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This article investigates the large sample interval mapping method for genetic trait loci (GTL) in a finite non-linear regression mixture model. The general model includes most commonly used kernel functions, such as exponential family mixture, logistic regression mixture and generalized linear mixture models, as special cases. The populations derived from either the backcross or intercross design are considered. In particular, unlike all existing results in the literature in the finite mixture models, the large sample results presented in this paper do not require the boundness condition on the parametric space. Therefore, the large sample theory presented in this article possesses general applicability to the interval mapping method of GTL in genetic research. The limiting null distribution of the likelihood ratio test statistics can be utilized easily to determine the threshold values or p-values required in the interval mapping. The limiting distribution is proved to be free of the parameter values of null model and free of the choice of a kernel function. Extension to the multiple marker interval GTL detection is also discussed. Simulation study results show favorable performance of the asymptotic procedure when sample sizes are moderate.  相似文献   

The weighted likelihood is a generalization of the likelihood designed to borrow strength from similar populations while making minimal assumptions. If the weights are properly chosen, the maximum weighted likelihood estimate may perform better than the maximum likelihood estimate (MLE). In a previous article, the minimum averaged mean squared error (MAMSE) weights are proposed and simulations show that they allow to outperform the MLE in many cases. In this paper, we study the asymptotic properties of the MAMSE weights. In particular, we prove that the MAMSE-weighted mixture of empirical distribution functions converges uniformly to the target distribution and that the maximum weighted likelihood estimate is strongly consistent. A short simulation illustrates the use of bootstrap in this context.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the estimation problem of the mixture proportion λλ in a nonparametric mixture model of the form λF(x)+(1-λ)G(x)λF(x)+(1-λ)G(x) using the minimum Hellinger distance approach, where F and G are two unknown distributions. We assume that data from the distributions F and G   as well as from the mixture distribution λF+(1-λ)GλF+(1-λ)G are available. We construct a minimum Hellinger distance estimator of λλ and study its asymptotic properties. The proposed estimator is chosen to minimize the Hellinger distance between a parametric mixture model and a nonparametric density estimator. We also develop a maximum likelihood estimator of λλ. Theoretical properties such as the existence, strong consistency, asymptotic normality and asymptotic efficiency of the proposed estimators are investigated. Robustness properties of the proposed estimator are studied using a Monte Carlo study. Two real data examples are also analyzed.  相似文献   

It has been established recently in Efromovich [2005. Estimation of the density of regression errors. Ann. Statist. 33, 2194–2227] that, under a mild assumption, the error density in a nonparametric regression can be asymptotically estimated with the accuracy of an oracle that knows underlying regression errors. The asymptotic nature of the result, and in particular the used methodology of splitting data for estimating nuisance functions and the error density, does not make an asymptotic estimator, suggested in that article, feasible for practically interesting cases of small sample sizes. This article continues the research and solves two important issues. First, it shows that the asymptotic holds without splitting the data. Second, a data-driven estimator, based on the new asymptotic, is suggested and then tested on real and simulated examples.  相似文献   

We consider several procedures to detect changes in the mean or the covariance structure of a linear process. The tests are based on the weighted CUSUM process. The limit distributions of the test statistics are derived under the no change null hypothesis. We develop new strong and weak approximations for the sample mean as well as the sample correlations of linear processes. A small Monte Carlo simulation illustrates the applicability of our results.  相似文献   

In this paper the estimation of the unknown parameters is considered in standard growth curve model with special covariance structures. Based on the unbiased estimating equations, some new methods are proposed. The resulting estimators can be expressed in explicit forms. The statistical properties of the proposed estimators are investigated. Some simulation results are presented to compare the performance of the proposed estimator with that of the existing approaches. Finally, these methods are applied in general extended growth curve model with special covariance structures.  相似文献   

In this article we study the problem of classification of three-level multivariate data, where multiple qq-variate observations are measured on uu-sites and over pp-time points, under the assumption of multivariate normality. The new classification rules with certain structured and unstructured mean vectors and covariance structures are very efficient in small sample scenario, when the number of observations is not adequate to estimate the unknown variance–covariance matrix. These classification rules successfully model the correlation structure on successive repeated measurements over time. Computation algorithms for maximum likelihood estimates of the unknown population parameters are presented. Simulation results show that the introduction of sites in the classification rules improves their performance over the existing classification rules without the sites.  相似文献   

The standard approach in change-point theory is to base the statistical analysis on a sample of fixed size. Alternatively, one observes some random phenomenon sequentially and takes action as soon as one observes some statistically significant deviation from the “normal” behaviour. The present paper is a continuation of Gut and Steinebach [2002. Truncated sequential change-point detection based on renewal counting processes. Scand. J. Statist. 29, 693–719] the main point being that here we look in more detail into the behaviour of the relevant stopping times, in particular the time it takes from the actual change-point until the change is detected, more precisely, we prove asymptotics for stopping times under alternatives.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the prediction problem in multiple linear regression model in which the number of predictor variables, p, is extremely large compared to the number of available observations, n  . The least-squares predictor based on a generalized inverse is not efficient. We propose six empirical Bayes estimators of the regression parameters. Three of them are shown to have uniformly lower prediction error than the least-squares predictors when the vector of regressor variables are assumed to be random with mean vector zero and the covariance matrix (1/n)XtX(1/n)XtX where Xt=(x1,…,xn)Xt=(x1,,xn) is the p×np×n matrix of observations on the regressor vector centered from their sample means. For other estimators, we use simulation to show its superiority over the least-squares predictor.  相似文献   

We consider the construction of designs for the extrapolation of a regression response to one point outside of the design space. The response function is an only approximately known function of a specified linear function. As well, we allow for variance heterogeneity. We find minimax designs and corresponding optimal regression weights in the context of the following problems: (P1) for nonlinear least squares estimation with homoscedasticity, determine a design to minimize the maximum value of the mean squared extrapolation error (MSEE), with the maximum being evaluated over the possible departures from the response function; (P2) for nonlinear least squares estimation with heteroscedasticity, determine a design to minimize the maximum value of MSEE, with the maximum being evaluated over both types of departures; (P3) for nonlinear weighted least squares estimation, determine both weights and a design to minimize the maximum MSEE; (P4) choose weights and design points to minimize the maximum MSEE, subject to a side condition of unbiasedness. Solutions to (P1)–(P4) are given in complete generality. Numerical comparisons indicate that our designs and weights perform well in combining robustness and efficiency. Applications to accelerated life testing are highlighted.  相似文献   

One classical design criterion is to minimize the determinant of the covariance matrix of the regression estimates, and the designs are called D-optimal designs. To reflect the nature that the proposed models are only approximately true, we propose a robust design criterion to study response surface designs. Both the variance and bias are considered in the criterion. In particular, D-optimal minimax designs are investigated and constructed. Examples are given to compare D-optimal minimax designs with classical D-optimal designs.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the construction of robust designs for a possibly misspecified generalized linear regression model when the data are censored. The minimax designs and unbiased designs are found for maximum likelihood estimation in the context of both prediction and extrapolation problems. This paper extends preceding work of robust designs for complete data by incorporating censoring and maximum likelihood estimation. It also broadens former work of robust designs for censored data from others by considering both nonlinearity and much more arbitrary uncertainty in the fitted regression response and by dropping all restrictions on the structure of the regressors. Solutions are derived by a nonsmooth optimization technique analytically and given in full generality. A typical example in accelerated life testing is also demonstrated. We also investigate implementation schemes which are utilized to approximate a robust design having a density. Some exact designs are obtained using an optimal implementation scheme.  相似文献   

Urn models are popular for response adaptive designs in clinical studies. Among different urn models, Ivanova's drop-the-loser rule is capable of producing superior adaptive treatment allocation schemes. Ivanova [2003. A play-the-winner-type urn model with reduced variability. Metrika 58, 1–13] obtained the asymptotic normality only for two treatments. Recently, Zhang et al. [2007. Generalized drop-the-loser urn for clinical trials with delayed responses. Statist. Sinica, in press] extended the drop-the-loser rule to tackle more general circumstances. However, their discussion is also limited to only two treatments. In this paper, the drop-the-loser rule is generalized to multi-treatment clinical trials, and delayed responses are allowed. Moreover, the rule can be used to target any desired pre-specified allocation proportion. Asymptotic properties, including strong consistency and asymptotic normality, are also established for general multi-treatment cases.  相似文献   

In statistical learning, regression and classification concern different types of the output variables, and the predictive accuracy is quantified by different loss functions. This article explores new aspects of Bregman divergence (BD), a notion which unifies nearly all of the commonly used loss functions in regression and classification. The authors investigate the duality between BD and its generating function. They further establish, under the framework of BD, asymptotic consistency and normality of parametric and nonparametric regression estimators, derive the lower bound of their asymptotic covariance matrices, and demonstrate the role that parametric and nonparametric regression estimation play in the performance of classification procedures and related machine learning techniques. These theoretical results and new numerical evidence show that the choice of loss function affects estimation procedures, whereas has an asymptotically relatively negligible impact on classification performance. Applications of BD to statistical model building and selection with non‐Gaussian responses are also illustrated. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 37: 119‐139; 2009 © 2009 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   

In this paper, we use a smoothed empirical likelihood method to investigate the difference of quantiles under censorship. An empirical log-likelihood ratio is derived and its asymptotic distribution is shown to be chi-squared. Approximate confidence regions based on this method are constructed. Simulation studies are used to compare the empirical likelihood and the normal approximation method in terms of its coverage accuracy. It is found that the empirical likelihood method provides a much better performance. The research is supported by NSFC (10231030) and RFDP.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider simple random sampling without replacement from a dichotomous finite population. We investigate accuracy of the Normal approximation to the Hypergeometric probabilities for a wide range of parameter values, including the nonstandard cases where the sampling fraction tends to one and where the proportion of the objects of interest in the population tends to the boundary values, zero and one. We establish a non-uniform Berry–Esseen theorem for the Hypergeometric distribution which shows that in the nonstandard cases, the rate of Normal approximation to the Hypergeometric distribution can be considerably slower than the rate of Normal approximation to the Binomial distribution. We also report results from a moderately large numerical study and provide some guidelines for using the Normal approximation to the Hypergeometric distribution in finite samples.  相似文献   

We study an autoregressive time series model with a possible change in the regression parameters. Approximations to the critical values for change-point tests are obtained through various bootstrapping methods. Theoretical results show that the bootstrapping procedures have the same limiting behavior as their asymptotic counterparts discussed in Hušková et al. [2007. On the detection of changes in autoregressive time series, I. Asymptotics. J. Statist. Plann. Inference 137, 1243–1259]. In fact, a small simulation study illustrates that the bootstrap tests behave better than the original asymptotic tests if performance is measured by the αα- and ββ-errors, respectively.  相似文献   

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