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何平 《社会工作》2012,(2):56-61
建构一个内容全面、制定科学、标准合理的社会救助法律体系是是我国构建和谐社会的重要环节。境外各国或地区的实践已经证明,社会救助立法是建构社会救助体系、维护受救助主体权利诉求以及法制建设的共同需要。这些立法的路径可以大致归纳为综合立法、专业立法、分散立法和混合立法四种模式。在对境外立法模式的比较、借鉴并考虑到目前影响我国社会救助立法的各种因素。建议采取分阶段立法,短期内制定相关的行政法规,再专门制定《社会救助法》,最后制定统领社会保障体系的《社会保障法》。  相似文献   

黄忠顺 《探求》2014,(3):46-54
基于宜粗不宜细的立法思考,我国《民诉法》在程序规则供给方面严重不足,且受程序运行者中心主义的影响,其在控制、规范权力行使与解决纠纷、保护权益方面也不尽如人意.本次《民诉法》修改主要针对审判程序进行完善,从诚实信用原则、程序分化、诉讼契约化、权力运行规范化以及保障当事人起诉权利等方面从微观上完善立法,但仍然过于模糊或者有失偏妥,需要通过解释论上的努力予以细化或尽量纠正.此外,尚需制定《强制执行法》,并在《民诉法》未来修改时贯彻程序利用者中心主义,遵循调审分离原则,充分考虑中国现实司法环境及其群众基础,并强化人大司法监督职能.  相似文献   

在加拿大,没有一部对外国法院判决承认与执行的综合性的法典。各省除了在民事诉讼规则中对执行有专门的规定外,还单独制定了强制执行法令。尽管大部分省的立法在诸多方面有相似之处,但各省的立法在对判决的执行程序上仍具有较大的差别。此外,魁北克沿袭的是大陆法系传统,而其他各省则是普通法法系。这样,一般的普通法规则在魁北克并不适用。最近,加拿大也曾讨论实行全国性的统一承认与执行外国判决法,但至今仍无结果。本文拟对加拿大对外国判决的承认与执行制度试作初步探讨。  相似文献   

民事执行权性质再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
童兆洪 《浙江学刊》2005,(3):131-138
民事执行权性质的界定决定其在国家权力系统中司法权定位,并揭示出其区别于民事审判权、行政执行权、刑事执行权的内在运行机理和独特的价值取向.司法强制性本质以及由此决定的民事执行整体系统效率价值的基本取向,使"统一管理"体制成为以执行实施工作为核心的民事执行制度安排的最优选择.据此,制定单独的民事强制执行法也有了坚实的理论基础.  相似文献   

目前,苏联国内正在编纂新刑事立法。作为新刑事立法“半成品”的《刑事立法纲要草案》和《刑法典理论模式》(总则)已经出台。苏联为什么要编纂新刑事立法?这次编纂有何特点?立法者意图作哪些重大的调整?笔者想就刑法工作者感兴趣的这些问题,作点简介。(一) 苏联现行刑事立法,即《苏联和各加盟共和国刑事立法纲要》和各加盟共和国《刑法典》是50年代末至60年代初颁布的,是作  相似文献   

《行政强制法》第43条限制了行政强制执行的时间,禁止为了迫使当事人履行相关行政决定而对居民生活采取停水停电等拒绝给付措施,彰显了保障公民权,限缩了行政权,以方法论个人主义诠释了强制执行过程中公共利益的本质。该条逻辑严密,理念先进,内容合理,与《行政强制法》同一章节的预置规则呼应表里,较好地处理了一般规则与例外规定的关系,尚无修改的必要。  相似文献   

制定食品安全法是对国家尊重和保障人权的宪法精神和宪法原则的具体落实.目前我国的食品不安全问题已经相当严重,而<食品卫生法>,<产品质量法>等已经不足以应对食品安全的需要,现行法律体系亟需完善.制定食品安全法符合国际立法的发展趋势.我国食品安全法的立法起点应该站得高一些,其立法定位应是食品安全的基本法;其立法路径应与现行的<食品卫生法>、<产品质量法>共存;其安全标准应以联合国和国际通行标准为依托;其立法的重点应强调和突出食品安全监管的组织建设,强调监督机制,保障责任落实,建立完善的权利救济机制,从而保证人民获取安全充足健康的食品,保障人类社会的健康发展.  相似文献   

养老服务机构法律规制凸显六大瓶颈之一:立法层级偏低目前,养老机构立法最明显的缺点是立法位阶低,政策性的规范文件居多。法律只有一部《老年人权益保障法》,然而该法也没有直接规范养老机构。规范养老机构的行政法规、地方性法规则没有。现行规范机构养老的法律渊源基本是政府规章:一是民政部规章位阶,如《社会福利机构管理暂行办法》;二是省级政府规章位阶,如北京市、天津市制定的养老机构管理办法;  相似文献   

黄学贤  雷娟 《浙江学刊》2012,(1):117-123
《中华人民共和国政府信息公开条例》实施三年多来,对作为灵魂和核心的立法目的,学界尚缺乏应有的检视。解读《政府信息公开条例》的立法目的,我们发现其存在着权利界定不清、功能与目的不分以及表述不明等不足。应当将公民、法人和其他组织依法享有获取信息权以及信息公开请求权作为核心立法目的,在此指导下重新设计具体规则,以弥补条例实施效果不理想的弊端,并为最终制定信息公开法提供思路。  相似文献   

姜琳 《学术交流》2012,(3):51-54
地理标志的保护经历了一个漫长的演变,地理标志权被《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》(TRIPS协议)界定为一种新型的知识产权,TRIPS协议的大多数成员通过一国的国内立法以及签订相关的国际条约来保护自己的地理标志。但各成员的制度有所不同,在地理标志保护的立法模式中,专门立法单独保护、反不正当竞争法保护、商标法与反不正当竞争法的双轨制保护以及商标法与专门立法相结合的双轨制立法保护都各有优势和不足。我国是一个地理标志资源大国,我们必须遵循国际规则,对地理标志给予共同的保护和认同,深刻认清地理标志国际保护制度,做好本国立法模式的制度选择。  相似文献   

听证制度,是行政机关公正、公开、公平行使行政处罚权的重要程序规范.我国听证制度,在立法上和执法上,都有待于完善.听证制度的建立与完善,对促进行政机关依法行政,抑制行政权的滥用;对行政相对方维护自身合法权益,提供了程序保障;对提高行政机关工作透明度,改进机关作风,提高公务员的素质,具有重要意义.听证制度以它公正、公开、简便、效能等优点,将成为我国民主化、法治化建设的重要措施之一.  相似文献   

The development of China’s international civil procedure should correspond to the development of the country’s reform and opening to the outside world. As a large economic country, China needs to draw on international civil procedures to guarantee its worldwide interests; and as a large country with the rule of law, it needs to improve the level of its judicial services and enhance the market attraction of its judicial system in global dispute resolution. Given that a country’s judicial system is an important element in measuring its comprehensive competitiveness, the global competitiveness of our international civil procedure is one of the goals to be pursued in the reform of Chinese judicial system. In order to raise the level of Chinese international civil procedure, China should emphasize the idea of the judicial system of a large country and prioritize its competitiveness, service orientation and cooperative approach to dispute resolution. In addition, it should focus on the following reforms: firstly, establishing a specialized system of international civil jurisdiction, with an increase in matters for competitive jurisdiction; secondly, enhancing China’s specialist services capacity in international civil actions, highlighting the expedient protection given to the rights of the parties concerned and stressing the professional development of judicial bodies in the commercial field; and thirdly, strengthening international judicial cooperation and facilitating the global movement of Chinese judgments.  相似文献   

Mandatory reporting of child abuse and neglect has its origins in the USA, where model statutes for laws designed to introduce this process were first drafted in the early 1960s. Indeed, every state and the District of Columbia passed a child abuse reporting law between 1963 and 1967. Some 10 years later, in 1977, New South Wales was the first Australian state to pass comparable legislation. Mandatory reporting of suspected cases of child abuse and neglect is now in place in all Australian states and territories, with the exception of Western Australia. The question considered in this paper is: ‘What evidence is there that children are abused and neglected less in jurisdictions where mandatory reporting exists by comparison with jurisdictions where it does not exist?’ This question is examined by way of a comparison between two states, New South Wales and Western Australia. This paper also raises questions about the cost of mandatory reporting and the extent to which it diverts financial resources away from support services for families. There is also a question about the new New South Wales child protection legislation that extends mandatory reporting and possible negative consequences for ordinary families. The final question is about the role assigned to health care and education professionals under this legislation.  相似文献   

尹丽华 《求是学刊》2004,31(5):81-86
英美国家独立制定证据法 ,而大陆法国家将证据法融入诉讼法或者实体法中。笔者认为证据立法模式的选择需要综合考虑立法技术、与诉讼法的协调、证据法的实际功能以及法律传统的承继与法律移植的接受等诸多因素。为此在我国现有诉讼法的框架内补充完善证据法规范 ,即通过修改诉讼法一并完善证据立法应当是最佳的选择路径  相似文献   

"外国法的查明和解释"的条文设计与论证   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄进  杜焕芳 《求是学刊》2005,32(2):69-76
外国法的查明和解释是法院在审理涉外民商事案件时通常会遇到的问题.在这方面,我国<民法通则>第八章"涉外民事关系的法律适用"对此缺乏规范,因而成为立法中的一个空白.尽管最高人民法院以司法解释的形式做了补充,但是司法实践还是比较混乱.文章为配合我国正在进行的"涉外民事关系的法律适用法"的立法,对其中的"外国法的查明和解释"的条文做了具体设计,并从立法、理论和实践的角度,对外国法的查明方法、无法查明外国法时的救济以及外国法的解释问题进行了充分的说明和详细的论证.  相似文献   

Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law lays down the right of the Staff and Workers’ Representative Congress (SWRC) to deliberate on the formulation of (intra-enterprise) work regulations, but this has become a “soft” law in judicial practice. The judicial criteria for judging the validity of work regulations are in essence determined by the judge’s judgment on their reasonableness. As an important embodiment of Chinese politics, economics and culture, the transformation of the SWRC that accompanied the market economy has not negated its value as an indigenous traditional resource. The SWRC does not just enjoy deliberative rights in the formation of regulations, as clearly specified in constitutional law, but also has rights under the law in local legislation and practice. Hence the system of work regulations is neither a unilateral decision on the part of management nor a contract, but rather an autonomous norm developed through the SWRC mechanism. Given the mandatory nature of Article 4 of the Labor Contract Law, regulations will only be valid after they have gone through a democratic process. The further development of the theory of normative system formation should endow the SWRC with greater rights and integrate it smoothly with the collective contract system to standardize collective labor relations.  相似文献   

法院在审理涉外民事案件时,经常会面临法制不统一国家法律的适用问题.在这方面,我国立法无明确规定,存在立法上的空白.为配合我国正在进行"涉外民事关系的法律适用法"的立法,文章对其中的"法制不统一国家法律的适用"条文进行了设计,并从立法和实践的角度,对"法制不统一国家"的内涵、法制不统一国家法律的适用方法等问题作了说明和论证.  相似文献   

比照近代民法以财产法为中心,现代民法强化了人文关怀,主要表现为从以财产法为中心到人法地位的提升,并广泛体现于民法中主体制度的发展、人格权的勃兴、合同制度的发展、物权法的发展、侵权法的发展、婚姻家庭法的发展等各个方面。中国未来的民法典应当以人文关怀构建价值理念,注重对人的自由和尊严的充分保障以及对弱势群体的特殊关爱。基于这一理念,在中国未来民法典中有必要增加人格权法和侵权责任法编。在中国民法的适用等方面更应强化人文关怀。  相似文献   

State policies exert a great influence over Chinese civil justice. Article 6 of the General Principles of Civil Law stipulates that state policies are a source of civil law, but the path by which they enter civil justice is not a rational one and may lead to adjudication difficulties with state policies. State policies are integrated with state law, and the laws and legal interpretations formulated by the National People’s Congress and its Standing Committee, judicial interpretations, administrative regulations, autonomous regulations and special regulations, administrative rules and other regulatory documents are forms of expression of state policies. Different rules for adjudication apply depending on the different vehicles of state policy. The Supreme People’s Court can play a role in making public policy and guiding state policy into civil adjudication through “open” and “unseen” channels.  相似文献   

There is little fundamental research in civil law theory on the relationship between computer data and goods (objects) and property under civil law. Existing judgments on online civil disputes and current theoretical research have tended to process electronic data as an object or property in isolation. But electronic data is not specific and independent; it does not fall under intangibles, nor can it be classified as an object with civil rights content. It has no independent economic value, and trading in data is constrained by its information content. Moreover, the realization of its value is dependent for protection on data security and self-control, so it cannot easily be regarded as property. Since electronic data is not an object, contracts for big data transactions can readily be defined as data service contracts, but given the uncertainty of the entity in question, the problem of externalities and the lack of a monopoly, it is not easy to realize data rights. Electronic data has the essential character of instrumental neutrality, and there are limits to the law’s imposition on it of regulatory functions. Online civil disputes can be divided into the instrumental and the virtual, used respectively as general tort remedy and as tort remedy for infringement of laws protecting others.  相似文献   

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