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本文主要基于信号博弈的卖方欺诈行为进行研究,假设拍卖中可能存在欺诈型和诚实型两种卖家,其中欺诈行为有概率发生在第二价格拍卖中:欺诈型卖方冒充竞拍者递交仅次于最高价的报价从而获得额外收益。两种卖家根据各自效用选择拍卖形式:第一价格或者第二价格。而竞买者将卖者的选择作为信号,更新对卖方类型的判断,然后制定报价策略。这是一个买卖方信号交叉影响的过程。考虑到拍卖过程中买方价值相关性,本文在建立模型中参考了关联价值原理。针对该模型进行分析,得出了不同情况下的买卖方策略,并且研究了买方报价、买方判断、卖方收益三者之间的关系。文中利用贝叶斯公式对双方的策略选择问题进行预测,与单纯的概率分布方法相比,更具实践价值。  相似文献   

A step toward a strategic foundation for rational expectations equilibrium is taken by considering a double auction with n buyers and m sellers with interdependent values and affiliated private information. If there are sufficiently many buyers and sellers, and their bids are restricted to a sufficiently fine discrete set of prices, then, generically, there is an equilibrium in nondecreasing bidding functions that is arbitrarily close to the unique fully revealing rational expectations equilibrium of the limit market with unrestricted bids and a continuum of agents. In particular, the large double‐auction equilibrium is almost efficient and almost fully aggregates the agents' information.  相似文献   

We study a strategic model of dynamic trading where agents are asymmetrically informed over common value sources of uncertainty. There is a continuum of buyers and a finite number n of sellers. All buyers are uninformed, while at least one seller is privately informed about the true state of the world. When n = 1, full information revelation never occurs in equilibrium and the only information transmission happens in the first period. With n > 1 the outcome depends both on the structure of the sellers' information and, even more importantly, on the intensity of competition allowed by the existing trading rules. When there is intense competition (absence of clienteles), information is fully and immediately revealed to the buyers in every equilibrium for n large enough, regardless of the number of informed sellers. On the other hand, for trading arrangements characterized by less intense forms of competition (presence of clienteles), for any n we always have equilibria where information is never fully revealed. Moreover, in that case, when only one seller is informed, for many parameter configurations there are no equilibria with full information revelation, even for large n. (JEL: C72, C78, D82, D83)  相似文献   

The scenario of established business sellers utilizing online auction markets to reach consumers and sell new products is becoming increasingly common. We propose a class of risk management tools, loosely based on the concept of financial options that can be employed by such sellers. While conceptually similar to options in financial markets, we empirically demonstrate that option instruments within auction markets cannot be developed employing similar methodologies, because the fundamental tenets of extant option pricing models do not hold within online auction markets. We provide a framework to analyze the value proposition of options to potential sellers, option‐holder behavior implications on auction processes, and seller strategies to write and price options that maximize potential revenues. We then develop an approach that enables a seller to assess the demand for options under different option price and volume scenarios. We compare option prices derived from our approach with those derived from the Black‐Scholes model ( Black & Scholes, 1973 ) and discuss the implications of the price differences. Experiments based on actual auction data suggest that options can provide significant benefits under a variety of option‐holder behavioral patterns.  相似文献   

Consider a decentralized, dynamic market with an infinite horizon and participation costs in which both buyers and sellers have private information concerning their values for the indivisible traded good. Time is discrete, each period has length δ, and, each unit of time, continuums of new buyers and sellers consider entry. Traders whose expected utility is negative choose not to enter. Within a period each buyer is matched anonymously with a seller and each seller is matched with zero, one, or more buyers. Every seller runs a first price auction with a reservation price and, if trade occurs, both the seller and the winning buyer exit the market with their realized utility. Traders who fail to trade continue in the market to be rematched. We characterize the steady‐state equilibria that are perfect Bayesian. We show that, as δ converges to zero, equilibrium prices at which trades occur converge to the Walrasian price and the realized allocations converge to the competitive allocation. We also show the existence of equilibria for δ sufficiently small, provided the discount rate is small relative to the participation costs.  相似文献   

本文采用退货担保期权综合完全退货策略与部分退货策略的优点,构建了网络销售中基于期权的退货与定价模型,以商品的价格、退货策略和退货担保期权价格为决策变量,讨论了存在退货期权和不存在退货期权两种情况下,最优决策存在的条件,求解出销售商最优价格、退货策略和退货担保期权价格,分析了各个市场参数变化对最优值的影响,通过对担保退货期权与退货策略同时存在和购买期权才能退货二种策略的比较,发现供应商最优策略是前者。算例验证了以上结论,做了敏感性分析,总结了相关管理启示与未来研究方向。所得结论对网络销售商开展网上销售有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

Electronic reverse auctions are a commonly used procurement mechanism. Research to date has focused on suppliers who are ex ante symmetric in that their costs are drawn from a common distribution. However, in many cases, a seller's range of potential costs depends on their own operations, location, or economies of scale and scope. Thus, understanding how different bidder types impact auction outcomes is key when designing an auction. This study reports the results of the first controlled laboratory experiment designed to compare prices between first‐price and second‐price procurement auctions for homogeneous goods when seller cost types are asymmetric and the number of bidders varies. The results indicate that first‐price auctions generate lower prices regardless of market composition. The results also reveal that first‐price auctions are at least weakly more efficient than second‐price auctions despite the theoretical prediction that the reverse should hold in asymmetric auctions. Post hoc analysis of individual bidders' behavior in first‐price auctions revealed evidence that bidders systematically underbid when their cost realizations were close to the lower bound. Furthermore, bidders adjust their behavior based on the type of the other bidders in the market in a manner inconsistent with theory. Consequently, adding a third bidder to a two‐bidder market is not advantageous to the buyer unless that third bidder is a low‐cost type.  相似文献   

In developing countries, farmers lack information for making informed production, manufacturing/selling decisions to improve their earnings. To alleviate poverty, various non‐governmental organizations (NGOs) and for‐profit companies have developed different ways to distribute information about market price, crop advisory and farming technique to farmers. We investigate a fundamental question: will information create economic value for farmers? We construct a stylized model in which farmers face an uncertain market price (demand) and must make production decisions before the market price is realized. Each farmer has an imprecise private signal and an imprecise public signal to estimate the actual market price. By examining the equilibrium outcomes associated with a Cournot competition game, we show that private signals do create value by improving farmers' welfare. However, this value deteriorates as the public signal becomes available (or more precise). In contrast, in the presence of private signals, the public signal does not always create value for the farmers. Nevertheless, both private and public signals will reduce price variation. We also consider two separate extensions that involve non‐identical private signal precisions and farmers' risk‐aversion, and we find that the same results continue to hold. More importantly, we find that the public signal can reduce welfare inequality when farmers have non‐identical private signal precisions. Also, risk‐aversion can dampen the value created by private or public information.  相似文献   

We study a decentralized assembly supply chain in which an assembler (she) assembles a set of n components, each produced by a different supplier (he), into a final product to satisfy an uncertain market demand. Each supplier holds private cost information to himself, for which the assembler only has a subjective estimate. Furthermore, the assembler believes that the suppliers' costs follow a joint discrete probability distribution. The assembler aims to design an optimal menu of contracts to maximize her own expected profit. The assembler's problem is a complex multi‐dimensional constrained optimization problem. We prove that there exists a unique optimal menu of contracts for the assembler, and we further develop an efficient algorithm with a complexity of O(n) to compute the optimal contract. In addition, we conduct a comprehensive sensitivity analysis to analyze how environmental parameters affect individual firm's performance and the value of information to the assembler, to each supplier, and to the supply chain. Our results suggest that each supplier's private cost information becomes more valuable to the assembler and each supplier when the average market demand increases or when the final product unit revenue increases. Surprisingly, when a supplier's cost volatility increases and its mean remains the same, the value of information to the assembler or to each supplier does not necessarily increase. Furthermore, we show that when the suppliers' cost distributions become more positively correlated, the suppliers are always worse off, but the assembler is better off. However, the value of information for the assembler might increase or decrease.  相似文献   

在线拍卖中的“托”出价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了独立的私人估价环境下最优保留价格与竞买人数之间的关系,纠正了最优保留价格与竞买人数无关的传统观点.在此基础上,讨论了卖者可能递交"托"出价的条件以及拍卖中只剩下一个竞买人时卖者的最优"托"出价.  相似文献   

以市场需求和市场价格随机波动的二级供应链为研究对象,寻找其在信息不对称条件下绩效优化的路径。通过显示原理分别构建生产成本和销售成本信息不对称时应急供应链的数量折扣契约模型,得到最优订货量与最佳批发价策略。通过具体的算例加以验证,分析了信息不对称程度对供应链上成员及整个供应链绩效的影响。研究结果表明:当突发事件造成市场价格随机波动和市场需求变化时,供应链上的跟随者能从隐瞒私人信息中获利。但当市场需求增大时,整个供应链绩效受损,反之则反是。这与以往研究在市场需求随机、市场价格固定和信息不对称条件下的结论迥异。  相似文献   

Reverse auctions in business‐to‐business (B2B) exchanges provide numerous benefits to participants. Arguably the most notable benefit is that of lowered prices driven by increased competition in such auctions. The competition between sellers in reverse auctions has been analyzed using a game‐theoretic framework and equilibria have been established for several scenarios. One finding of note is that, in a setting in which sellers can meet total demand with the highest‐bidding seller being able to sell only a fraction of the total capacity, the sellers resort to a mixed‐strategy equilibrium. Although price randomization in industrial bidding is an accepted norm, one might argue that in reality managers do not utilize advanced game theory calculations in placing bids. More likely, managers adopt simple learning strategies. In this situation, it remains an open question as to whether the bid prices converge to the theoretical equilibrium over time. To address this question, we model reverse‐auction bidding behavior by artificial agents as both two‐player and n‐player games in a simulation environment. The agents begin the game with a minimal understanding of the environment but over time analyze wins and losses for use in determining future bids. To test for convergence, the agents explore the price space and exploit prices where profits are higher, given varying cost and capacity scenarios. In the two‐player case, the agents do indeed converge toward the theoretical equilibrium. The n‐player case provides results that reinforce our understanding of the theoretical equilibria. These results are promising enough to further consider the use of artificial learning mechanisms in reverse auctions and other electronic market transactions, especially as more sophisticated mechanisms are developed to tackle real‐life complexities. We also develop the analytical results when one agent does not behave strategically while the other agent does and show that our simulations for this environment also result in convergence toward the theoretical equilibrium. Because the nature of the best response in the new setting is very different (pure strategy as opposed to mixed), it indicates the robustness of the devised algorithm. The use of artificial agents can also overcome the limitations in rationality demonstrated by human managers. The results thus have interesting implications for designing artificial agents in automating bid responses for large numbers of bids where human intervention might not always be possible.  相似文献   

白世贞  姜曼 《中国管理科学》2019,27(10):159-169
现售和预售是线上销售的主要模式。考虑不同模式下消费者对产品估值的差异,分析现售、预售和混合销售(同时开展现售和预售)三种模式下消费者购买决策过程,构建Stackelberg博弈和Nash均衡模型,得到三种模式的产品均衡定价及需求,并探讨开展不同销售模式对应的消费者估值差异阈值以及不同主导结构对供应链企业绩效的影响。结果表明:任意主导结构下,销售模式只会影响现售产品价格,对预售产品定价没有影响;任意销售模式下,制造商主导结构的产品定价和批发价更高,但产品销售量较低;消费者延迟收货敏感度增强使预售模式的供应链成员企业的利润降低,但混合销售模式可以有效防止由此引起的损失,且制造商主导可以同时实现供应链成员企业的利益最大化。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of market size on the ability of price to aggregate traders' private information. To account for heterogeneity in correlation of trader values, a Gaussian model of double auction is introduced that departs from the standard information structure based on a common (fundamental) shock. The paper shows that markets are informationally efficient only if correlations of values coincide across all bidder pairs. As a result, with heterogeneously interdependent values, price informativeness may not increase monotonically with market size. As a necessary and sufficient condition for the monotonicity, price informativeness increases with the number of traders if the implied reduction in (the absolute value of) an average correlation statistic of an information structure is sufficiently small.  相似文献   

本文对统一价格下可分离物品的拍卖问题进行了研究。首先,在买者报价连续、买者和卖者风险中立、卖者采取可变供给量(将供给量看成价格的函数)的策略下,设计了一个新的基于可变供给量的可分离物品统一价格拍卖机制,研究了其信息激励性和分配的有效性,给出了卖者的最佳供给策略和买者的均衡报价策略。然后,将拍卖机制推广到风险中立、风险爱好和风险厌恶三类风险买者共存的情形,并给出了相应的均衡结论,该结论与现有的一些成果相比更具一般性。最后,给出了拍卖机制在环境规划中应用。具体地,结合"十一五"期间获得的"1+8武汉城市圈"环境规划中有关污染物允许排放总量分配数据和统计申报资料,利用拍卖模型来分析和评价了免费分配方案的有效性程度,并据此给出了关于目前排污申报制度和免费分配方法的若干结论和建议。  相似文献   

在竞争环境下,考虑两个开放型电商平台寡头主导的电商服务链,两平台对网商的收费制度为注册收费制、交易收费制、两部收费制等三种收费制度构成的策略集,本文构建了两平台的六种收费制度组合模型。通过博弈论逆序求解法和划线法分析发现:当平台的注册服务成本不低于交易服务成本时,两平台对网商的收费制度选择博弈不一定存在均衡,存在则必为其中一方采取交易收费制而另一方采取两部收费制这种分离均衡;反之,两平台对网商的收费制度选择博弈必定存在均衡,且为双方均选择注册收费制这种混同均衡。  相似文献   

We study the monotonicity of the equilibrium bid with respect to the number of bidders n in affiliated private‐value models of first‐price sealed‐bid auctions and prove the existence of a large class of such models in which the equilibrium bid function is not increasing in n. We moreover decompose the effect of a change in n on the bid level into a competition effect and an affiliation effect. The latter suggests to the winner of the auction that competition is less intense than she had thought before the auction. Since the affiliation effect can occur in both private‐ and common‐value models, a negative relationship between the bid level and n does not allow one to distinguish between the two models and is also not necessarily (only) due to bidders taking account of the winner's curse.  相似文献   

Can peer‐to‐peer (P2P) marketplaces benefit traditional supply chains when consumers may experience valuation risk? P2P marketplaces can mitigate consumers' risk by allowing them to trade mismatched goods; yet, they also impose a threat to retailers and their suppliers as they compete over consumers. Further, do profit‐maximizing marketplaces always extract the entire consumer surplus from the online trades? Our two‐period model highlights the effects introduced by P2P marketplaces while accounting for the platform's pricing decisions. We prove that with low product unit cost, the P2P marketplace sets its transaction fee to the market clearing price, thereby extracting all of the seller surplus. In this range of product unit cost, the supply chain partners are worse off due to the emergence of a P2P marketplace. However, when the unit cost is high, the platform sets its transaction fee to be less than the market clearing price, intentionally leaving money on the table, as a mechanism to stimulate first period demand for new goods in expectation for some of them to be traded later, in the second period, via the marketplace. It is not until the surplus left with the sellers is sufficiently high that the supply chain partners manage to extract some of this surplus, ultimately making them better off due to a P2P marketplace. We further analyze the impact of a P2P marketplace on consumer surplus and social welfare. In addition, we consider model variants accounting for a frictionless platform and consumer strategic waiting.  相似文献   

一类供应链的Stackelberg主从对策问题研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文研究了供应链中的一般订货模式和协调模式,提出了一类供应链Stackelberg主从对策问题,卖方作为主方给出最小补充期策略,买方作为从方以最优库存策略响应。考虑一致价格折扣弥补买方的库存成本增加,以及买方的库存成本合理化,建立买方需求确定下的卖方成本优化模型。最后,应用遗传算法对石油分销系统Stackelberg主从对策问题离线仿真计算,得出Stackelberg主从对策均衡解。  相似文献   

拍卖中的串通出价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文在扩展的独立私有价值模型下,考虑第二价格和第一价格拍卖机制下的串通出价行为和卖方对串通出价的反映。第二价格串通出价机制和第一价格串通出价机制分别为在这两种拍卖机制下的激励相容、有效的直接显示串通出价机制。我们发现卖方若知道有串通行为,可以提高保留价来减少损失。由于卖方一般情况下不太可能确定是否存在串通行为及参与串通的人数k,但可以确定给定保留价时串通人数的'最优反应',在第二价格串通出价机制下,给定串通人数,增加保留价可以提高卖方的期望收益,对于确定的保留价,串通人数的增加会减少卖方的期望收益。从而存在这样的纳什均衡:所有的投标人串通,即,k=N,而卖方宣布与之相应的保留价r (N)。当然,并不是所有的串通出价对投标人都是有利可图的,在第一价格拍卖机制下,若卖方可以调整保留价,只有当参与竞投的人很多时,串通出价才有利可图。  相似文献   

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