the classification error rate. This approach is particularly useful for exploring relationships among the variables that are chosen for the classifier. It reveals which variables have a high degree of leverage for correct classification using different classifiers; it shows which variables operate in relative isolation, and which are important mainly in conjunction with others; it permits quantification of the authority with which variables are selected; and it generally leads to a reduced number of variables for classification, in comparison with alternative approaches based on prediction.  相似文献   

Variable selection is an important decision process in consumer credit scoring. However, with the rapid growth in credit industry, especially, after the rising of e-commerce, a huge amount of information on customer behavior is available to provide more informative implication of consumer credit scoring. In this study, a hybrid quadratic programming model is proposed for consumer credit scoring problems by variable selection. The proposed model is then solved with a bisection method based on Tabu search algorithm (BMTS), and the solution of this model provides alternative subsets of variables in different sizes. The final subset of variables used in consumer credit scoring model is selected based on both the size (number of variables in a subset) and predictive (classification) accuracy rate. Simulation studies are used to measure the performances of the proposed model, illustrating its effectiveness for simultaneous variable selection as well as classification.  相似文献   

Graphs and networks are common ways of depicting information. In biology, many different biological processes are represented by graphs, such as regulatory networks, metabolic pathways and protein-protein interaction networks. This kind of a priori use of graphs is a useful supplement to the standard numerical data such as microarray gene expression data. In this paper, we consider the problem of regression analysis and variable selection when the covariates are linked on a graph. We study a graph-constrained regularization procedure and its theoretical properties for regression analysis to take into account the neighborhood information of the variables measured on a graph, where a smoothness penalty on the coefficients is defined as a quadratic form of the Laplacian matrix associated with the graph. We establish estimation and model selection consistency results and provide estimation bounds for both fixed and diverging numbers of parameters in regression models. We demonstrate by simulations and a real dataset that the proposed procedure can lead to better variable selection and prediction than existing methods that ignore the graph information associated with the covariates.  相似文献   

This paper is about variable selection with the random forests algorithm in presence of correlated predictors. In high-dimensional regression or classification frameworks, variable selection is a difficult task, that becomes even more challenging in the presence of highly correlated predictors. Firstly we provide a theoretical study of the permutation importance measure for an additive regression model. This allows us to describe how the correlation between predictors impacts the permutation importance. Our results motivate the use of the recursive feature elimination (RFE) algorithm for variable selection in this context. This algorithm recursively eliminates the variables using permutation importance measure as a ranking criterion. Next various simulation experiments illustrate the efficiency of the RFE algorithm for selecting a small number of variables together with a good prediction error. Finally, this selection algorithm is tested on the Landsat Satellite data from the UCI Machine Learning Repository.  相似文献   

Summary.  Many contemporary classifiers are constructed to provide good performance for very high dimensional data. However, an issue that is at least as important as good classification is determining which of the many potential variables provide key information for good decisions. Responding to this issue can help us to determine which aspects of the datagenerating mechanism (e.g. which genes in a genomic study) are of greatest importance in terms of distinguishing between populations. We introduce tilting methods for addressing this problem. We apply weights to the components of data vectors, rather than to the data vectors themselves (as is commonly the case in related work). In addition we tilt in a way that is governed by L 2-distance between weight vectors, rather than by the more commonly used Kullback–Leibler distance. It is shown that this approach, together with the added constraint that the weights should be non-negative, produces an algorithm which eliminates vector components that have little influence on the classification decision. In particular, use of the L 2-distance in this problem produces properties that are reminiscent of those that arise when L 1-penalties are employed to eliminate explanatory variables in very high dimensional prediction problems, e.g. those involving the lasso. We introduce techniques that can be implemented very rapidly, and we show how to use bootstrap methods to assess the accuracy of our variable ranking and variable elimination procedures.  相似文献   

Penalized regression methods have recently gained enormous attention in statistics and the field of machine learning due to their ability of reducing the prediction error and identifying important variables at the same time. Numerous studies have been conducted for penalized regression, but most of them are limited to the case when the data are independently observed. In this paper, we study a variable selection problem in penalized regression models with autoregressive (AR) error terms. We consider three estimators, adaptive least absolute shrinkage and selection operator, bridge, and smoothly clipped absolute deviation, and propose a computational algorithm that enables us to select a relevant set of variables and also the order of AR error terms simultaneously. In addition, we provide their asymptotic properties such as consistency, selection consistency, and asymptotic normality. The performances of the three estimators are compared with one another using simulated and real examples.  相似文献   

In parametric regression models the sign of a coefficient often plays an important role in its interpretation. One possible approach to model selection in these situations is to consider a loss function that formulates prediction of the sign of a coefficient as a decision problem. Taking a Bayesian approach, we extend this idea of a sign based loss for selection to more complex situations. In generalized additive models we consider prediction of the sign of the derivative of an additive term at a set of predictors. Being able to predict the sign of the derivative at some point (that is, whether a term is increasing or decreasing) is one approach to selection of terms in additive modelling when interpretation is the main goal. For models with interactions, prediction of the sign of a higher order derivative can be used similarly. There are many advantages to our sign-based strategy for selection: one can work in a full or encompassing model without the need to specify priors on a model space and without needing to specify priors on parameters in submodels. Also, avoiding a search over a large model space can simplify computation. We consider shrinkage prior specifications on smoothing parameters that allow for good predictive performance in models with large numbers of terms without the need for selection, and a frequentist calibration of the parameter in our sign-based loss function when it is desired to control a false selection rate for interpretation.  相似文献   

The prequential approach to statistics leads naturally to model list selection because the sequential reformulation of the problem is a guided search over model lists drawn from a model space. That is, continually updating the action space of a decision problem to achieve optimal prediction forces the collection of models under consideration to grow neither too fast nor too slow to avoid excess variance and excess bias, respectively. At the same time, the goal of good predictive performance forces the search over good predictors formed from a model list to close in on the data generator. Taken together, prequential model list re-selection favors model lists which provide an effective approximation to the data generator but do so by making the approximation match the unknown function on important regions as determined by empirical bias and variance.  相似文献   

In the framework of cluster analysis based on Gaussian mixture models, it is usually assumed that all the variables provide information about the clustering of the sample units. Several variable selection procedures are available in order to detect the structure of interest for the clustering when this structure is contained in a variable sub-vector. Currently, in these procedures a variable is assumed to play one of (up to) three roles: (1) informative, (2) uninformative and correlated with some informative variables, (3) uninformative and uncorrelated with any informative variable. A more general approach for modelling the role of a variable is proposed by taking into account the possibility that the variable vector provides information about more than one structure of interest for the clustering. This approach is developed by assuming that such information is given by non-overlapped and possibly correlated sub-vectors of variables; it is also assumed that the model for the variable vector is equal to a product of conditionally independent Gaussian mixture models (one for each variable sub-vector). Details about model identifiability, parameter estimation and model selection are provided. The usefulness and effectiveness of the described methodology are illustrated using simulated and real datasets.  相似文献   

In biomedical studies, it is of substantial interest to develop risk prediction scores using high-dimensional data such as gene expression data for clinical endpoints that are subject to censoring. In the presence of well-established clinical risk factors, investigators often prefer a procedure that also adjusts for these clinical variables. While accelerated failure time (AFT) models are a useful tool for the analysis of censored outcome data, it assumes that covariate effects on the logarithm of time-to-event are linear, which is often unrealistic in practice. We propose to build risk prediction scores through regularized rank estimation in partly linear AFT models, where high-dimensional data such as gene expression data are modeled linearly and important clinical variables are modeled nonlinearly using penalized regression splines. We show through simulation studies that our model has better operating characteristics compared to several existing models. In particular, we show that there is a non-negligible effect on prediction as well as feature selection when nonlinear clinical effects are misspecified as linear. This work is motivated by a recent prostate cancer study, where investigators collected gene expression data along with established prognostic clinical variables and the primary endpoint is time to prostate cancer recurrence. We analyzed the prostate cancer data and evaluated prediction performance of several models based on the extended c statistic for censored data, showing that 1) the relationship between the clinical variable, prostate specific antigen, and the prostate cancer recurrence is likely nonlinear, i.e., the time to recurrence decreases as PSA increases and it starts to level off when PSA becomes greater than 11; 2) correct specification of this nonlinear effect improves performance in prediction and feature selection; and 3) addition of gene expression data does not seem to further improve the performance of the resultant risk prediction scores.  相似文献   

In prediction problems both response and covariates may have high correlation with a second group of influential regressors, that can be considered as background variables. An important challenge is to perform variable selection and importance assessment among the covariates in the presence of these variables. A clinical example is the prediction of the lean body mass (response) from bioimpedance (covariates), where anthropometric measures play the role of background variables. We introduce a reduced dataset in which the variables are defined as the residuals with respect to the background, and perform variable selection and importance assessment both in linear and random forest models. Using a clinical dataset of multi-frequency bioimpedance, we show the effectiveness of this method to select the most relevant predictors of the lean body mass beyond anthropometry.  相似文献   

Classification models can demonstrate apparent prediction accuracy even when there is no underlying relationship between the predictors and the response. Variable selection procedures can lead to false positive variable selections and overestimation of true model performance. A simulation study was conducted using logistic regression with forward stepwise, best subsets, and LASSO variable selection methods with varying total sample sizes (20, 50, 100, 200) and numbers of random noise predictor variables (3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 50). Using our critical values can help reduce needless follow-up on variables having no true association with the outcome.  相似文献   

As modeling efforts expand to a broader spectrum of areas the amount of computer time required to exercise the corresponding computer codes has become quite costly (several hours for a single run is not uncommon). This costly process can be directly tied to the complexity of the modeling and to the large number of input variables (often numbering in the hundreds) Further, the complexity of the modeling (usually involving systems of differential equations) makes the relationships among the input variables not mathematically tractable. In this setting it is desired to perform sensitivity studies of the input-output relationships. Hence, a judicious selection procedure for the choic of values of input variables is required, Latin hypercube sampling has been shown to work well on this type of problem.

However, a variety of situations require that decisions and judgments be made in the face of uncertainty. The source of this uncertainty may be lack ul knowledge about probability distributions associated with input variables, or about different hypothesized future conditions, or may be present as a result of different strategies associated with a decision making process In this paper a generalization of Latin hypercube sampling is given that allows these areas to be investigated without making additional computer runs. In particular it is shown how weights associated with Latin hypercube input vectors may be rhangpd to reflect different probability distribution assumptions on key input variables and yet provide: an unbiased estimate of the cumulative distribution function of the output variable. This allows for different distribution assumptions on input variables to be studied without additional computer runs and without fitting a response surface. In addition these same weights can be used in a modified nonparametric Friedman test to compare treatments, Sample size requirements needed to apply the results of the work are also considered. The procedures presented in this paper are illustrated using a model associated with the risk assessment of geologic disposal of radioactive waste.  相似文献   

The article considers a Gaussian model with the mean and the variance modeled flexibly as functions of the independent variables. The estimation is carried out using a Bayesian approach that allows the identification of significant variables in the variance function, as well as averaging over all possible models in both the mean and the variance functions. The computation is carried out by a simulation method that is carefully constructed to ensure that it converges quickly and produces iterates from the posterior distribution that have low correlation. Real and simulated examples demonstrate that the proposed method works well. The method in this paper is important because (a) it produces more realistic prediction intervals than nonparametric regression estimators that assume a constant variance; (b) variable selection identifies the variables in the variance function that are important; (c) variable selection and model averaging produce more efficient prediction intervals than those obtained by regular nonparametric regression.  相似文献   

There are several procedures for fitting generalized additive models, i.e. regression models for an exponential family response where the influence of each single covariates is assumed to have unknown, potentially non-linear shape. Simulated data are used to compare a smoothing parameter optimization approach for selection of smoothness and of covariates, a stepwise approach, a mixed model approach, and a procedure based on boosting techniques. In particular it is investigated how the performance of procedures is linked to amount of information, type of response, total number of covariates, number of influential covariates, and extent of non-linearity. Measures for comparison are prediction performance, identification of influential covariates, and smoothness of fitted functions. One result is that the mixed model approach returns sparse fits with frequently over-smoothed functions, while the functions are less smooth for the boosting approach and variable selection is less strict. The other approaches are in between with respect to these measures. The boosting procedure is seen to perform very well when little information is available and/or when a large number of covariates is to be investigated. It is somewhat surprising that in scenarios with low information the fitting of a linear model, even with stepwise variable selection, has not much advantage over the fitting of an additive model when the true underlying structure is linear. In cases with more information the prediction performance of all procedures is very similar. So, in difficult data situations the boosting approach can be recommended, in others the procedures can be chosen conditional on the aim of the analysis.  相似文献   

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