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St. Wolfgang College recently decided to change its health care plan. The administration took this action after just minimum consultation with the faculty. Consequently, the faculty is disheartened, seeing the action as a reflection of the college's top down decision making process and command culture. Faculty are in a quadary as to what they can do. Further, the administration of the college has largely rebuffed the faculty's efforts to increase its involvement in governance, rejecting a faculty reform effort. The college's president has a background primarily in administration at the secondary school level. Since assuming leadership he has focused on improving physical plant. He avows a mission of enhancing the college's academic reputation and has taken actions that he and the administration believe will achieve this goal, such as dismantling two year degree programs that primarily serve disadvantaged and minority students and providing extra funding to flagship programs. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the trade‐off between funding strategies and operational performance in humanitarian operations. If a Humanitarian Organization (HO) offers donors the option of earmarking their donations, HO should expect an increase in total donations. However, earmarking creates constraints in resource allocation that negatively affect HO's operational performance. We study this trade‐off from the perspective of a single HO that maximizes its expected utility as a function of total donations and operational performance. HO implements disaster response and development programs and it operates in a multi‐donor market with donation uncertainty. Using a model inspired by Scarf's minimax approach and the newsvendor framework, we analyze the strategic interaction between HO and its donors. The numerical section is based on real data from 15 disasters during the period 2012–2013. We find that poor operational performance has a larger effect on HO's utility function when donors are more uncertain about HO's expected needs for disaster response. Interestingly, increasing the public awareness of development programs helps HO to get more non‐earmarked donations for disaster response. Increasing non‐earmarked donations improves HO's operational efficiency, which mitigates the impact of donation uncertainty on HO's utility function.  相似文献   

There is currently no theory that explains the pattern of change in a plant's performance as it implements a lean program. Does it improve at a declining, increasing, or constant rate, or in some other pattern? We use empirical data from the implementation of the Volvo Group's lean program worldwide to develop a grounded theory to explain this pattern. We find that the pattern roughly follows an S‐curve shape: as a plant progresses in its implementation of lean production, its operational performance improves slowly first, then grows rapidly, and finally tapers off. The initial stage can be characterized by “exploration”, during which the plant is essentially discovering and experimenting with lean principles, and the later stages by “exploitation”, during which the plant is realizing their benefits. We derive the grounded theory from quantitative internal company data and find additional qualitative support for it from our visits to 45 Volvo plants on 5 continents and 210 interviews with employees in these plants and Volvo headquarters. The S‐shape pattern has important implications. Practitioners must assess a plant's maturity in lean implementation and adjust their targets, action plans, and expectations accordingly. Scholars must take the position of the plant on the S‐curve into consideration when they analyze the impact of lean programs.  相似文献   

《Long Range Planning》2021,54(5):101990
The scholarship on Open Strategy and the role of visualization in strategy work are maturing streams of research. Open Strategy scholarship has so far primarily focused on how employees can contribute ideas to strategy making. Also, the lion's share of strategy visualization research has been on the role of visuals in strategy development by top management. Therefore, focusing on the role that specific visualization features play, especially within strategy realization work by frontline employees, can contribute to the nexus of both streams of research. We attempt to do so by drawing on a qualitative interpretive case study of how a university faculty employed digital visualizations to implement a significant organizational turnaround strategy. The focus of the faculty was on strategically transforming the undergraduate curriculum to reverse quality drift and enrollment decline, while gaining international accreditation. The study findings highlight how digital visualizations' features (i.e., incorporating non-narrative elements, network depiction, and adaptive interface functionalities) influenced the realization phases of strategy understanding and strategy enactment. In particular, the study shows that the understanding of strategy appeared to be enhanced by three affordances, namely, affectivity, relationality, and interactivity of the visualization tools and their associated features. Our study further shows that frontline employees' work on strategy enactment was shaped simultaneously via both legibility affordances (aiding the enactment of strategy consistent with the original intent) and enunciability affordances (enabling the enactment of strategy beyond the original intent). We contribute to the literature by showing how digital visualizing features work together as a bundle of affordances reciprocally reinforcing each other and influencing the strategy realization work of frontline employees, thereby enhancing the understanding of strategy and aiding in its enactment.  相似文献   

A nation's capacity to absorb and produce knowledge is increasingly linked to advancing its social and economic well-being. While the bulk of research attention has focused on knowledge management in the private sector, universities worldwide continue to play pivotal roles in developing the human capability to work with knowledge. This article draws on a qualitative case study of a public flagship, comprehensive university in a developing nation in Southeast Asia to identify existing research capacity strengths and the hopes some academic faculty and administrators have for the future in a resource-limited and politically constrained context. It points out that faculty virtue may be the basis on which research capacity can develop when gaps in organizational processes, physical resources, and outside support exist. The findings have relevance for richer and poorer nations alike, as rapidly changing economic conditions threaten levels of funding to universities around the world.  相似文献   

The crucial issues in the administration of higher education embody the very purpose, function, and concept of each institution. The institution's administrative policies are based on the combined philosophy of many conflicting interest groups such as taxpayers, donors, administrators, faculty, students, staff, and users of university services. A function performed by the university which is receiving increasing attention and outside pressure is the formulation of admissions policy for newly entering students. This paper investigates problems involved in the admissions planning and presents a goal programming model as an optimization tool for the problem.  相似文献   

This paper examines the proposition that action learning is a new paradigm in management education. Action learning is becoming widely accepted methodology for the development of managers and managerial competence. This is in both public and private sector organizations and within the context of certificated and organisationally based programmes. The paper seeks to use Kuhn's work on the nature of paradigms and change as a way of explaining the increase of interest in his approach. Importantly, although this approach promises to answer some of the problems of traditional management education, it is not without its own critics. Kuhn's criteria for a paradigm change are explained with reference to action learning literature and knowledge of practice. From this a framework is developed that compares a traditional approach to management education with an action learning approach on three levels. Our conclusion is that action learning is a new paradigm, but for the maximum benefit to be gained from the approach its application needs to be more carefully considered, particularly in relation to the provision of some wider external frameworks for the manager to use as‘tools for thinking’  相似文献   

Benefit‐cost and risk analyses associated with agency rule making are required by presidential order and are reviewed by the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA). This White House oversight of agency regulatory analysis means that OIRA's work, though primarily analytic, competes daily with the intense political pressures that characterize all work in the White House. Even in the face of the demands of politics, analysis is respected and utilized. A balance between politics and analysis is maintained in several ways. Several structural characteristics of the White House help protect analysis, such as a strong complement of offices whose role is primarily analytic (for example, the Council of Economic Advisors, the Office of Science and Technology Policy, and OMB). OIRA's ability to successfully coordinate its regulatory review with White House officials ensures that it serves as an agent for presidential regulatory policy at the same time it champions higher quality benefit‐cost and risk analysis. This role as intermediary between analytic and political judgment also results from OIRA's expertise in such analysis and its reputation for the discretion necessary to maintain the trust of the president's upper level staff.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the theoretical and empirical literature on self–other rating agreement (SOA) related to leadership in the workplace, focusing primarily on research published between 1997 (the year of Atwater &; Yammarino's seminal paper on SOA) and the present. Much of the current interest in SOA derives from its purported relationships with self-awareness and leader effectiveness. The literature, however, has used a variety of metrics to assess SOA, resulting in discrepancies between findings across studies. As multi-rater (360-degree; multisource) feedback instruments continue to be widely used as a measure of leadership in organizations, it is important that we more clearly understand the relationships between SOA and its predictors and outcomes. To this end, in this article, we review (a) models of agreement, (b) factors affecting self-ratings and the congruence between self–others' ratings, (c) factors affecting others' ratings, (d) correlates of agreement, and (e) measurement issues and data analytic techniques. We conclude with discussions of practitioner issues and directions for future research.  相似文献   

How have the servant-leader writings of Robert Greenleaf impacted upon society during the past twenty years? What influence has Greenleaf had upon trustees and others? And, what are people sayingtoday about servant-leadership? While this paper seeks to provide a partial answer to these questions, its intent is to serve as an informative report on the ever-widening influence of the servant-as-leader idea—and as a resource guide for others who may wish to delve more deeply into the notion of trustees as servant-leaders. In 1974, Robert Greenleaf publishedTrustees as Servants, in which he expressed his own thoughts concerning the special role which trustees can and should play within an institution—but usually don't. His delineation of some of the barriers and solutions to effective trusteeship has since been read by over 400,000 people and has come to represent a core element of what is now generally called “trustee education.” The central definition of servant-leadership, as defined by Greenleaf inThe Servant as Leader, is as follows: It begins with the natural feeling that one wants to serve, to serve first. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to lead. The difference manifests itself in the care taken by the servant—first to make sure that other people's highest priority needs are being served. The best test, and difficult to administer, is: do those served grow as persons; do they while being served, become healthier, wiser, freer, more autonomous, more likely themselves to become servants? And, what is the effect on the least privileged in society; will they benefit, or at least, not be further deprived? The past two decades have witnessed the publication of a growing number of books and articles concerning servant-leadership and its applications in a number of key areas. This now includes its uses as: a working philosophy and model in both for-profit and not-for-profit institutions; the bringing together of servant-leadership and experiential education in the related area of “service-learning”; the use of servant-leadership within community leadership programs; its use in both formal management/leadership courses and by independent consultants working directly with institutions; as a core idea for several diverse areas of personal growth and personal transformation; and as the values base for trustee education. The attached bibliographies-in-progress are intended to provide suggested readings for those who are interested in finding out more about the role of trustees as servant-leaders.  相似文献   

This paper formulates a multi-period course scheduling problem as a zero-one programming model. Under various constraints, and for a planning horizon of several terms, the model seeks to maximize: (1) the faculty course preferences in assigning faculty members to courses, and (2) the faculty time preferences in allocating courses to time blocks, via a two-stage optimization procedure. The multi-period structure of the model, strengthened by the explicit inclusion of a wide-range of constraints designed to represent various special requirements has enabled the model to capture the many dynamic features of the course scheduling problem at the college level. As such, it can be used not only for long-range or short-range departmental planning, but also as a suitable framework toward the development of a larger, and all-inclusive course scheduling decision system. The paper begins with a brief review of several related studies and then presents a multi-period scheduling model and its extensions. Some numerical examples are used to test the model, and the authors' experience, resulting from such tests with several computer codes, is reported. The possible directions for future research are also suggested.  相似文献   

A main weakness in the evaluation of disaster education programs for children is evaluators’ propensity to judge program effectiveness based on changes in children's knowledge. Few studies have articulated an explicit program theory of how children's education would achieve desired outcomes and impacts related to disaster risk reduction in households and communities. This article describes the advantages of constructing program theory models for the purpose of evaluating disaster education programs for children. Following a review of some potential frameworks for program theory development, including the logic model, the program theory matrix, and the stage step model, the article provides working examples of these frameworks. The first example is the development of a program theory matrix used in an evaluation of ShakeOut, an earthquake drill practiced in two Washington State school districts. The model illustrates a theory of action; specifically, the effectiveness of school earthquake drills in preventing injuries and deaths during disasters. The second example is the development of a stage step model used for a process evaluation of What's the Plan Stan?, a voluntary teaching resource distributed to all New Zealand primary schools for curricular integration of disaster education. The model illustrates a theory of use; specifically, expanding the reach of disaster education for children through increased promotion of the resource. The process of developing the program theory models for the purpose of evaluation planning is discussed, as well as the advantages and shortcomings of the theory‐based approaches.  相似文献   

Some retailers of seasonal products adopt weather‐conditional rebate programs to induce early sales and increase profits. In such promotions, customers who buy the product in an advance preselling period are offered rebates if a pre‐specified weather condition is realized during the later normal selling season. We investigate the potential benefits of these programs for retailers. We show that the weather‐conditional rebate program can increase sales by price discriminating among a customer's post‐purchase states. Taking advantage of the early sales, it can also reduce the inventory holding cost and ordering cost, and hence can increase the retailer's expected profits. In addition, we numerically investigate the sensitivity of the rebate program's effectiveness to the model parameters and illustrate its advantages over an advance‐discount policy.  相似文献   

Product degradation is the deterioration of a commodity over time. Since the beginning of the 21st century, higher education in South Carolina has engaged in a process of cutting state funding to higher education. During this process questions emerged on the effects of the cuts on the many education programs that depend on state funding. The purpose of this study was to measure the perceptions of university faculty and administrators’ concerning the recent budget cuts in South Carolina and determine if the term product degradation can be appropriately applied to the educational product at state-supported four-year institutions in South Carolina.  相似文献   

In a little more than a decade, bioengineering has moved from the esoteric halls of academia and R & D departments to the center stage of major corporate financial strategic planning. For many major chemical and refining companies, genetic manipulation is becoming the centerpiece of survival. Dupont, for instance, is considering getting rid of the $21-billion Conoco Company in order to devote resources to the development of, and more importantly, the marketing of bioengineered products. Monsanto, largely because of its emphasis on reducing the environmental impact of its agricultural products, is one of the few major corporations to cultivate profit from the soil surface through design for the environment. Monsanto's CEO, Robert Shapiro, has made the consideration of the company's impact on the environment dependent on the company's competetive future.  相似文献   

Since Skinner's [40] landmark article depicting the manufacturing function as the “missing link” in corporate strategic processes, a portion of the blame for inferior performance in many firms has been attributed to the subordinate strategic position of manufacturing. It has been argued that part of the solution to misalignments between the capabilities possessed by manufacturing and the requirements dictated by customers is for manufacturing to take a more proactive stance. However, little research has been reported which examines manufacturing proactiveness empirically. In this paper, we address this gap by developing an operational definition of manufacturing proactiveness and testing empirically whether a link exists between proactiveness and performance based on data collected from a sample of manufacturers. Based on the manufacturing strategy literature, we identify two major dimensions of manufacturing proactiveness: (1) the degree of manufacturing's involvement in the strategic processes of the business unit; and (2) the degree of commitment to a long-term program of investments in manufacturing structure and infrastructure aimed at building capabilities in anticipation of their need. We develop reliable scales for measuring each of the dimensions of proactiveness and use the data to provide evidence of a clear link between manufacturing proactiveness and business performance. We show that investments in structural programs coupled with either high levels of manufacturing involvement in strategic processes or planned investments in infrastructural programs correlate with higher than average performance.  相似文献   

The Precautionary Principle has been an increasingly important principle in international treaties since the 1980s. Through varying formulations, it states that when an activity can lead to a catastrophe for human health or the environment, measures should be taken to prevent it even if the cause‐and‐effect relationship is not fully established scientifically. The Precautionary Principle has been critically discussed from many sides. This article concentrates on a theoretical argument by Peterson (2006) according to which the Precautionary Principle is incoherent with other desiderata of rational decision making, and thus cannot be used as a decision rule that selects an action among several ones. I claim here that Peterson's argument fails to establish the incoherence of the Precautionary Principle, by attacking three of its premises. I argue (i) that Peterson's treatment of uncertainties lacks generality, (ii) that his Archimedian condition is problematic for incommensurability reasons, and (iii) that his explication of the Precautionary Principle is not adequate. This leads me to conjecture that the Precautionary Principle can be envisaged as a coherent decision rule, again.  相似文献   

Presented here is an introduction to stochastic linear programs with recourse. The paper is by no means a comprehensive survey of the field; that would be an encyclopedic task at best. This paper discusses formulation, interpretation, and computational aspects of stochastic linear programs with simple and fixed recourse. The paper is pedagogical in nature and is aimed to whet the interest of the decision scientist that has little or no background in stochastic programming. Moreover, the papers in this field have appeared in diverse journals not always readily available to the typical management scientist or practitioner and quite often at a very sophisticated mathematical level. For the practitioner, Wets's algorithm for solving stochastic linear programs with simple recourse may be particularly interesting since Wets shows in that paper how the problem can be reduced to an equivalent deterministic linear program of the same dimensionality.  相似文献   

Davenport (1993a) has pointed out that the diffusion of innovation approach as a behavioral process change has been limited to the study of how new information technology can be successfully adopted, rather than “how innovation can improve organizational performance.” This article extends Davenport's challenge to bridge this research gap by applying the diffusion of innovation approach to study accounting and control systems as an administrative process innovation approach to improve business performance. We chose to study internal auditing because it constitutes an important aspect of an administrative process innovation program that is critical for improving business performance programs.  相似文献   

During the last 25 years, the ecosystem of knowledge creation and dissemination in operations and supply chain management has improved remarkably. We now see OM as a vibrant community and an ecosystem in steady state. Yet, there are many opportunities ahead to revitalize our field and to expand our influence. In the spirit of continuous improvement, we propose that we focus our major efforts on accelerating the following four developments: First, having greatly expanded the domain of operations management, we should continue to expand its boundaries. Second, after a visible increase in exploratory studies, our community should accelerate our pursuit of such research. Third, we encourage OM faculty to develop programs that enable Ph.D. students to carry out part of their work in actual organizational settings. Fourth, we should further strengthen our interactions with the business community and create mechanisms to systematically disseminate our research to its members.  相似文献   

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