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陈群弟 《城市》2016,(7):45-48
面对土地资源日益紧缺、新增建设用地不足、土地利用冲突严重的严峻形势,存量规划建设成为破解土地发展困境的重要途径。但是,由于用地权利主体多、利益难协调、制度制约、政策体系不完善等原因,存量规划建设存在较大困难。整村统筹是存量规划建设的一个新探索,它以公共利益为切入点,引入市场机制,综合运用规划、土地和资金等手段,促进规划实施,完善城市功能,实现政府与原土地权益主体等多方共赢。笔者以深圳S社区整村统筹作为案例研究,分析土地整备利益博弈的基本流程,为存量用地开发建设提供参考途径。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲农村社区"自下而上"的城市化形成了大量低效的集体建设用地,随着区位的提升,都市区的形成和产业结构的升级推动了存量建设用地的更新改造.如何在发展中优化结构、提高存量国土空间资源使用效率、保障公共空间与公共设施落地以及提升城市空间品质?2009年,国家、省、市和地方政府各个层面出台了一系列文件推动珠江三角洲地区的...  相似文献   

前言:统筹城乡发展,是一项重大而深刻的社会和经济转型变革。在这场变革中,成都市通过全面系统深入的改革实践,在构建城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局、推动发展方式根本转变上创建了共同繁荣的良好局面。成都平原及浅丘地带上的乡镇,是成都中心城市辐射的未来"卫星"小城镇,是成都建设世界现代田园城  相似文献   

正一、青白江区基本概况青白江区是一个以化工、冶金、建材、机械为主导的老工业基地。2009年10月,全区启动编制《成都市青白江区土地利用总体规划(2006-2020年)》,规划编制过程中,认真落实成都市下达全区的各项指标,严格控制城乡建设用地总规模、耕地保有量和基本农田保护面积,充分做到与城市分区规划、产业规划相衔接,征求区发改、规划、交通、水务、林业、农业等区级相关部门的意见,保证了城市规划、产业规划等相关规划在用地规模和布局上与土地利用总体规划的一致性。目前,规划成果已编制完成,区、乡两级土地利用总体规  相似文献   

农村土地流转是促进农业规模经营,优化农业资源配置,发展现代化农业的必由之路,对于推动农业产业转型升级,促进农民创新,推进工业化、城市化和城乡统筹发展有着十分重要的意义。淄博市的农业仅占三大产业比重的3.6%,再加上土地分散,要想推进现代农业建设,实现规模化经营,必须推进土地流转。近年来,淄博市委市政府也高度重视土地流转问题,把规范农村土地承包经营权流转作为推动农村经济新一轮发展的切入点,因此以该市为例具有较好的实际借鉴意义。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,深圳通过一系列卓有成效的土地政策创新,开启了土地快速城市化之路,然而率先冲破僵硬体制的深圳也较早遇到了土地问题的羁绊。文章首先根据深圳不同时期土地政策的特点,将深圳土地城市化进程划分为四个阶段:初步探索阶段、逐步完善阶段、城市化加速阶段及城市发展瓶颈阶段。其次梳理了快速城市化带来的土地问题:建设用地资源紧张、历史遗留问题突出及违法建筑的困扰等。最后针对产生的土地问题,认为有效盘活历史用地及挖潜存量土地是深圳破除城市发展障碍的关键,并在明晰土地产权、优化土地格局及土地立体化探索等方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

近年来,城市居民社区参与现状堪忧,表现出参与主体失衡、参与广度和深度有限、参与机制不健全、居民参与潜能欠开发等问题,已成为社区建设深入推进的瓶颈。本文基于对深圳X社区居民参与现状及其影响因素的经验性分析,提出促进城市居民有序社区参与的解决策略。  相似文献   

黄卫东  唐怡 《城市观察》2011,12(2):86-94
快速城市化背景下,随着经济的快速增长和城市空间的不断拓展,通过城市更新进行存量土地资源的整合和潜力挖掘,已经成为实现城市社会经济可持续发展的重要途径。同时,深圳相对成熟的市场化环境也使得当地城市更新面临着更加复杂的局面。本文试图通过对深圳近年来城市更新规划实践的梳理,基于实证分析总结市场化背景下城市更新的经验和教训,为国内其他城市的城市更新实践提供一些参考。  相似文献   

土地制度的变迁,对于农村的发展无疑具有举足轻重的深远影响。在政府政策的引导下,土地流转在全国很多地方都已经以多种形式和多种渠道进行。以河南省为例,通过实证研究发现土地流转中存在的一些问题,并提出相应建议。  相似文献   

在社会治理中,城市社区协商民主越来越受到党和国家的高度重视.随着全面改革的深入,单位人向城市社区人转变正在形成,城市社区也就成为践行社会治理和民主协商的重要平台和载体.统一战线如何借此东风、乘势介入城市社区,推进城市社区统战,推进协商民主广泛、多层、制度化发展.本文以广州市某社区居民参与统战工作的现状为例,探索城市社区统战工作中面临的主要困境,并结合协商民主理论为促使居民广泛参与城市社区统战工作提出了切实可行的对策建议.  相似文献   

Youth's low level of civic and political engagement may detrimentally affect the health of communities and the democratic system. This paper examines the role of community attachment in explaining youth's levels of civic and engagement. This examination requires an evaluation of existing measures of community attachment and their relevance for understanding youth's experiences. The paper uses a student sample, highlighting a group of youth who have a degree of variation in their experiences of community attachment. We find that subjective measures of community attachment are related to volunteering and voting, but the objective measure of community attachment, that is, years of residence, affects voting and not volunteering. Different mechanisms explain civic engagement versus political engagement. As such, different strategies are required to combat low levels of civic versus political engagement. Le manque d'engagement civique et politique de la jeunesse peut avoir un effet néfaste sur la santé des communautés et sur le système démocratique. Cet article examine le rôle de l'appartenance communautaire pour expliquer le niveau de participation civique et politique des jeunes. Cette recherche nécessite une évaluation des mesures existantes de l'appartenance à une communauté et de leur pertinence pour la compréhension des expériences des jeunes. Cet article se base sur un groupe d'étudiants pour illustrer une population de jeunes avec un niveau d'attachement communautaire variable. Nous avons remarqué que les mesures subjectives de l'attachement à la communauté sont liées au bénévolat et au vote, alors que les mesures objectives de l'attachement, comme la durée de résidence, affecte le vote et non le bénévolat. De différents processus peuvent expliquer l'engagement civique par rapport à l'engagement politique. Ainsi, des stratégies différentes sont nécessaires pour lutter contre la faiblesse des niveaux de participation civique et politique.  相似文献   


Through enacting the principle concern for community, cooperatives hold promise in promoting social welfare. This article builds on the literature about the intersections of cooperatives and community practice by using empirical evidence gathered through intensive case-study immersion. The data suggest that cooperatives bolster the well-being of their associates and the entire community along economic, social, and political axes. The evidence suggests that ideological, contextual, and social factors provide the rationale for cooperatives’ community engagement. Given the congruence between cooperatives’ community practices and social work aims, the article ends by raising questions about opportunities for collaborations between cooperatives and social workers.  相似文献   

Sharecropping between poor landlords and rich tenants has hitherto been the subject of very little academic scrutiny. Given that such ‘reverse share tenancy’ contracts are mostly at odds with the canonical risk‐sharing explanation for sharecropping, this article discusses a rationale for them that relies on weak property rights as well as the legal doctrine of adverse possession, and tests it using data from Lac Alaotra, Madagascar, where this type of tenancy accounts for one‐third of land rentals. The empirical findings are discussed in relation to recent land‐reform policies by the Government of Madagascar, the World Bank, IFAD, and the Millennium Challenge Corporation.  相似文献   

Trusting relationships bind people together. Building community trust is increasingly being identified as a viable strategy for improving the well-being of community members. This article explores how cooperatives build trust among worker-owners as well as with their clients and other professionals. It reviews theoretical and empirical perspectives on trust and cooperatives. Data were obtained from semi-structured interviews, document review and a survey. It was observed that cooperatives provide regular contacts among members, and between members and their clients and professionals during training, conferences, task oriented committees, general membership meetings, and social events. This fosters shared understanding, empathy, openness, and confidence, which in turn promotes the building and maintenance of deeper and wider trust.  相似文献   


Australian social work graduates face an increasingly complex work environment where the role of the social worker is often overlooked or misunderstood. In order to examine the anticipated and concrete practice reality for social workers, this qualitative study examined the expectations of social work students preparing to enter the workforce (n=29) and the experiences of new social work graduates in the workplace (n=9). Findings suggest that undergraduates have a realistic understanding of the challenges they would encounter in practice, including anticipated value and ethical conflicts, and allied professions' conceptions of the social work role. They did not anticipate the busyness of the workplace or the level of supervision offered.  相似文献   

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