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Abstract.  This paper considers simultaneous estimation of means from several strata. A model-based approach is taken, where the covariates in the superpopulation model are subject to measurement errors. Empirical Bayes (EB) and Hierarchical Bayes estimators of the strata means are developed and asymptotic optimality of EB estimators is proved. Their performances are examined and compared with that of the sample mean in a simulation study as well as in data analysis.  相似文献   

This article develops constrained Bayes and empirical Bayes estimators under balanced loss functions. In the normal-normal example, estimators of the mean squared errors of the EB and constrained EB estimators are provided which are correct asymptotically up to O(m ?1), m denoting the number of strata.  相似文献   


In the empirical Bayes (EB) decision problem consisting of squared error estimation of the failure rate in exponential distribution, a prior Λ is placed on the gamma family of prior distributions to produce Bayes EB estimators which are admissible. A subclass of such estimators is shown to be asymptotically optimal (a.o.). The results of a Monte Carlo study are presented to demonstrate the a.o. property of the Bayes EB estimators.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes (EB) estimates in general linear mixed models are useful for the small area estimation in the sense of increasing precision of estimation of small area means. However, one potential difficulty of EB is that the overall estimate for a larger geographical area based on a (weighted) sum of EB estimates is not necessarily identical to the corresponding direct estimate such as the overall sample mean. Another difficulty is that EB estimates yield over‐shrinking, which results in the sampling variance smaller than the posterior variance. One way to fix these problems is the benchmarking approach based on the constrained empirical Bayes (CEB) estimators, which satisfy the constraints that the aggregated mean and variance are identical to the requested values of mean and variance. In this paper, we treat the general mixed models, derive asymptotic approximations of the mean squared error (MSE) of CEB and provide second‐order unbiased estimators of MSE based on the parametric bootstrap method. These results are applied to natural exponential families with quadratic variance functions. As a specific example, the Poisson‐gamma model is dealt with, and it is illustrated that the CEB estimates and their MSE estimates work well through real mortality data.  相似文献   

In this paper, Bayes estimators of variance components are derived for the one-way random effects model, and empirical Bayes (EB) estimators are constructed by the kernel estimation method of a multivariate density and its mixed partial derivatives. It is shown that the EB estimators are asymptotically optimal and convergence rates are established. Finally, an example concerning the main results is given.  相似文献   

Abstract.  Previously, small area estimation under a nested error linear regression model was studied with area level covariates subject to measurement error. However, the information on observed covariates was not used in finding the Bayes predictor of a small area mean. In this paper, we first derive the fully efficient Bayes predictor by utilizing all the available data. We then estimate the regression and variance component parameters in the model to get an empirical Bayes (EB) predictor and show that the EB predictor is asymptotically optimal. In addition, we employ the jackknife method to obtain an estimator of mean squared prediction error (MSPE) of the EB predictor. Finally, we report the results of a simulation study on the performance of our EB predictor and associated jackknife MSPE estimators. Our results show that the proposed EB predictor can lead to significant gain in efficiency over the previously proposed EB predictor.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of estimating a matrix of the normal means, where the variances are unknown but common. The approach to this problem is provided by a hierarchical Bayes modeling for which the first stage prior for the means is matrix-variate normal distribution with mean zero matrix and a covariance structure and the second stage prior for the covariance is similar to Jeffreys’ rule. The resulting hierarchical Bayes estimators relative to the quadratic loss function belong to a class of matricial shrinkage estimators. Certain conditions are obtained for admissibility and minimaxity of the hierarchical Bayes estimators.  相似文献   

Wavelet shrinkage estimation is an increasingly popular method for signal denoising and compression. Although Bayes estimators can provide excellent mean-squared error (MSE) properties, the selection of an effective prior is a difficult task. To address this problem, we propose empirical Bayes (EB) prior selection methods for various error distributions including the normal and the heavier-tailed Student t -distributions. Under such EB prior distributions, we obtain threshold shrinkage estimators based on model selection, and multiple-shrinkage estimators based on model averaging. These EB estimators are seen to be computationally competitive with standard classical thresholding methods, and to be robust to outliers in both the data and wavelet domains. Simulated and real examples are used to illustrate the flexibility and improved MSE performance of these methods in a wide variety of settings.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the empirical Bayes (EB) estimation in continuous one-parameter exponential families under negatively associated (NA) samples and positively associated (PA) samples. Under certain regularity conditions, it is shown that the convergence rates of proposed EB estimators under NA or PA samples are the same as those of EB estimators under independent observations, which significantly improve the existing results in EB estimation under associated samples.  相似文献   

This paper considers empirical Bayes (EB) squared-error-loss estimations of mean lifetime, variance and reliability function for failure-time distributions belonging to an exponential family, which includes gamma and Weibull distributions as special cases. EB estimators are proposed when the prior distribution of the lifetime parameter is completely unknown but has a compact (known or unknown) support. Asymptotic optimality and rates of convergence of these estimators are investigated. The rates established here under the compact support restriction are better than the polynomial rates of convergence obtained previously.  相似文献   

This article deals with the estimation of a fixed population size through capture-mark-recapture method that gives rise to hypergeometric distribution. There are a few well-known and popular point estimators available in the literature, but no good comprehensive comparison is available about their merits. Apart from the available estimators, an empirical Bayes (EB) estimator of the population size is proposed. We compare all the point estimators in terms of relative bias and relative mean squared error. Next, two new interval estimators – (a) an EB highest posterior distribution interval and (b) a frequentist interval estimator based on a parametric bootstrap method, are proposed. The comparison is then carried among the two proposed interval estimators and interval estimators derived from the currently available estimators in terms of coverage probability and average length (AL). Based on comprehensive numerical results, we rank and recommend the point estimators as well as interval estimators for practical use. Finally, a real-life data set for a green treefrog population is used as a demonstration for all the methods discussed.  相似文献   

When the unbiased estimators of a set of parameters are independently and normally distributed, the Empirical Bayes Estimator (EB) for each of the parameters depends on all the parameters. When these parameters are considered to be fixed, Rao and Shinozaki (1978) [7] compared the mean square error (MSE) of this estimator for an individual parameter with the variance of its unbiased estimator, and cautioned that its bias may be large. In this article, the conditions required for (a) the MSE of the EB to be smaller than the variance of the unbiased estimator and (b) at the same time, for its bias to be smaller than a specified fraction of the square root of the MSE are evaluated. To satisfy these conditions, critical limits for the difference of the parameter from the average of all the parameters and the sum of such differences over all the parameters are determined. As an illustration, for the daily inpatient hospital expenses in the Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs) of 15 states in the US, the sample means and EBs are compared through the estimates of these limits.  相似文献   

Compromise Estimators between the generalized Bayes and Bayes estimators with respect to conjugate gamma priors under entropy loss are proposed. The proposed compromise estimators are compared with some suitable generalized Bayes estimators in terms of their frequentist risk performance. Also the RSL approach will be employed to compare the proposed compromise estimators and some admissible generalized Bayes estimators in terms of their Bayes risk performance.  相似文献   

Empirical Bayes methods are used to estimate the extent of the undercount at the local level in the 1980 U.S. census. "Grouping of like subareas from areas such as states, counties, and so on into strata is a useful way of reducing the variance of undercount estimators. By modeling the subareas within a stratum to have a common mean and variances inversely proportional to their census counts, and by taking into account sampling of the areas (e.g., by dual-system estimation), empirical Bayes estimators that compromise between the (weighted) stratum average and the sample value can be constructed. The amount of compromise is shown to depend on the relative importance of stratum variance to sampling variance. These estimators are evaluated at the state level (51 states, including Washington, D.C.) and stratified on race/ethnicity (3 strata) using data from the 1980 postenumeration survey (PEP 3-8, for the noninstitutional population)."  相似文献   

Nonparametric Bayes and empirical Bayes estimations of the

survival function of a unit of age t (> 0) using Dirichlet

process prior are presented. The proposed empirical Bayes

estimators are found to be “asymptotically optimal” in the sense of Robbins (1955). The performances of the proposed

empirical Bayes estimators are compared with those of certain

rival estimators in terms of relative savings loss, The exact

expressions for Bayes risks are also provided in certain cases.  相似文献   

The problem of estimating the ratio of the variances of two independent normal populations is considered under both quadratic and entropy losses, when the means are unknown. New classes of improved estimators are obtained with the following properties. They are smooth, improve on the risk of the best affine equivariant estimator at every parameter point, have very simple form and are based on all the available data. In the case of entropy loss, the estimators of one of these classes are, additionally, generalized Bayes. Our approach for constructing these improved estimators is based on Strawderman’s (1974) [18] technique. As a preliminary result of independent interest, new classes of dominating generalized Bayes procedures for a normal precision are also given.  相似文献   

The relative 'performances of improved ridge estimators and an empirical Bayes estimator are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The empirical Bayes method is seen to perform consistently better in terms of smaller MSE and more accurate empirical coverage than any of the estimators considered here. A bootstrap method is proposed to obtain more reliable estimates of the MSE of ridge esimators. Some theorems on the bootstrap for the ridge estimators are also given and they are used to provide an analytical understanding of the proposed bootstrap procedure. Empirical coverages of the ridge estimators based on the proposed procedure are generally closer to the nominal coverage when compared to their earlier counterparts. In general, except for a few cases, these coverages are still less accurate than the empirical coverages of the empirical Bayes estimator.  相似文献   

In the present paper, we derive lower bounds for the risk of the nonparametric empirical Bayes estimators. In order to attain the optimal convergence rate, we propose generalization of the linear empirical Bayes estimation method which takes advantage of the flexibility of the wavelet techniques. We present an empirical Bayes estimator as a wavelet series expansion and estimate coefficients by minimizing the prior risk of the estimator. As a result, estimation of wavelet coefficients requires solution of a well-posed low-dimensional sparse system of linear equations. The dimension of the system depends on the size of wavelet support and smoothness of the Bayes estimator. An adaptive choice of the resolution level is carried out using Lepski et al. (1997) method. The method is computationally efficient and provides asymptotically optimal adaptive EB estimators. The theory is supplemented by numerous examples.  相似文献   

Abstract.  The paper develops empirical Bayes (EB) confidence intervals for population means with distributions belonging to the natural exponential family-quadratic variance function (NEF-QVF) family when the sample size for a particular population is moderate or large. The basis for such development is to find an interval centred around the posterior mean which meets the target coverage probability asymptotically, and then show that the difference between the coverage probabilities of the Bayes and EB intervals is negligible up to a certain order. The approach taken is Edgeworth expansion so that the sample sizes from the different populations need not be significantly large. The proposed intervals meet the target coverage probabilities asymptotically, and are easy to construct. We illustrate use of these intervals in the context of small area estimation both through real and simulated data. The proposed intervals are different from the bootstrap intervals. The latter can be applied quite generally, but the order of accuracy of these intervals in meeting the desired coverage probability is unknown.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Bayes estimators for mean and square of mean ol a normal distribution with mean μ and vaiiance σ r2 (known), relative to LINEX loss function are obtained Comparisons in terms of risk functions and Bayes risks of those under LINEX loss and squared error loss functions with their respective alternative estimators viz, UMVUE and Bayes estimators relative to squared error loss function, are made. It is found that Bayes estimators relative to LINEX loss function dominate the alternative estimators m terms of risk function snd Bayes risk. It is also found that if t2 is unknown the Bayes estimators are still preferable over alternative estimators.  相似文献   

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