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互联网、技能偏向与农村流动人口就业   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在互联网普及和应用不断提升的背景下,互联网对于农村流动人口就业的影响需要受到高度重视.从技能偏向的视角,在文献梳理的基础上,基于理论假设,建立理论模型和实证模型,基于国家卫生和计划生育委员会流动人口动态监测数据,从农村流动人口的就业数量和就业质量角度,分析了互联网的发展对于流动人口就业的影响.研究发现:互联网所导致的技能偏向,能够显著降低对流动人口就业时间的需求,不利于流动人口就业,但能够显著提升流动人口的就业稳定性,有助于提升流动人口的就业质量.基于研究结论,从提升流动人口信息素养、促进就业与社会融合的双赢以及提升流动人口劳动技能多元化角度,提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

大学毕业生与农民工工资趋同的经济学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,大学毕业生的工资逐渐降低,而农民工工资逐渐上升,二者呈现趋同现象。文章从劳动力供求和人力资本的角度进行了对比分析,认为产生这一现象的原因,一是大学毕业生供给增长大于需求,而农民工需求增长大于供给;二是大学毕业生与农民工的人力资本水平的差距缩小。文章指出工资趋同现象并不意味着个人投资大学教育的非理性,因为大学毕业生能够比农民工获得更多的非经济收益和更好的职业发展,个人不应因工资趋同现象放弃接受大学教育。提高大学毕业生工资需要政府、高校和大学生共同努力。  相似文献   

Social Indicators Research - This paper investigates wage inequality and wage mobility in Turkey using the surveys on income and living conditions. Providing the first evidence on wage mobility for...  相似文献   

In this study, we use nationally representative data from the U.S. Current Population Survey-Child Support Supplement (N = 28,047) to examine differences in nonresident fathers’ material contributions between children of native and foreign-born mothers. We focus on contributions provided through the formal child support system (whether the mother has a child support agreement and the amount received), as well as support provided informally (the amount of informal cash and whether she receives any in-kind support). We control for a variety of individual and household characteristics, including whether the nonresident father lives in a different state or in a different country. We find that foreign-born mothers are much less likely to have a child support agreement than native-born mothers, but have similar amounts of formal support, once an agreement is in place. Compared to native-born mothers, foreign-born mothers are also much less likely to receive in-kind support, but this difference is completely explained by fathers’ distance from the child. Foreign-born mothers do not differ at all on the amount of informal cash support received from fathers. Nonresident fathers’ residence outside the U.S. is an important mechanism through which nativity affects the likelihood of having a child support order and receiving any in-kind support, but not the amount of formal support (given an order) or the amount of informal cash support. Aggregate comparisons mask important differences within the foreign-born group by mothers’ and children’s citizenship status, years in the U.S., and region of origin.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that there is a substantial skill difference in Sweden between natives and second-generation immigrants. The objective of this study is to find out whether there exists a relationship between immigrant school segregation and the individual’s human capital. The variation in immigrant concentration rate between cohorts within a school generally does not affect the individual’s human capital outcome. However when estimating specific peer influences between different immigrant groups (first-generation immigrants, second-generation immigrants with two foreign-born parent and second-generation immigrants with one foreign-born parent) the study shows three major findings. First, for men (both natives and second-generation immigrants) there is a general negative effect of having a large share of first-generation immigrant schoolmates. Second, for both men and women a large share of schoolmates with a completely foreign background (non-native parents) has a negative influence on the Swedish grades of second-generation immigrants with two foreign-born parents. Third, for men there seem to exist specific and positive peer influences within the groups of second-generation immigrants with either one or two foreign-born parents.  相似文献   

Rebecca Glauber 《Demography》2018,55(5):1663-1680
Many studies have shown that women pay a wage penalty for motherhood, whereas men earn a wage premium for fatherhood. A few recent studies have used quantile regression to explore differences in the penalties across the wage distribution. The current study builds on this research and explores trends in the parenthood penalties and premiums from 1980 to 2014 for those at the bottom, middle, and top of the wage distribution. Analyses of data from the Current Population Survey show that the motherhood wage penalty decreased, whereas the fatherhood wage premium increased. Unconditional quantile regression models reveal that low-, middle-, and high-earning women paid similar motherhood wage penalties in the 1980s. The motherhood wage penalty began to decrease in the 1990s, but more so for high-earning women than for low-earning women. By the early 2010s, the motherhood wage penalty for high-earning women was eliminated, whereas low-earning women continued to pay a penalty. The fatherhood wage premium began to increase in the late 1990s, although again, more so for high-earning men than for low-earning men. By the early 2010s, high-earning men received a much larger fatherhood wage premium than low- or middle-earning men.  相似文献   

In Hong Kong, child poverty is a serious social problem which may lead to intergenerational poverty, but nevertheless only a few studies have examined this issue, particularly for immigrant families. Using Census data (5 %) from 1981, 1991, 2001, and 2011, we assessed child poverty rates in the past three decades and identified key variables contributing to changes in the risk of child poverty for both immigrant and local families. Our results indicate that child poverty rates in Hong Kong-born families have fluctuated between 14.3 and 15.8 % over the past three decades, while for immigrant families they have increased steadily and substantially from 18.1 % in 1981 to 36.5 % in 2001 and then to 37.5 % in 2011. We show that the increase in immigrant child poverty is associated with changes in the Hong Kong economy that have made it more difficult for such families to adapt to the host society, especially in the 1990s and that this negative effect offset the positive influence of compositional changes among this group of immigrant families in terms of parental education levels and family size. The gap between immigrant and local families in terms of child poverty risk is mainly due to the fact that during the 1990s the negative effect of contextual changes in Hong Kong was cancelled out by the beneficial impact of compositional changes for local families, but not for immigrant families where the latter effect was minimal.  相似文献   

This study examines regional differences in the gender wage gap in Spain using matched employer–employee microdata, two different econometric decomposition methods and panel data techniques. Our findings suggest that Spain shows a significant regional heterogeneity in the size of the raw gap, roughly comparable to cross-country differences observed in the European context. The results from the decomposition analysis show that although the bulk of the gender wage gap in Spanish regions is due to differences in the endowments of productive characteristics between males and females there is still a substantial part of the gap that remains unexplained. The analysis of the causes behind the variation of both, the raw and the unexplained gender wage gap by region highlights that several economic, institutional and demographic elements identified in previous studies analysing international differences in the gender wage gap are also relevant to explain regional differences in the gender wage gap in Spain.  相似文献   

J. H. Pollard 《Demography》1979,16(1):131-135
Survival proportions and expectations of life estimated directly from observed crude mortality rates are usually unbiased. Estimates of survival proportions and expectations of life obtained from graduated mortality rates at individual ages tend to be positively biased, although the actual bias is small for reasonably large experiences.  相似文献   

Despite being newcomers, immigrants often exhibit better health relative to native-born populations in industrialized societies. We extend prior efforts to identify whether self-selection and/or protection explain this advantage. We examine migrant height and smoking levels just prior to immigration to test for self-selection; and we analyze smoking behavior since immigration, controlling for self-selection, to assess protection. We study individuals aged 20–49 from five major national origins: India, China, the Philippines, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. To assess self-selection, we compare migrants, interviewed in the National Health and Interview Surveys (NHIS), with nonmigrant peers in sending nations, interviewed in the World Health Surveys. To test for protection, we contrast migrants’ changes in smoking since immigration with two counterfactuals: (1) rates that immigrants would have exhibited had they adopted the behavior of U.S.-born non-Hispanic whites in the NHIS (full “assimilation”); and (2) rates that migrants would have had if they had adopted the rates of nonmigrants in sending countries (no-migration scenario). We find statistically significant and substantial self-selection, particularly among men from both higher-skilled (Indians and Filipinos in height, Chinese in smoking) and lower-skilled (Mexican) undocumented pools. We also find significant and substantial protection in smoking among immigrant groups with stronger relative social capital (Mexicans and Dominicans).  相似文献   

Measurement and Theoretical Perspectives of Immigrant Assimilation in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
After summarizing the theories and measurement indices of assimilation,this paper examines and re-constructs the measurement framework of assimilation at individual level,followed by discussing some theoretical questions of assimilation in present China.Assimilation could be one point on the line connecting adaptation,segmented assimilation and assimilation.Measurement indices framework of immigrant assimilation in destination should be simplified with high validity,corresponding to the theories.Assimilation can be divided into five dimensions:economic,cultural,social,structural and identity.Future research should be directed at the final direction of the assimilation of migrants, and the causal chain centered on the assimilation"the status and the causes and consequences of assimilations",and longitudinal or panel survey studies should be enhanced to understand the situation and development trajectory of assimilation of migrants in China.  相似文献   

我国农民工医疗保险问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
游春 《西北人口》2009,30(4):33-37
本文在对农民工医疗保险政策背景和各地区实施的保险模式进行综述性分析的基础上。对农民工医疗保险制度设计存在的问题进行了探讨。提出了农民工医疗保险问题解决的途径,重点对农民工医疗保险的商业化管理与运作的可行性展开了分析。  相似文献   

Population Research and Policy Review - Educational inequality in the health of US children—what social scientists refer to as the “educational gradient” in health—is...  相似文献   

流动人口社会融合的测量及理论思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周皓 《人口研究》2012,(3):27-37
文章简要归纳国内外社会融合理论和测量指标,检讨并重构个体层次的社会融合测量指标体系,讨论当前研究中的几个重要理论问题,认为流动人口的社会融合总是处在从适应到区隔融合、再到融合这三个阶段中的某一点上,在构建测量指标体系时所用的概念与变量应有较高的效度和简约性,且要与理论相对应。社会融合包括经济融合、文化适应、社会适应、结构融合和身份认同这五个维度。关于我国迁移与流动人口社会融合的最终方向问题、扩展以社会融合为中心的因果链等应是未来研究的重要方面,今后的研究应该注意主流社会的定义、社会融合结果导致的社会流动方向的判断标准、分析单位等,并加强长期的跟踪研究,以便及时掌握流动人口的社会融合现状及其发展轨迹。  相似文献   

Thomas KJ 《Demography》2011,48(2):437-460
This study examines how familial contexts affect poverty disparities between the children of immigrant and U.S.-born blacks, and among black and nonblack children of immigrants. Despite lower gross child poverty rates in immigrant than in U.S.-born black families, accounting for differences in family structure reveals that child poverty risks among blacks are highest in single-parent black immigrant families. In addition, within two-parent immigrant families, child poverty declines associated with increasing assimilation are greater than the respective declines in single-parent families. The heads of black immigrant households have more schooling than those of native-black households. However, increased schooling has a weaker negative association with child poverty among the former than among the latter. In terms of racial disparities among the children of immigrants, poverty rates are higher among black than nonblack children. This black disadvantage is, however, driven by the outcomes of first-generation children of African and Hispanic-black immigrants. The results also show that although children in refugee families face elevated poverty risks, these risks are higher among black than among nonblack children of refugees. In addition, the poverty-reducing impact associated with having an English-proficient household head is about three times lower among black children of immigrants than among non-Hispanic white children of immigrants.  相似文献   

This study investigated how family context affect poverty disparities between young children of immigrants from the Mainland China and children of local families whose parents were born in Hong Kong using 2006 bicensus data. 12,609 and 12,753 children of immigrant and local families were included in our data analyses. We find higher child poverty rates in immigrant families than in local families. Moreover, we found that family structure (single-parent vs. 2-parent), assimilation (first vs. second generation children of immigrant families), and parental human capital characteristics are significantly associated with the child poverty risk. Surprisingly, the impact of immigrant status on child poverty rates is stronger in 2-parent households than in single-parent households while child poverty declines associated with increasing assimilation defined by generational status of children are greater in 2-parent immigrant families than the corresponding declines in single-parent immigrant families. The implications of our results in intergenerational poverty are discussed.  相似文献   

俄罗斯转轨时期移民问题研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
移民问题是俄罗斯一个较为敏感的问题。从20世纪80年代后半期开始,苏联国内向国外移民的倾向日益增强。俄罗斯大多数移民外流的目的都是为了改善物质生活条件。苏联的解体和俄罗斯选择新自由主义经济发展模式使其快速与国际劳动力市场接轨,俄罗斯成为世界上一个主要的劳动力资源进口国。对于移民迁入国来说,移民的增加具有正反两方面的作用。对于俄罗斯来说,其正面影响是外来移民的迁入在很大程度上解决了某些经济部门和某些地区的劳动力短缺问题,但与此同时,外来移民的流入也引起许多社会问题的出现。  相似文献   

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