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Adi Fahrudin 《Asian Social Work and Policy Review》2012,6(2):86-94
This paper is an overview of disaster social work and preparing social work students for working with disaster survivors. Disaster has common immediate, and medium‐ and long‐term problems and needs. Experiences from various countries throughout the world suggest a range of helping roles and tasks that social work is suited for. A social work professional has particular expertise in understanding and addressing the immediate, and medium‐ and longer term effects of loss on individuals, families, and communities affected by a disaster. In preparing social work students for working with disaster survivors, social work programs do not introduce enough subject matter or course work about disasters. Practice training, field work, collaboration work, and community service in disaster relief are important academic environments for social work students when learning and practising in disaster settings. 相似文献
Hongling Xie 《Social Development》2005,14(3):550-554
新世纪以来中国社会转型由权力社会进入民意社会,温饱问题解决后人民更关心社会公平与正义,利益分化导致各类社会问题集中的突显出来。由此引发了中共中央对于化解社会矛盾与问题的社会工作专业予以前所未有的重视。而企业社工因为关系到企业这一社会最重要的经济基础的稳定与发展,关系到企业社会责任的落实,关系到数亿劳动者与企业主的和谐共处,并因此而直接影响到社会的和谐与安宁,故得到了学界与政府的高度重视。中国本土企业社会工作面临着前所未有的发展机遇。但企业社工在中国是一个全新的领域,无论是理论上还是实践上,社工专业同仁与社会各界还未做好充分的准备,随着机遇而来的是巨大的挑战。其中最为突出的挑战是如何做好新生代农民工的城市融入与职业依归。 相似文献
《Asia Pacific journal of social work》2013,23(2):43-52
This paper discusses the methodological challenges encountered in a research study on Asian gangs in Canada with reference to (a) defining Asian gangs; (b) seeking external funding; (c) securing support from ethnic communities; (d) getting approval for ethical research with human subjects; (e) recruiting research participants; (f) ensuring safety of the researcher; and (g) protecting the identity of research participants. The issues discussed would be relevant to those who are interested to examine the same phenomenon in countries with large Asian populations in Western counties (e.g., the United States and the United Kingdom) and in the Asia-Pacific Region such as Australia, Singapore, and Malaysia. 相似文献
颜术 《创新创业理论研究与实践》2021,4(12):167-168,171
目前,信息技术日臻完善,人们的生活、工作都随之发生了巨大的变化.在信息时代背景下,图书管理也受到了影响,传统的图书管理方式已经无法满足现代人的阅读需求,需要从管理方式、理念等多个角度入手,对图书管理工作进行创新.该文对信息时代图书管理工作的发展机遇和挑战进行了分析,一方面图书管理面临着信息传播快、资源丰富、实时共享等发... 相似文献
法律全球化是不同国家、地区及组织之间法律的相互学习、相互交流、相互借鉴乃至相互融合。本文阐释了法律全球化研究的逻辑起点,分析了法律全球化对传统法律的挑战,说明了法律全球化对中国法治建设的影响,提出了法律全球化背景下我国法制建设的路径选择。 相似文献
在某种意义上来说,法学研究同其他领域一样也进入了"后全球化时代",而后全球化时代意味着法学界"无王期"的到来、主流话语霸权的结束及反阿基米德-笛卡尔点—线思维认识论的兴起。后全球化时代给中国法哲学的发展提供了非常好的机会,本文探讨了全球化的现状、法学界无王期的到来、中国法哲学面临的机遇、与机遇同在的困难,以及如何应对困难的几种可能性等相互关联的问题。 相似文献
The concluding article of this issue devoted to community involvement considers the unique perspective offered by each article on this topic in this issue, yet does so in the context of the commonalities among them. Most important of these commonalities, perhaps, is that all of the articles address, to some degree, the question of how adults can best be socialized to develop a habit of community participation. Some articles consider this question of encouraging community involvement in educational settings, while others consider the question in more general settings. Some articles focus on key conceptual processes, whereas others concentrate on practical issues in promoting involvement. Finally, virtually all of the articles consider the benefits of community involvement; some of the articles also explore the downside to efforts to promote community involvement. 相似文献
进入后危机时代,世界呈现大变革大发展大调整的态势。在此背景下,推进马克思主义时代化将迎来新一轮机遇与挑战。历史经验告诉我们,务必善于抓住机遇,勇于应对挑战:加强自主创新,促进科技现代化与马克思主义时代化之间双向互动;继续做好经济复苏工作,为马克思主义时代化夯实基本物质内核;继续加强和改善党的领导,提高其作为推进马克思主义时代化领导力量的执政能力与执政水平,夯实政治基础等。 相似文献
Sharima Ruaida Abbas 《Social work with groups》2016,39(2-3):118-128
ABSTRACTSudden disasters cause devastating loss and trauma. Social groupwork can help heal and empower survivors through the use of nondeliberative practice forms. The authors describe a social group work model using guided artwork activities with child survivors of disasters such as the Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004 and the 2014 Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. The authors also examine the features of nondeliberative theory exemplified through work with artful media in this groupwork context. Features include the use of analogs, representational problem solving, and feedback that takes place in a lived, experiential dimension. 相似文献
Cynthia K. Sanders 《Journal of social service research》2013,39(3):297-312
ABSTRACTSurvivors of domestic violence often remain in abusive relationships due to limited economic resources, economic dependence on an abusive partner, and economic abuse. Viewing women who have experienced domestic violence as “survivors” suggests that when provided access to appropriate resources, they will seek help and utilize such resources allowing them to increase their stability and potentially escape an abusive partner. Assets have been shown to have a variety of positive associations with a wide range of economic, social, and psychological outcomes. Economic initiatives, such as financial education and individual development accounts (IDAs), aimed toward survivors of domestic violence are on the rise. However, to date, there are few studies. Data on IDA activity, including savings rates, withdrawals, and asset purchases, for 125 women who participated in an IDA matched-savings program for survivors of intimate-partner violence were examined. Approximately 2/3 of women reached their savings goal and 76% made at least 1 matched-savings withdrawal and asset purchase. Results suggest survivors can be successful savers and purchase assets that may contribute to their economic stability. Implications are discussed, including the need for long-term studies to examine how participation in a matched-savings program affects women's well-being, safety, and future experiences of intimate-partner violence. 相似文献
自媒体以其信息传播主体的普遍性和个性化、信息传播方式的交互性和即时性等优势为大学生提供了新的生活与学习平台,有利于大学生知识的获取和个性的培养,但其信息传播内容的随意性、碎片化冲击着大学生的价值观念与思维方式.自媒体在给高校思想政治教育实效性带来机遇的同时,也使传统思想政治教育模式、思想政治教育话语权、主流意识形态等面... 相似文献
沿海地区的发展实践证明,加工贸易是区域经济特别是"后发经济体"融入国际分工、促进制造业升级、加速工业化的重要途径(曾巧生,2007)。进入新世纪以来,随着东部地区产业结构调整升级,加工工业转移速度不断加快。江西作为东部近邻,具有独特的区位优势,可以抓住这一机遇;同时,江西承接东部产业转移也面临着一系列的挑战。江西应当采取措施,紧紧抓住优势,努力应对挑战,积极承接东部产业转移。 相似文献
《Social work with groups》2013,36(1-2):21-46
The growth of the self-help movement and the rapid expansion of computer communications has led to a variety of computer- based self-help/mutual aid (CSHMA) groups, including computer- based self-help groups for those with issues related to recovery from sexual abuse. Preliminary data are analyzed to determine the extent of use, participation patterns, and norms of these groups. The potential advantages of CSHMA groups for sex abuse survivors include: providing greater access to support, diffusing dependency needs, meeting the needs of those with esoteric concerns, reducing barriers related to social status cues, encouraging participation of reluctant members, promoting relational communication, and enhancing communication of those with interpersonal difficult~es. Potential disadvantages, including destructive interactions, lack of clear and accountable leadership, superficial self disclosure, promoting social isolation, limited access to noncomputer-using populations, and lack of research about benefits and user satisfaction are also discussed. 相似文献
20世纪90年代以来,地方政府融资平台有效促进了地方经济社会的持续健康发展,加速了我国城镇化发展进程,但存在土地财政依赖过大,偿债能力整体不足,缺少顶层设计和统筹监管,不利于民间资本参与等问题.因此,地方政府融资平台要正确认识和把握新一轮转型的机遇,审慎应对和化解融资成本上升、房地产繁荣不可持续、土地财政渐转不动等挑战,采取主动出击,全面提升运营能力,为地区经济社会发展做出更大贡献. 相似文献
区域经济结构与发展对策研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
区域经济结构是构筑区域经济发展的重要条件。在国家用科学发展观统筹区域发展、加强区域合作的过程中,区域经济结构主要是东西部经济发展不平衡,产业结构自东向西逐次降低,第二、第三产业东部高西部低,第一产业是西部高东部低的特征。优化区域经济结构应采取因地制宜,合理制定区域产业政策,发挥“增长极”的作用,实现经济带动效应,落实区域协调发展的目标加速区域合作。 相似文献
The purpose of this article is to explore the current and developing grandparent caregiver housing programs throughout the United States. Telephone interviews were conducted with eight current and proposed sites for grandparent and/or relative caregivers throughout the United States. Housing design, funding sources, referral sources, service provided, and rules and regulations of the housing programs were discussed. Funding, education, and advocacy appeared crucial to helping these families provide safe homes for the children in their care. Recommendations are made for social workers and grandparent caregivers to lobby legislators for increases in funding for programs nationwide to ensure all grandparent families have safe, affordable and accessible housing. 相似文献