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农村"留守儿童"社会支持网络模式探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村"留守儿童"作为人口不断流动态势之中一种常见的和必然的社会现象,已经引起社会各界的广泛关注.社会支持网络理论强调弱势群体问题并不是因其自身原因所造成,而是缺乏必要的社会支持.基于此,应着眼于整合社会资源,通过支持与被支持双方的平等互动,使农村留守儿童弱势群体拥有自己的社会支持体系,并形成相互联系的社会支持网络.  相似文献   

黄诚 《社会工作》2013,(5):128-133
关爱和服务留守儿童,为他们健康成长创造良好的环境和必要的条件,是全社会义不容辞的责任。学界近十来年来关于关爱和服务留守儿童的研究,主要从如下三个视角逐步展开:即关于留守儿童教育监护体系的研究、关于留守儿童社会支持体系的研究和关于留守儿童关爱服务体系的研究。在进行综述和评价的基础上,认为社会互构论为构建关爱和服务留守儿童体系研究提供了一个新的分析视角。  相似文献   

2004年11月2日一大早,江西省定南县鹅公镇李僻化老人像往常一样,早早起床,做好饭菜,叫醒由他照看的7个孩子准备上学。据了解,定南县有600多名小学生是留守儿童。为能使这些孩子健康成长,该县通过像李僻化这种家庭寄宿的形式,共委托了100多个“代理家长”,照管留守孩子。这些“代理家长”大多曾经是民办教师,有的有10多年教学经历。学校与“代理家长”签订学  相似文献   

正江西省宜丰县现有近4000名留守儿童,这些留守儿童或由祖父母照管,或被寄养,甚至单独生活。由于年龄、文化水平等种种条件限制,留守儿童的委托监护人普遍存在"不想管、不会管、不善管、不敢管"等一系列的问题。为此,宜丰县把关爱、帮扶农村留守儿童作为一项民生工程,多措并举,创新形式,让留守儿童感受到了家的温暖。建立关爱档案。通过进村入户,对留守儿童的情况进行摸底调  相似文献   

以"关系缺位"为特质的农村留守儿童问题是城乡二元结构约制和现代性蔓延的伴生物.借助"制度—关系—主体"分析框架,对当前农村留守儿童问题应对研究进行了综合性理论梳理,认为"关系为本"的治理实践是关系视角在社会工作中兴起的自然趋向.而"关系社会"的中国文化特质为社会工作的关系理论以及关系为本的实务方法应用于农村留守儿童问题提供了现实土壤.基于"关系社会"的本土语境,关系视角的核心理念,以及获取信任的"给面子"、"做人情"、"搭关系"概念,从生态学角度,以立体性方法介入留守儿童的总体生态性环境,即依托个案工作方法,促动留守家庭亲缘关系包容性发展;凭借小组工作策略,提高其集体融入意愿和社会交往能力;借助社区工作技巧,强化留守儿童非正式社区关系网络,进而使其在他助、互助与自助的生态关系建构中实现新发展.  相似文献   

徐平 《社会工作》2010,(21):63-63
随着农村产业结构调整,农业机械化程度的不断提高和农民增收方式的转变,农村大部分劳动力从土地经营中解放出来逐渐流人城市从来第二、三产业,一大批孩子被留守在农村,形成一个特殊的弱势群体。农村学生留守原因是多方面的。从社会角度看,流动农民子女在城市教育中所接受的不平等的低质量的教育是其留守的重要原因之一。根据笔者教学经验,农村留守学生心理问题表现突出。  相似文献   

熊诚诚 《社会福利》2014,(12):57-58
正凝聚行动合力,开展关爱朝阳活动,使留守儿童健康成长。江西省樟树市经楼镇计生协会与妇联联动,协同开展关爱留守儿童活动,摸清留守儿童底数,建立信息档案,倡导每个村(居)、社区组建志愿者队伍,关心关爱留守儿童,与他们倾情交流,心贴心和孩子做朋友,传递社会正能量,帮助  相似文献   

中华慈善总会(以下简称总会)"为了明天关爱儿童"项目实施对象为国家高度关注的留守困境儿童,符合中央财政支持社会组织参与社会服务范畴.为拓宽项目筹款渠道,切实解决留守儿童实际困难,总会申请了2020年度中央财政支持社会组织参与社会服务项目补助资金150万元,加上配套18万元,在四川、湖北、湖南、江西、西藏五个省(自治区)...  相似文献   

Correspondence to Ann Buchanan, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford, Barnett House, Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2ER, UK. E-mail: ann.buchanan{at}socres.ox.ac.uk Summary This paper, based on a larger study of children and their parentswho were subjects of a welfare report for the court followingparental separation and divorce, highlights the very high levelsof distress amongst the children involved. As measured by theStrength and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ), 52 per cent ofboys and 48 per cent of girls had significant adjustment problemsimmediately after the proceedings and a year later, 62 per centof boys and 32 per cent of girls were still maladjusted. Childrenwere more likely to have problems where parents were also distressedand where there was domestic violence. These findings suggestthat these children should be considered ‘children inneed’ under the 1989 Children Act. and that preventiveservices need to be developed to help parents resolve the arrangementsfor the children without going to court.  相似文献   

Correspondence to Carol-Ann Hooper, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of York, Heslington, York YO10 5DD, UK. E-mail: cah13{at}york.ac.uk Summary Concerns about the parenting capacity of adults with a historyof childhood sexual abuse have often been framed in individualizingand pathologizing ways. This paper draws on qualitative researchwith twenty-four women survivors of childhood sexual abuse todevelop a new framework for understanding the possible vulnerabilitiesof their children that may help inform anti-oppressive practice.The framework places the mother-child relationship in its broadercontext, taking account of the role of the immediate family,the extended family, the community and the state. Within eachlevel of context we identify the range of issues that couldcontribute to children’s vulnerability, elaborating theprocesses involved. Some issues recur within different contexts,for example the impacts of survivors’ issues around attachment,and others connect across contexts, such as the impact on childrenof deterioration in their mothers' mental health when appropriateservices are not available. All of these issues may affect survivors’well-being and access to social support and hence their abilityto care effectively for their children. Ways of supporting bothsurvivors and their children involving greater collective responsibilityfor children, effective collaboration between mental healthservices and child-care services, and professional responseswhich take account of contextual issues are identified.  相似文献   

《Social work with groups》2013,36(4):119-139
Self-help and mutual support groups play an important role in the spectrum of resources useful to parents of children with cancer. These groups can provide parents with opportunities to share their experiences with other parents in similar situations, to learn from and teach others, and to create a new social network. While much has been written about such groups, very little attention has focused on factors related to parents evaluation of their group experience. This paper examines factors related to parents' perceptions of the value of self-help groups.  相似文献   

This paper represents an attempt, by sample survey, to assess the attitudes of the residents of a Queensland country town to city and country living. Responses to questions on a number of aspects of living suggest that country people see the city as economically advantageous to them, but that it is a ‘cold’, even hostile, place to live in. The country is relatively friendlier. The easy pace of country life, while its main asset, may be susceptible to a rapid growth policy of the ‘selective decentralisation’ type. This affords a dilemma for policymakers.  相似文献   

The rise in the number of children with divorced parents has been associated with many other demographic changes. Among the changes discussed are the increasing proportion of children under 18 who are of school age; who live with a stepparent; who spend some time in a one-parent family; whose divorced parent has a college education; and who live with an unmarried couple. A projected one-third of the children 18 years of age in 1990 will have lived with a divorced parent. It is assumed that the rate of divorce will increase more slowly in the next decade than in the last decade.  相似文献   

家长在残疾儿童的康复过程中扮演着重要角色。为了解智障儿童家长在家属资源方面的需求,以便社工在工作中更好地为他们提供相关服务。本文以问卷调查的方式对广东省残疾人康复中心智障部32位在训智障儿童的家长进行了研究。结果发现多数家长对于家属资源服务表示感兴趣。他们对家属支援服务的服务内容、形式以及时间安排也表现出不同的需求。该研究将启发社工对现阶段所提供的家属资源服务内容进行反思和调整,并在未来的工作中进一步提供满足服务对象需求的相关服务。  相似文献   

Despite the fact that many children are affected by parental alcohol misuse, both services and research have largely concentrated on adults. Recently, projects have been set up to assist children, but developments have been piecemeal. This article reports on a qualitative study which learned directly from children, their parents and some young adults what they saw as the effects on children of excessive drinking by one or both parents. The most common consequences were distress at witnessing violence to the other parent or to the home; verbal abuse towards the children; feelings of shame; and taking on caring and protective roles. However, the children were not passive victims and usually took active steps to tackle the drinking or modify its impact Those in the sample usually had at least one family member who helped them and was trusted. Nevertheless, many wished they could meet with others in the same position, so they could feel less isolated and learn from each other. The need was identified for access to a network of services with group work, individual counselling, family mediation and educational components.  相似文献   

Summary A study was made of 31 families of children who had stayed incare for at least 12 months, and of 26 families (coming fromthe same district) with children who had been in care for upto three months. Information about the parents' mental healthwas obtained from social work records, psychiatric records andinterviews with the parents. The parents of children in carefor the longer period were more likely to have received psychiatrictreatment and appeared to suffer from more severe or longstandingdisorders, as evidenced by admissions into psychiatric hospitaland type of psychiatric diagnosis. However our most strikingfinding was the high rate of past and current psychiatric disorderin the total sample of parents; this appeared to be an importantfactor influencing children's admissions into, and dischargefrom, care.  相似文献   


Social isolation and high levels of psychosocial stress are common among parents of children who are hospitalized for cancer treatment. Many hospital-based programs offer support groups for parents, however there is little published guidance or systematic evidence on their effectiveness. This study describes the development and program evaluation of a 16-week parent support group offered to parents (N = 10) of children hospitalized for pediatric cancer or bone-marrow transplant. A summary of the pilot evaluation is provided and successes, barriers, and areas for future improvement are discussed.  相似文献   

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