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This work presents a new method to deal with missing values in financial time series. Previous works are generally based in state-space models and Kalman filter and few consider ARCH family models. The traditional approach is to bound the data together and perform the estimation without considering the presence of missing values. The existing methods generally consider missing values in the returns. The proposed method considers the presence of missing values in the price of the assets instead of in the returns. The performance of the method in estimating the parameters and the volatilities is evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulation. Value at risk is also considered in the simulation. An empirical application to NASDAQ 100 Index series is presented.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the problem of estimating missing observations in an infinite realization of a linear, possibly nonstationary, stochastic processes when the model is known. The general case of any possible distribution of missing observations in the time series is considered, and analytical expressions for the optimal estimators and their associated mean squared errors are obtained. These expressions involve solely the elements of the inverse or dual autocorrelation function of the series.

This optimal estimator -the conditional expectation of the missing observations given the available ones- is equal to the estimator that results from filling the missing values in the series with arbitrary numbers, treating these numbers as additive outliers, and removing with intervention analysis the outlier effects from the invented numbers.  相似文献   

Incomplete data subject to non‐ignorable non‐response are often encountered in practice and have a non‐identifiability problem. A follow‐up sample is randomly selected from the set of non‐respondents to avoid the non‐identifiability problem and get complete responses. Glynn, Laird, & Rubin analyzed non‐ignorable missing data with a follow‐up sample under a pattern mixture model. In this article, maximum likelihood estimation of parameters of the categorical missing data is considered with a follow‐up sample under a selection model. To estimate the parameters with non‐ignorable missing data, the EM algorithm with weighting, proposed by Ibrahim, is used. That is, in the E‐step, the weighted mean is calculated using the fractional weights for imputed data. Variances are estimated using the approximated jacknife method. Simulation results are presented to compare the proposed method with previously presented methods.  相似文献   

An approach to fill-in of missing data where gaps exist within an otherwise continuous record is addressed. Ad hoc methods of past approaches are discussed and limitations noted. An approach for providing an estimate of data filling consistent with data having a correlation structure is presented. The method provided is an extension of parametric modelling along with additional constraints imposed via a linear filter to account for variance preservation. The method is applied and compared to real data in which a portion of the record has been removed to simulate missing data. Results show the method to provide realistic missing data that preserves the correlation structure and variance of the measured data.  相似文献   

Time series arising in practice often have an inherently irregular sampling structure or missing values, that can arise for example due to a faulty measuring device or complex time-dependent nature. Spectral decomposition of time series is a traditionally useful tool for data variability analysis. However, existing methods for spectral estimation often assume a regularly-sampled time series, or require modifications to cope with irregular or ‘gappy’ data. Additionally, many techniques also assume that the time series are stationary, which in the majority of cases is demonstrably not appropriate. This article addresses the topic of spectral estimation of a non-stationary time series sampled with missing data. The time series is modelled as a locally stationary wavelet process in the sense introduced by Nason et al. (J. R. Stat. Soc. B 62(2):271–292, 2000) and its realization is assumed to feature missing observations. Our work proposes an estimator (the periodogram) for the process wavelet spectrum, which copes with the missing data whilst relaxing the strong assumption of stationarity. At the centre of our construction are second generation wavelets built by means of the lifting scheme (Sweldens, Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing III, Proc. SPIE, vol. 2569, pp. 68–79, 1995), designed to cope with irregular data. We investigate the theoretical properties of our proposed periodogram, and show that it can be smoothed to produce a bias-corrected spectral estimate by adopting a penalized least squares criterion. We demonstrate our method with real data and simulated examples.  相似文献   

We propose a new regression-based filter for extracting signals online from multivariate high frequency time series. It separates relevant signals of several variables from noise and (multivariate) outliers.

Unlike parallel univariate filters, the new procedure takes into account the local covariance structure between the single time series components. It is based on high-breakdown estimates, which makes it robust against (patches of) outliers in one or several of the components as well as against outliers with respect to the multivariate covariance structure. Moreover, the trade-off problem between bias and variance for the optimal choice of the window width is approached by choosing the size of the window adaptively, depending on the current data situation.

Furthermore, we present an advanced algorithm of our filtering procedure that includes the replacement of missing observations in real time. Thus, the new procedure can be applied in online-monitoring practice. Applications to physiological time series from intensive care show the practical effect of the proposed filtering technique.  相似文献   

An incomplete-data Fisher scoring method is proposed for parameter estimation in models where data are missing and in latent-variable models that can be formulated as a missing data problem. The convergence properties of the proposed method and an accelerated variant of this method are provided. The main features of this method are its ability to accelerate the rate of convergence by adjusting the steplength, to provide a second derivative of the observed-data log-likelihood function using only the functions used in the proposed method, and the ability to avoid having to explicitly solve the first derivative of the object function. Four examples are presented to demonstrate how the proposed method converges compared with the EM algorithm and its variants. The computing time is also compared.  相似文献   

Summary The paper deals with missing data and forecasting problems in multivariate time series making use of the Common Components Dynamic Linear Model (DLMCC), presented in Quintana (1985), and West and Harrison (1989). Some results are presented and discussed: exploiting the correlation between series, estimated by the DLMCC, the paper shows as it is possible to update state vector posterior distributions for the unobserved series. This is realized on the base of the updating of the observed series state vectors, for which the usual Kalman filter equations can be applied. An application concerning some Italian private consumption series provides an example of the model capabilities.  相似文献   

A family of robust estimators for coefficients of Gaussian AR(p) time series under simultaneously influencing distortions of two types: outliers and missing values, is proposed. The estimators are based on special properties of the Cauchy probability distribution; consistency and the asymptotic normality of these estimators are proven. An approximate solution of the problem of minimization of the asymptotic variance within the proposed family of estimators is found. Performance of the proposed estimators is illustrated for simulated time series and for real data sets.  相似文献   

A Bayesian analysis is presented of a time series which is the sum of a stationary component with a smooth spectral density and a deterministic component consisting of a linear combination of a trend and periodic terms. The periodic terms may have known or unknown frequencies. The advantage of our approach is that different features of the data—such as the regression parameters, the spectral density, unknown frequencies and missing observations—are combined in a hierarchical Bayesian framework and estimated simultaneously. A Bayesian test to detect deterministic components in the data is also constructed. By using an asymptotic approximation to the likelihood, the computation is carried out efficiently using the Markov chain Monte Carlo method in O ( Mn ) operations, where n is the sample size and M is the number of iterations. We show empirically that our approach works well on real and simulated samples.  相似文献   

Summary.  A multivariate non-linear time series model for road safety data is presented. The model is applied in a case-study into the development of a yearly time series of numbers of fatal accidents (inside and outside urban areas) and numbers of kilometres driven by motor vehicles in the Netherlands between 1961 and 2000. The model accounts for missing entries in the disaggregated numbers of kilometres driven although the aggregated numbers are observed throughout. We consider a multivariate non-linear time series model for the analysis of these data. The model consists of dynamic unobserved factors for exposure and risk that are related in a non-linear way to the number of fatal accidents. The multivariate dimension of the model is due to its inclusion of multiple time series for inside and outside urban areas. Approximate maximum likelihood methods based on the extended Kalman filter are utilized for the estimation of unknown parameters. The latent factors are estimated by extended smoothing methods. It is concluded that the salient features of the observed time series are captured by the model in a satisfactory way.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of estimating the parameters of a matrix normal dynamic linear model when the variance and covariance matrices of its error terms are unknown and can be changing over time. Given that the analysis is not conjugate, we use simulation methods based on Monte Carlo Markov chains to estimate the parameters of the model. This analysis allows us to carry out a dynamic principal components analysis in a set of multivariate time series. Furthermore, it permits the treatment of series with different lengths and with missing data. The methodology is illustrated with two empirical examples: the value added distribution of the firms operating in the manufacturing sector of the countries participating in the BACH project, and the joint evolution of a set of international stock-market indices.  相似文献   

The estimation of the mixtures of regression models is usually based on the normal assumption of components and maximum likelihood estimation of the normal components is sensitive to noise, outliers, or high-leverage points. Missing values are inevitable in many situations and parameter estimates could be biased if the missing values are not handled properly. In this article, we propose the mixtures of regression models for contaminated incomplete heterogeneous data. The proposed models provide robust estimates of regression coefficients varying across latent subgroups even under the presence of missing values. The methodology is illustrated through simulation studies and a real data analysis.  相似文献   

The minimum mean square error linear interpolator for missing values in time series is extended to handle any pattern of nonconsecutive observations. The paper then develops evidence with simple ARMA models that the usefulness of either the"nonparametric"or the parametric form of the least squares interpolator depends on the time series model, the arrangement of the missing data and the objective for completing the series.  相似文献   

Dynamic principal component analysis (DPCA), also known as frequency domain principal component analysis, has been developed by Brillinger [Time Series: Data Analysis and Theory, Vol. 36, SIAM, 1981] to decompose multivariate time-series data into a few principal component series. A primary advantage of DPCA is its capability of extracting essential components from the data by reflecting the serial dependence of them. It is also used to estimate the common component in a dynamic factor model, which is frequently used in econometrics. However, its beneficial property cannot be utilized when missing values are present, which should not be simply ignored when estimating the spectral density matrix in the DPCA procedure. Based on a novel combination of conventional DPCA and self-consistency concept, we propose a DPCA method when missing values are present. We demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method over some existing imputation methods through the Monte Carlo experiments and real data analysis.  相似文献   

Latent Markov models (LMMs) are widely used in the analysis of heterogeneous longitudinal data. However, most existing LMMs are developed in fully observed data without missing entries. The main objective of this study is to develop a Bayesian approach for analyzing the LMMs with non-ignorable missing data. Bayesian methods for estimation and model comparison are discussed. The empirical performance of the proposed methodology is evaluated through simulation studies. An application to a data set derived from National Longitudinal Survey of Youth 1997 is presented.  相似文献   

This paper extends the notions of common cycles and common seasonal features to time series having deterministic and stochastic seasonality at different frequencies. The conditions under which quarterly time series with these characteristics have common features are investigated, various representations are presented and statistical inference is discussed. Finally, the analysis is applied to study comovements between different components of consumption and income using UK data.  相似文献   

This article proposes a Bayesian approach, which can simultaneously obtain the Bayesian estimates of unknown parameters and random effects, to analyze nonlinear reproductive dispersion mixed models (NRDMMs) for longitudinal data with nonignorable missing covariates and responses. The logistic regression model is employed to model the missing data mechanisms for missing covariates and responses. A hybrid sampling procedure combining the Gibber sampler and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is presented to draw observations from the conditional distributions. Because missing data mechanism is not testable, we develop the logarithm of the pseudo-marginal likelihood, deviance information criterion, the Bayes factor, and the pseudo-Bayes factor to compare several competing missing data mechanism models in the current considered NRDMMs with nonignorable missing covaraites and responses. Three simulation studies and a real example taken from the paediatric AIDS clinical trial group ACTG are used to illustrate the proposed methodologies. Empirical results show that our proposed methods are effective in selecting missing data mechanism models.  相似文献   

Much attention has focused in recent years on the use of state-space models for describing and forecasting industrial time series. However, several state-space models that are proposed for such data series are not observable and do not have a unique representation, particularly in situations where the data history suggests marked seasonal trends. This raises major practical difficulties since it becomes necessary to impose one or more constraints and this implies a complicated error structure on the model. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that state-space models are useful for describing time series data for forecasting purposes and that there are trend-projecting state-space components that can be combined to provide observable state-space representations for specified data series. This result is particularly useful for seasonal or pseudo-seasonal time series. A well-known data series is examined in some detail and several observable state-space models are suggested and compared favourably with the constrained observable model.  相似文献   

In some fields, we are forced to work with missing data in multivariate time series. Unfortunately, the data analysis in this context cannot be carried out in the same way as in the case of complete data. To deal with this problem, a Bayesian analysis of multivariate threshold autoregressive models with exogenous inputs and missing data is carried out. In this paper, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to obtain samples from the involved posterior distributions, including threshold values and missing data. In order to identify autoregressive orders, we adapt the Bayesian variable selection method in this class of multivariate process. The number of regimes is estimated using marginal likelihood or product parameter-space strategies.  相似文献   

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