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Summary Larvae of genusPieris in the northern part of Kyoto City are parasitized by two tachinid flies:Epicampocera succincta, a specialist on genusPieris, andCompsilura concinnata, a generalist with very wide host-range. We surveyed the parasitism rates ofPieris by both flies for two years at six study areas. In these study areas, there lived three host species in the genusPieris: P. rapae, P. melete, andP. napi, but neither tachinid parasitizedP. napi to any significant extent. In the mountainous district,P. rapae andP. melete coexisted and their populations were relatively continuous, while in the lowland, onlyP. rapae larvae were abundant in spring and autumn, but even they disappeared in summer. Parasitisms byE. succincta occurred mainly in mountainous district and never in the lowland.C. concinnata parasitizedPieris in all the areas, but its parasitisms occurred mainly in autumn. We analyzed the factors affecting the spatial and temporal patterns of parasitism rates and presumed that the temporal discontinuity of host population restricted the distribution of the specialist parasitoid.  相似文献   

Summary We performed multiple-generation competition experiments betweenCallosobruchus analis andC. phaseoli with different bean sizes. In each system, we supplied 5 g of mung beans (Vigna radiata) every 10 days. We examined three types of bean conditions: 5 g of large beans, 5 g of small beans, and a mixture of 2.5 g of large and small beans. In small bean condition,C. analis dominatedC. phaseoli in all three replicates andC. phaseoli was extinct by the 260th day. On the contrary,C. phaseoli overcameC. analis within 250 days in large beans in all three replicates. In mixed beans condition the two bruchid species coexisted more than 500 days in two out of the three replicates. Even in the exceptional case, both species coexisted for 460 days. These results were examined in the light of the predictions from short-term larval competition experiments and a game theoretical model by Smith and Lessells (1985). The density and frequency dependent results during larval competition inside a bean was concluded to be a main factor to produce the above long-term competition results.  相似文献   

Closely related species of gall-forming aphids are often associated with a single host species. SixTetraneura species coexist on the Japanese elm,Ulmus davidiana, in Sapporo, northern Japan. This paper describes the probabilities of coexistence on macro- and microgeographic scales (i.e., on host trees and host leaves) and examines whether coexistence with conspecific or heterospecific galls on leaves or shoots has any effect on the fecundity of each aphid species using multiple regression. A Monte Carlo simulation showed that the frequency distribution of the numbers of species on individual host trees differed significantly from that expected from the null model. There were significantly positive or negative associations between species.Tetraneura radicicola andsorini always coexisted with other species on trees they infested. Multiple regression revealed that the coexistence of conspecific or heterospecific galls on individual leaves had no influence on the fecundity ofradicicola andsorini, but had a negative influence on that of sp. O. On average,radicicola andsorini produced a smaller number of offspring in galls than sp. O, and obviously consumed only a small part of resources available on the galled leaves. Evidence available suggests that although amensalism does arise between sp. O and other species, its influence in not so strong as to exclude sp. O competitively from theTetraneura community.  相似文献   

Summary Dispersion capabilities of new queens were studied in the two haplometrotic paper waspsPolistes riparius andP. snelleni. New queens were marked on the nests in the late summer and located in the next spring. Dispersion distances greatly varied among queens: although a large part of recovered queens nested in close proximity to their natal sites, some did disperse over 100–300 m. This suggests that queens' emigration from and immigration into the censused areas occurred to a substantial extent. On the whole, these species exhibited a weaker “philopatric” tendency than those so far studied for dispersion distance, and seem to have the potential for a long-distance dispersion.  相似文献   

Summary The prey capture tactics of spiders was analyzed, considering the energy gained by the capture of prey and that required for it. For the purpose of it, a growth model of spiders was constructed, expressing the flow rate of prey biomass to the spider's body by differential equations. Solving these equations under the differing values of three parameters, growth curves of spiders was obtained. These three parameters are the amount of prey biomass supplied daily to spiders,x 0, the rate of prey capture of spiders, α, and a coefficient of the respiration rate required for the capture of prey,k. When the value ofk increased, spiders could grow only at high value ofx 0. These results suggest that habitats with small prey biomass are preferred by spiders adopting a sit-and-wait tactics for prey capture, which requires small values ofk. Wolf spiders are one of these spiders showing that tactics. On the other hand, web-builders which require large amount of energy for spinning webs (namely, take large value ofk), are able to grow only in the habitats with large prey biomass. Each species of spiders are considered to locate in a certain point between both extremes of these tactics for the capture of prey.  相似文献   

Summary Effects of niche shift in ecological time scale on the population dynamics of competing species were studied in the experimental populations of two parasitoid wasp species,Anisopteromalus calandrae andHeterospilus prosopidis (both are solitary parasites), on a host, the azuki bean weevil,Callosobruchus chinensis. Four resource conditions were set up with combination of kind of bean (azuki or black eye), and host distribution (uniform or clumped). In each resource condition, four developmental stages of hosts were provided as a resource spectrum for parasitoid wasps. Population dynamics of the two wasp populations were investigated in each resource condition in Multi-Generation Competitive Systems (MGCS), in which fresh hosts of four developmental stages were periodically introduced and were parasitized competitively by the two wasp species. Competitive coexistence of both wasps occurred in the azuki-clumped condition, where the peaks of the resource utilization curves separated in the two species; pupae inA. calandrae and the early or late fourth instar inH. prosopidis, A. calandrae was eliminated in the azuki-uniform condition andH. prosopidis went extinct in two black eye conditions irrespective of host distributions. The degrees of overlap of the resource utilization patterns of the two wasp species during population dynamics were not significantly different among resource conditions irrespective of the results of coexistence or extinction. Even in the azuki-clumped condition, however, extinction ofA. calandrae was observed when resource partitioning could not be realized with only the late fourth instar larvae available to wasps. Further analytical experiments showed that parasitizing ability ofA. calandrae increased with host density per bean with azuki beans, butA. calandrae could express higher parasitizing ability with black eye beans thanH. prosopidis irrespective of host density per bean. The flexibility in parasitizing ability byA. calandrae for various host stages under different resource conditions was thought to be the major factor in determining the competitive coexistence or the extinction of either species under different resource conditions. The present experiments also suggested that different second-best host stages between competitors could be a major contributing factor to competitive coexistence.  相似文献   

Summary Females of an odonate species in which oviposition sites overlap with mating sites may adopt one or more of the following strategies when they lay eggs except when they ‘trade’ mating for access to suitable oviposition sites or for services (guarding, etc.) provided by males: (1) ovipositing at hidden places; (2) ovipositing at a time when males are neither patrolling nor watching; (3) indicating non-receptivity by a behavioral display. The density of ovipositing females of the dragonfly,Cordulia aenea amurensis Selys which was studied between 1970 and 1983 at a pond (H?rai-numa, Sapporo, Hokkaido) had a high negative correlation with the distance from ‘entrance’ (a part of shore at which the arrival of most adults seems to have occurred). On the other hand, oviposition was rarely observed at a sector being distant from entrance in spite of the inference that larval survivorship was probably high at this sector. Most females oviposited among emergent vegetation in which approach of males to them was difficult, and they scarcely traveled across the open water in search of oviposition sites. Therefore, most females of the population studied were considered to adopt the first strategy. The second and third strategy were not adopted by the population studied. Finally, the influences of some environmental factors and traits possessed by a species on the adoption of these tactics or on the execution of the ‘trades’ were discussed. Ecological studies ofCordulia aenea amurensis Selys, VII. This work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Special Project Research on Biological Aspects of Optimal Strategy and Social Structure from the Japan Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.  相似文献   

The biology of the gray-sided voleClethrionomys rufocanus in Hokkaido, concerning taxonomy, morphology, phylogeny, distribution, and natural history, is reviewed. Applied issues in forest management (damage, control and census) are also mentioned. AlthoughClethrionomys rufocanus of Hokkaido was originally identified as a distinct species,Evotomys (=nowClethrionomys) bedfordiae Thomas, 1905, current literature generally refers to the gray-sided vole of Hokkaido asClethrionomys rufocanus or asC. rufocanus bedfordiae (vernacular name, the Bedford’s red-backed vole). The gray-sided vole is the most common small mammal in Hokkaido. It inhabits open areas as well as forests, and mainly feeds on green plants. The gray-sided vole has a high reproductive potential; litter size: 4–7; gestation period: 18–19 days; maturation age: 30–60 days old. Although spring-born individuals usually attain sexual maturity in their summer/fall of birth, their maturation is sometimes suppressed under high densities. The breeding season is generally from April to October, but with some regional variation.Clethrionomys rufocanus has a rather specialized diet (folivorous), particularly during winter when it feeds on bamboo grass. Many predators specialize on the grey-sided vole in Hokkaido; even the red fox, which is a typical generalist predator, selectively feeds on this vole. Damage by voles’ eating bark used to be sever on forest plantations in Hokkaido. Censuses of small rodents have been carried out for management purpose since 1954.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of patchy habitats by adult populations of threePieris butterflies,P. rapae, P. melete andP. napi was studied throughout the flight season in an area of their coexistence, about 3×1.5 km, in a farm village in the mountains in Inabu, Aichi Prefecture. Field study was by the mark-recapture method. Results were analyzed by dispersal distances and recapture duration decay curves for adults of different age-classes estimated on the basis of physical condition of their wings, together with supplementary information of daliy egg-laying rate of females, obtained in field cages. Sexually immature, mated femals ofP. rapae after teneral stage showed a migratory flight. On the other hand, reproductive females and all males ofP. rapae were strongly resident within suitable habitats, and reproductive females begun to lay eggs abundantly at sunny places of newly suitable areas within a short period.P. melete seemed to disperse gradually from emerged stites and females of this species continued to lay some constant numbers of eggs for more than ten days over a wider area.P. napi appeared more likeP. melete thanP. rapae. The habitats of the three species can be characterized as follows:P. rapae, temporary, continued for pre-reproductive females but localized for reproductive females and all males, and unstable;P. melete, permanent, widespread, and stable;P. napi, permanent, localized, and stable. The numbers of generations ofP. rapae, P. melete andP. napi were estimated to be about six, three and three, respectively. Seasonal fluctuations in the number of adults were influenced by the stability of their habitats, i. e., the population size fluctuated sharply inP. rapae, but it was much more stable inP. melete andP. napi. In view of these results, it can be said thatP. rapae fits the general characteristics of a r-strategist whereasP. melete andP. napi are more K-strategic thanP. rapae.  相似文献   

Summary To understand the mechanism of spread of pine wilt disease caused by the pinewood nematode,Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is vectored by a cerambycid,Monochamus alternatus, the spatial distribution of trees weakened by the nematode was examined within aPinus thunbergii stand from June to October for 4 years. The weakened trees were distributed in a clumped pattern in 1980 and 1981, at an early stage of infestation. In many cases, they showed a double-clumped pattern. The degree of aggregation was higher in June or July than after August. They were uniformly distributed in June or July 1982 and in June 1983 whereas they showed a double-clumped pattern after August. The trees were frequently weakened in June or July when they were near the trees weakened during the previous year. At quadrat sizes of more than 25 m2, spatial overlapping was pronounced between trees weakened during June–July of the current year and those weakened in the previous year. The seasonal changes in spatial distribution of weakened trees were explained by the interaction amongM. alternatus, B. xylophilus andPinus trees.  相似文献   

Reproductive behaviors related to habitat utilization were studied in males of the damsefly,Mnais nawai, which has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (nawai) and non-territorial pale-orange-winged males (sahoi), at the upper part of a mountain stream where they partiallycoexist with a related species,Mnais pruinosa, which also has two male forms, territorial orange-winged males (esakii) and non-territorial hyaline-winged males (strigata). These two species showed parapatric distribution; the lower part of the stream was occupied byM. nawai, and the upper part byM. pruinosa. In the present study, cross-matings occurred between bothMnais species, although normal intraspecific matings occurred more frequently than cross-matings. Territorial males of both species copulated with conspecific females that entered their territory and guarded the ovipositing females, probably to avoid sperm displacement resulting from subsequent copulations. Severe competition for oviposition sites by territorial males even occurred between the two species. On the other hand, non-territorial males of both species have alternative mating strategies (including several tactics such as sneaking, takeover and interception). The possible benefits from conflict among territorial males of both species is discussed.  相似文献   

A review of data on the background of wing dimorphism in carabid beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) and especially of the closely relatedCalathus cinctus andC. melanocephalus is given. In bothCalathus species wing dimorphism is inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion with the brachypterous condition dominant, but inC. melanocephalus the expression of the long winged genotype is under environmental control as well. The development of long winged phenotypes in the latter species is favoured by relatively favourable environmental conditions, such as high temperatures and a high food-supply. The higher fecundity of the larger and heavier long winged females of both species may compensate for losses of long winged phenotypes by flight activities. The evolutionary significance of both types of inheritance is discussed in relation to dispersal. The ‘fixed type’ as found inC. cinctus is considered an opportunistic short term ‘between sites strategy’, whereas the ‘dynamic type’ ofC. melanocephalus represents a flexible long term ‘within sites strategy’.  相似文献   

Summary Life tables for worker honeybees covering all life span, and those for adults, were prepared for three seasonal cohorts,June bees, July bees andwintering bees. Survivorship curves forJune andJuly bees show a convex type being exceptional for insects, with relatively high mortality at egg and feeding larval stages and at later adult stage after most bees became potential foragers. Adult longevity greatly lengthens inWinteriing bees and survivorship curve drops approximately with the same rate. A remarkable similarity of survivorship curves for men and honeybees was demonstrated, apparently due to highly developed social care in both. Some comments were given on mortality factors. The importance of life tables for population researches was shown by applying our result to the population growth curve made byBodenheimer, based upon the data byNolan. At the asymptote of the uncorrected curve, the ratio of total population estimated by uncorrected curve to that by corrected curve reaches about 3∶2. Contribution No. 821 from the Zoological Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Contributions from JIBP-PT No. 45. This study was in part supportod by a grant in aid from the Ministry of Education for the special project research, “Studies on the dynamic status of biosphere.” Population and bioeconomic studies on the honeybee colonies. II. We express our sincere thanks to Dr. YosiakiIt?, National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Tokyo, for his kind stimulation and advices to the present work.  相似文献   

A leaf-folding sawfly in the genusPhyllocolpa (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) attackingSalix miyabeana (Salicaceae) was studied near Sapporo, Hokkaido, along the Ishikari River in 1993. Host plant individuals were young trees 4–7 years old which were growing rapidly, producing some long shoots with large leaves. On a gradient of shoot length classes from 0–5 cm long to over 80 cm long, shoots were much more abundant in the shorter shoot length classes. However, attacks by ovipositing females increased as shoot length increase from 0 attacks on the shortest shoots to 5.17 attacks per shoot on the longest shoots. The frequency of attack per leaf increased from 0 to 0.13 over the same range of shoot lengths. This pattern of attack resulted in a high frequency of larval establishment in feeding sites, between 0.96 and 1.00, in all attacked shoot length categories. However, probability of survival to a late instar larva increased with shoot length and corresponded to the attack pattern, indicating a preference-performance linkage between female ovipositional decisions and larval survival. The patterns found for thisPhyllocolpa species are similar for galling sawflies in North America and Europe, especially in the genusEuura, members of which make stem, bud and leaf midrib galls. Extending the pattern to aPhyllocolpa species broadens identification of pattern and ultimately the generality of the emerging theory on populations of galling sawflies.  相似文献   

Summary The dynamics of Angoumois grain moth,Sitotroga cerealella (Olivier), and maize weevil,Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky, populations breeding in a small bulk (initially 5.36 t) of shelled corn were studied over an 8-year period by monthly sampling. The weevil population showed wide fluctuations in density superimposed on a general decline with time. The moth population showed no upward or downward trend for the first 60 months, although it fluctuated widely. Following a decline that occurred between 56 and 60 months, the moth population fluctuated within a much narrower range, and there was a general decrease in density with time. The decline of the weevil population paralleled deterioration of the corn as did that of the moth population after ca 60 months, and the decline of both species probably resulted from increasing scarcity of suitable breeding sites. Both populations exhibited seasonal variation in density with minima in late summer and early fall, following periods of adversely high temperatures in the storage shed. The populations increased during the fall, leveled off or declined slightly during the winter months, and then increased to maximum levels in late spring or early summer. It thus appears that high temperatures had a greater adverse effect on the populations than low temperatures. The grain moth and the maize weevil both tended to be randomly dispersed at low population levels and moderately aggregated at intermediate and high levels, although the degree of aggregation was not correlated with population density when low population levels were considered separately, and the maize weevil showed a greater tendency for aggregation than did the grain moth. Analysis of individual samples at fixed points in time showed a conspicuous bias for negative correlation between numbers of the two species within sampling quadrats, suggesting a tendency for the two species to segregate within the grain mass. This process could have resulted from behavioral differences or from the destruction of one species by the other. Competitive displacement of the grain moth by the maize weevil has been demonstrated in laboratory experiments but has rarely been observed under natural conditions, and in our study the two species coexisted for 8 years in a relatively small grain bulk.  相似文献   

Competitive exclusion through reproductive interference   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Summary A simple differential equation model was developed to describe the competitive interaction that may occur between species through reproductive interference. The model has the form comparable to Volterra's competition equations, and the graphical analysis of the outcome of the two-species interaction based on its zero-growth isoclines proved that: (1) The possible outcome in this model, as in usual models of resource competition, is either stable coexistence of both species or gradual exclusion of one species by the other, depending critically upon the values of the activity overlapping coefficientc ij ; (2) but, for the samec ij -values, competitive exclusion is much more ready to occur here than in resource competition; (3) and moreover, the final result of the competition is always dependent on the initial-condition due to its non-linear isoclines, i.e., even under the parameter condition that generally allows both species to coexist, an extreme bias in intial density to one species can readily cause subsequent complete exclusion of its counterparts. Thus, it may follow that the reproductive interference is likely to be working in nature as an efficient mechanism to bring about habitat partitioning in either time or space between some closely related species in insect communities, even though they inhabit heterogeneous habitats where resource competition rarely occurs so that they could otherwise attain steady coexistence.  相似文献   

Floral resource partitioning among stingless bees (Trigona, Meliponini, Apidae) in a lowland rain forest in Sarawak, Malaysia, was investigated using tree towers and walkways in a 4-year study that included a general flowering period. We obtained 100 collections of insect visitors to flowers of varying floral location and shape representing 81 plant species. The tendency of 11 species of stingless bees to visit specific flowers with a particular floral location and shape was analyzed by logistic regression analysis. This analysis showed that the proportion of flower visitor collections containing Trigona fuscobalteata and T. melanocephala differed according to floral location. The former was frequently collected at canopy and gap flowers, whereas the latter was most often collected at understory flowers. The analysis also suggested that T. erythrogastra was more rarely collected at shallow flowers than at deep flowers. Analysis of the pollen diets of T. collina, T. fuscobalteata, T. melanocephala, and T. melina revealed that similarity of pollen sources differed among the six permutated pairs of the four species. The lowest mean rank of similarity found was between T. fuscobalteata and T. melanocephala. This result supports the hypothesis that preference in visiting flowers in different locations leads to pollen resource partitioning. Received: May 14, 1997 / Accepted: April 23, 1999  相似文献   

Summary Population densities of the three grasshopper species onMiscanthus sinensis grassland in the Kawatabi IBP Area, Japan,Parapleurus alliaceus, Mongolotettix japonicus andChorthippus latipennis, were estimated principally by the release-and-recapture method for five years from 1968 to 1972. The total number of individuals of all three grasshopper species was about 42 per 100m2 in August. The number of individuals ofP. alliaceus adult, the dominant species on this grassland, showed a tendency to decline during the five years, though the amplitude was not so large. The number of eggs laid was, however, nearly constant and the mortality from the second nymphal instar to adult was relatively low and constant during the survey period. The weather conditions during the periods of egg and the first instar, such as snowfall and temperature decreasing, are suggested to be one of the factors causing variation in numbers. Contributions from JIBP-CT No. 145. A part of this study was supported by the special project, “Studies on the dynamic status of biosphere”, sponsored by the Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

Summary Population dynamics and aggregation patterns of nine kinds of stored-grain mites were studied in two 7.5 tonne lots of hulled (cv. Random) and hulless (cv. Terra) oat cultivars with 12–14% moisture content stored in two wooden bins in Manitoba, Canada during 1978–84. Random oats harbored more mites than Terra oats.Lepidoglyphus destructor Schrank was the most common granivorous mite andCheyletus eruditus Shrank the most common predatory mite. Ecological data on a tydeid mite,Paratriophtydeus coineaui André, are presented for the first time. Because they were more abundant in Terra oats with higher fat acidity values (FAV) than Random oats with lower FAVs,L. destructor andTarsonemus granarius Lindquist could be used as bioindicators of spoilage of stored oats. All species analyzed showed some significant difference in their abundance at different depths in the grain bulk; some species showed depthxtime interaction. Aggregation patterns indicated most mite species had overdispersed (clumped) distribution.T. granarius, andBlattisocius keegani Fox-Androlaelaps casalis Berlese had a distinct aggregation pattern in each oat cultivar. Contribution No. 1373 from Agriculture Canada Research Station, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2M9  相似文献   

We compared the aquatic metazoan community structure in bamboo stumps between a lowland (Kosinggolan; 200 m a.s.l.) and a highland site (Moat; 1030–1050 m a.s.l.) in North Sulawesi. The lowland bamboo stumps harbored 38 taxa including 2 predators, and the highland stumps harbored 35 taxa including 2 predators. In total 45 taxa were recorded, including 3 predators. Dominant detritivores were Tipulidae, Scirtidae, Chironomidae, Culicidae and Ceratopogonidae. The sole dominant predators wereToxorhynchites mosquito larvae, which occurred in 67% and 28% of stumps at the lowland and the highland sites, respectively. Although the mean biomass per stump did not differ significantly between the sites, the mean number of species per stump was significantly smaller at the lowland site. In addition, the variation in species composition among stumps was greater at the lowland site than at the highland site. Among dominant taxonomic groups, the number of non-predatory culicid species per stump was smaller at the lowland site where their predator,Toxorhynchites, was more abundant, although both sites had the same number of culicid species. In the presence ofToxorhynchites, the density and biomass of other culicids per stump were reduced significantly. The difference in predator density might affect differences in the local-scale community structure of individual bamboo stumps.  相似文献   

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