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历史街区是城市文化的载体,也是城市旅游发展的新亮点。从当地居民参与视角,结合西安书院门历史街区的发展实际,对当地居民参与街区旅游开发的态度及意愿进行实证调查和数据分析,发现其参与程度和相关利益等之间存在线性相关关系等,并进一步提出沟通渠道、参与机制和宣教活动等对城市历史街区的旅游开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国的城市化水平已超过50%,城镇化率赶上了世界平均水平。中国已经进入城市型社会,但还处在城市社会的初级阶段。这是构建新时期、新阶段中国城市化道路、方针、政策和战略框架的基本依据。从世界历史看,城市化是通向现代化的必由之路,但也与大量失去生产资料和生活资料的自由劳动者的出现紧密相连。改革开放以来,中国城市化发展迅速,成功避免了其他国家高速城镇化过程中时常遇到的大规模城镇失业和贫困,但累积了诸多矛盾和问题。与其他国家相比,未来的城市化道路必须把握四大战略基点:城市社会的城市化、大国的城市化、发展中国家的城市化以及直面历史问题和化解累积风险的城市化。  相似文献   

城市水塘是珠江三角洲地区常见及分布广泛、且起着极其重要环境与生态作用的城市景观。近20年来广州市的城市水塘因城市快速发展、人类密集活动而大量缩小或消失。本研究以广州市天河区为研究区,解译、比对1995年和2013年两期遥感影像的水塘,用景观生态学方法探讨城市化过程下水塘变化及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)城市水塘数量和面积分别减少了41%和34%,较大面积水塘因数量减少和面积缩减转变为较小面积水塘;(2)五种景观指数的数值变化表明水塘呈小聚集、大离散变化趋势,其几何形状趋于简单及规整。水塘变化剧烈程度自南向北减缓,其变化与趋势和天河区城市化过程与方向一致;(3)消减水塘集中分布在海拔40m以下、距离最近道路1km以内、中、低城市建筑密度和人口密度小于8000人/km~2的区域。其消减比例随海拔升高而减小,随其到最近道路距离的增加而减小,随人口密度增大而增加。地形、路网和交通、城市建设、人口增长是天河区城市水体变化的影响因素。  相似文献   

我国城市发展正值高潮,2015年12月召开的中央城市工作会议,对于我国如何在新常态化背景下进行科学城市规划建设,实现健康稳定地发展新型城镇化具有极为重要的历史与现实意义。本文通过对中央城市工作会议精神与内容的解读,提出在新常态下,应当秉持国情主线、区域策略、底线发展、环境容量、创新驱动五条科学城市规划主线思维,发挥我国城市规划的关键作用,顺应城市工作的新形势、政策发展的新要求、人民群众的新期待。  相似文献   

自从上世纪90年代初,地理界与规划学界提出了城市群的基本概念、发育条件及其成长规律之后,"城市群"这个学术名词已经得到各级政府、专家学者和群众的普遍认同,并上升到国家发展战略。2016年《中国城市群新论》出版发行,总结了21世纪我国城市群发展的新理念,主要有以下几个方面:1对城市群的基本概念、发展模式与思维导向有了新的认识;2概括了中国城市群发展形式、发展目标的新变化;3深入探究了中国城市群的发展机制、创新理念;4城市群内信息化、网络化与城镇化更加密切,更加一体化,并与新型城镇化的路径特色紧密结合。  相似文献   

The U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO) analyzed the evaluations of the Special Supplemental Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) to determine whether they support assertions that have been made about the program's positive effects for five outcomes. Insufficient evidence was found for making any general or conclusive judgments about WIC's effectiveness overall, but in a limited way, the information does indicate the likelihood that WIC has positive effects in some areas. GAO also assessed problems in the state of evaluation efforts. That the program evaluations do not reveal whether WIC is having the effect intended by the legislation underscores the need to design and implement better studies. Generally speaking, GAO believes that if the lessons learned from past efforts are heeded, it should be possible to produce information on the overall effectiveness of WIC.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the process of tourism-driven urbanization as a local strategy of town development in China. Existing literature has highlighted the role of industrialization in the urbanization process of China’s small towns, but here it is suggested that tourism - a development initiative based on the creation of space for consumption, rather than production - can also foster significant expansion of urbanized built environment and remarkable transformation of local socio-economic structures. The case study suggests that, in contrast to the recent process of industrialization-based urbanization in China’s small towns, tourism urbanization in Zhapo Town, Guangdong Province has been a highly localized development initiative characterized by the absence of foreign capital investment. Tourism-driven urbanization in Zhapo has involved several processes whose joint effect has reproduced the local socio-spatial organization: the rapid of expansion of urbanized built environment; a unique pattern of land use and land development; the booming of tertiary economic sectors; and the emergence of a flexible regime of labor force. In the meantime, the research also contests Mullins’ (1991) classical theorization of tourism urbanization, and suggests that recent tourism-driven urbanization process in Zhapo Town is not the product of the post-modernization of urban cultural manifestations, but is situated within the context-specific space of China’s modernity and is based on relatively standardized provision of tourism-related service and the mass consumption of nature.  相似文献   

陈鹏 《城市观察》2015,(6):107-137
作为一种新型的社会运动,业主维权的兴起是中国城市化进程中住房商品化改革的结构性产物.基于B市社区民族志调查,本文重点探讨和解析业主维权的抗争谱系及其对城市基层治理转型带来的制度影响和效果,认为业主维权的基本类型包括依法抗争、以法抗争、弈法抗争,这三种抗争类型不仅代表了业主面对法律时的三种不同位置和运用法律的三种不同方式和策略,而且也意味着三种不同的法与社会(行动者)之间的结构关系.这种坚持法律中心性的维权抗争实践的大量集聚和累积,不仅促进了公民知识的生产,而且有效推动了基层政府的治理转型.业主抗争模型的提出,有助于推进和深化对当代中国城市抗争政治的理解.  相似文献   

Whereas Hollingshead's 1942 study of Elmtown High found socio-economic status homophily to be a prime criterion in students' friendship and dating choices, the present study, a secondary analysis of James Coleman's 1958 Elmtown data, finds socio-economic status homophily unimportant for friendship and dating choices. This decline in status homophily occurred at a time when class distinctions were becoming blurred in Elmtown and the “rating-and-dating” system was losing in national importance. Status homophily is not a constant, but a variable: clear class distinctions facilitate status homophily, while shifting class and occupational systems make for class-heterogeneous social networks.  相似文献   

随着我国经济社会的不断发展,人们生活质量提高,休闲活动得以拓展。但休闲活动的拓展更多的是男性休闲活动的拓展,与之相比,女性休闲活动依旧显得不足。以社区广场舞为例探究影响城市女性的群体休闲活动开展的因素,通过非参与式观察及问卷调查分析得出广场舞的占地空间、时间、参与人数及成员间的互动影响着城市女性群体休闲活动的持续开展的结论。  相似文献   

"城中村"生态环境恶化,不但降低了城市的生活品质,制约了城市化整体水平的提升,而且也影响到和谐社区建设的物质环境基础。在借鉴国内外生态修复与社区治理理论与实践成果的基础上,以广州"城中村"为例,探讨与社区生态修复相关的社区多元主体参与社区生态治理的主要问题,设计构建与生态修复相适应的社区治理体系,并提出相关对策措施,以唤醒社区参与生态建设意识,激发参与社区生态修复动力,培育社区生态修复理念、习惯与行为模式,推动可持续的生态修复行动,固化生态修复成果。  相似文献   

物流蔓延是信息和交通运输技术发展、居民社会生活方式转变、城市空间扩张的共同结果。近年来,随着城市和人口的郊区化发展,物流蔓延现象在各国城市发展中逐渐显现。城市的批发市场是集商流、物流和信息流于一体的商品集散地,其物流活动属于城市物流的一部分,因此在城市物流蔓延的大背景下,选择商贸物流在全国具有较大影响力的重庆市主城区为案例,分析重庆市主城区批发市场的发展、布局特征和外迁机制,对科学认识物流蔓延背景下的城市批发空间布局具有一定的理论意义,以期对城市批发市场的空间布局优化策略制定提供决策依据。  相似文献   

This paper considers the lives of children living in a large informal settlement in central Accra, Ghana. Its contention is that children remain largely absent from the renewal of interest in slums and that where they do feature it is largely as objects of risk and vulnerability. Such an exclusive focus, it is argued, risks effacing the ways in which children are capable of actively confronting the terrible constraints posed by slum environments and the ‘talent for living’ that this involves. Drawing upon the findings of a small qualitative exploratory research project, the paper examines sources of support and cooperation between children and how their decisions to work are perceived as a strategy to actively support mothers and families struggling for a subsistence.  相似文献   

In the mid-1980s, the state government of Maharashtra, India, introduced a slum redevelopment strategy in its capital city, Mumbai (Bombay). In contrast to traditional housing improvement strategies that focus primarily on legalizing the land tenure of residents, slum redevelopment is a more complex strategy. It involves the demolition of existing slums and the redevelopment of new, higher density, medium-rise apartment blocks, including, entirely cross-subsidized housing for the original slum dwellers. Mumbai's experience, documented through a single case study in this paper, illustrates that contrary to the conventional focus only on private property rights, upgrading policy must be based on a differentiated view of property rights. Furthermore, policy must also consider the property values, the physical attributes of the real property (underlying asset), and the interplay among property rights, property values and physical attributes. Second, the paper demonstrates that under certain conditions, there is a constituency among slum dwellers for complex initiatives, like redevelopment. This suggests that planners should be skeptical about popular, simplistic myths regarding low-income housing preferences. However, slum redevelopment's slow pace also implies that planners need to be cautious in their enthusiasm for redevelopment.  相似文献   

智慧城市是城市信息化演进的新阶段和新形态,而城市本身的发展战略规划是智慧城市规划、建设和发展的依据。本文分析了智慧城市概念提出的时代背景与内涵特征,跟踪分析了智慧城市的建设与实践历程,通过对比分析纽约和伦敦两大顶级全球城市近年来的城市战略规划及其智慧城市建设情况,分析提取了相应的智慧城市建设经验,并结合上海的卓越全球城市战略规划和智慧城市建设现状,提出了上海卓越全球城市智慧化建设的设想。  相似文献   

"The authors contend that problems associated with rapid demographic growth in developing countries have to be tackled through comprehensive population and human resource planning. Linkages between population and development are especially close in the area of labour markets. Following a discussion of the impacts of demographic factors on labour supply, labour demand and migration, the article proposes a practical framework in which population and human resource development plans may be operationalised. The concluding section briefly discusses the emerging area of population policy formulation and implementation."  相似文献   

残障儿童作为儿童中的特殊群体,其生活、医疗、康复、教育等方面更需国家立法政策给予强力的保障与支持。通过对近30多年来残障儿童立法政策的梳理,发现残障儿童立法政策已形成以残障预防为前提,以医疗救助、康复治疗、特殊教育与全纳教育为主体内容的保护体系,并且已延伸至满足残障儿童生活、社会参与、文化、维权等多方位的残障儿童福利需求当中。  相似文献   

以一带一路的国家战略导向为契机,通过积极参与其中,推动并实现城市发展的内生转型,将贯穿上海建设全球城市目标的关键过程,并使得上海的城市功能面临扩展的现实需求。本文在分析一带一路战略开放方式与开放界面变化的前提下,识别它给上海构建全球城市带来的主要机遇,提出上海参与一带一路国家战略扩展城市功能的内涵与路径,包括:依托要素流动的战略通道,推动上海四个中心建设的城市功能升级;通过全球价值链重构的分工通道,加快上海科创中心的功能建设;凭借全球治理模式变革的制度通道,充实和扩展上海城市发展的文化与外交功能。  相似文献   

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