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The book Leaves of Grass was written by Walt Whitman (1819-1892). Through Whitman, American poets finally freed themselves from the Old English traditions. Whitman invented a completely new and completely American form of poetrc expression. To him,message was always  相似文献   

Chinese and English are two diametrically opposed languages. Chinese isa tone language characterized by ideographic monosyllabism, by a completelack of any system of inflection, and by the use of tone or pitch to conveysemantic differences between words otherwise similarly pronounced. English  相似文献   

The analysis of test paper is greatly significant to the improvement of testing and English teaching. This paper evaluates a College English archievement test by examining its reliability and validity, both of which are of primary concern in testing. And item analysis is also conducted to find out the problems of the test itself. Based on the evaluation, the paper is to call for teachers' attention of enhancing the quality of arckievement test.  相似文献   

This paper mainly focuses on investigating to what extent and how listening comprehension was affected by students‘anxiety, which was considered to be one of the factors to which EFL/ESL teachers must pay attention. The author of the thesis used a questionnaire on trait anxiety and one on state anxiety to look into students‘anxiety levels exhibited in the listening part of the College English Band IV Test. 52 subjects from the Inner Mongolia (Polytechn:c) University of Technology were involved in the investigation. Data collected from the investigation were statistically analyzed using SPSS 10. 0. The research findings indicate that anxiety is a factor to affect the students’ listening performances, that means the reduction of trait anxiety levels may facilitate listening performances of the students. Visualization is a promising technique for treatment.  相似文献   

As we all know, Whitman was one of the great innovators in American literature. Through Whitman, American poets finally freed themselves from the old English traditions. Leaves of Grass was Whitman's lifework. In Leaves of Grass he tried to celebrate the American masses to express the labouring people's love for freedom and portray the people's life under certain conditions of 19th. century America. In  相似文献   

<正> Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known by the pen name ofMark Twain, was the first real American auther. He grew upnext to the river (Mississippi), and had been tramp printer, ri-ver pilot, Confederate guerilla, prospector, journalist. He traveled ac-ross the country for more than a third of his life, digestingthe American experience, after that he translated it into litera-ture. When he was old, he grew cynical, bitter, saddened by the  相似文献   

This paper attempts a brief survey on the study and development of Englishlinguistics.It consists of five parts.Part one is concerned with the author'sconcept on linguistics.Part two explains that English linguistics of the daysbefore the twentieth century was included in literatnre and drama,and didn'tcome to the fore as an independent branch of learning.But the expansion of  相似文献   

John Boynton Priestley is one of great English writers in the first half of 20th century.He was good at novel,play and essay.At the tailors is a typical essay with apparent characteristics.Through making an analysis on its presentation,the author tries to find out the inner meaning of the words and lines.  相似文献   

This study aims to examine the prevalence of job burnout and its probable causes among College English teachers. Data were collected among a random sampling of 270 College English Teachers who filled out the Chinese Maslach Burnout Inventory ( CMBI) and a socio-demographic inventory. The findings indicate that College English Teachers register a low-to-average degree of job burnout with the detection rate of 75. 4% . Group differences on the three dimensions are determined by different factors. Reduced personal accomplishment shows significant difference on gender and marital status. Emotional exhaustion shows significant difference on highest degree and number of years on the job. Differences on all three dimensions are observed concerning academic title and school type,though not significant.  相似文献   

A Study on English Presbyterian Mission Activity in Hakka Area, 1881-1949
HU Wei-qing (School of History and Culture, Shandong University, Jinan, Shandong 250100) Abstract: Most of the missionaries affiliated with English Presbyterian Mission were highlanders so they cherished a special feeling for Hakka who lived in the East Guangdong highland. Based on Wujingfu in Jieyang, they penetrated into Northern Hakka area and even enlarged their scope to West Fujian and South Jiangxi. Nevertheless, the Hakka church represented by Wujingfu could not match the Hoklo church represented by Swatow both in scale and in effect. It is apparent that local society and economy restricted the development of their missionary enterprise. Key words: EPM;Hakka;Wukingfu;Swatow  相似文献   

To paraphrase is a helpful method frequently used in English teaching. What does it mean? How to do paraphrase? The writer cites some sentences from textbooks and some teaching materials so as to sum up the way of paraphrasing in several aspects. One is paraphrasing the key words and expressions of a sentence in a paraghaph. The other is paraphrasing the rhetorical device by explaining or revealing the implication of the figure of speech and extending the meaning on the basis of the centural idea or in accordance with the logical coherence of the context.  相似文献   

Throughout the world there are millions of students studying English in hundreds ofcountries.As this study is so widespread a vast number of teachers are non—native speakers.Each country has its own policy towards language learning and each country also has its ownsector of private language schools;within both sectors the vast majority of teachers are notnative speakers,but they still do a very good job.By using a variety of teaching techniquesand by embracing the communicative approach to language teaching,the teachers can teachthe language effectively.Teachers in different countries and indeed,within different schoolshave a variety of feelings about using English(the target language)in class.The concept maypose many problems for individual teachers,but we must remember why most people learn  相似文献   

To use a language properly, we of course have to know the grammatical structures of the language and their meanings,but we also have to know what forms of language are appropriate for given situations,and for this purpose,this thesis briefly explains the social variants of English,such asl (informal English), (written English)and (American English).  相似文献   

The metaphysical poetry,as a rather influential literary school,plays a momentous andpredominant part in eariy seventeenth century English literature.The marked quality ofmetaphysical poetry,as practiced by Donne and his successors,is their philosophical subtlety orintellectual rigor,while the quintessence of which consists in its peculiar blend of thought andpassion of realistic violence and meditative refinements.Doctor Johnson accused the metaphysical  相似文献   

100years ago, Ivy Lee founded modern publicrelations by establishing the first news agencyin the US. During the two world wars, public rela-tions services made much progress throughout theworld. After the reform and opening-up, publicrelations, as a management function, was introducedinto China along with western modern management,was gradually accepted and acknowledged by theChinese society, and had formed a new professionalservice market by the end of last century. For everyPR practitione…  相似文献   

在Advanced English (Ⅰ) (Ⅱ)两册中,我们常常在课文中见到这样的语言现象:描写A事物的性质或特征的形容词被移用来描写B事物。 如(1)…there was a freazied rush of Jews.("Marrakch" by George Orwell) (狂乱的犹太人奔了起来。) (2)Several vacationers…held a hurricane party to watch the storm from their spectacular vantge point.  相似文献   

Teaching English yocabulary forms an important link in the processof teaching a text.If a teacher of English is able to teach vocabulary in aninteresting and efficient manner by using various methods,his stduents willreceive benefit from him.Various efficient ways will help students remembernew words and phrases more quickly and easily and therefore save a lot  相似文献   

Language, as a special form of culture, will develop itself by absorbing the valuable elements from other cultures and languages. This essay will mainly concentrate on some English slang words, colloquial usages concerning Chinese culture.  相似文献   

What is structruralism?Is it a school or a movement?Many critics agreethat structruralism is,in a broad sense,a revolution in the human thinkingprocess.Structuralism is,as Barthe,properly defined in,the activity of re-defining all the cultural phenomena,an activity grounded in the belief th-at like language,a myth,wrestling match,system of tribal kinship orrestaurant menu is a system of signs,In this connection,structuralism ismuch concerned with and influenced by the modern schools of linguisticsespecially by the structural linguistics originated by Sausure.  相似文献   

<正> Ⅰ. INTRODUCTION Along with the development of language, the use of ellipsishas become common in informal English as well as in formal.Not only we meet with the omission of words frequently,but that of phrases or even sentences. Neglecting it, we may,sometimes make mistakes and get into trouble. And this bringsbefore us the importance of English ellipsis. So, here, Iwould like to have an initial study of English ellipsis, the  相似文献   

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