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随着2003年中国轿车市场的巨幅增长,中外合资企业中的跨国公司开始由原来的“合作型”.逐步向谋求单方面主导的“控制型”变化,采用了多元化合作伙伴,压制合资研发,自建销售渠道等新措施。并不断向政策底线发起挑战,谋求相对控股地位。本文从跨国合资企业控制的理论分析入手,阐述了合资企业控制权决定的依据,增强的方式和演化的趋势。并以此为基础分析了跨国公司在中国的动态,提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

跨国公司全球学习——新角度审视跨国公司   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
全球经济环境正日益显现出动态、复杂、不确定性特征,顺应这一特征,全球学习能力成为跨国公司赢得竞争优势的关键。全球学习过程主要通过各子公司自主灵活的学习,创造新知识,并迅速有效地在整个跨国公司内部进行传递与整合来实现。本文着重分析了跨国公司海外子公司角色的转变,跨国知识流动的基本模式,以及影响流动的主要因素,进而指出跨国网络结构是支持其全球学习行为的组织选择。本文认为,与传统的跨国公司理论相比,全球学习理论对跨国公司行为的新变化更具解释力,也能够为应对经济全球化的中国企业带来新的启示。  相似文献   

产业集群中跨国子公司战略地位与母子关系的演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文首先基于理论分析,指出优势产业集群中的跨国子公司完全有可能成为跨国公司竞争优势的来源。由此,文章分析了集群中跨国子公司存在的四类知识流以及影响四类知识流方向和流量大小的三种重要影响因素,并根据后两个因素区分了集群中子公司在跨国公司内部战略地位上的差异。基于战略与结构的孪生性,本文论述了集群中跨国公司母子关系的变迁,分析了集群中子公司的双重根植性。  相似文献   

跨国公司理论由垄断优势理论和内部化理论强调的市场交易性失效观点过渡到了知识基础观理论强调的市场在能力上的不完善源于对知识特征看法的演变。因此以知识为着眼点在MNCs理论领域描绘一个清晰的研究纲要,系统地梳理各理论对知识属性看法以及其对跨国公司本质分析的演变,对于构建在跨国公司领域更加折中的分析框架是有益的。  相似文献   

国际合资关系中本土企业知识获取机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙煜  阎海峰 《管理评论》2006,18(8):9-14,44
国际合资关系是本土企业获取知识的重要途径,这种特殊的组织间关系为转型经济中的中国企业提供了接近、获取跨国公司技术和管理知识的重要平台。但是,大多数关于转型经济中合资企业的研究文献关注的是合资企业如何从跨国公司母公司获取知识,很少有研究从母公司角度、特别是转型经济中本土母公司角度研究其通过国际合资关系获取知识的问题。本文从转型经济中东道国母公司的角度,提出了一个关于我国企业通过国际合资关系获取知识的研究框架,着重分析了影响本土企业知识获取的重要因素——合资关系界面管理,并提出了相应的研究推论和研究命题,选择上海的一个企业进行了个案研究。文章最后还给出了进一步研究的建议。  相似文献   

跨国公司知识转移:知识特性与转移工具研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
薛求知  关涛 《管理科学》2006,9(6):64-72
为了揭示知识特性和知识转移工具对跨国公司内部知识转移结果的影响程度,构建了一个包含知识特性、转移工具和知识跨国界转移结果的知识转移过程模型并做出相应假设,然后对跨国公司在华子公司做问卷调查,用结构方程模型对样本数据进行分析.实证结果显示,知识的默会性、简单嵌入性、初级转移工具对知识从国外母公司向中国子公司的跨国界转移起到了显著的直接作用,而高级转移工具对默会性起到了部分中介作用,对关系嵌入变量起到了完全中介作用.  相似文献   

伴随着跨国公司在华投资方式开始向上中游一体化的系统化合资转变,跨国公司在华投资的信心明显增强,对中方合作伙伴的依赖性也在逐渐减弱,这必然会发生中外双方对合资企业权力和利益的重新安排或调整。因此,合资各方都力图使本方在合资企业中的利益最大化,而要做到这一点就必须实现对合资企业的有效控制。  相似文献   

跨国人力资源管理作为对跨国公司的经营业绩有着巨大影响的管理职能,面临着重大的挑战。本文首先提出跨国人力资源管理的核心是要支持跨国战略的实现,而跨国战略本质上决定于跨国公司的价值链;其次,分析指出跨国公司的价值链具有动态化的特性;最后,总结指出资源和制度在跨国人力资源管理决策中的本质作用。  相似文献   

80年代末以来,随着国外跨国公司的大量涌入和我国企业跨国经营的初显端倪,国内有关跨国公司的研究日渐深入。然而,就跨国公司投资动机(或诱因)的阐述则尚显缺乏。本文试图从理论实证分析两个角度,对跨国公司对外直接投资动机作综合性阐述,并对发展中国家如何有的放矢地制定改善投资环境的战略措施提出若干建议。  相似文献   

组织合法性是制度理论的核心概念,是影响跨国公司海外子公司生存和发展的关键因素.将跨国公司海外子公司的社会资本分为内部社会资本和外部社会资本,将海外子公司合法性划分为内部合法性和外部合法性,分析海外子公司社会资本对其合法性的影响机理,进而揭示制度落差在跨国公司海外子公司社会资本与其合法性关系间的调节作用,提出相应的理论命题,以期拓展组织合法性理论,并为越来越多进行跨国经营的中国企业提供理论参考.  相似文献   

风险投资行业在中国发展迅猛,对促进国家经济转型和鼓励本土创新创业具有重要战略意义。本文从知识基础观出发,探究中国风险投资机构的组织知识积累与其联合投资行为之间的关系,并讨论了外部制度环境因素对这一关系的影响。基于对中国风险投资机构首轮投资纵向历史数据的实证分析,本文发现:风险投资机构基于特定行业和地域的组织知识积累和该机构与其他风险投资机构进行联合投资的可能性负相关,而投资活动所在地的市场化程度作为调节变量,削弱了风险投资机构的组织知识和联合投资之间的负向关系。  相似文献   

文章从风险企业家与风险投资家风险偏好、风险投资家干预行动、控制权私有收益以及分阶段融资等方面对Gebhardt-Schmidt(2006)与Jean-Etienne(2008)模型进行综合与扩展,比较分析了相机控制与联合控制两类控制权配置结构的适用范围与影响因素。理论研究得出,风险投资家的监控干预成本、风险企业家的融资额与控制权私人非货币收益、风险投资家在重新谈判中的讨价还价能力与持有的企业赎回权、项目失败时风险企业的清算价值以及风险投资家风险规避系数,与联合控制的选择概率正相关、与相机控制的选择概率负相关;风险投资家战略目标的实现度与联合控制的选择概率负相关、与相机控制的选择概率正相关。  相似文献   

This paper examines how partners’ strategic objectives, inputs and competencies affect the learning they achieve in joint ventures and their ability to influence decision‐making in such ventures. Quantitative and qualitative research in 20 Sino‐British joint ventures permits an investigation of these factors for both British and Chinese joint venture partners. Findings indicate that the transfer by British partners of technology and managerial expertise to joint ventures enhances their ability to achieve their strategic objectives by influencing decisions in such ventures. The learning achieved by British partners depends on their commitment of strategic inputs to joint ventures and is therefore associated with their influence. The case of Chinese partners is different, because they look to learn from the knowledge and resource inputs provided by the British partners. They therefore rely more on legal ownership rights to retain an influence over joint venture decision‐making. The achievement of Chinese partners’ strategic objectives depends more critically on the quality of the partnership itself.  相似文献   

From a sample of UK joint ventures with partners from Western Europe, the USA and Japan, dimensions of parent control of the ventures are considered by way of a taxonomy based on the mechanisms, extent and focus of control. The origins of the mechanisms of control identified in the study indicate that UK parents have not been sufficiently responsible for providing the mechanisms to allow them to exercise a greater leverage of control than that obtained by the foreign partners. The origins of the mechanisms of control also indicate relatively little autonomy for the managements of the joint ventures. Evidence from the study supports the view that joint venture parents seek to focus their influence of control over particular decisions and activities of the venture, rather than attempting to extend their control over the whole venture. The study considers the mechanisms and focus of control across the characteristics of the sample: contractual form of the venture, relative equity shareholding of the UK parent, time period of formation, nationality of foreign partner, industry group of the venture and broad purpose of the venture. Chi-squared tests show that there is little evidence of any systematic variation in the dimensions of control across the characteristics of the sample, the major exception to this being the relative equity shareholding of the UK parents.  相似文献   

品牌联合是新创企业克服其成长劣势的有效策略之一。为提高新创企业选择品牌联合伙伴的成功率,基于复杂适应系统理论构建了新创企业品牌联合企业主体行为活动的基本模型和主体之间、主体与环境之间的交互模型;研究了外部竞争环境、合伙企业的企业类型、品牌资产、关系承诺和联合匹配性等特征对联合形成的影响。结果表明:在外部环境动态变化时,越来越多的新创企业会选择品牌联合策略,而其选择成熟企业还是新创企业作为联合伙伴,并不受外部环境变化的影响。在品牌联合系统中,作为核心的新创企业选择合伙企业时,其自身特征并不影响其是否采取联合策略;不管核心企业自身特征如何,均优先选择成熟企业作为联合伙伴;同时,合伙企业的关系承诺对联合伙伴选择的影响最显著,品牌资产次之,而联合匹配性影响不显著。候选企业在回应核心企业的联合请求时,其接受/拒绝联合的决策主要取决于核心企业对其评价的结果,其次是核心企业的品牌资产。研究结果对新创企业的管理实践具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

This paper investigates approaches to decision making in international joint ventures (IJVs) from the perspectives of the transactions cost and resource‐based theories of the firm. In particular, the concept of autonomy in decision‐making in a sample of UK‐European equity joint ventures is examined. The study adopts a multi‐method personal interview and self‐administered questionnaire approach to examine managerial perceptions of decision‐making and autonomy in the parent firms and the joint venture. The findings show that there are differences in the perception of autonomy between each of the parent firms, and between the parent firms and the IJV management. When we unpack the nature of autonomy in detail, it is found that IJV managers have greater degrees of operational autonomy than strategic autonomy and that decision making by IJV managers takes place within the context of constraints set within the IJV's business plan. This confirms the transaction cost theory which posits that key internal markets (for management, technology and capital) will be under parent control and also supports the resource based view that key capabilities are protected under the business plan established by the parent firms. The influence on IJV autonomy of the moderating variables IJV performance and IJV duration are also examined.  相似文献   

中国风险企业内生核心竞争力构建及其实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
风险企业核心竞争力的培养和提升问题,是促进中国风险企业健康发展必须解决的一个现实问题。本文通过对风险企业特征的界定,选取41个中国成功风险企业企业家访谈录作为样本。首先采用文本信息挖掘方法,提炼出风险企业内生核心竞争力因子,从一个崭新的角度来研究风险企业核心竞争力,并对每个因子给出具体内涵解释;然后用聚类分析方法,将中国成功风险企业分成四大类,分别给出每一类企业内生核心关键因子构成;最后通过构建BP神经网络模型帮助相关企业合理定位,辅助其建立适合企业发展的内生核心因子,提升企业市场竞争力。  相似文献   

This paper identifies partner selection criteria in a sample of UK international joint ventures with Western European, US and Japanese partners. Rankings of selection criteria are derived for the sample using a typology that distinguishes between task-related and partner-related selection criteria. The most important task-related criteria are found to be access to knowledge of local market, access to distribution channels, access to links with major buyers and access to knowledge of local culture. The most important partner-related selection criteria are trust between the top management teams, relatedness of partner's business and reputation. A parsimonious set of selection criteria for the sample is provided by means of factor analysis. Hypotheses are tested on the relationship between the relative importance of selection criteria and a number of characteristics of the sample—partner nationality, industry of the joint ventures, joint-venture purpose, geographical location of the venture, initial approach for joint-venture formation and relative partner size. The greatest variation in the relative importance of selection criteria occurs with the geographic location of the joint venture.  相似文献   

This research is focused on joint ventures that are operated with a shared management governance structure. It is argued that the effectiveness of top management inside such a joint venture will be significantly determined by the nature of relations between the managers transferred from the different parent firms. Within that context, emphasis is placed on relational factors that can have an important bearing on the quality of decision making inside the joint venture. Data is collected from top executives at seventy-five shared management joint ventures and the results suggest several significant linkages. First, a growing sense of ``us' versus ``them' factionalism between managers from different parent companies is associated with a heightened propensity for the use of power in an impersonal and manipulative way. Second, those attitudes and behaviors undermine the openness of communications and information exchanges between the managers. Third, as those attitudes and behaviors intensify they have increasingly dysfunctional consequences for the development and execution of high quality decisions, and management effectiveness deteriorates. Moreover, interdependence between the managers aggravates this phenomenon because it strengthens the link between negative attitudes and dysfunctional behavior. The implications for joint venture performance are evident.  相似文献   

This article investigates the performance of EU-based transnational marketing joint ventures (MJVs) through a set of case studies. The results emphasise the instability inherent in MJVs, and in most cases instability reflected poor performance rather than the evolution of a successful venture in the foreign market. Companies were found to undertake MJVs in order to protect and control existing market positions in the foreign country rather than gain access. Little attempt was made to transfer knowledge and expertise between the partners. Under these conditions instability resulted in the failure of the parent company to achieve its primary objective: the protection of marketing assets in the foreign market. Exporters should consider mechanisms through which local expertise can be transferred within the MJV.  相似文献   

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