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Coherent decision analysis with inseparable probabilities and utilities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article explores the extent to which a decision maker's probabilities can be measured separately from his/her utilities by observing his/her acceptance of small monetary gambles. Only a partial separation is achieved: the acceptable gambles are partitioned into a set of belief gambles, which reveals probabilities distorted by marginal utilities for money, and a set of preference gambles, which reveals utilities reciprocally distorted by marginal utilities for money. However, the information in these gambles still enables us to solve the decision maker's problem: his/her utility-maximizing decision is the one that avoids arbitrage (i.e., incoherence or Dutch books).  相似文献   

This article explores the concomitant change in one client's object relations and his image of God that occurred in the context of psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy. The case demonstrates the benefit of long-term psychoanalytically oriented treatment to help an individual with major mental illness to heal emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. The client, who suffers from bipolar I disorder, experienced significant developmental mastery as he moved from the paranoid/schizoid position to the depressive position (developmental stages conceptualized by theorists Melanie Klein and Douglas Fairbairn). In addition, the psychotherapy mitigated the effects of homonegativity on M's self-image and his experience of his homosexuality. Through our work, the client began to see and interact with this clinical social worker, others, and the God of his understanding, in a more realistic and healthy manner. M's participation in a 12-Step group and his adherence to its beliefs augmented changes he made through psychotherapy. Through a long-term psychoanalytically oriented psychotherapy and involvement in Al-Anon meetings, the client's belief in a punishing God shifted toward a more benevolent one—a God who had a plan for his life that was revealed through the transformation of his suffering. In summary, M's object relations changed toward a greater balance of emotions and development of more textured relationships, including his relationship toward himself and God.  相似文献   

朱雯琤 《社会》2019,39(3):154-182
福柯对伊朗革命持支持立场而被人称为他的“叙拉古问题”。他为伊朗革命中的“政治精神性”所着迷,然而遭到了知识界众多批评和指责。本文尝试理解“政治精神性”,并对福柯所持的赞许态度做出明证。通过分析福柯1978年以及之后的思想著作,文章试图阐明福柯支持“政治精神性”的两种层面,它体现出人的集体意志和超越世俗性的力量,在福柯眼中它们就是反抗西方理性政治的有力武器。加上福柯对多元文化的偏好,造就了他对伊朗革命的支持态度。“政治精神性”同时联系起了福柯思想中后期从政治到主体的两大元素,他从政治领域的“生命政治”到伦理领域的“自我技术”,都在探究个人如何转变其自身主体性,并沿着主体性实践开展他的现代性研究。福柯并非完全正确,但他借伊朗革命所体现的政治精神性,为公共政治领域讨论提供了一种主体性实践视角的新立场。  相似文献   

王建民 《社会》2019,39(6):87-120
费孝通先生晚年倡导面向“精神世界”的社会学研究,不仅强调了社会学的人文性格,而且指明了回溯和整理传统思想资源以理解人心的意义。古代士人在仕隐之间的进退趋避是精神世界研究的重要课题,盛唐诗人王维可作为重要个案。本文运用“知人论世”的方法,以王维的生命史、编年诗及他与其他诗人的交往为线索,考察其如何在仕隐之间调适精神世界的矛盾冲突。王维通过人际和诗文往来形成的社会交游空间、自然山水空间和灵性佛理空间,构成一个融和自然与人文的“人生圜局”,以寻求精神世界在“入世有为”和“消极退避”之间的平衡,而其精神苦痛也可以从这个圜局的层级变动或缺失中探寻根源。本文认为,把握世风民情、生命史的再现以及理解和体会的功夫,是研究士人精神世界的重要门径。  相似文献   

张巍卓 《社会》2016,36(2):99-122
在早期的1880/1881年手稿《共同体与社会--文化哲学的原理》中,滕尼斯奠定了一门经验的文化科学及其未来理论体系的基础。通过对这部作品的考察,本文揭示了滕尼斯的“文化科学”内含的三个辩证运动着的维度:(1)洞察经验事实;(2)在对事实进行反思的基础上形成生活理想;(3)寻求在经验中实现理想。对滕尼斯来说,“文化科学”的奠基工作同他对德国现实命运的关切紧密联系,面对抽象个人主义与国家专制主义的双重困境,滕尼斯产生了重塑伦理生活的理想。通过“文化科学”对人性的重新解读,他提出了一种可能的“共同体”的生活模式。在1887年出版的第一版《共同体与社会》里,滕尼斯将历史的维度加入“文化科学”之中,继承并发展了1880/1881年手稿的基本问题。本文尝试指出,考察滕尼斯所奠基的文化科学传统,对于反思当今的社会科学研究仍然具有启发意义。  相似文献   

吴柳财 《社会》2005,40(4):52-76
京剧《四郎探母》讲述的是宋辽两国交战,主人公杨四郎身处两个家和两个国的伦理困境中,而铁镜公主、佘太君、萧太后等人对情义的认同和坚守最终成全了杨四郎探母乃至回令的故事。晚清至民国,京剧《四郎探母》在民众当中十分流行,广受欢迎,但1949年之后这部剧却经历了四次大讨论,并屡次被禁演,而在解禁后又长演不衰。对四郎的同情和理解与对四郎“不忠不孝”“叛国投敌”的批评和斥责,形成了鲜明的对比。本文认为,京剧《四郎探母》所表达的传统中国社会是情理社会,而人们也正是通过以情理为基本取向的社会行动最终铸就了一个以情理为基本精神的社会结构。情理的根本是人伦,人伦精神贯穿于家国社会之中。  相似文献   

In his Truth and Probability (1926), Frank Ramsey provides foundations for measures of degrees of belief in propositions and preferences for worlds. Nonquantitative conditions on preferences for worlds, and gambles for worlds and certain near-worlds, are formulated which he says insure that a subject's preferences for worlds are represented by numbers, world values. Numbers, for his degrees of belief in propositions, probabilities, are then defined in terms of his world values. Ramsey does not also propose definitions of desirabilities for propositions, though he is in a position to do this. Given his measures for probabilities of propositions and values of worlds, he can frame natural definitions for both evidential and causal desirabilities that would measure respectively the welcomeness of propositions as items of news, and as facts. His theory is neutral with respect to the evidential/causal division. In the present paper, as Ramsey's foundations are explained, several problems and limitations are noted. Their distinctive virtue – their evidential/causal neutrality – is demonstrated. Comparisons are made with other foundational schemes, and a perspective is recommended from which nonquantitative foundations are not the be all for quantitative theories of ideal preferences and credences.  相似文献   

佐虓 《学术交流》2006,(6):142-144
陶渊明的诗文与高洁的人格在当时就为人们所称赞,这与他儒道杂糅的思想和人生经历是分不开的。他的诗文为人们描述了一个令人神往的田园世界,他的人生与心路历程为后来者提供了借鉴,后代作家更是从他那里寻找到了精神上的力量。可以说,陶渊明为中国传统隐逸风气的形成开了先河。  相似文献   

Assignments of greater expected value to dominated options in Newcomb problems are analyzed as manifestations of reflective incoherence. The prospect of a greater reward by choosing a dominated option is illusory, since any ill gotten, i.e. irrational, gains can be leeched away by submitting the agent to a dynamic Dutch Book. In the Appendix, a proof is given which shows that if the agent is to avoid the Dutch Book in Newcomb situations, his degrees of belief are reflectively coherent if and only if his desirabilities at the time of choice align with his desirabilities at the time of action.  相似文献   

In his article, “Saving Critical Realism,” Harre (2009 ) relates his revised philosophy of science to a social philosophy concerning the nature of society, and to a political philosophy regarding the nature of freedom and reform. I argue that his social philosophy and political philosophy rest upon an individualistic sense of society and freedom. I demonstrate that his individualism is factually and politically untenable. (I shall not comment on his philosophy of science, although the errors in his social and political philosophies make it suspect.) I counterpose an alternative social philosophy and political philosophy that are based on a structural model of society, freedom, and social change. My critique demonstrates how social science can adjudicate claims of structuralist vs. individualist social and political philosophy. It also argues that social science must constitute the basis for formulating political ideals of freedom and social organization if these are to be viable.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Lars-Christer Hydén, Department of Social Work, Stockholm University, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Summary The facts of household finances generally obtain their meaningfrom the moral standards of everyday life: it is in relationto these standards that we evaluate our personal finances. Personswho lack money and apply for social welfare compensation generallyhave to turn to a public social welfare bureau where their eligibilityis assessed by a professional social worker. The central questionfor the present study is how social workers and clients dealwith the morally delicate question of personal financial deficitsand how this question should be processed in a formal and institutionalsetting by formal means. This problem is discussed through ananalysis of conversations between social workers and clientsat social welfare bureaux in the municipality of Stockholm,Sweden. In pursuing a formal inquiry the social worker is conductinga moral search: the social worker has to determine the moralcharacter of the client and the circumstances around his/herhandling of his/her own financial situation. The ‘relevantcharacteristics of the citizen’ that the social workertries to match with the beneficiary rules are of a moral nature.In this respect, the social worker is not only a social workerbut also a moral worker. In order to define and defend his orher moral character the client has to pursue the financial issueas a moral issue. In the encounter, the client alludes to everydaycircumstances to account for his/her financial situation andto justify it by applying everyday moral standards.  相似文献   

陈公望 《求是学刊》2000,(3):101-104
钱谦益最值得归庄钦佩者有二卓越的文学成就;对后进的提携与培养。又鉴于钱谦益一生的坎坷遭遇及其从事实际的反清复明运动,则又为归庄所同情和理解,故而,对钱氏“晚节不保”之举采取了宽容、理解和谅解的态度。  相似文献   

The author reviews The Revolutionary Romanticism of Shelley, a critical biography by I. Neupokoeva (Goslitizdat, Moscow, 1959, 470 pp.) which shows the poet as a child of his age and relates his creative output to his social as well as his esthetic views. Literaturnaya Gazeta, 1961, No. 3.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):389-398
For rehearsal and educative evaluation of the competence of adult learners in working with groups, participants are rotated through four facets of videotaped role-playing including immediate play back and assessment by self and colleagues. For full involvement in this comprehensive learning process, each participant in turn (1) takes a member role in a 10-minute simulation, (2) uses rating sheets to assess "worker's" performance on selected dimensions of interventive focus, models of group work intervention, and "building blocks" ofsocial work practice, (3) becomes the "worker" with prechosen focus for his/her behaviors in the simulation, and (4) based on the videotaped playback, provides a self-analysis of his/her performance skills.  相似文献   

李鹏 《学术交流》2003,(11):160-163
郁达夫是中国现代文学上典型的情绪化作家,他的艺术创作以伤感忧郁的浪漫风格为人所瞩目。童年经验对一个人有着很大的影响,对于郁达夫来说,童年经验尤其是对于爱的缺失和贫穷两方面的童年创伤经验,影响了他人格气质的形成,并成为他艺术创作的重要动因,同时也是其艺术创作魅力的底蕴所在。  相似文献   

Kenneth Arrow posed the hypotheses that investors reveal decreasing absolute risk aversion (DARA) and increasing relative risk aversion (IRRA). It is very difficult to empirically test these two hypotheses since one needs to analyze an investor's investment decisions at various points in his/her economic life cycle as the investor's wealth varies. An experimental study is conducted to test these two hypotheses when the subject's wealth varies depending on his/her investment performance. The experiment involves an actual money gain or loss which is indexed to the individual's investment performance. It is found that DARA is indeed strongly supported, but IRRA is rejected.  相似文献   

This year marks the 100th anniversary of Nelson Mandela’s birth. The reason the global media reacted strongly to the news of Mandela’s death five years ago can be found in his lasting contributions and his immortal spirit. Mandela’s spirit is characterized by the noble ideals of opposing apartheid and achieving democracy, freedom and equality; by his philosophy of reconciliation, marked by magnanimity and forgiveness; by his principled stand for peace and justice in Africa and the world; by his political wisdom in summing up the situation and meeting the challenges of the times, evinced in his quitting office at the peak of his political life; by his thankfulness for help and concern for vulnerable groups; and by his personal charm, as reflected in his magnanimity, sense of humor, sincerity and sense of equality. These six qualities are closely connected and constitute a dialectical unity. South Africa is the birthplace of Mandela and the soil in which the Mandela spirit grew. The fact that South Africa produced a Mandela is closely connected with his historical era and the social environment, as well as the influence of countries around the world and the international support he received. Above all, however, Mandela’s rise was closely tied to his noble ideals and outstanding character. In a word, the internal and external origins of the Mandela spirit complement and illuminate each other. The Mandela spirit is rooted in South Africa, yet it belongs to the whole world and the whole human race. Its radiant reason, dynamism and strong personal influence will continue to illuminate our world with an eternal charisma. The world of today needs the Mandela spirit more than ever.  相似文献   

李颖晖 《社会》2015,35(1):143-160
基于结构决定与相对剥夺的两种视角,本文研究发现了教育程度对收入分配公平感的复杂影响路径。教育程度作为优势性地位获得,对分配公平感存在正向影响。教育程度越高,收入分配公平感越强。但这种正向影响也存在条件性:教育作为个人地位投资,激发相应的回报期待,随着基于教育投入的期待收入与实际收入差距的扩大,这种正向影响会降低,且教育程度越高,降低的幅度越大。这一条件性的发现有利于解释既有研究的矛盾结论,具有重要的社会意涵:当教育投资作为“制度化手段”无法实现地位获得这一“文化目标”时,这种“断裂”可能会引发“分配不公”的心理失范。  相似文献   

白爱平 《唐都学刊》2006,22(3):11-13
贾岛出家及还俗的时间地点问题是贾岛生平仕历研究的一个重要问题。通过对现有史料记载以及贾岛等人诗文的考证分析,可知贾岛贞元九年(793)在北岳恒山出家为僧,时年15岁。后曾住洛阳石楼及嵩山一带。贞元十七年(801)在石楼与韩愈初次相识。元和六年(811)春在洛阳又遇到时任河南县令的韩愈,同年秋跟随韩愈赴长安准备应进士举,但并未马上还俗。冬十一月返回家乡范阳,处理僧俗事务。至迟于次年即元和七年(812)春还俗并参加进士考试,时年34岁。  相似文献   

朱斌 《社会》2017,37(5):193-216
本文利用CGSS2006的数据,基于不同类型资本继承与转化的特点,考察了配偶父亲的社会经济地位对城市居民精英地位获得的影响,结果显示:第一,由于文化资本的传递需要长时间累积,配偶父亲的文化资本对个体成为专业精英没有帮助;第二,在中国,政治资本依然是具有支配性作用的,更容易转化为经济资本,但经济资本难以转化为政治资本;因此,配偶父亲的政治资本有助于个体成为市场精英,反之则比较困难。第三,资本的使用可能存在边际收益递减规律,婚后配偶的父亲带入的异质性资本效用可能会强于已被多次使用的父亲资本,因此,婚后配偶的父亲的社会经济地位对个体精英地位的获得具有更强作用。此外,配偶的父亲的影响对于不同性别的个体而言有所差异,虽然精英代际转化同时适用于不同性别,但精英代际继承更适用于男性。  相似文献   

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