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当前,农民的生育观发生了可喜的变化,广大群众越来越深刻理解和自觉实行计划生育。他们对计划生育工作的一些想法,归纳起来为八盼。 一盼能送政策上门。经过多年宣传教育,广大群众对党的生育政策越来越了解,但也存在不少模糊认识,尤其对一些具体政策不甚清楚。有的乡村干部只强调人口计划的完成,只要求上环及结扎的人数,忽视政策宣传。不少群众听了赵紫阳同志十三大报告中关于“人口控制”的精辟论述很振奋,盼望能更多地了解党的生育政策和人口形势。  相似文献   

本文在贫困地区现行人口政策面临的困境、计划生育障碍因子分析和农民生育观念的转变等方面作了些分析和探讨。认为利用发展政策,改变现有的生育方式和生活方式,转变农民的生育观,是制定合理的人口政策的基础。  相似文献   

新时期人口计生宣教工作要注重加强人口预警预报,深入研究群众需求,不断创新理念思路,完善科学的评估体系,充分做好媒体宣传、环境宣传、入户宣传,引导育龄人群科学选择生育时间,为促进人口计生事业健康发展提供有力保障。  相似文献   

20世纪70年代中期以来,东北地区人口生育率不断下降。目前东北地区的总和生育率基本与上海、北京持平,成为全国范围内人口生育率最低的地区。以往人们主要从思想观念方面解释东北地区超低人口生育率的形成原因。本文主要从城镇化对人口生育率的一般影响与特殊影响、农村落实计划生育政策的实效、低人口生育率的跨期影响和人口结构变化、受教育程度与人口生育率的关系等方面分析东北地区超低人口生育率的形成原因,结论认为尽管不能完全否定生育观、生育意愿对实际人口生育率的影响,但经济社会发展状况和计划生育政策的落实情况是影响生育水平的最主要因素,生育观和生育意愿在很大程度上是经济社会发展的反映,并随着经济社会的发展而变化。  相似文献   

福建省云霄县委、县政府把学习、宣传、贯彻中央《决定》作为当前中心工作,把稳定低生育水平作为全县首要任务,并充分发挥四个层面的人力资源作用,宣传好、服务好、落实好人口计生政策。一是发挥党员干部模范带头作用。县委、县政府动员全县党员干部在人口计生工作中起带头表率作用,要求大家进一步明确本县人口计生工作形势和稳定低生育水平的长期性和艰巨性,提高认识,带头宣传、执行人口计生政策,带头动员亲属落实人口计生政策。二是发挥县直部门综合治理作用。  相似文献   

江西省全南县把创建幸福家庭作为全面做好人口计生工作的重要抓手,通过"五注重"扎实推进创建幸福家庭,推动人口计生工作健康持续发展。注重宣传倡导促进家庭文明以倡导科学、文明、进步的婚育新观念为目标,加大新型生育文化宣传力度,规范宣传阵地建设,建立人口文化大院、人口文化长廊、人口宣传栏、人口文化书屋,组建人口文化志愿宣传队,通过开展灵活、多样、经常的人口文化活动,满足广大育龄群众日益增长的知识需求。充分利用广播、电视、标语、宣传栏等载体,广泛宣传计生政策和法律法规,普及婚育科普知识和生殖健康知识,倡导"男女平等、晚婚晚育、计划生育、优生优育、关爱女孩"的  相似文献   

<正> 生育观指导着人们的生育行为。不同的社会制度和不同的阶级都有不同的生育观。生育观的形成有其社会、经济、文化、思想意识、传统习惯等等多方面的复杂因素。它和其它意识形态一样,有其相对的独立性,它并不随着社会制度的消亡而立即退出历史舞台,正如我国长期的封建社会中形成的旧生育观,直到现在仍有相当大的影响,成为贯彻执行现行人口政策的严重障碍。因此,破除旧的封建主义的生育观,树立新的社会主义的生育观,已经成为控制我国人口的一项重要任务。一、我国封建主义生育观的特征及其形成的条件在漫长的封建社会,逐渐形成的封建主义生育观的主要特征:一是主张早婚,  相似文献   

江西省全南县把生育文明建设作为全面做好人口计生工作的重要抓手,强化“五注重”措施,扎实推进生育文明建设,有效促进了人口计生工作健康持续发展。注重宣传倡导。建立人口文化大院、人口文化书屋、组建人口文化志愿宣传队等,广泛宣传计生政策和法律法规,倡导优生优育、男女平等、关爱女孩的婚育新观念,普及婚育科普知识和生殖健康知识。  相似文献   

甘肃省兰州市新城镇通过宣传倡导、健康促进、致富发展“三大工程”,进一步推进“幸福家庭”创建活动深入开展。实施宣传倡导工程,打造新型生育文化。利用电视、广播、手机等媒体,在辖区深入开展以法律法规、家庭美德、文明健康、婚育新风、爱心奉献等为主要内容的文明进步生育观、家庭观、幸福观教育,其中在下川村、新联村、青春村进行了道德讲堂系列活动之“和谐家庭,幸福人生”公益讲座专题讲座,利用镇区文化墙,宣传生殖保健及优生优育优教知识,开展辖区内幸福家庭、文明家庭的创建评比活动,为创建幸福家庭活动营造浓厚的社会氖围。  相似文献   

1986年底赵紫阳同志提出稳定现行生育政策,至少十几年不变和继续在城乡大力提倡一对夫妻只生一个孩子后,我们一方面集中宣传稳定现行生育政策十几年不变,只生一个光荣,晚婚晚育光荣,党团员要带头实行计划生育和避孕为主等思想,另方面积极探讨人口计划与生育政策之间的关系,统一思想认识,合情合理地完善生育政策,确保完成人口计划。  相似文献   

生育率变动的综合分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵细康 《人口学刊》2002,4(1):13-17
生育率的变动是各种因素综合影响的结果,这些因素直接和间接作用于生育过程的四个主要环节—性交、受孕、妊娠、分娩,最终影响着生育率的变动。  相似文献   

Economic literature has not adequately addressed population problems and growth models have assumed the population growth rate as an exogenous constant. Life expectancy and the quality of documentation over a long period have corrected the problem of nonstationary population, however. In addition, mathematical and computational possibilities have been increased thereby allowing population issues to be considered endogenous and variable in models. Recognizing that population changes affect supply and demand and should be studied, a group of economists have found a society to address such population problems--the European Society for Population Economics. Within the realm of population economics are subfields that should be included in any studies. For example, economists must examine household behavior and its influence on having or not having children. Another subfield includes studying the effects of changes in birth rates. For example, birth rates affect age distribution and each age distribution has a typical distribution of demand. A young society would demand schooling and child care, while an old society would need elderly care and health facilities. To enhance optimum population growth, policy makers have several options. For example, family allowances and child care influence procreation, but they require an increase in state expenditures and taxes. Providing health care for all members of society improves the quality of the population and its size. Implementing a migration policy also increases the population. Education and retraining strengthens the quality of the labor force, but some argue that it does not lead to procreation.  相似文献   

China conducted its 1st nationwide Family Planning Publicity Month in 1983, from New Year's Day to Spring Festival (February 13). The campaign emphasized the rural areas and focused on explaining why family planning is a state policy. The most noticeable achievements of this campaign were that every household became familiar with the fact that family planning is a basic state policy. The majority of the population take this policy seriously, realizing that strict control of population growth is both a good and imperative policy. More than 1,830,000 propaganda columns and photo exhibitions were displayed, 5,900,000 radio and television programs broadcast, 2,010,000 theatrical performances, movie and slide showings presented, and 97,000,000 copies of materials published for public dissemination. The activities were varied and interesting, vivid and lively, and purposeful and persuasive. 1 of the most effective methods of publicizing population control has been the presentation of comparative statistics. This aspect of the campaign was a specific and lively form of education in population theory and practice. The presentation of statistics that show the relationship among population, land use, grain produce, and income enabled the population to reason out why population growth needs to match economic and social development. Another important accomplishment of the publicity month was that a large number of couples of reproductive age became convinced of the need to use contraception. According to the incomplete statistics, 8,860,000 people had surgical operations for birth control. The universal promotion of ligations by either partner of a reproductive couple who already had given birth to a 2nd child was an important development of family planning technique promoted simultaneously with the promotion of IUDs. The increase in the number of people doing family planning work was another achievement of the publicity month. More than 15,240,000 publicity personnel and 760,000 medical personnel were trained. The enthusiasm of the Party and the people contributed to the success of the publicity month. The success of the publicity month is inseparable from the achievements and experience gained through China's longterm pursuit of family planning.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of preferences for male offspring to female offspring upon the sex ratio of the population. Asymmetric procreation behaviour of this kind is modelled by assuming that a female's procreation ceases only after at least one son or n daughters are born. It is shown that such asymmetric procreation behaviour has no effect on the sex ratio of the society, but influences rather the growth rate of the population. Finally, problems concerning the interrelationship between the sex ratio, the pattern of procreation, and the marriage régime in stationary populations are investigated.Financial support of the Norwegian Research Council (Ruhrgas scholarship scheme) is gratefully acknowledged. I am indebted to two anonymous referees for critical comments, to Gustav Feichtinger for hints to the literature, and to Sabrina Bird, Elizabeth Harrison and Corey Spellman for suggestions to improve my English style.  相似文献   

西部大开发将使流动人口与日俱增,要深化流动人口计生管理,领导重视是前提,宣传教育是先导,贯彻落实是关键,部门协调是保障,管理服务是途径,综合治理是方向.  相似文献   

C Wan  S S Tan 《人口研究》1983,(1):54-57
In mid-July to the end of August 1982, the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee and the Sichuan Provincial People's Government launched a 1-time family planning propaganda month in all of its cities and villages. The purpose was to promote and to carry out consistently and thoroughly the "Going a Step Further in Family Planning Work Directive" of the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Party and the State Council. Through the propaganda efforts, cadres and masses of Sichuan became familiar with the Party's family planning policy and the basis for population theory, thereby benefitting the nation, its people and future generations. In addition, people sensed the urgency, glory, and responsibility of population control. Based on incomplete data, during the month of propaganda, there were 174,182 new applications for 1 Child Certificates, which was 94.82% of the certificates applied for in the 1st half of 1982; 419,696 cases of contraceptive use, or 43.32% of those using them in the 1st 6 months of the year; 247,808 cases of those taking remedial measures, or 35.62% of those doing so in the 1st half of the year. The 1 child rate rose from a June 1982 figure of 68.21% to 68.71%; the multiple child rate dropped from 8.24% to 8%. The projected birthrate for 1982 is 16-17/1000. The success of the propaganda month was attained through: 1) organized responsibility, clearly defined goals and complete preparations that existed at all provincial Party and provincial Governmental levels; 2) the propaganda effort that was a priority of all governmental leaders, who utilized every propaganda tool available; At every level, propaganda sessions of every kind were convened, the entire propaganda machine was mobilized, and propaganda was brought into the home and to individuals; 3) propaganda, experience, and implementation that were all utilized simultaneously; and 4) the organization and administration of propaganda work that was systematized.  相似文献   

任克强 《西北人口》2007,28(2):8-12,16
本文通过在BWZ村的实地调查,主要是观察和访谈,发现当前农村人口出生性别比不断升高是当前的生育政策、传统的生育观念、村落文化和医疗技术的进步以及政府监管的漏洞等多方面因素共同作用的结果,提出了建立偏重纯女户家庭的养老保障、加强对B超检测技术的监管和提高村计生专职主任工资等可行性的建议。  相似文献   

生育利益调节机制:计划生育走向公共治理   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
生育利益调节机制是解决人口数量、结构、素质等诸多问题的公共治理机制。该机制是对计划生育的拓展,把生育行为的选择权力还之于民。其核心是通过一系列调整生育收益和成本的公共政策,引导公民自主选择生育,使生育行为微观选择的宏观效应最终符合国家人口政策目标。其理论模型包括宏观模型、微观模型和传导机制。宏观模型是政府判断人口发展趋势、制定人口发展战略的依据,微观模型体现了公民生育行为选择的过程,传导机制是根据宏观模型制定的一系列改变公民边际生育收益及成本、具有生育行为替代效应的公共政策。  相似文献   

Z Peng 《人口研究》1987,(5):50-52
The Chinese State Council exhorted the masses in 1984 and 1986 to improve upon its adherence to the birth policy. The policy of 1 child per couple is the proper policy reflecting specific historical conditions. China's goal to modernize cannot be realized if the population grows unchecked. With the exception of minorities and certain rural families, all couples are affected by this policy. The 1 child rate jumped from 20.73% in 1970 to 58.3% in 1984, while the 3 child rate dropped to 19.8% from 60.21% during those years. In order to solve one of China's major future population problems, it is necessary to continue advocating 1 child per couple. With the 1986 population at 1,060,080,000, China's average per capita income is among the lowest in the world. It is not enough simply to improve the economy. Population growth must be contained at 1,200,000,000 by 2000. If every couple were permitted 2 children, and allowing for unplanned births, the population would be 1,300,000,000 in 2000. Therefore, it is essential to encourage more couples to limit families to 1 child through example by officials, propaganda, material incentives and priorities in jobs and housing.  相似文献   

B Ma 《人口研究》1983,(1):5-7
The National Conference on Propaganda Work in Family Planning, held in Beijing from November 1-6, 1982, was sponsored by the the Propaganda Department of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee and the National Family Planning Committee. Among the 136 participants were representatives from various provincial, city, and autonomous region propaganda and family planning units, the General Political Department of the People's Liberation Army, general trade unions, All China Women's Federation, Communist Youth League, and propaganda reporters. The purpose of the conference was to discuss how to organize family planning propaganda in meeting China's goal of limiting the population to 1,200,000,000 by 2000, and how to arrange a Family Planning Propaganda Month for early 1983. The Chairman of the National Family Planning Committee made 3 points: family planning is a basic national policy, greater propaganda efforts must be made towards peasant family planning, and everyone must work hard to create a new situation in family planning work. The Vice Minister of the Propaganda Department remarked that family planning propaganda was foremost among the 12 national propaganda topics; these sentiments were supported totally by the representatives of the women and youth groups. The Vice Chairman of the Advisory Committee of the Central Committee said that family planning work was longterm, and that its success lay in the countryside. Finally, the Vice Chairman of the National Family Planning Committee encouraged all delegates to take the spirit of the conference back to their home. During the conference delegates also met to discuss important points in planning the Family Planning Propaganda Month.  相似文献   

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