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海合会国家热衷于建立各类主权财富基金,他们在基金的管理、运作透明度、投资战略和模式等方面均具有鲜明的特色。在美国次贷危机后,这些基金在跨国投资方面表现更为积极,直接导致了投资接受国加强投资审查等限制性措施。投资接受国政策的演变以及2009年的迪拜债务危机对海湾国家主权财富基金未来发展均产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   

主权财富基金设立的基本目标是追求经济发展的稳定性和可持续性,中东地区是世界上最早设立主权财富基金的地区,属于典型的资源型主权财富基金,设立目标多为消除石油价格波动对本国财政及货币政策的潜在影响,平滑外汇收入。中东主权财富基金近年来发展迅猛,其对地区经济发展与宏观经济政策都有相应影响。但事实上,中东地区主权财富基金的运作未能与各国国内财政政策融合起来,没有发挥平滑国内经济波动的积极作用。因此,中东地区主权财富基金需要从投资配置、运作规则及目标匹配等方面进行相应改善,以期发挥更加重要的作用。  相似文献   

中东国家是以主权财富基金方式运营储备资产最早的实践者。近年来,中东主权财富基金对外投资主动性增强,资产配置中风险资产占比呈上升趋势,在国际社会对其投资引致风险担忧日益加深的同时,其内部风险管理也面临诸多挑战。本文探讨中东主权财富基金对外投资中面临的政治风险、市场风险与操作风险,研究中东主权财富基金的风险管理机制。  相似文献   

中东国家的主权财富基金在世界资本市场上都占有重要的地位,作为地区大国的沙特在这类基金的建立和运营方面却显得较为保守。就设立主权财富基金的一般条件而言,沙特的货币供应、外汇储备、外债规模以及国内经济发展等经济指标在本世纪初有了较大改善。但即使在此前提下,与海合会其他成员国相比,沙特主权财富基金发展仍相对滞后。本文在剖析了美元储备对美沙关系的特别意义、海外投资环境的恶化以及沙特国内所有权制度的特殊性等发展主权财富基金的政治局限性后,文章最后展望了沙特主权财富基金未来发展趋势以及中沙合作的新契机。  相似文献   

2007年以来,"主权财富基金"(Sover-eign Wealth Fund)这个名词开始频繁出现在一些西方主流媒体的报道中,与此同时,"主权财富基金威胁论"的论调也甚嚣尘上、不绝于耳。那么,究竟什么是主权财富基金?西方媒体为什么炒作"主权财富基金威胁论"?其中与中国的关系如何?我们应该怎样看待西方发达国家的"主权财富基金威胁论"?  相似文献   

财务策划将成热门职业随着国内高收入人群的增多,靠吃利息等理财观念已大大过时,人们对理财提出了新要求,如进行整体财务规划,通过保险、基金,甚至投资等组合渠道来实现财富增值,个人理财市场逐渐成了一块肥肉。目前沪上包括荷兰银行在内,大大小小的中资、外资银行均陆续推出了“个人理财”服务项目。但目前国内熟悉保险、证券、银行等多领域金融业务的复合型人才还非常缺乏。  相似文献   

<正>当前中国大力推进的以"一带一路"为鲜明时代特征的大周边外交战略,一方面收获了以海湾产油国为代表的阿拉伯国家的政治企盼和经济互动,如海湾国家蓬勃发展的主权财富基金投资在中国等东亚国家的发展前景更为广阔,海合会与中国的自由贸易区谈判前景更加光明;另一方面又面临着诸多的内外挑战,这主要来自三个层面:中国涉疆问题对中国中东外交的负面影响、"阿拉伯  相似文献   

在主权财富基金全球兴起的形势中,中东主权财富基金以其悠久的发展历史和雄厚的资金实力独树一帜。本文阐述和剖析了中东主权财富基金的发展历史和现状,指出其在对本土经济发挥支柱作用的同时,在全球经济和金融运行中也占据着越来越重要的地位,进而产生了多方面国际政治经济影响。  相似文献   

回顾2007年,6次加息,股市6000点新高,基金抢购,让老百姓的理财、消费出现了新的变化,“投资理财”一词前所未有地离千家万户这么近。这一年,对于大多数人来说,注定是一场难忘的财富体验。  相似文献   

田鹏  何世岭 《职业》2014,(32):172-175
新型农村社会养老保险制度(简称"新农保")是指为了实现农村居民老有所养,由政府相关部门负责组织、管理,实行农民个人缴费、集体补助、政府补贴的筹资方式,并建立个人账户,确保投保农民在年老时按其个人账户养老金和基础养老金状况享受养老金待遇的农村社会保障制度。现行的"新农保"基金监管体制主要实行以行政监管为主、社会监督为补充的模式,由各级人力资源社会保障部门、财政部门、审计部门和监察部门等政府部门对"新农保"基金的筹集、投资运营和给付等环节进行监管。然而,现行的"新农保"基金监管体制中存在着缺乏独立的监管部门、法律体系不够健全、投资运营过程中的风险监督环节较为薄弱以及社会监督存在缺位等缺陷,应当在立法、执法、政府部门设置、基金投资运营、社会监督等方面加以完善。  相似文献   

Foreign direct investment (FDI) has dramatically increased worldwide and is the most important form of all private capital flows to developing countries. Yet, it is an important empirical question whether FDI affects total factor productivity (TFP) positively. We investigate the effect of FDI on TFP growth in a large sample of countries in 1970–2000. Our econometric results indicate that FDI has a positive and direct effect on TFP growth. However, we do not find any evidence that the impact of FDI on TFP growth is only conditional on the recipient country's capability to absorb foreign technology. We carefully address the robustness of the empirical results . ( JEL O11, O40, O47, F21)  相似文献   

Through an examination of existing guarantee mechanisms, this article sets out and explains a proposal for the adoption of Service Performance Guarantees (SPGs) by developing countries working to attract foreign investment. The proposed approach is to offer investing firms the opportunity to purchase insurance against a wider range of risks than is currently possible, with highly visible payouts if service delivery standards fall short of those expected from the programme. The SPG contracts would be covered by a “domestic reserve” funded from premiums paid in by the firms and backed up by a further guarantee issued by a development partner. This approach restructures accountability to create a partnership of donors and recipient governments, accountable to their investor clients.  相似文献   

While the recent increase in foreign direct investment (FDI) to African countries is a welcome development, the impact of these resource inflows on economic development remains in doubt. This article argues that a key channel is its effects on domestic factor markets, especially domestic investment, and analyses the two‐way linkages between FDI and domestic investment in sub‐Saharan Africa. The results suggest, first, that FDI crowds in domestic investment and, secondly, that private investment is a driver of FDI, implying that African countries will gain much from improving the domestic climate. Moreover, there are alternatives to resource endowments as a means of attracting foreign investment to non‐resource‐rich countries.  相似文献   

海湾地区是世界最大能源基地之一,从战略和经济安全等方面与海湾六国进行长期合作,将对中国的发展至关重要。海湾各国虽有充裕的资金、大量的待合作项目和广阔的发展空间,但技术、装备、材料和人才奇缺。因此,中国企业进入海湾六国市场从宏观和微观上都有着重要现实意义。随着中国与海湾经贸合作新局面的逐步形成,中国企业将面临着如何更好地与海湾六国进行有效合作的严峻考验,为此,本文将提出几条建议。  相似文献   

The liberalization of international financial flows and foreign direct investment has induced countries to use diverse measures to attract inflow of foreign capital and foreign direct investment, which is expected to have a positive effect on the growth of GDP and thus a positive effect on social welfare. Tax exemption, reduction of tax rate, tax holiday, or diverse subsidies are some of the most important measures used. In this paper we study international tax cooperation, i.e., countries change and especially reduce tax rate for corporate income or for asset revenues to attract inflow of foreign direct investment. Both theoretical and empirical studies have shown the sensibility of foreign direct investment decision with respect to tax rate differences between home countries and host countries. In general, more inflow of foreign direct investment can be expected if the tax rate of the home country is lower than that of foreign countries. This is the main reason for international tax cooperation. In this paper we propose a simple model to prove the sub-optimal Nash non cooperative solution in a two-country tax-competition game. The model shows that international tax cooperation can improve welfare of the participating countries. How to reach a cooperative solution for an international tax competition game (ITCG) is therefore an important issue for further discussions and studies. International institutions can play a crucial role to reach international tax cooperation or international tax harmonization.  相似文献   

Limited human capital investment is a common characteristic of low‐income countries despite the fact that estimated returns to educational investment in low‐income countries are generally higher than those in high‐income countries. Empirical evidence suggests that income and credit constraints can only account for a part of this underinvestment. Recent experimental evidence shows that families' misperceptions about the returns to education play a role in their low‐investment levels. This paper builds a heterogeneous‐agent model of human capital and growth that incorporates an adaptive learning mechanism to capture the way agents form perceptions about returns to education. We find natural conditions guaranteeing existence of stable equilibria. Along transition paths, agents' misperceptions about returns to education depress realized returns, which serves to reenforce and perpetuate low human‐capital investment. If human capital investments have both private and public returns, we find multiple stable equilibria, including those which are characterized by low investment and low returns. (JEL D83, O10, I25)  相似文献   

This article uses the case of trade‐related investment measures (TRIMs) to examine the liberalisation of investment and its potential impact on developing countries. Very few developing countries actually use TRIMs to any appreciable degree, but, when taken in conjunction with the broader liberalisation of investment, the 1994 TRIMs Agreement has significant implications that will constrain governments’ policy options and require issues of competition policy to be addressed. Multilateral competition policy would be difficult to agree and implement and the article considers alternative strategies that developing countries could adopt.  相似文献   

本文从评析最优货币区理论和不可能三角理论入手,通过对欧元和欧洲中央银行实践的研究,分析了海合会国家金融货币一体化的趋势,指出现阶段成员国只有通过紧密合作、协调各方矛盾才能为提升海合会国家金融货币一体化水平创造前提条件。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between economic outcome and international public relations investment by other countries in the U.S. Based on country-level data analysis, this study found that the number of international public relations contracts by other countries in the U.S. was positively related to (1) U.S. imports from those countries, (2) U.S. direct investment to those countries, and (3) the number of U.S. tourists visiting those countries, after controlling for economic size.  相似文献   

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