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Existing research on mixtures of regression models are limited to directly observed predictors. The estimation of mixtures of regression for measurement error data imposes challenges for statisticians. For linear regression models with measurement error data, the naive ordinary least squares method, which directly substitutes the observed surrogates for the unobserved error-prone variables, yields an inconsistent estimate for the regression coefficients. The same inconsistency also happens to the naive mixtures of regression estimate, which is based on the traditional maximum likelihood estimator and simply ignores the measurement error. To solve this inconsistency, we propose to use the deconvolution method to estimate the mixture likelihood of the observed surrogates. Then our proposed estimate is found by maximizing the estimated mixture likelihood. In addition, a generalized EM algorithm is also developed to find the estimate. The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed estimation procedures work well and perform much better than the naive estimates.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a bias corrected estimate of the regression coefficient for the generalized probit regression model when the covariates are subject to measurement error and the responses are subject to interval censoring. The main improvement of our method is that it reduces most of the bias that the naive estimates have. The great advantage of our method is that it is baseline and censoring distribution free, in a sense that the investigator does not need to calculate the baseline or the censoring distribution to obtain the estimator of the regression coefficient, an important property of Cox regression model. A sandwich estimator for the variance is also proposed. Our procedure can be generalized to general measurement error distribution as long as the first four moments of the measurement error are known. The results of extensive simulations show that our approach is very effective in eliminating the bias when the measurement error is not too large relative to the error term of the regression model.  相似文献   

Summary. In many biomedical studies, covariates are subject to measurement error. Although it is well known that the regression coefficients estimators can be substantially biased if the measurement error is not accommodated, there has been little study of the effect of covariate measurement error on the estimation of the dependence between bivariate failure times. We show that the dependence parameter estimator in the Clayton–Oakes model can be considerably biased if the measurement error in the covariate is not accommodated. In contrast with the typical bias towards the null for marginal regression coefficients, the dependence parameter can be biased in either direction. We introduce a bias reduction technique for the bivariate survival function in copula models while assuming an additive measurement error model and replicated measurement for the covariates, and we study the large and small sample properties of the dependence parameter estimator proposed.  相似文献   

Models are considered in which true lifetimes are generated by a Weibull regression model and measured lifetimes are determined from the true times by certain measurement error models. Adjusted estimators are obtained under one parametric specification. The bias properties of these estimators and standard estimators are compared both theoretically, using small measurement error asymptotics, and by simulation. The standard estimators of regression coefficients, other than the intercept, are bias-robust. The adjusted estimator of the shape parameter removes the bias of the standard estimator.  相似文献   

In survey research, it is assumed that reported response by the individual is correct. However, given the issues of prestige bias, self-respect, respondent's reported data often produces estimated values which are highly deviated from the true values. This causes measurement error (ME) to be present in the sample estimates. In this article, the estimation of population mean in the presence of measurement error using information on a single auxiliary variable is studied. A generalized estimator of population mean is proposed. The class of estimators is obtained by using some conventional and non-conventional measures. Simulation and numerical study is also conducted to assess the performance of estimators in the presence and absence of measurement error.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the problem of estimating the finite population mean in stratified random sampling by using two auxiliary variables. This paper proposed a ratio-cum-product exponential type estimator of population mean under different situations: (i) when there is presence of non-response and measurement errors on the study as well as auxiliary variables; (ii) when there is non-response on the study and auxiliary variables but with no measurement error; (iii) when there is complete response on study variable but there is presence of non-response and measurement error on the auxiliary variables and (iv) when there are complete response and measurement error on study as well as auxiliary variables. The expressions of the bias and mean square error of the proposed estimator have been obtained up to the first degree of approximation. The proposed estimator has been compared with usual unbiased estimator, ratio estimator and other existing estimators and the conditions obtained to show the efficacy of the proposed estimator over other considered estimators. Simulation study is carried out to support the theoretical findings.  相似文献   

Regression parameter estimation in the Cox failure time model is considered when regression variables are subject to measurement error. Assuming that repeat regression vector measurements adhere to a classical measurement model, we can consider an ordinary regression calibration approach in which the unobserved covariates are replaced by an estimate of their conditional expectation given available covariate measurements. However, since the rate of withdrawal from the risk set across the time axis, due to failure or censoring, will typically depend on covariates, we may improve the regression parameter estimator by recalibrating within each risk set. The asymptotic and small sample properties of such a risk set regression calibration estimator are studied. A simple estimator based on a least squares calibration in each risk set appears able to eliminate much of the bias that attends the ordinary regression calibration estimator under extreme measurement error circumstances. Corresponding asymptotic distribution theory is developed, small sample properties are studied using computer simulations and an illustration is provided.  相似文献   

In the measurement error Cox proportional hazards model, the naive maximum partial likelihood estimator (MPLE) is asymptotically biased. In this paper, we give the formula of the asymptotic bias for the additive measurement error Cox model. By adjusting for this error, we derive an adjusted MPLE that is less biased. The bias can be further reduced by adjusting for the estimator second and even third time. This estimator has the advantage of being easy to apply. The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated through a simulation study.  相似文献   

Shrinkage estimator is a commonly applied solution to the general problem caused by multicollinearity. Recently, the ridge regression (RR) estimators for estimating the ridge parameter k in the negative binomial (NB) regression have been proposed. The Jackknifed estimators are obtained to remedy the multicollinearity and reduce the bias. A simulation study is provided to evaluate the performance of estimators. Both mean squared error (MSE) and the percentage relative error (PRE) are considered as the performance criteria. The simulated result indicated that some of proposed Jackknifed estimators should be preferred to the ML method and ridge estimators to reduce MSE and bias.  相似文献   

Beta regression models provide an adequate approach for modeling continuous outcomes limited to the interval (0, 1). This paper deals with an extension of beta regression models that allow for explanatory variables to be measured with error. The structural approach, in which the covariates measured with error are assumed to be random variables, is employed. Three estimation methods are presented, namely maximum likelihood, maximum pseudo-likelihood and regression calibration. Monte Carlo simulations are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed estimators and the naïve estimator. Also, a residual analysis for beta regression models with measurement errors is proposed. The results are illustrated in a real data set.  相似文献   

Starting from the Rao (Commun Stat Theory Methods 20:3325–3340, 1991) regression estimator, we propose a class of estimators for the unknown mean of a survey variable when auxiliary information is available. The bias and the mean square error of the estimators belonging to the class are obtained and the expressions for the optimum parameters minimizing the asymptotic mean square error are given in closed form. A simple condition allowing us to improve the classical regression estimator is worked out. Finally, in order to compare the performance of some estimators with the regression one, a simulation study is carried out when some population parameters are supposed to be unknown.  相似文献   

A multivariate linear calibration problem, in which response variable is multivariate and explanatory variable is univariate, is considered. In this paper a class of generalized inverse regression estimators is proposed in multi-univariate linear calibration. It includes the classical estimator and the inverse regression one (or Krutchkoff estimator). For the proposed estimator we derive the expressions of bias and mean square error (MSE). Furthermore the behavior of these characteristics is investigated through an analytical method. In addition through a numerical study we confirm the existence of a generalized inverse regression estimator to improve both the classical and the inverse regression estimators on the MSE criterion.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the estimation of population mean of a sensitive variable in stratified random sampling based on randomized response technique (RRT) when the observations are contaminated by measurement errors (ME). A generalized estimator of population mean is proposed by using additively scrambled responses for the sensitive variable. The expressions for the bias and mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimator are derived. The performance of the proposed estimator is evaluated both theoretically and empirically. Results are also applied to a real data set.  相似文献   

In this paper, an improved generalized difference-cum-ratio-type estimator for the finite population variance under two-phase sampling design is proposed. The expressions for bias and mean square error (MSE) are derived to first order of approximation. The proposed estimator is more efficient than the usual sample variance estimator, traditional ratio estimator, traditional regression estimator, chain ratio type and chain ratio-product-type estimators, and Jhajj and Walia (2011) estimator. Four datasets are also used to illustrate the performances of different estimators.  相似文献   

The extreme value theory is very popular in applied sciences including finance, economics, hydrology and many other disciplines. In univariate extreme value theory, we model the data by a suitable distribution from the general max-domain of attraction characterized by its tail index; there are three broad classes of tails—the Pareto type, the Weibull type and the Gumbel type. The simplest and most common estimator of the tail index is the Hill estimator that works only for Pareto type tails and has a high bias; it is also highly non-robust in presence of outliers with respect to the assumed model. There have been some recent attempts to produce asymptotically unbiased or robust alternative to the Hill estimator; however all the robust alternatives work for any one type of tail. This paper proposes a new general estimator of the tail index that is both robust and has smaller bias under all the three tail types compared to the existing robust estimators. This essentially produces a robust generalization of the estimator proposed by Matthys and Beirlant (Stat Sin 13:853–880, 2003) under the same model approximation through a suitable exponential regression framework using the density power divergence. The robustness properties of the estimator are derived in the paper along with an extensive simulation study. A method for bias correction is also proposed with application to some real data examples.  相似文献   

Liang and Zeger (1986) introduced a class of estimating equations that gives consistent estimates of regression parameters and of their asymptotic variances in the class of generalized linear models for cluster correlated data. When the independent variables or covariates in such models are subject to measurement errors, the parameter estimates obtained from these estimating equations are no longer consistent. To correct for the effect of measurement errors, an estimator with smaller asymptotic bias is constructed along the lines of Stefanski (1985), assuming that the measurement error variance is either known or estimable. The asymptotic distribution of the bias-corrected estimator and a consistent estimator of its asymptotic variance are also given. The special case of a binary logistic regression model is studied in detail. For this case, methods based on conditional scores and quasilikelihood are also extended to cluster correlated data. Results of a small simulation study on the performance of the proposed estimators and associated tests of hypotheses are reported.  相似文献   

The Poisson regression model (PRM) is employed in modelling the relationship between a count variable (y) and one or more explanatory variables. The parameters of PRM are popularly estimated using the Poisson maximum likelihood estimator (PMLE). There is a tendency that the explanatory variables grow together, which results in the problem of multicollinearity. The variance of the PMLE becomes inflated in the presence of multicollinearity. The Poisson ridge regression (PRRE) and Liu estimator (PLE) have been suggested as an alternative to the PMLE. However, in this study, we propose a new estimator to estimate the regression coefficients for the PRM when multicollinearity is a challenge. We perform a simulation study under different specifications to assess the performance of the new estimator and the existing ones. The performance was evaluated using the scalar mean square error criterion and the mean squared error prediction error. The aircraft damage data was adopted for the application study and the estimators’ performance judged by the SMSE and the mean squared prediction error. The theoretical comparison shows that the proposed estimator outperforms other estimators. This is further supported by the simulation study and the application result.KEYWORDS: Poisson regression model, Poisson maximum likelihood estimator, multicollinearity, Poisson ridge regression, Liu estimator, simulation  相似文献   

Poisson regression is a very commonly used technique for modeling the count data in applied sciences, in which the model parameters are usually estimated by the maximum likelihood method. However, the presence of multicollinearity inflates the variance of maximum likelihood (ML) estimator and the estimated parameters give unstable results. In this article, a new linearized ridge Poisson estimator is introduced to deal with the problem of multicollinearity. Based on the asymptotic properties of ML estimator, the bias, covariance and mean squared error of the proposed estimator are obtained and the optimal choice of shrinkage parameter is derived. The performance of the existing estimators and proposed estimator is evaluated through Monte Carlo simulations and two real data applications. The results clearly reveal that the proposed estimator outperforms the existing estimators in the mean squared error sense.KEYWORDS: Poisson regression, multicollinearity, ridge Poisson estimator, linearized ridge regression estimator, mean squared errorMathematics Subject Classifications: 62J07, 62F10  相似文献   

In this paper, the restricted almost unbiased ridge regression estimator and restricted almost unbiased Liu estimator are introduced for the vector of parameters in a multiple linear regression model with linear restrictions. The bias, variance matrices and mean square error (MSE) of the proposed estimators are derived and compared. It is shown that the proposed estimators will have smaller quadratic bias but larger variance than the corresponding competitors in literatures. However, they will respectively outperform the latter according to the MSE criterion under certain conditions. Finally, a simulation study and a numerical example are given to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

The estimation of the distribution functon of a random variable X measured with error is studied. Let the i-th observation on X be denoted by YiXii where εi is the measuremen error. Let {Yi} (i=1,2,…,n) be a sample of independent observations. It is assumed that {Xi} and {∈i} are mutually independent and each is identically distributed. As is standard in the literature for this problem, the distribution of e is assumed known in the development of the methodology. In practice, the measurement error distribution is estimated from replicate observations.

The proposed semiparametric estimator is derived by estimating the quantises of X on a set of n transformed V-values and smoothing the estimated quantiles using a spline function. The number of parameters of the spline function is determined by the data with a simple criterion, such as AIC. In a simulation study, the semiparametric estimator dominates an optimal kernel estimator and a normal mixture estimator for a wide class of densities.

The proposed estimator is applied to estimate the distribution function of the mean pH value in a field plot. The density function of the measurement error is estimated from repeated measurements of the pH values in a plot, and is treated as known for the estimation of the distribution function of the mean pH value.  相似文献   

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