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This paper considers the search for locally and maximin optimal designs for multi-factor nonlinear models from optimal designs for sub-models of a lower dimension. In particular, sufficient conditions are given so that maximin D-optimal designs for additive multi-factor nonlinear models can be built from maximin D-optimal designs for their sub-models with a single factor. Some examples of application are models involving exponential decay in several variables.  相似文献   

In this paper we show that product type designs are optimal in partially heteroscedastic multi-factor linear models. This result is applied to obtain locally D-optimal designs in multi-factor generalized linear models by means of a canonical transformation. As a consequence we can construct optimal designs for direct logistic response as well as for Bradley–Terry type paired comparison experiments.  相似文献   

Optimal designs are required to make efficient statistical experiments. By using canonical moments, in 1980, Studden found Ds-optimal designs for polynomial regression models. On the other hand, integrable systems are dynamical systems whose solutions can be written down concretely. In this paper, polynomial regression models through a fixed point are discussed. In order to calculate D-optimal designs for these models, a useful relationship between canonical moments and discrete integrable systems is introduced. By using canonical moments and discrete integrable systems, a new algorithm for calculating D-optimal designs for these models is proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the problem of designing experiments for generalized least-squares analysis in the Michaelis–Menten model. We study the structure of exact D-optimal designs in a model with an autoregressive error structure. Explicit results for locally D-optimal designs are derived for the case where two observations can be taken per subject. Additionally standardized maximin D-optimal designs are obtained in this case. The results illustrate the enormous difficulties to find exact optimal designs explicitly for nonlinear regression models with correlated observations.  相似文献   

Das and Park (2006) introduced slope-rotatable designs overall directions for correlated observations which is known as A-optimal robust slope-rotatable designs. This article focuses D-optimal slope-rotatable designs for second-order response surface model with correlated observations. It has been established that robust second-order rotatable designs are also D-optimal robust slope-rotatable designs. A class of D-optimal robust second-order slope-rotatable designs has been derived for special correlation structures of errors.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of finding saturated designs for multivariate cubic regression on a cube which are nearly D-optimal. A finite class of designs is presented for the k dimensional cube having the property that the sequence of the best designs in this class for each k is asymptotically efficient as k increases. A method for constructing good designs in this class is discussed and the construction is carried out for 1?k?8. These numerical results are presented in the last section of the paper.  相似文献   

In this paper D- and V-optimal population designs for the quadratic regression model with a random intercept term and with values of the explanatory variable taken from a set of equally spaced, non-repeated time points are considered. D-optimal population designs based on single-point individual designs were readily found but the derivation of explicit expressions for designs based on two-point individual designs was not straightforward and was complicated by the fact that the designs now depend on ratio of the variance components. Further algebraic results pertaining to d-point D-optimal population designs where d≥3 and to V-optimal population designs proved elusive. The requisite designs can be calculated by careful programming and this is illustrated by means of a simple example.  相似文献   

Optimal block designs in small blocks are explored under the A-, E- and D-criteria when the treatments have a natural ordering and interest lies in comparing consecutive pairs of treatments. We first formulate the problem via approximate theory which leads to a convenient multiplicative algorithm for obtaining A-optimal design measures. This, in turn, yields highly efficient exact designs, under the A-criterion, even when the number of blocks is rather small. Moreover, our approach is seen to allow nesting of such efficient exact designs which is an advantage when the resources for the experiment are available in possibly several stages. Illustrative examples are given and tables of A-optimal design measures are provided. Approximate theory is also seen to yield analytical results on E- and D-optimal design measures.  相似文献   

Most growth curves can only be used to model the tumor growth under no intervention. To model the growth curves for treated tumor, both the growth delay due to the treatment and the regrowth of the tumor after the treatment need to be taken into account. In this paper, we consider two tumor regrowth models and determine the locally D- and c-optimal designs for these models. We then show that the locally D- and c-optimal designs are minimally supported. We also consider two equally spaced designs as alternative designs and evaluate their efficiencies.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of D- and A-optimality of direct sum designs for additive mixture models when the errors are heteroscedastic. Sufficient conditions are given so that D- and A-optimal designs for additive mixture models can be constructed from the D- and A-optimal designs for homogeneous models in sub-mixture systems.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to introduce a new class of extended E(s2)-optimal two level supersaturated designs obtained by adding runs to an existing E(s2)-optimal two level supersaturated design. The extended design is a union of two optimal SSDs belonging to different classes. New lower bound to E(s2) has been obtained for the extended supersaturated designs. Some examples and a small catalogue of E(s2)-optimal SSDs are also included.  相似文献   

For given positive integers v, b, and k (all of them ≥2) a block design is a k × b array of the variety labels 1,…,v with blocks as columns. For the usual one-way heterogeneity model in standard form the problem is studied of finding a D-optimal block design for estimating the variety contrasts, when no balanced block design (BBD) exists. The paper presents solutions to this problem for v≤6. The results on D-optimality are derived from a graph-theoretic context. Block designs can be considered as multigraphs, and a block design is D-optimal iff its multigraph has greatest complexity (=number of spanning trees).  相似文献   

We give a new characterization of Elfving's (1952) method for computing c-optimal designs in k dimensions which gives explicit formulae for the k unknown optimal weights and k unknown signs in Elfving's characterization. This eliminates the need to search over these parameters to compute c-optimal designs, and thus reduces the computational burden from solving a family of optimization problems to solving a single optimization problem for the optimal finite support set. We give two illustrative examples: a high dimensional polynomial regression model and a logistic regression model, the latter showing that the method can be used for locally optimal designs in nonlinear models as well.  相似文献   

Locating the optimal operating conditions of the process parameters is critical in a lifetime improvement experiment. For log-normal lifetime distribution with compound error structure (i.e., symmetry, inter-class and intra-class correlation error structures), we have developed methods for construction of D-optimal robust first order designs. It is shown that D-optimal robust first order designs are always robust first order rotatable but the converse is not always true.  相似文献   

In this paper some results on the computation of optimal designs for discriminating between nonlinear models are provided. In particular, some typical deviations of the Michaelis–Menten model are considered. A common deviation of this pharmacokinetic model consists on adding a linear term. If two linear models differ in one parameter the T-optimal design for discriminating between them is c-optimal for estimating the added linear term. This is not the case for nonlinear models.  相似文献   

Optimal designs for logistic models generally require prior information about the values of the regression parameters. However, experimenters usually do not have full knowledge of these parameters. We propose a design that is D-optimal on a restricted design region. This design assigns an equal weight to design points that contain more information and ignores those design points that contain less information about the regression parameters. The design can be constructed in practice by means of the rank order of the outcome variances. A numerical study compares the proposed design with the D-optimal and completely balanced designs in terms of efficiency.  相似文献   

Optimality properties of approximate block designs are studied under variations of (1) the class of competing designs, (2) the optimality criterion, (3) the parametric function of interest, and (4) the statistical model. The designs which are optimal turn out to be the product of their treatment and block marginals, and uniform designs when the support is specified in advance. Optimality here means uniform, universal, and simultaneous jp-optimality. The classical balanced incomplete block designs are embedded into this approach, and shown to be simultaneously jp-optimal for a maximal system of identifiable parameters. A geometric account of universal optimality is given which applies beyond the context of block designs.  相似文献   

In this work, we study D s -optimal design for Kozak's tree taper model. The approximate D s -optimal designs are found invariant to tree size and hence create a ground to construct a general replication-free D s -optimal design. Even though the designs are found not to be dependent on the parameter value p of the Kozak's model, they are sensitive to the s×1 subset parameter vector values of the model. The 12 points replication-free design (with 91% efficiency) suggested in this study is believed to reduce cost and time for data collection and more importantly to precisely estimate the subset parameters of interest.  相似文献   

Two results for D θ-optimal designs for nonlinear regression models are shown to follow directly from approximate design theory. The first result considered is one concerning the replication of exact designs with minimum support, first established by Atkinson and Hunter and by M.J. Box in 1968, while the second pertains to a heteroscedastic model introduced by Velilla and Llosa in 1992. An illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of constructing static (or non sequential), approximate optimal designs for a class of dose–response models with continuous outcomes. We obtain conditions for a design being D-optimal or c-optimal. The designs are locally optimal in that they depend on the model parameters. The efficiency studies show that these designs have high efficiency when the mis-specification of the initial values of model parameters is not severe. A case study indicates that using an optimal design may result in a significant saving of resources.  相似文献   

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