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We consider the comparison of mean vectors for k groups when k is large and sample size per group is fixed. The asymptotic null and non-null distributions of the normal theory likelihood ratio, Lawley–Hotelling and Bartlett–Nanda–Pillai statistics are derived under general conditions. We extend the results to tests on the profiles of the mean vectors, tests for additional information (provided by a sub-vector of the responses over and beyond the remaining sub-vector of responses in separating the groups) and tests on the dimension of the hyperplane formed by the mean vectors. Our techniques are based on perturbation expansions and limit theorems applied to independent but non-identically distributed sequences of quadratic forms in random matrices. In all these four MANOVA problems, the asymptotic null and non-null distributions are normal. Both the null and non-null distributions are asymptotically invariant to non-normality when the group sample sizes are equal. In the unbalanced case, a slight modification of the test statistics will lead to asymptotically robust tests. Based on the robustness results, some approaches for finite approximation are introduced. The numerical results provide strong support for the asymptotic results and finiteness approximations.  相似文献   

Starting from the characterization of extreme‐value copulas based on max‐stability, large‐sample tests of extreme‐value dependence for multivariate copulas are studied. The two key ingredients of the proposed tests are the empirical copula of the data and a multiplier technique for obtaining approximate p‐values for the derived statistics. The asymptotic validity of the multiplier approach is established, and the finite‐sample performance of a large number of candidate test statistics is studied through extensive Monte Carlo experiments for data sets of dimension two to five. In the bivariate case, the rejection rates of the best versions of the tests are compared with those of the test of Ghoudi et al. (1998) recently revisited by Ben Ghorbal et al. (2009). The proposed procedures are illustrated on bivariate financial data and trivariate geological data. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 703–720; 2011. © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the problem of testing the equality of two distributions when both samples are progressively Type-II censored. We discuss the following two statistics: one based on the Wilcoxon-type rank-sum precedence test, and the second based on the Kaplan–Meier estimator of the cumulative distribution function. The exact null distributions of these test statistics are derived and are then used to generate critical values and the corresponding exact levels of significance for different combinations of sample sizes and progressive censoring schemes. We also discuss their non-null distributions under Lehmann alternatives. A power study of the proposed tests is carried out under Lehmann alternatives as well as under location-shift alternatives through Monte Carlo simulations. Through this power study, it is shown that the Wilcoxon-type rank-sum precedence test performs the best.  相似文献   

Exact ksample permutation tests for binary data for three commonly encountered hypotheses tests are presented,, The tests are derived both under the population and randomization models . The generating function for the number of cases in the null distribution is obtained, The asymptotic distributions of the test statistics are derived . Actual significance levels are computed for the asymptotic test versions , Random sampling of the null distribution is suggested as a superior alternative to the asymptotics and an efficient computer technique for implementing the random sampling is described., finally, some numerical examples are presented and sample size guidelines given for computer implementation of the exact tests.  相似文献   

By comparing estimators of the variance of idiosyncratic error at different robust levels, two Hausman-type test statistics are respectively constructed for the existence of individual and time effects in the panel regression model with incomplete data. The resultant test statistics have several desired properties. Firstly, they are robust to the presence of one effect when the other is tested. Secondly, they are immune to the non-normal distribution of the disturbances since the distributional conditions are not needed in the construction of the statistics. Thirdly, they have more robust performances than the main competitors in the literature when the covariates are correlated with the effects. Additionally, they are very simple and have no heavy computational burden. Joint tests for both of the two effects are also discussed. Monte Carlo evidence shows that the proposed tests have desired finite sample properties, and a real data analysis gives further support.  相似文献   

We consider robust permutation tests for a location shift in the two sample case based on estimating equations, comparing the test statistics based on a score function and an M-estimate. First we obtain a form for both tests so that the exact tests may be carried out using the same algorithms as used for permutation tests based on the mean. Then we obtain the Bahadur slopes of the tests in these two statistics, giving numerical results for two cases equivalent to a test based on Huber scores and a particular case of this related to a median test. We show that they have different Bahadur slopes with neither exceeding the other over the whole range. Finally, we give some numerical results illustrating the robustness properties of the tests and confirming the theoretical results on Bahadur slopes.  相似文献   

We consider several procedures to detect changes in the mean or the covariance structure of a linear process. The tests are based on the weighted CUSUM process. The limit distributions of the test statistics are derived under the no change null hypothesis. We develop new strong and weak approximations for the sample mean as well as the sample correlations of linear processes. A small Monte Carlo simulation illustrates the applicability of our results.  相似文献   

For location–scale families, we consider a random distance between the sample order statistics and the quasi sample order statistics derived from the null distribution as a measure of discrepancy. The conditional qth quantile and expectation of the random discrepancy on the given sample are chosen as test statistics. Simulation results of powers against various alternatives are illustrated under the normal and exponential hypotheses for moderate sample size. The proposed tests, especially the qth quantile tests with a small or large q, are shown to be more powerful than other prominent goodness-of-fit tests in most cases.  相似文献   

Based on two-sample rank order statistics, a repeated significance testing procedure for a multi-sample location problem is considered. The asymptotic distribution theory of the proposed tests is given under the null hypothesis as well as under local alternatives. A Bahadur efficiency result of the repeated significance test relative to the terminal test based solely on the target sample size is presented. In the adaptation of the proposed tests to multiple comparisons, an asymptotically equivalent test statistic in terms of the rank estimators of the location parameters is derived from which the Scheffé method of multiple comparisons can be obtained in a convinient way.  相似文献   

A goodness‐of‐fit procedure is proposed for parametric families of copulas. The new test statistics are functionals of an empirical process based on the theoretical and sample versions of Spearman's dependence function. Conditions under which this empirical process converges weakly are seen to hold for many families including the Gaussian, Frank, and generalized Farlie–Gumbel–Morgenstern systems of distributions, as well as the models with singular components described by Durante [Durante ( 2007 ) Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, 344, 195–198]. Thanks to a parametric bootstrap method that allows to compute valid P‐values, it is shown empirically that tests based on Cramér–von Mises distances keep their size under the null hypothesis. Simulations attesting the power of the newly proposed tests, comparisons with competing procedures and complete analyses of real hydrological and financial data sets are presented. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 80‐101; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

A new family of kernels is suggested for use in long run variance (LRV) estimation and robust regression testing. The kernels are constructed by taking powers of the Bartlett kernel and are intended to be used with no truncation (or bandwidth) parameter. As the power parameter (ρ)(ρ) increases, the kernels become very sharp at the origin and increasingly downweight values away from the origin, thereby achieving effects similar to a bandwidth parameter. Sharp origin kernels can be used in regression testing in much the same way as conventional kernels with no truncation, as suggested in the work of Kiefer and Vogelsang [2002a, Heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation robust testing using bandwidth equal to sample size. Econometric Theory 18, 1350–1366, 2002b, Heteroskedasticity-autocorrelation robust standard errors using the Bartlett kernel without truncation, Econometrica 70, 2093–2095] Analysis and simulations indicate that sharp origin kernels lead to tests with improved size properties relative to conventional tests and better power properties than other tests using Bartlett and other conventional kernels without truncation.  相似文献   

The asymptotically best linear unbiased estimate (ABLUE) of the normal mean is discussed. The estimate is based on k selected order statistics chosen from a singly or doubly censored large sample of size n(>k). The coefficients, the asymptotic relative efficiency of the estimate, and the optimum spacing of k real numbers between 0 and 1 which determines the optimum ranks of order statistics, are provided. A comparison between the ABLUE and the iterated maximum likelihood estimate is made.  相似文献   

A stratified study is often designed for adjusting several independent trials in modern medical research. We consider the problem of non-inferiority tests and sample size determinations for a nonzero risk difference in stratified matched-pair studies, and develop the likelihood ratio and Wald-type weighted statistics for testing a null hypothesis of non-zero risk difference for each stratum in stratified matched-pair studies on the basis of (1) the sample-based method and (2) the constrained maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) method. Sample size formulae for the above proposed statistics are derived, and several choices of weights for Wald-type weighted statistics are considered. We evaluate the performance of the proposed tests according to type I error rates and empirical powers via simulation studies. Empirical results show that (1) the likelihood ratio and the Wald-type CMLE test based on harmonic means of the stratum-specific sample size (SSIZE) weight (the Cochran's test) behave satisfactorily in the sense that their significance levels are much closer to the prespecified nominal level; (2) the likelihood ratio test is better than Nam's [2006. Non-inferiority of new procedure to standard procedure in stratified matched-pair design. Biometrical J. 48, 966–977] score test; (3) the sample sizes obtained by using SSIZE weight are smaller than other weighted statistics in general; (4) the Cochran's test statistic is generally much better than other weighted statistics with CMLE method. A real example from a clinical laboratory study is used to illustrate the proposed methodologies.  相似文献   

Location-scale invariant Bickel–Rosenblatt goodness-of-fit tests (IBR tests) are considered in this paper to test the hypothesis that f, the common density function of the observed independent d-dimensional random vectors, belongs to a null location-scale family of density functions. The asymptotic behaviour of the test procedures for fixed and non-fixed bandwidths is studied by using an unifying approach. We establish the limiting null distribution of the test statistics, the consistency of the associated tests and we derive its asymptotic power against sequences of local alternatives. These results show the asymptotic superiority, for fixed and local alternatives, of IBR tests with fixed bandwidth over IBR tests with non-fixed bandwidth.  相似文献   

This article presents the goodness-of-fit tests for the Laplace distribution based on its maximum entropy characterization result. The critical values of the test statistics estimated by Monte Carlo simulations are tabulated for various window and sample sizes. The test statistics use an entropy estimator depending on the window size; so, the choice of the optimal window size is an important problem. The window sizes for yielding the maximum power of the tests are given for selected sample sizes. Power studies are performed to compare the proposed tests with goodness-of-fit tests based on the empirical distribution function. Simulation results report that entropy-based tests have consistently higher power than EDF tests against almost all alternatives considered.  相似文献   

Two new statistics are proposed for testing the identity of high-dimensional covariance matrix. Applying the large dimensional random matrix theory, we study the asymptotic distributions of our proposed statistics under the situation that the dimension p and the sample size n tend to infinity proportionally. The proposed tests can accommodate the situation that the data dimension is much larger than the sample size, and the situation that the population distribution is non-Gaussian. The numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed tests have good performance on the empirical powers for a wide range of dimensions and sample sizes.  相似文献   

Using certain properties of order statistics, the geometric distribution has been characterized when the components are independent and identically distributed. When the components are independent, the geometric distribution has been characterized in the class of either IFR or DFR discrete distributions. In particular, Ferguson's (1967) characterization theorem for independent components in a sample of size two has been extended in several directions.  相似文献   


In this paper, we examine the issue of detecting explosive behavior in economic and financial time series when an explosive episode is both ongoing at the end of the sample and of finite length. We propose a testing strategy based on a subsampling method in which a suitable test statistic is calculated on a finite number of end-of-sample observations, with a critical value obtained using subsample test statistics calculated on the remaining observations. This approach also has the practical advantage that, by virtue of how the critical values are obtained, it can deliver tests which are robust to, among other things, conditional heteroskedasticity and serial correlation in the driving shocks. We also explore modifications of the raw statistics to account for unconditional heteroskedasticity using studentization and a White-type correction. We evaluate the finite sample size and power properties of our proposed procedures and find that they offer promising levels of power, suggesting the possibility for earlier detection of end-of-sample bubble episodes compared to existing procedures.  相似文献   

The Pareto distribution is found in a large number of real world situations and is also a well-known model for extreme events. In the spirit of Neyman [1937. Smooth tests for goodness of fit. Skand. Aktuarietidskr. 20, 149–199] and Thomas and Pierce [1979. Neyman's smooth goodness-of-fit test when the hypothesis is composite. J. Amer. Statist. Assoc. 74, 441–445], we propose a smooth goodness of fit test for the Pareto distribution family which is motivated by LeCam's theory of local asymptotic normality (LAN). We establish the behavior of the associated test statistic firstly under the null hypothesis that the sample follows a Pareto distribution and secondly under local alternatives using the LAN framework. Finally, simulations are provided in order to study the finite sample behavior of the test statistic.  相似文献   

We propose a method of comparing two functional linear models in which explanatory variables are functions (curves) and responses can be either scalars or functions. In such models, the role of parameter vectors (or matrices) is played by integral operators acting on a function space. We test the null hypothesis that these operators are the same in two independent samples. The complexity of the test statistics increases as we move from scalar to functional responses and relax assumptions on the covariance structure of the regressors. They all, however, have an asymptotic chi‐squared distribution with the number of degrees of freedom which depends on a specific setting. The test statistics are readily computable using the R package fda , and have good finite sample properties. The test is applied to egg‐laying curves of Mediterranean flies and to data from terrestrial magnetic observatories. The Canadian Journal of Statistics © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

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