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韩东 《社科纵横》2006,(10):85-86
本文从律师辩护制度与刑事诉讼结构的天然紧密联系出发,论证了中国律师辩护制度的实然状态受现行刑事诉讼结构控辩不平等、审判不中立以及“审判”前置、侦查定调等问题的负面影响,并提出完善我国律师辩护制度的关键在于要首先矫正现行刑事诉讼结构中控辩失衡的状态,确保控辩双方平等的诉讼地位,赋予辩护方与控诉方对等的诉讼权利,并对具体举措作了论证。  相似文献   

司法公正与法官文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
司法公正是法官文化的理性内涵 ,法官文化的构建是实现司法公正的价值根基。本文从法官文化的界定、反思、澄清与重建四个方面提出了以构建现代法官文化为我国司法改革最高路径标准的若干纲要性设想  相似文献   

近年来法院判决的公正性不断遭受质疑 ,进入再审程序的民事、经济案件越来越多 ,两审终审制名存实亡。为保证司法公正的实现 ,学术界提出了三审终审制的主张。无论两审终审制 ,还是三审终审制 ,解决司法腐败问题才是实现司法公正的途径。  相似文献   

我国刑事诉讼中的申请取证制度是指当事人及其律师根据案情需要,申请检察院、法院收集、调取证据或者中请法院通知证人出庭作证的一项诉讼制度.尽管我国立法上设立了申请取证制度,但是律师"取证难"的问题一直非常突出.我国现行刑事申请取证制度存在申请取证的主体不完善、申请取证的时机不合适、申请取证的对象不够科学、权利上缺乏保障等弊端,直接导致了侦查机关、公诉机关和审判机关随意拒绝辩护方取证申请的现象出现.针对我国现行申请取证制度立法和实践中存在的问题,立足我国实际,借鉴国外经验,我国<刑事诉讼法>再修改应当从中请取证的主体和方式、决定和实施取证的主体、拒绝取证申请的情形、取证申请的审查和实施、权利救济等方面完善我国的申请取证制度,矫正控辩双方取证能力的失衡状况,从而为辩护方取证权的实现提供坚实的制度保障.  相似文献   

提高司法效率是实现司法公正的必要条件和有力保障 ,也是建立和发展社会主义市场经济的必然要求。要提高司法效率 ,就应当改革法院内部管理体制、提高审判质量、缩短审案期限、建设高素质的法官队伍  相似文献   

司法是由专门享有司法权的机构所从事的执法活动 ,司法权仅指人民法院的审判权。要获得司法的公正 ,前提条件是必须要有司法的独立尤其是法官的独立。实践中应坚持以现行法律为标准来评价司法公正 ,而不能用对与错的是非标准来评价。探讨司法公正而不作上述的界定 ,则难免见仁见智 ,反而破坏公正。  相似文献   

中国特色社会主义司法制度是在中国革命和建设实践中产生、在中国化马克思主义指导下不断完善和发展起来的社会主义司法制度,是中国特色社会主义政治制度的重要组成部分.它从国情出发,学习、继承、借鉴了古今中外人类司法文明的有益成果,具有公开的政治性、鲜明的人民性、内在的合法性、充分的科学性、积极的建设性、与时俱进的实践性等特征.随着社会主义市场经济的不断发展和民主法治进程的不断推进,中国司法制度中存在的一些不足和亟待解决的问题日渐显现.如何坚持和完善中国特色社会主叉司法制度成为必须给予认真思考的问题.要推进中国司法制度的自我完善和发展,深化司法改革,就应当进一步加强司法政治和思想建设、司法理论和文化建设、司法组织和队伍建设、司法制度和机制建设,强化对司法的物质保障和民主监督.  相似文献   

乔煜 《社科纵横》2003,18(4):59-60
我国现行的民事再审制度存在着制度性缺陷,对其进行改革与完善已是迫在眉睫.本文试对该制度存在的弊端进行剖析,并进一步分析造成这种该弊端的深层原因,对其完善和重构提出建议.  相似文献   

通过对理性人理论、自主决定理论的分析,从法学、经济学、心理学的角度论证了成年人监护制度改革的根源。指出监护制度的设立与法学领域的理性人理论密不可分,行为经济学为心智障碍者行使自主决定权提供了理论依据;自我决定理论从内在动机的角度探讨了人类生命本源及生命意义,其亚理论从自主、胜任、联结的角度探讨了人类基本需要的满足对生命价值的重要性。为使心智障碍者获得有尊严的生活,我国成年人监护制度在立法层面应明确心智障碍者不得自行从事的重大财产行为,在司法层面应废除概括式的限制行为能力宣告制度,在社会层面应为心智障碍者融入社会创造更多条件。  相似文献   

任尔昕 《社科纵横》2001,(2):46-47,57
我国他物权制度的完善,应遵循效率原则,以排他性和可转让性作为他物权的基本特征,努力构建动态开放的他物权制度体系,促进他物权制度的纯私法化,抛弃所有权优位理论,建立统一高效的他物权变动登记公示制度.  相似文献   

Canada and China are two very different countries in terms of their socio-economic and political contexts; however, neither country is immune to the social problem of violence against women. This paper compares the criminal justice responses to violence against women in Canada and China in order to explore the pathway of responses to violence against women in different cultural contexts, and discusses the implications for addressing violence against women on an international horizon.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article was to review the empirical literature that investigated trauma and stress among older adults in the criminal justice system. Nineteen journal articles published between 1988 and 2010 were identified and extracted via research databases and included mixed age samples of adjudicated older and younger adults (n = 11) or older adult only samples (n = 8). Findings revealed past and current trauma and stress, consequences and/or correlates, and internal and external coping resources among aging offenders. The implications and future directions for gerontological social work, research, and policy with older adults in the criminal justice system are advanced.  相似文献   

日本必须信守关于台湾问题的承诺   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在探讨中日关系中的台湾问题时 ,许多人认为日本官方人士从未直接承认台湾是中华人民共和国领土不可分割的一部分。但根据日本政府最近解密的外交档案 ,日本政府官员在 1 972年中日复交谈判中已经对此做了明确的承诺。日本今后也必须信守 3 0年前关于台湾问题做出的承诺。  相似文献   

This study reports on a qualitative national telephone survey with coordinators of 14 prison hospice programs in 11 states. The rationale behind the survey was to learn about interdisciplinary collaboration between social work and criminal justice, using prison hospice as an exemplar of this collaboration. In addition to learning that all prison hospices in the study operate using an interdisciplinary team model and that most report high quality collaboration on the hospice team, the following additional five themes emerged: administrators and wardens are very supportive while correctional staff provides mixed support to team and program; greater collaboration with those outside prison hospice is critical; collaboration through prison hospice has a positive impact on dying prisoners; collaboration through prison hospice has a positive impact on prisoner volunteers; and, collaboration through prison hospice has a positive impact on the entire culture of the prison.  相似文献   

Cuts in public spending and financial constraints faced by Swedish municipalities have led to an increased interest in issues concerning priorities. This interest reflects a practical need to meet current rationing with accurate allocative decisions, where the interests of different areas and categories of users are dealt with in a well-considered way. In social work, these needs today are obvious. The article raises issues concerning priorities with relevance for social work in the Swedish social services. The purpose is to develop a conceptual and theoretical framework regarding how priorities on different levels of decision-making are made, where the main focus is on different principles as grounds for and forms of prioritizing. Central are the following questions: What actors can be identified in the process of shaping priorities in social work? What are the principles behind allocative decisions made on different levels of the municipal organization? Which categories of potential and actual users gain advantages or suffer disadvantages from different allocative principles? A theoretical division into first- and second-order decisions and of allocations from notions of efficiency, justice and self-interest offer the main structure for the article. First-order decisions are political decision-making concerning the total amount of resources distributed to various sectors or programs. Second-order decisions deal with the issue of how to allocate given resources among claimants or possible users. Efficiency is discussed from the aspects of productivity, marginal utility and longterm effects. Material principles of justice dealt with are the principles of need, increment, contribution and merit. Self-interest is discussed in terms of self-serving bias, group-oriented interests and professional gain.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the issues currently facing people with an acquired brain injury (ABI) in the criminal justice system in the state of Victoria, Australia and, in particular, the impact of this condition on people suffering various forms of social disadvantage. This qualitative study involved in‐depth interviews with key stakeholders, such as service providers working in the system, court personnel including Magistrates and Judges, legal practitioners and persons living with an ABI and their carers. The aim was to determine the advantages and limitations of current policy and practices, and to identify possible actions which could lead to improved outcomes for this cohort. This paper responds to our research findings in relation to two key areas: first, the awareness of ABI amongst legal practitioners and service providers, prompting the need for better education, training and professional development; and second, the requirement to improve processes for identification, assessment and support, for people involved in the criminal justice system with ABI. A number of systemic modifications and educational initiatives are recommended to address the unreasonable and unacceptable impacts on persons living with an ABI in the criminal justice system.  相似文献   

新民主主义革命时期,党在领导人民开展革命斗争的过程中,对如何实现党对军队、 党对统一战线、 党对根据地政权的领导进行了多方面的努力,初步确立了党领导体系的基本架构.新中国成立之后,党为确立和巩固自身在全国范围领导地位进行了艰辛的探索.改革开放以来,中国共产党将坚持党的领导与改善党的领导结合起来,党的领导制度化、 法治化逐步推进.十八大以来,党为坚持和加强党的全面领导进行了多方面的探索.中国共产党坚持和加强党的领导百年探索的历史表明,坚持和加强党的领导必须在思想上始终重视党的领导权,同时需要完善党的组织体系,建立健全党的领导体制和领导制度.  相似文献   

This paper applies the Harsanyi social welfare function to the problem of determining the social discount rate. It thus views the social discount question as one of justice between generations under conditions of individual uncertainty over position, rather than as one generation's paternalism or altruism for the next generation. Whether there is an accumulation of capital for future generations is shown to depend on the form of the individual (or collective) utility function. More importantly, the approach lends some insight into the kind of institutional structure which should be used to determine the social discount rate.This paper was written while the author was a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Study of Public Choice at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Helpful comments were received on an earlier draft from James M. Buchanan, Pierre Pestieau, and Robert D. Tollison.  相似文献   

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