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Beijing Lantian Nursery Arts Troupewas established 18 years ago on theback of the Beijing Lantian Nursry.Almost every year for 18 years thetroupe has put on a full-lengthperformance. Its piece this year is "TheMother's Kiss," the mother being themotherland, China. It will be staged onthe People's Republic's 50thanniversary. Among the new items, a number ofshort song and dance dramas refresh theaudience. In "Spring Rain Brings HeartyLaughter," a group of children play excitedly inthe rain. They carry large palm leaves on theirheads, splashing in the rain puddles andchasing each other-all natural customs of theDai people. The background behind "Long Red SilkRibbon" is the customs and music of thenorthern Shaanxi on the loess plateau. Childrendance holding a long red ribbon, a ribbonpassed down generation upon generation fromtheir ancestors, from yesterday to today and onto tomorrow. This ribbon is a symbol ofindomitable life or the continuous growth and  相似文献   

WITH all of its fun and games, the Spring Festival fair at the Temple of Earth in Beijing is a good place to spend the holidays. Ever since 1985, when the temple first resumed the practice of holding the fair during the Spring Festival, the annual event has attracted more and more people every year. In fact, the temple fair has gradually developed into a holiday exhibition of traditional local culture as well as an influential mass cultural activity. The opening ceremony is a major part of the temple fair. All who attend are impressed by its magnificence and liveliness. The arch tower at the entrance  相似文献   

JUVENILE crime is on the rise and has become a problem for schools, parents and society at large. According to the latest investigation and analysis by the public security department, 65 to 70 percent of criminal cases per year involve youth under the age of 25. Guo Xiang, executive director of China's Juvenile Delinquency Research Society, explained it was in 1970 that juvenile crime really became a social  相似文献   

Gathering on the International Day of Families 欢聚在国际家庭日 May 15 of each year is the International Day of Families. This year is China's Year of Russia. To enhance the friendship and increase mutual understanding between the people of Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, in Northeastern China, and Amur Prefecture, in the Far East region of Russia, both sides exchanged family delegations and paid friendly visits to each other on May 11 and 12.  相似文献   

Asocial public welfare undertaking—"an intelligence project" of great practical significance and profound historical significance was formally unfolded to the public by the end of 1993. This is the glad tidings of 25 million people who live in the region of Iodine Deficiency Disease (IDD) as well as a great matter of concern for the 1.2 billion people of China.  相似文献   

"SHE has black hair,very beautiful eyes and a smile alwaysplaying on her lips,"sixth-grade Pan Yong wrote in his diary.Hewas describing his teacher,Zhou Kefan,a young Hong Kong womanwho came to teach for half a year in the mainland’s southern remotemountains inhabited by the Yao people. A graduate of the preparatory course from Hong Kong LiBaochun United International Academy of Classical Learning,ZhouKefan has been a good scholar with an agreeable demeanor since shewas little.Just as she had decided to go to the United States to studyfurthe,a voluntary teaching position on the mainland made herchange her mind. A long-term help and support to the Nangang Primary School in  相似文献   

SINCE its foundation, the Hong Kong Student Association (HKSA) was productive, achieving much success and gaing public support."The students have been organized and shown the power of the collective. It is an ordinary thing on the Mainland, bu is a miracle in Hong Kong...," Shen Pao newspaper read. "The Hong Kong student movement seems promising for Hong Kong youth. The future is bright as the Chinese nation has such promising young people." In 1940, we ended the HKSA's work. The female students' work shifted to schools. Female student leaders went to  相似文献   

Over the last year, few places in Beijing have received as much hype as Wudaoying Hutong. Often referred to as the "next Nanluoguxiang" (a distinction that is either a blessing or a curse, depending on who you ask), the alley, stretching from Andingmen Gate to Yonghegong (Lama Temple), has become "the" place to watch for many Beijingers, particularly since new businesses seem to pop up there every week. Most of the new businesses include caf6s and tiny shops that peddle souvenirs, clothing and rustic home decor, almost all of which look as if they'd be at home at Nanluoguxiang. This implies that Wudaoying hasn't quite found its own identity yet,  相似文献   

THE 400-year-old Youning Temple is hidden in a thick forest at the foot of the towering Qilian Mountain, On the eighth day of the sixth lunar month every year. the temple holds tiaoqian,a religious dance with masks. Tu people gather in the remple to worship Buddha and watch the tiaoqian dance. At the same time, a large scale hua'er singing activity will be held on the slope opposite the temple.  相似文献   

THE "goddess of the forest"has a weather-beaten face. Eighteen years spent living on the plateau of northwestern China have left Xu Fengxiang, a forest ecologist, with a complexion as ruddy as those of the Tibetan people who hold her in such high respect. Xu had long dreamed of setting up a miniature of Tibetan plateau scenery in the inland to enable more people to enjoy the special landscape of Tibet. So when some people from Beijing's Mentougou District invited her to choose a site for Tibetan Garden, she agreed readily. She chose the highest peak, Lingshan, 2,303 meters above sea level, and quite appropriately, as it has been called as the Mount Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) of  相似文献   

YINAN is a poor county in the Yimeng Mountain Area in Shandong Province. It has a population of 900,000, over 80 percent of whom live in rural areas and about 600,000 of whom are women and children. Protecting the health of women and children is not only important to reach the goal "Everyone Enjoys Health Protection by the year 2000" and the goals set out in the "Program for Chinese Children's Development in the 1990s," but also has a crucial influence on the  相似文献   

The earth, with its diversity andvariety, is a total ecology that has givenlift to and sustains the lives of all ofhumanity. Protecting that ecology hasbecome a major concern for peoplearound the world. With an eye towardsenvironmental protection, the Chinesegovernment and tourism agencieslaunched Ecotour China '99. Thetheme of this year of environmentaltourism is "Walking Towards Natureand Protecting the Environment." To match this theme, we havepublished here a story introducing twonuture preservation zones for birdhabitats in China and with publishmore stories of this sort in the futurealso. We believe that these stories Willlend our readers majestic scrolls ofimagery as well as pass on a commonfeeling of humility towards nature.  相似文献   

The generation gap that exists between people who were born in the 1950s and those who were born in the 1980s has been a cause for concern since the Parents Are Scourges appeared on the Internet. Generation gaps are normal, as older people tend to recall days that have passed and make judgments based on their experiences while younger people, who are full of hope and who tend to look to the future. They love to put their judgments to the test.  相似文献   

Your Chinese Horoscope 2006: What the Year of the Dog Holds in Store for You 《2006狗年运势》 Author. Neil Somerville Publisher: Harper Element The year 2006 is the Year of the Dog on the Chinese zodiac. What does this mean for you? The ancient art of Chinese Astrology, which predates the Western zodiac, is a detailed system of divination that has been used in the Orient for thousands of years. The depths of its wisdom and the accuracy of its character analysis and predictions have caught the imagination of the West in recent years, and have resulted in the rapid rise of its popularity. Your Chinese Horoscope 2006 is a popular and enlightening guide, which contains all the predictions you will need to take you into the year ahead-a year that offers great hope, advancement and opportunity. This complete astrological guide, now in its 19th year, includes an introduction to the 12 signs of the Chinese zodiac; an explanation of the Five Elements, including which one governs your sign; and what the Year of the Dog has in store for you, your family, your loved ones and friends.  相似文献   

Baby Boom in Year of‘Gold Pig’金猪年将迎来生育高峰It's the Year of the Pig,and, according to the"five-element theory,"it is also the year of"gold."With only one"gold-pig"year for every 60 lunar calendar years,tradition has it that a person born in the"gold-pig"year will be blessed with great fortune throughout his/her life.  相似文献   

SATURDAY Appointment is a sentimental TV programme combining interviews, arts displays, and also serves as a match-maker for singles. The programme, as well as its host Ni Lin, is drawing more and more attention. Five to six citizens out of every ten polled will mention it as their favourite out of the huge number of exciting shows on television nowadays in Shanghai. With the help of a friend, I happened to meet Ni Lin on a Saturday, which we said jokingly was another Saturday appointment. Much of her elegant disposition  相似文献   

This is the second book written by the child author and has been popular on the net for its jest, but it is not just simple witted. Jiang Fangzhou was born in a small city of China in October 1989. She is a well-behaved student in an ordinary primary school. But sometimes she does something to make people stare at her, such as wearing her trousers inside out or donning a pair of sandals in late autumn. "The adults do not know our children's life," she says in  相似文献   

China has been a World Trade Organization (WTO) member for more than a year. Every Chinese citizen and every foreigner who has recently visited China has felt the affects of WTO membership on China's economy-and on citizens' lives. In this issue, we present a special report on how the WTO membership has changed some Chinese people's lives. Despite the differences in their professions, genders and ages, it's easy for read-  相似文献   

This is the year of the tiger, according to the traditional Chinese lunar calendar, which used twelve animals to symbolize each year in The and Telecommunications has issued a set of "tiger Stamps" to commemorate the event, complete with postmarks issued by local post authorities. Shown here are postmarks from one bears the chinese characters “戊寅” (read as "wu yin"), which is how this year is marked on the Chinese lunar Calendar.  相似文献   

Zhangzhou is reforming public security to serve the people. "110" is the emergency call number for police. But in Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, 110 has changed into an emergency call service station which integrates reporting to police and dispatching patrols to the streets. "Zhangzhou 110" reportedly takes less than five minutes for police to arrive on the scene, much  相似文献   

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