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根据二语习得理论,母语及母语文化在英语口语表达交际中不只是起负迁移的作用,母语图式提供口语交际的认知基础,同时母语文化图式可以作为英语口语文化背景的参照体系。因此教师在教学中可以适当地、有策略性地调用母语图式,运用母语认知和母语文化来辅助口语教学。  相似文献   

王艳 《学术交流》2007,(7):126-128
依据关联理论的框架,从认知语用的角度对话语标记语进行分析,可以看出,话语标记语的语用功能主要体现在三个方面:首先,话语标记语对话语理解具有语用制约功能,在话语理解过程中,话语标记语的使用制约了话语理解的程序意义,为听话者指明了话语理解的方向,从而保证了听话人理解话语时付出最小的努力。其次,话语标记语具有明示功能,即话语标记语通过自身所标记的明示逻辑语义关系在不同的语境条件下对听话人的推理过程起着语用制约作用。最后,话语标记语具有语篇组织功能,在语篇中连接着句子与句子之间、段落与段落之间的各种语义和逻辑关系。话语标记语的存在是关联性的要求,是话语交际过程中的一种明示导向标记。  相似文献   

近年来,第二语言习得研究领域呈现出多样化发展的趋势,认知研究方法就是其中之一.通过辨析"认知"一词在语言与语言习得研究不同理论或方法中的内涵差异发现,第二语言习得研究中的认知属于狭义认知心理学范畴,而认知语言学中的认知是广义的,是研究认知结构对语言的影响.因此,二语习得研究不应停留在把语言处理看做信息加工过程的认知心理学阶段,而应从认知语言学这一新的视角时其进行研究,借鉴和应用认知语言学的最新研究成果.  相似文献   

胡云飞 《唐都学刊》2002,18(1):122-123
语义作为翻译的核心 ,要依托具体的语用环境来得以重塑和再生 ;语境作为一个语义整体 ,其具体形态、对象、时机、场合等因素是语义不可分割的一部分。借用关联理论加以分析 ,语符换改的动态流程就是寻找和发掘宏观、微观语境中语言内部或语际间的最佳关联性。在英语中 ,任何表意的语言成果 ,无论语词、语句、语段、语篇 ,甚而层次、内含、语势、照应上都时常展现出一定的关联特征和语义思维脉络。语符移译时 ,有心存留一些语言语境的关联意识 ,如实把握一些语言表象的关联特征 ,对语符的改换 ,不仅能更恰切地传述语义和更本质地还原语境 ,也能开阔认知的视界  相似文献   

语义作为翻译的核心,要依托具体的语用环境来得以重塑和再生;语境作为一个语义整体,其具体形态、对象、时机、场合等因素是语义不可分割的一部分.借用关联理论加以分析,语符换改的动态流程就是寻找和发掘宏观、微观语境中语言内部或语际间的最佳关联性.在英语中,任何表意的语言成果,无论语词、语句、语段、语篇,甚而层次、内含、语势、照应上都时常展现出一定的关联特征和语义思维脉络.语符移译时,有心存留一些语言语境的关联意识,如实把握一些语言表象的关联特征,对语符的改换,不仅能更恰切地传述语义和更本质地还原语境,也能开阔认知的视界.  相似文献   

元认知与第二语言习得间的关系研究成为近年来语言学、心理学和教育学领域的热点问题.元认知是认知的认知,包括元认知知识、元认知体验和元认知监控.元认知全方位影响第二语言的习得.从元认知知识的角度来看,学习者要重视对语言学习的认知因素和情感因素的认知,加强对学习任务、内容和策略等的元认知,统筹学习活动的计划、组织、监控、调节和评价.从元认知体验的角度来看,要充分发挥其在二语习得的元认知知识和认知调节之间、元认知活动和认知活动之间的中介作用.从元认知监控的角度来看,学习者要根据元认知知识和元认知体验对二语习得过程中的认知活动进行积极的、及时的监控以达到预定目标,最终实现元认知在二语习得中的效用最大化.  相似文献   

词形维度着重于揭示词汇构成规律,扩大学生词汇量。词汇层面的文化内涵最为丰富。对文化内涵词的理解和掌握一方面了解英美国家的文化,另一方面在阅读中加深对语篇的理解,并在交际中恰当地使用英语。语义关系维度是在教学中激活生词的同义词、反义词及其相关的搭配形成百科知识语义网络。引导学生寻找语境线索猜测词义和掌握词汇学习策略,并在语境中习得词汇知识。  相似文献   

王红莉 《社科纵横》2009,24(1):165-167
本文在认知语言学框架下,对Tyler和Evans的语义网络模型及其意象图式分析进行思辨的基础上,以小说Gone with the Wind中的介词over为例,分析建构其语义网络并借助简图模拟解释各义项的意象图式,为后续的以意象图式的跨语言映射为标准的介词over的英汉翻译个案研究奠定了必要的研究基础。  相似文献   

“者”字在文言文中是一个常见的词,古汉语语法家和不少语法书谈到它的作用时,看法大都有所不同。王力先生在《古代汉语》中认为“者”字是一种特别的指示代词,同时,还是一个语气词。下面我们浅谈一下“者”字在古代汉语中的语法功能。  相似文献   

郭萍 《社科纵横》2007,22(7):159-160
英专学士论文摘要是具有特定体裁特征的语篇。本文采用了体裁分析理论对英专学士论文中英文摘要进行了对比研究。进而提出了体裁教学法在英专学士论文摘要写作教学的实施步骤,其目的是使学生从宏观结构和微观结构上对学位论文摘要有一个认知把握,以提高学生的整体学术论文写作能力。  相似文献   

李娓 《唐都学刊》2006,22(6):79-81
《周易》是我国传统文化的根干,儒家奉为群经之首,道家奉为道藏三玄之首。佛教传入中国,与儒道合而为一,并构成中国传统文化的基础。易家的太极、儒家的天命、道家的道、佛家的空,皆是宇宙全息图的不同体现方式,是宇宙万有生存准则的不同表述。  相似文献   


This article examines the issues of long-term planning and decision-making among midlife and older gay men and lesbian caregivers. Using a qualitative methodology, in-depth interviews were conducted with 19 gay men and lesbians over 50. Participants reported on their long-term planning and decision-making processes. All but four persons reported that their partners had advance directives, but the majority of caregivers did not have advance directives for themselves. Concerns about informal family dynamics and interactions with formal systems were expressed, along with financial and ownership issues. It is important for social workers to intervene across individual, organizational, and community levels in advocacy for the needs of older gay men and lesbian clients.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to disentangle the common and unique genetic and environmental influences on social–emotional competence, problem behavior, physiological dysregulation, and negative emotionality (NE) in toddlers. The sample consisted of 243 twin pairs (mean age =31.94 months) rated by primary caregivers (>95% mothers) on the Children's Behavior Questionnaire and the Infant‐Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment. A multivariate Cholesky Decomposition revealed three shared environmental factors, with one set of environmental influences common to competence, problem behavior, and physiological dysregulation, a second common to problem behavior and physiological dysregulation, and a third common to physiological dysregulation and NE. Also, there were two additive genetic factors, with one explaining variance in competence, NE, and a small amount of variance in problem behavior, and a second explaining variance in problem behavior and NE. Given the common shared environmental factors across outcomes, these results suggest that toddlerhood could be a particularly important time to intervene, as interventions could simultaneously improve competencies and reduce problem behaviors. This study also highlights the need for genetically informed research to examine the etiology of multiple outcomes and address overlap.  相似文献   

袁济喜 《求是学刊》2002,29(1):85-90
中国古典美学论及艺术之美的内在依据时 ,强调艺术美对于自然界的依存与回归 ,以物我合一为最高的境界 ,形成了意境范畴 ;在论及艺术美的主体性时强调情感的真诚自然 ,认为艺术只有进入真诚无伪的情感之门时 ,才能产生撼人的美学魅力。这些美学观念在今天极具启迪意义。  相似文献   

宫秀华 《求是学刊》2001,28(1):108-112
从公元前 6世纪末到公元 1世纪 ,罗马已由一个共和制的城邦国家发展成为号令意大利半岛、称霸地中海世界的奴隶制大帝国。罗马从共和制到帝制这一历史巨变是通过不断向外扩张、征服完成的。本文重点论述罗马在大规模的扩张战争中工商业的发展 ,认为战争是刺激罗马工商业发展的原动力 ,统一帝国的建立促进了地中海世界商贸活动的开展。本文还介绍了庞培古城的羊毛制造业 ,从而加深对罗马帝国初期社会经济生活的了解与认识  相似文献   


Little evidence exists regarding the role of Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) utilization on life satisfaction among older people who are both homebound and low-income. Guided by the personal-environment (P-E) fit perspective, this study aims to: (1) describe characteristics of older people with homebound and low-income status; (2) investigate how the combination of homebound and low-income status is associated with life satisfaction; and (3) examine whether HCBS utilization moderates the association between homebound and low-income status and life satisfaction. Data were drawn from the 2012 Health and Retirement Study, and the sample included respondents who were 51+ years who completed a questionnaire for HCBS utilization (n= 1,662). Results describe sociodemographic, health-related, and environmental characteristics of older adults. Combined homebound and low-income status was a significant predictor of lower life satisfaction (β = ?0.15, p< .05), but better life satisfaction when they used HCBS (β = 0.33, p <.10). These findings suggest that promoting HCBS utilization is a promising strategy to enhance well-being among those homebound and poor. Further studies are needed to test the effectiveness of HCBS with longitudinal data and to investigate the details of effective HCBS utilization such as frequency of use and types of services.  相似文献   

曹丽 《创新》2009,3(2):38-41
近年,随着中国-东盟自由贸易区建设进程的深入推进,南宁与越南经贸合作日益密切,双方投资合作取得一些进展,但也存在投资规模不大、水平不高、发展不平衡等问题。近期看,双方投资合作将随着国际金融危机的蔓延,面临着极大的挑战,发展速度将有所放缓,并且更多地转向国内投资,以刺激消费,保持经济稳定增长;长期看,双方投资合作将随国际经济环境的改善,双方经济将稳步发展并加速向前推进。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to understand the similarities and differences between social enterprise (SE) systems in Korea and Bangladesh in terms of the emergence, background, development, and current status of the SE's policies and support systems in these two countries. This study employs a conceptual qualitative analysis, and the data used in this study were obtained from multiple reliable literature reviews. The data were analyzed based on a text‐by‐text comparison of social enterprises in the two countries, and the results were revealed through written explanation. In Korea, the SE system emerged as social employment creation plan after the currency crisis in 1997. Later, in 2007, this movement turned into the “Social Enterprise Promotion Act.” Conversely, in Bangladesh, the SE system emerged as a result of NGOs’ activities to “alleviate poverty” and “facilitate job creation” after the War of Independence in 1971 in an informal socioeconomic conditions. There is no explicit legal form of SEs in Bangladesh. This study also suggests the nature and scope of SEs and the barriers to sustainability of SEs in both countries. The study also emphasized the foundations to develop relevant policies as well as clear regulations for the future sustainability of the SEs of these two countries.  相似文献   

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