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受新冠肺炎疫情的经济社会影响及相关防控措施的冲击,残疾人处于非常不利的地位.媒体如何再现疫情中的残疾人,事关该群体在公共领域的可见性,也是审视公共健康危机与边缘群体关系的重要切口.通过对23家中国主流网络媒体发布的残疾人新闻进行内容分析,本研究发现:残疾人在新冠肺炎疫情新闻中的整体形象中性偏正面,其脆弱性与抗逆力均得以呈现,但被严重低度再现,且不甚均衡;相关报道缺乏残疾权利视角,刻板印象盛行,存在隐性歧视,残疾人仍被建构为健全人中心主义视角下的他者.对此,本文建议进一步反思疫情对残疾人的影响,并全方位、多角度地优化主流网络媒体对受新冠疫情影响的残疾人的再现策略.  相似文献   

The potential for reflexive modernization is defined by multiple factors, but the acknowledgment of risk is crucial, particularly among social groups that play a key role in risk minimization. This study offers an examination of the role of local media in response to the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in beef‐producing communities in rural Alberta. BSE is one of several global risk issues that reflexive modernization theorists argue have the potential to trigger a transformation toward a critically reflexive society in which such risks are minimized. Content analysis of newspapers in beef‐producing regions in Alberta, however, shows how local media framed BSE in a manner that maximized community cohesion and protection of local culture. This selective coverage of BSE in rural Alberta is quite likely to have contributed to, or at least reinforced, support for the current institutional structure of Canadian agriculture in beef‐producing regions, through the constriction of discourse.  相似文献   

This study examines media reputation—the representation of a person or organization in the media—from the standpoint of complex systems. It analyzes news releases and print media coverage about Martha Stewart from 1982 through 2007 using computer-assisted semantic network analysis. The study concludes that Stewart's media reputation showed characteristics of a complex system, including the gradual emergence of patterns of representation, the buildup of internal dissonance, a crisis point followed by the emergence of new patterns, and resistance to outside influences. These characteristics constrain efforts to shape reputation but can also provide warnings about a changing reputation long before it becomes obvious in media coverage.  相似文献   

Past research suggests that there is a relationship betweensurvey response and topic salience, namely that individualsresponding to a survey are likely to find the survey topic moresalient than nonrespondents do. For election surveys, nonresponseresulting from a lack of salience can influence findings becauserespondents may be more interested in politics than nonrespondents.The agenda-setting model suggests that media coverage shouldheighten salience. Thus, as media coverage of political campaignsincreases over the course of an election, refusals to a politicalsurvey should decline. Using data from the National AnnenbergElection Survey (NAES), which was conducted nearly continuouslyin 2004, this study investigates the issue of nonresponse ina random digit dial telephone survey across the election cycleby examining daily changes in the refusal rates using time-seriesanalysis. Content analyses of the frequencies of presidentialcampaign stories mentioned in the New York Times and three networknews broadcasts were matched against a time series from theNAES to demonstrate that increases in media coverage of theelection were negatively related to the survey refusal rate. Received for publication January 15, 2005. Revision received March 18, 2007. Accepted for publication May 14, 2007.  相似文献   

《Sociological Forum》2018,33(3):757-782
Despite the prevalent assumption among scholars of social movements and contentious politics that transformative contentious events are also the focus of public attention and discussion, there has been little attempt to substantiate this. After making a case for why to focus on focusing events and suggesting that these events should be thought of as products of a dialogical contentious meaning‐making process, we develop a coverage attribute‐based method for identifying focusing events. For illustrative purposes, we apply our method to the coverage of contentious events during the “first” intifada by Israeli‐Jewish, Jewish settler, and Palestinian newspapers. Findings from analyses of 11,868 news items reveal that newspapers are likely to strategically quiet contentious events that are strategically amplified by newspapers affiliated with opposing or targeted parties, and vice versa, depending on their interpretation of these events as political opportunities or threats. Analyses of variations across and within contending parties reveal the role of structure and agency in the dialogical seesaw‐like dynamics of contentious meaning‐making.  相似文献   

In 1939, Carl Hovland and Robert R. Sears presented data that they believed linked fluctuations in the price of cotton to lynchings in the South, a linkage first suggested six years earlier by Arthur Raper. This correlation quickly became a popular illustration of frustration-aggression theory. A few years later, a statistical critique by Alexander Mintz cast the reality of the association into doubt, but a sample survey of members of the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues reveals that Howland and Sears's "finding" is still widely, if imprecisely, known and accepted. Their article continues to be cited in the social-psychological literature and in many introductory textbooks. The failure of Mintz's critique to catch up with the striking but flawed, original report illustrates a structured impediment to reliable knowledge in the social sciences.  相似文献   

Research has increasingly noted that gay male adults are more at risk for developing body image dissatisfaction than other male populations. Body image issues warrant attention, particularly since they have been connected to the development of disordered eating patterns. Studies have often traced gay male body dissatisfaction to various sociocultural elements and phenomena, particularly the media. In fact, various media genres have been implicated as being instrumental in propagating idealized male physiques, which in turn may negatively influence observers. Using objectification theory, this paper aims to review the process by which media imagery are internalized by some gay men and how such internalizations harmfully impact their body image. The clinical implications and treatment of body dissatisfaction will be reviewed in terms of social work practice with gay male populations.  相似文献   


Predictions concerning the effects of participation in protest activity stimulated by conflict and resentment are derived from two theories of attitude change, sociotherapy and dissonance reduction theory. These predictions are comparted with the measured attitudes of participants in protest activity in terms of two sets—those who are satisfied with the results and those who aren't. The findings sustain neither the sociotherapists nor their critics. Dissonance reduction theory gains some support in the finding that frustrated participants tend to view the protest group itself less favorably than they view the political system. Though not a direct test of attitude change, the study is a test of the predicted outcomes of conflict stimulation as a community organizing technique and suggests that attitudinal effects are neither cause for concern nor promising for reduction of disaffection in the ghetto.  相似文献   

杨莉明  黄莹 《城市观察》2021,74(4):18-31,80
以粤港澳大湾区为研究对象,通过Python网络爬虫抓取了新浪微博平台上大湾区11个城市的政务微博账号于2017年至2020年所发布的、提及粤港澳大湾区的2101条微博,结合扎根理论,运用NVivo 11软件进行分析,提炼出政务微博建构湾区形象所使用的三大框架:硬实力、软实力、城际协同与紧密合作.这三个框架共同建构出粤港澳大湾区硬实力雄厚、交流合作频繁、城际协同发展的区域共同体形象.然而这些框架也存在比较局限、各自为政、表现形式单一的问题,导致湾区形象模糊空洞、不生动、缺乏整合性.通过分析造成这一现象的原因,为政务新媒体平台如何落实国家政策的宣传、做好区域形象传播提出了建议.  相似文献   

阅读是青少年的一种生活方式,在新媒体语境下,青少年的阅读生活从总体上讲处于一个传统阅读和新媒体阅读共生共在、彼此交织、相互影响的交汇期,他们常常游走在纸媒阅读与新媒体阅读、经典阅读与时尚阅读、深阅读与浅阅读之间,其形态多元并存,其间存在诸如阅读品位走低、阅读方式碎片化、阅读体验浅表化等问题。要改善和提升青少年阅读生活的质量,需要加强阅读生活观念和行为的指导,为他们构筑良好的阅读生态环境,提升其阅读幸福感。  相似文献   

There has been a distinct neglect of dis/ability in socio-cultural analysis of poverty porn. This paper applies framing analysis to reality TV documentaries that feature larger bodied, disabled, welfare claimants to examine how cultural literacies of fatness and ‘obesity’ are drawn upon to cast suspicion upon disability welfare claimants in so-called poverty-porn. With a focus on Channel 5's Benefit Britain series, Benefiits Too Fat to Work we demonstrate that enduring and harmful representations of ‘obesity’ are put to the work of securing public consent for a post-welfare society in the UK.  相似文献   

The current study examined hooking up experiences through event-level analyses, including the connections involving alcohol use, the extent of physical contact, and postevaluations of the hookup event. Participants were 828 college students (67.0% female). Of students who reported hooking up sometime within the past year (54.8%), chi-square analyses revealed that they were more likely to have been drinking when they met their partners the night of the hookup. Females who were drinking beforehand and females who met their partners that night were more likely to feel discontent with their hookup decisions. Among participants who consumed alcohol prior to their last hookup, a notable 30.7% of females and 27.9% of males indicated that they would likely not have hooked up with their partners had alcohol not been involved. Further, 34.4% of females and 27.9% of males indicated that they would not have gone as far physically if they had not been drinking. Among participants who reported both drinking beforehand and hooking up with unfamiliar partners, greater number of drinks consumed was associated with more advanced sexual behaviors. The current findings highlight the potential risks associated with alcohol use in the hooking up culture.  相似文献   

大众媒介的使用对个人的认知和行为起到重要的引领作用。基于西北4省农村调查发现,对于西北农村青年而言,相对于其他节目,新闻类节目接触能够显著促进他们总的公共事务参与意愿;传统媒介接触强度和信任程度可以显著正向影响农村青年总的公共事务参与意愿,而新媒介接触强度和信任程度的影响均没有达到显著程度。因此,相关媒体工作者应该进一步扩大新闻类节目的影响力;政府要利用不同媒介类型提高青年公共事务参与兴趣;媒介的管理者要关注媒介所传播内容的可靠性和真实度。  相似文献   

Using in‐depth interviews with naturalized U.S. citizens and immigrants as well as autoethnographic data, the author examines the stigma management strategies Middle Eastern Americans deploy, particularly in the aftermath of the September 11th terrorist attacks. He applies the concepts of interpretive practice and accounting to narratives of disrupted encounters in which Middle Eastern Americans were prompted to explain their identities, and classifies the stigma management strategies this group utilizes into five types of accounting: humorous, educational, defiant, cowering, and passing. This article evaluates the strengths and drawbacks of each accounting type for combating stigma and discusses how these findings inform existing scholarship on the social construction of deviant identities and their management in everyday life.  相似文献   

This article presents the findings of a case study examining the relationship between social capital and individual participation in collective action on a Caribbean island recovering from devastation inflicted by Hurricanes Ivan and Emily. Using data drawn from 114 residential surveys on the island of Carriacou, Grenada, over the summer of 2006, we empirically test social capital as a predictor of individual participation in both formal and informal civic events. In addition, we further the theoretical development of the concept of social capital by independently testing the relationships between its multiple dimensions, specifically social networks; interpersonal trust; and norms of reciprocity. We find that associational membership and age are the two strongest predictors, while interpersonal trust, gender, and marital status are also significant. Our path analysis reveals that there is not a significant direct effect between associational membership and interpersonal trust, suggesting that the two dimensions may have independent, yet complementary, influences. This study sheds light on factors influencing citizen participation in “civic” forms of collective action in a developing region of the world, while demonstrating the multidimensional nature of social capital.  相似文献   

This article examines generational effects on collective memories of Korean history, while taking into account international migration. We asked 216 subjects in South Korea and the United States to name three important events in Korean history and to provide reasons for their selections. We found generational effects in both countries in a similar pattern. This is a remarkable social achievement of the U.S. emigrant subjects. The current study adds a cross-cultural perspective to the literature on collective memories, which has focused predominantly on U.S. and Western case studies. By comparing memories of people who share a national origin but live in different cultural contexts, the current study also intersects collective memories studies in other fields such as transnationalism and diaspora. Our findings suggest that future studies can benefit from a transnational approach to collective memories, which may or may not circulate across borders.  相似文献   

Journal of Nonverbal Behavior - Since Darwin’s (1872) publication of The Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, emotion researchers have made tremendous progress in understanding the...  相似文献   

社会排斥是个体被他人或团体拒绝或排斥的现象。在社会排斥中,被排斥者的归属感与关系需求无法得到满足,而排斥者会出现敌意、攻击行为。社会排斥是影响青少年认知、情绪及行为积极发展的重要因素。基于实施排斥角度,现实排斥从拒绝、中伤和差别对待三维度结构转向网络排斥中的中伤和忽视两维度结构。而基于遭受排斥角度,现实排斥从拒绝、忽视、中伤和差别对待四维度结构转向网络排斥的中伤和忽视两维度结构。现实排斥结构向网络排斥结构演变的根源是青少年在不同情境中的人际交往特点存在差异性。  相似文献   

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