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国家认同、爱国主义与民族主义是当代国家建构过程不可回避的重大现实问题,也是学界持续探讨的重要理论问题。本文对国外有关国家认同、爱国主义和民族主义的最新实证研究成果进行梳理,勾勒出目前国外相关领域的研究现状、关注的问题以及理论视角,并对中国国家认同问题研究不足之处做了简要分析。  相似文献   


Among the inhabitants of the formerly German territory that came under Polish administration following the Second World War, the Polish authorities and public expected to find both Poles and Germans: the former would be allowed to remain and the latter would be expelled. But the question of the national identity of the inhabitants of this territory proved more complicated than expected. Polish attitudes and policies toward those inhabitants initially considered Polish often had effects opposite of those intended. As a result, a substantial portion, perhaps even a majority, of those who had originally been seen as Polish either were expelled along with the Germans or claimed to be German and on that basis sought to emigrate to Germany.  相似文献   

European integration, through euro-regions, voluntary zones of cooperation across national borders, and the eastward expansion of the Schengen Zone have transformed Europe borderlands into sites of bi-national collaboration. This study evaluates how a group of Polish university students living in the Pomerania euro-region view the new ease of cross-border mobility and the types of cross-border activities they engage in. If the experience of students in the border city of Szczecin is reflective of other European borderlands, than cross-border cooperation has not diminished the importance of the border as a mental marker of nation-state boundaries or the importance of national identity.  相似文献   

我国在历史上就是一个多民族和多族群的统一国家,族群多样性和文化多样性亦是其显著特点。以世居西北的少数民族——土族为个案,可从历史人类学的视野对历史脉络中的国家观与国家认同意识变迁进行研究和阐述,借以考察少数族群的历史记忆和国家认同观的建构历程,透视多民族国家建立和完善新型民族关系的现实和趋势。  相似文献   

民族认同理论是近年来国内外专家学者在多个学科领域研究探讨的重点话题,其在促进中华民族团结统一和构建社会主义和谐社会上具有重要的理论价值和实践意义,是新形势下爱国主义理论的拓展和创新.民族和认同两者的概念探讨出民族认同的概念及双重属性;民族认同可划分为文化认同、价值认同、历史认同、政治认同四个层次.重视民族认同理论,对解决中国当前民族问题以及多元文化背景下各民族共生共荣发展提供了现实解决途径.  相似文献   

回族传统文化中的民族精神探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何银玲 《回族研究》2004,(4):109-111
本文从四个方面分析、展示了回族传统文化中所蕴含的回回民族的民族精神 ,即回族的爱国主义精神、勤劳勇敢的开拓进取精神、自强不息的拼搏奋进精神和爱好和平、团结一致的民族友好精神 ,对于研究回族民族性格有积极的意义  相似文献   

Numerous studies have examined the level of patriotism across countries, the factors that shape patriotic feelings, and the ways in which diverse dimensions of patriotism are related to a broad set of attitudes and behaviours. Citizen evaluation of patriotism, in particular in the context of majorities and minorities, has seldom been investigated, however. Exploring this issue, this paper discusses the ways in which majorities and minorities view the consequences of patriotism and whether their attitudes are affected by inclusive state policies. Analysing public views of patriotism across countries, it found that (a) patriotism is viewed more positively than negatively in nearly all the countries included in the survey; (b) on average, majorities hold more positive views of patriotism than minorities; (c) minorities in countries governed by more exclusive policies tend to regard patriotism more negatively than those in countries governed by more inclusive policies; and (d) the more inclusive the policy, the more negatively majorities perceive patriotism. These findings are discussed in light of the normative debate regarding patriotism.  相似文献   

Questions of hybridity and multiple identities are over-theorised but the number of empirical studies is limited. The present study examines some of the discursive devices used in two Polish Tatar magazines for managing narratives about their national, ethnic and religious identities. The Polish Tatars are a numerically small group that have lived for more than 600 years in Catholic Poland. For them, being a Tatar, Muslim and Pole at the same time, is central to their self-understanding, and they do not want to limit the importance of any of these. Two main strategies of narrative identity management were identified, related to identity definitions and identity connections. The former gives layered understandings about Polish Tatar identity: a factual one in which a local and historical connection is made and a spiritual one in which belonging to an imagined symbolic community is stressed. The latter provides reconciliation between identities by stressing their similarities and relations, by emphasizing the contributions made by Tatars to Polish society, and by presenting the Tatars as potentially being in a unique mediating position between Islam and Christianity. In the near future, Tatars’ strategies for creating a hybrid identity might be challenged by global and more local developments.  相似文献   

中国共产党第三代领导集体关于维护国家统一、反对民族分裂的理论的基本观点包括加强民族团结,维护祖国统一和社会稳定,是全国各族人民的共同愿望和根本利益所在;加强民族团结,反对民族分裂,维护祖国统一,是各族人民的共同责任;分裂与反分裂的斗争从实质上讲是政治斗争;民族分裂主义分子是各族人民的共同敌人,是国家和民族的罪人;在反对分裂的斗争中,必须高举爱国主义和民族平等团结的旗帜,必须维护法律尊严,维护人民利益,维护民族团结,维护国家统一;反对分裂主义要坚定不移地相信和依靠各民族的广大干部和群众,等等.  相似文献   

试析中国回族传统体育的特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
咸云龙 《回族研究》2002,(1):101-105
本文就回族传统体育的历史性、多样性、民俗性、交融性、地域性及爱国性等特点进行分析和探索 ,以便挖掘、继承和普及回族传统体育活动 ,推动全民健身活动  相似文献   

This article will focus on the development of Irish and Ulster-British nationalisms through examining five factors that had the greatest impact on the creation and growth of these nationalisms: the geographic and topographic setting; demographic changes; sociocultural factors; economic and class factors; and the impact of the colonial power. The article will show that nationalism is driven by variables that originate from broader processes extending beyond the national group.  相似文献   


This paper discusses transnationalism and integration as processes entangled in the everyday lives of Polish migrants. It acknowledges that the co-existence of transnationalism and integration can present an array of choices and enable migrants to lead a fulfilling life in the receiving country while they continue to maintain a foothold in their original homeland. Yet, it might also create a feeling of disjuncture, discontinuity of relations, and ceaseless negotiation between inclusion and exclusion. It is, thus, important to bear in mind that migration is a process involving individuals with all their unique life experiences, complexities and consequences of their choices, sacrifices, ambiguities and hopes associated with the move. All of these have a profound impact on changes in migrants’ perception of, and attitude to, their place of origin, the specificities of destination setting and interpersonal relations between the two milieux. The empirical grounds for this discussion originate in biographical narrative interviews with Polish migrants in Belfast, Northern Ireland. These narratives portray transnationalism and integration as multiple trajectories, emphasising the co-existence of non-linear relations between the time and the intensity/frequency of migrants’ connections to the two settings. These will be examined using the theoretical framework of interpretative sociology, viewing individuals as constantly engaged in the task of interpretation, which is intrinsically rooted in the processes of interaction.  相似文献   

龙王信仰是传承较为久远、分布非常广泛的民间信仰。历来为广大学者所关注,但大都是从文献典籍出发,探讨龙王的有关传说及龙王与佛、道二教的关系。本文通过实地田野作业,对当地民间龙王信仰的内容及相关民俗活动进行了调查分析,认为唐日台村龙王信仰作为地方及民族文化系统中的活态民俗事项,是围绕农业生产(生活)而展开的具有地方性、民族性特征的信仰活动。  相似文献   


Following post-EU-accession migration, Poles currently form the largest group of foreign nationals in Norway and the second largest group of foreign born residents in the United Kingdom. Given the considerable volume of new arrivals, there is a growing literature on Polish migration to both countries; however, there is little comparative research on Polish migration across different European settings. By exploring how Polish migrants reflect on the possibilities of settlement or return, this paper comparatively examines the effects that permanent and ‘normalised’ mobility has on Polish migrants’ self-perception as citizens in four different cities. In addition to classic citizenship studies, which highlight the influence of a nation-state based institutionalised citizenship regime, we find that transnational exchanges, local provisions and inter-personal relationships shape Polish migrants’ practices of citizenship. The resulting understanding of integration is processual and sees integration as constituted by negotiated transnational balancing acts that respond to (and sometimes contradict) cultural, economic and political demands and commitments. The research is based on semi-structured interviews and focus groups with a total of 80 respondents, conducted in two British and two Norwegian cities that experienced significant Polish immigration, Oslo, Bergen, Bristol and Sheffield.  相似文献   

This article argues that, in order to overcome the national(ist) common sense that continues to haunt everyday political and scholarly interpretations of mobility, scholars need not diagnose nationalism with greater vigour, but should rather move beyond facile diagnoses of nationalism. The article calls for a meticulous tracing of relations and practices of emplacement and displacement that ubiquitous national(ist) interpretive frames both co-opt and exceed simultaneously. The argument is elaborated on the basis of an analysis of historical articulations of emplacement and displacement in Latvian understandings of ‘the good life’. The article pays particular attention to the ways in which the figure of the migrant has emerged historically as an aberration to Latvian understandings of the good life. It also considers how this ethical configuration is being unsettled through massive labour migration to Western Europe—or ‘the Great Departure’.  相似文献   

The World Cup, as a tournament that pits national teams against one another, initially seems to be a site where support for sports is tied to nations. However, situating this sporting event at the intersection of discourses of globalization, transnational circulation of capital and populations, and theories of fandom, our examination of diasporic populations found that the choice is not a simple one between ‘origin nation’ and ‘residence nation.’ Instead, the decision of which team to support relies much more on an attenuated, complex notion that we call transnational affinity. We examine this concept in relation to the context of transnational flow of players, media, spectators, and capital, contending that locating nations or national preference in the World Cup requires understanding the contemporary de- or trans-nationalization of not only sports but identity itself beyond the binary of national and global.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the multifaceted quality of ethnicity in the Jewish population of Israel by probing into the ethnic categories and their subjective meaning. The analyses utilise data collected during 2015–2016 on a representative sample of Israelis age 15 and older, as part of the seventh and eighth rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS). Hypotheses are developed concerning the relationship between demographically based ethnic origin and national identity, as well as the effect of ethnically mixed marriages on ethnic and national identities. The analyses reveal a strong preference among Jews in Israel to portray their ancestry in inclusive national categories – Israeli and Jewish – rather than more particularistic, ethno-cultural, categories (e.g. Mizrahim, Moroccan, Ashkenazim, Polish, etc). Yet, whether Israeli or Jewish receives primacy differs by migration generation, socioeconomic standing, religion, and political dispositions. While the findings clearly add to our understanding of Israeli society, they are also telling with regard to immigrant societies more generally. First, they reveal a multi-layered structure of ethnic identification. Second, they suggest that ethnic identities are quite resistant to change. Third, ethnically mixed marriages appear to erode ethnic identities and are likely to replace them with national identities.  相似文献   

Drawing on both quantitative and qualitative data, this article explores and compares the subjective experiences of everyday discrimination articulated by immigrants across five different national origin populations. The comparison reveals that discrimination is perceived, encountered, and experienced differently by immigrants from various national origins backgrounds. Further, from the perspective of immigrants themselves, discrimination is not just about phenotypical racial characteristics, but also about language abilities, class position, immigration status, foreignness, and personhood. The article describes some of the contexts or settings within which discrimination is encountered, including a discussion of both mainstream and minority contexts. The latter is rarely addressed in the literature on discrimination. Finally, using some hypothetical scenarios, it examines how immigrants of different national origins say they might react to discriminatory behavior. This exercise not only illuminates some intriguing variations across the five populations but also addresses broader discussion of confrontation as opposed to forbearance in the literature on discrimination.  相似文献   

关于改革开放二十年来民族意识定义的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族意识的定义问题是民族意识研究的核心概念,也是民族学研究的重要问题之一。随着二十一世纪民族学的进一步发展我们有必要对民族学的基本概念进行一番梳理,通过对民族意识概念发展在不同时期的整理和其特点的总结,可以使我们对当前民族学中民族意识的研究有一个深化的认识并能从中得到进一步研究的启发。  相似文献   

近代回族文化运动主流思想论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近代回族文化运动的价值集中体现在其主流思想上。本文从分析近代回族知识分子的思想入手去解析这场运动的主流思想 ,分别就他们对民族、国家、宗教的基本认识、对爱国与回族、伊斯兰教的关系的探讨、以及他们提出的各种救国方案作具体的述论。同时 ,将其放到整个回族历史中去考察 ,指出其主流思想是以爱国主义为核心的对国家、民族、宗教统一发展的追求。认为这场运动的本质是将爱国主义的思想深深地注入到回族的发展中 ,为近代以来回族爱国爱教思想的形成奠定了坚实的基础 ,翻开了回族思想史的新页 ,具有重要的历史地位  相似文献   

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