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对中国生育"男孩偏好"社会动因的再思考   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
刘爽 《人口研究》2006,30(3):2-9
本文通过对部分中国育龄夫妇生育性别选择行为的文化诠释和制度分析,说明了生育“男孩偏好”的文化根源和制度基础。指出:在中国社会,男孩具有女孩所不具备的价值、特别是家庭和社会价值;同时“男孩偏好”是一种源于家庭制度和个体社会行为模式、制度化的社会价值取向。因此,人口出生性别比失常从根本上说反映了制度与文化的冲突,要扭转它需要制度创新和文化建设。  相似文献   

生育现代化的几个问题——顾宝昌先生文章的补遗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾宝昌博士发表于《人口研究》1992年第6期的《论生育和生育转变:数量、时间和性别》一文颇多新意,特别是“生育现代化”的提法正如“人口现代化”(刘铮《人口研究》1992年第2期)的说法一样应当说是对人口科学的一个贡献,虽然概念本身还需要深入论证和严格界定。众所周知,现代化和生育率转变机制一直是人口学界关注的热点问题,特别是美国  相似文献   

低生育率是当代中国人口发展面临的严峻问题,是实现适度生育水平和人口长期均衡发展的重要制约因素。文章以人口伦理学的理论和方法为基础,对中国低生育率危机隐含的伦理冲突及形成的伦理原因、应对中国低生育率危机的人口责任伦理构建等问题进行了系统研究。文章认为,中国低生育率危机隐含的伦理冲突主要表现为个体生育价值与国家生育政策之间的矛盾和冲突、女性家庭照料与就业和职业发展之间的矛盾和冲突、家庭生育抚幼与养老资源分配之间的矛盾和冲突三个方面。中国低生育率的伦理原因主要表现为:政策惯性驱动下的晚婚晚育和“只生一个好”生育观念的固化降低了人们的生育意愿,女性地位提高和就业率提高后的“双重角色”对女性生育意愿形成挤压,家庭抚幼养老功能弱化降低了生育的内在动力。构建中国低生育率危机的应对策略需要多管齐下,尤其要加强新时代人口责任伦理建设:一是重塑青年婚育责任伦理,提高人们对婚育价值和意义的认识;二是重构家庭生育责任伦理,倡导和鼓励家庭成员分担生育、养育、教育责任;三是重建关爱女性责任伦理,以尊重女性和关爱女性为价值导向,以尊重女性生育权利、保障女性经济权益为目标,努力营造尊重女性道德人格和生育权利的社会文化...  相似文献   

未婚生育状况及其婚姻进度效应是了解第二次人口转变的重要观察点,对于理解中国婚育转变和制定相关政策具有重要意义。但是当前国内研究主要将生育置于婚内讨论,鲜有关注婚前生育。文章基于2017年全国生育状况抽样调查数据分析中国1980年以后出生女性的未婚生育现状,利用事件史分析方法和倾向值匹配方法考察未婚生育对女性进入初婚的影响。结果表明约6.5%的女性曾经历未婚生育事件,其中超过九成的未婚初育是计划内怀孕的结果,随着出生队列推移,未婚生育女性的比例呈现先升后降的趋势。婚姻登记制度对婚龄的限制、传统事实婚姻惯习、计划生育对男孩偏好和多孩偏好的强化等因素在一定程度上造成了中国女性的未婚生育。从婚姻进度效应来看,未婚生育对女性初婚主要呈现出促进效应,且这种婚姻促进效应随着出生队列的推移有所增强。婚姻登记制度、相关落户制度等社会制度因素与子女中心主义、合法性诉求等个体观念因素的共同作用带来了未婚生育的婚姻促进效应。中国第二次人口转变在未婚生育领域表现出与西方国家不同的发展轨迹,传统观念和行为与现代化建设之间的冲突、错位与磨合是引发中国未婚生育及其婚姻促进效应的主要动力。在中国,生育和婚姻尚未出现“脱...  相似文献   

<正>党的二十大报告指出“中国式现代化是人口规模巨大的现代化”“以中国式现代化推进中华民族伟大复兴”,明确提出“要优化人口发展战略,建立生育支持政策体系,降低生育、养育、教育成本。实施积极应对人口老龄化国家战略”。这是以习近平同志为核心的党中央高度重视人口发展,站在实现中国式现代化的宏伟视角下,对新时代推进社会主义现代化建设和人口工作做出的战略判断和方向指引。优化人口发展战略,积极应对新的发展阶段人口问题与挑战,促进人口长期均衡发展,对于推进中国式现代化和中华民族伟大复兴具有重要意义。  相似文献   

人口现代化和生育现代化是人口发展与计划生育工作的根本目标。计划生育就是为了实现生育的现代化,进而来推进人口的现代化。如果说人口现代化是人口发展的战略目标,那么生育现代化就是计划生育事业的战略目标。从政策的角度探讨两大命题的现实意义,在此基础上提出了稳定低生育水平的"三合一"工程。  相似文献   

西方发达国家的家庭政策及对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西方国家早期的家庭政策是通过普适性的福利性手段减少家庭贫困,全面提高公民的福利水平。20世纪60、70年代,西方国家完成人口转变之后,家庭的发展进入后现代化时期,家庭模式发生了巨大转变。为达到国家的人口战略目标,西方国家的家庭政策从覆盖全民的福利性保障,逐渐转为在保证福利的同时,更加注重鼓励生育。当前西方国家在家庭政策的实施中所采取的主要政策工具包括家庭补贴和税收优惠政策,产假、生育补贴和工作保护,以及儿童看护和教育政策。依据西方发达国家家庭政策的已有经验,我国家庭政策体系可以采取"保基本、广覆盖、福利与调控人口并重"的政策路线。  相似文献   

现代化与中国人口   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文试图从人口学的角度,探讨现代化与中国人口之间的内在联系。引发笔者作此文的动机是,通过对中国人口转变过程的观察,发现现代中国人口的发展与历史上的演变有内在联系,而现代中国人口的转变过程,不仅异于西欧各国的经验模式,也异于实行“家庭生育计划”政策取得成效的一些发展中国家的情形。并且,就转变过程的特征和作用因素而言,远非人口转变理论所能说明和诠释的。而这,既与中国人口发展的过程特征有关,又与中国人口发展的文化背景有关。一言以蔽之,中国人口转变过程反映了现代化过程中,中国人口发展变化的内在规律性。  相似文献   

国外生育率转变理论认为,经济因素,特别是生产力发展水平是影响人口发展过程的主要因素,经济的现代化是生育率革命和人口革命的根本原因,也就是说,只要经济发展了,生育率自然而然地就会发生根本性转变。也有的学者把“财富流”在父代和子代之间的流动方向和数量,作为决定生育率高低的根本性条件。我认为,这些以西方文化背景和思维模式为基础的理论,很难诠释我国农村的生育率转变过程,尤其不能解释我国农村生育率水平下降至更替水平后遇到的硬性约束,即在男性偏好支配下的超生行为。究其原因就在于,我国的传统文化,尤其是传统家族文化对农民的生育观念和生育行为有着极其深刻的影响。可以说,文化因素对我国生育率转变所起的作用并不亚于经济因素,这与西方国家的情况是大不相同的。  相似文献   

我国的计划生育工作出现了可喜的新局面.其中,人口生育观有五大转变:1、生育目的观由养儿防老、传宗接代向为社会尽义务转变.人口有自然属性和社会属性.就自然属性来说,人类生育的目的,当然是为了延续和繁殖,即维持个体生存和传宗接代。就社会属性来说,人又是社会的产物,人类生育的目的,要受社会生产关系  相似文献   

"Using anomalies of the Italian case as the basis, the aim of this article is to verify how the theoretical framework [of demographic transition] put forward by Lesthaeghe can be interpreted.... While the changes in mores in the Italy of the economic boom were a component of the large-scale processes of secularization, rationalization and modernization specific to the [first demographic transition], the practices, values and models of the collective imagination characterizing the second phase of Lesthaeghe's [second demographic transition] are marked by a state of mind that cannot be put down to the 'spirit of the age' during the years of large-scale modernization, but to the emancipatory and 'rational' falling away of many of the barriers to the unfolding of individual life destiny over and above that based on class, gender and age."  相似文献   

现代化进程中的人口转变:一个广义视野的考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先描述了西方学者对人口转变过程、阶段的描述和微观、宏观层面原因的解释,在此基础上评价了国内学者对中国人口转变的论争,最后从广义的视野讨论了传统社会现代化进程中的结构转型、制度变迁与人口转变的关系。  相似文献   

This study approaches the potential influence of the demographic transition on outcomes of human development. By re-conceptualizing demographic transition as global fertility and cultural transition and combining all distal macro forces including modernization, techno-economic heritage, and economic dependency, an integrated model for explaining human development outcomes can be theoretically formulated and subjected to empirical test. A panel regression analysis of available data from all developing countries supports the influence of the distal macro forces and the intervening role played by global fertility and cultural transition in affecting human development. In particular, a four-indicator index of global fertility and cultural transition shows the strongest effect on human development index, even controlling for the lagged dependent variable and the latest most competing explanatory variables. Following the long continuing process of the demographic transition, the empirical implication of this newly constructed index of global fertility and cultural transition for exploring alternative measures of human development and policy implications for third world human development are discussed.  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - Second demographic transition (SDT) theory argues very low fertility results from the simultaneous processes of modernization and secularization. However,...  相似文献   

伴随工业化进程的一个典型化事实是人口生产由数量偏好向质量偏好的转型。正是这一人口转型,带来了传统经济和现代经济的划时代存在,也区分了工业化经济取代传统经济和现代经济超越工业化经济的工业化两个阶段。需要强调的是,没有人口转型形成的人力资本内生化机制,不可能有工业化高级阶段的推进和现代化的完成。人口转型的经验事实表明,中国经济发展已进入加速现代化进程的新阶段。  相似文献   

Demographic transition theory   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kirk D 《Population studies》1996,50(3):361-387
Demography is a science short on theory, rich in quantification. Nevertheless, demography has produced one of the best documented generalizations in the social sciences: the demographic transition. What is the demographic transition? Stripped to its essentials it is the theory that societies progress from a pre-modern regime of high fertility and high mortality to a post-modern regime of low fertility and low mortality. The cause of the transition has been sought in the reduction of the death rate by controlling epidemic and contagious diseases. Then, with modernization, children become more costly. Cultural changes weaken the importance of children. The increasing empowerment of women to make their own reproductive decisions leads to smaller families. Thus there is a change in values, emphasizing the quality of children rather than their quantity. In short, the fertility transition is becoming universal phenomenon, in which every country may be placed on a continuum of progress in the transition.  相似文献   

Summary In this paper the development of fertility and mortality in Finland, and their interrelations with each other and with economic factors is discussed. An analysis by individual years shows that rises and falls in mortality and fertility rates did not always coincide with poor and good harvests. Fertility in Finland decreased slightly at the turn of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, but fell sharply over the period 1876-1925. This fall corresponded closely to changes in the death rate, especially for infants, and appears to justify the conclusion that the changes were connected. These population shifts have been called the first and second demographic transitions, of which the latter was the more dramatic. Factors tending to reduce mortality among infants and in other age groups during the second demographic transition are obvious; those underlying the first demographic transition are less clear. In this connection, the importance of breast feeding and campaigns designed to favour the practice are stressed. These helped to reduce infant mortality and were one of the main reasons for the first demographic transition. Finnish material also suggests that some kind of family planning existed during the pre-industrial period; it is only by making this assumption that the various figures can be made compatible.  相似文献   

Applied demography has recently gained recognition as an emergent specialization among practicing demographers. We argue that applied demography is intrinsically distinct from basic demography because it exhibits the value-orientation and empirical characteristics of a decision-making science while the latter exhibits the value-orientation and empirical hallmarks of a basic science. Distinguishing characteristics of applied demography are based on the context in which it places precision and explanatory power relative to time and resources as well as the fact its substantive problems are largely exogenously-defined, usually by customers. The substantive problems of basic demography, on the other hand, are largely endogenously-defined, usually by academic demographers. Moreover, basic demography is primarily concerned with offering convincing explanations of demographic phenomena and tends to view time and resources as barriers to surmount in order to maximize precision and explanatory power. This context is very different from the one in which applied demography is embedded, which views explanatory power and precision in terms of doing what is necessary to support practical decision-making while minimizing time and resources. We examine this conceptualization of applied demography in terms of the methods and materials that fall within its purview and discuss some important consequences, including research agendas and training programs. We conclude by posing several important but unanswered questions about the actual and potential scope of applied demography and discuss some of the implications inherent in these questions.An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the Southern Demographic Association, 20 October 1995, Richmond, Virginia, USA.  相似文献   

Lloyd Demetrius 《Demography》1989,26(3):353-372
Selection (genetic and cultural) and environmental variation are the principal mechanisms determining patterns of demographic change in human populations. Conditions exist under which the nature and intensity of these forces can be inferred from temporal trends in the demographic variables. These conditions, which can be expressed in terms of relations between the Malthusian parameter and population entropy, provide a means for evaluating the effect of selective and nonselective factors on demographic trends in human populations. The distinction between the roles of selection and environmental factors is illustrated by a study of the demographic transition in Sweden (1778-1965). This study shows that demographic changes during the pre- and posttransitional phases are determined mainly by environmental factors, whereas the changes during the transitional phase are mainly due to cultural selection. This analysis provides, for all three phases of the demographic transition, quantitative measures of the intensity of the forces (selective and nonselective) acting on both mortality and fecundity distributions.  相似文献   

The demographic transition is also a kinship transition. This insight is obvious for certain types of kin—as fertility falls, parents have fewer children, for instance—but its broader implications for communities remain unexplored. Prior work on this topic has focused on how the demographic transition reshapes the availability of living kin within a society over time to the neglect of how differences in the demographic transition lead to differences in kinship networks between communities. In this article, I examine survey data (for rural Thailand) and use microsimulation methods to test how different pathways through the demographic transition affect kinship networks in communities. My results show that different routes through the demographic transition can substantially alter kinship network size and, entirely through the mechanism of demographic change, have indirect effects on community integration. These effects persist long after the demographic transition has ended. I theorize reasons that community‐level differentiation in kinship networks owing to the demographic transition are an important mechanism linking the demographic transition to modernity.  相似文献   

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