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中国养老金制度经过近30多年来的深刻变革,从自我封闭的单位保障制走向开放式的社会保险制、从少数人的专利发展成为全体老年人的共同福祉、从单一责任主体走向多方分担责任、从单一层次走向多层次化,成为惠及所有老年人的社会保障制度,符合全球养老金制度发展的潮流与客观规律。但目前存在的理论认识误区、制度不统一、政策参数僵化、补充层次缺失及其导致的筹资失衡、待遇不公、预期紊乱、可持续性弱化和社会风险累积等问题正在日益显性化。这表明其仍是质量不高的制度安排。因此,中国养老金制度亟待走出逻辑混乱的思维定势与传统的路径依赖,通过明确公平建制理念、加快制度统一步伐、调适筹资责任分担机制、赋予相关参数弹性空间、理性推动多层次化等举措来为参与主体各方提供清晰稳定的预期,实现制度定型和高质量发展。  相似文献   

This article analyzes China’s pension arrangement and notes that China has recently established a universal non-contributory pension plan covering urban non-employed workers and all rural residents, combined with the pension plan covering urban employees already in place. Further, in the latest reform, China has discontinued the special pension plan for civil servants and integrated this privileged welfare class into the urban old-age pension insurance program. With these steps, China has achieved a degree of universalism and integration of its pension arrangement unprecedented in the non-Western world. Despite this radical pension transformation strategy, we argue that the current Chinese pension arrangement represents a case of “incomplete” universalism. First, its benefit level is low. Moreover, the benefit level varies from region to region. Finally, universalism in rural China has been undermined due to the existence of the “policy bundle.” Additionally, we argue that the 2015 pension reform has created a situation in which the stratification of Chinese pension arrangements has been “flattened,” even though it remains stratified to some extent.  相似文献   

金桥 《科学发展》2014,(11):71-79
着眼于经济社会发展与养老服务事业之间的关系,应从经济增长速度减缓、外来人口迅速增加、经济结构转型升级、城市空间功能调整等方面,探讨上海当前及今后一段时期养老服务所面临的主要挑战与问题。上海需要在政府引导下着力构建和完善政府、市场、社会多方参与、分工合作的养老服务体系,具体包括促进养老公共资源配置的均衡化、大力发展老年服务产业、推进不同层次养老保障制度之间的有效衔接、积极提高上海养老服务的社会化水平等。  相似文献   

Recent pension reforms in Norway mean that old-age pensions to a greater extent are a function of adaptations made and decisions made throughout the lifetime. How much you work, who you work for, when you retire, and how you invest will influence your standard of living as an old-age pensioner. This article investigates one important source of information about retirement and pension, namely service journalism in main national newspapers. How is the issue of pension framed in these articles? And what kind of advice is presented by which kind of actors? Findings indicate that service journalism is dominated by pension industry sources, and old-age pension is framed as a function of individual investment choices rather than as citizens’ rights.  相似文献   

The French old age security system was constructed progressively following the end of the Second World War in response to the pressing problem of old age poverty. In 1945 less than 40% of old people (4.5 million in total) had a pension. This was despite the existence of some pension systems dating back to the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Monetary depreciation also meant that the pensions of those who enjoyed such benefits were very low. Historical factors explain the current pension system's organization and institutional division favouring pay-as-you-go schemes. While the French pension system has been largely successful in eliminating old age poverty, it today faces new challenges and constraints that make reform necessary. The debate as how best to reform the pension system is a long and winding one. Change is slow and incremental. Ideological, social and cultural factors and their interrelations help explain the difficulties in effecting reforms.  相似文献   

Current and prospective migration law and policy in Chile does not adequately incorporate the causes, content, and consequences of international migration to and from Chile. We describe and examine migration in‐flows, out‐flows, migration‐related policies, and how those policies drive, and are driven by, notions of development in Chile. We explore contradictions in Chilean nascent migration policy currently under legislative review. We argue that it is imperative that migration, migration policy, and their relationship to development be discussed inclusively and transparently and be explicitly incorporated into the Chilean government's nascent migration and development legal policies and frameworks.  相似文献   

当前上海社会养老机构供给不充分,总需求难以得到有效满足,市场配置机构养老资源的作用尚未充分发挥.国外近年来通过市场机制来配置养老服务资源的特点非常显著,养老机构产业化趋势日盛,机构的服务层次多元、服务内容专业,与之配套的养老需求评估和补贴制度完善.未来上海应进一步明晰政府与市场在机构养老领域的职能边界,转变政府履职方式;推动养老机构服务市场化纵深发展,形成适度规模、产业多元、互相渗入的机构养老业态.  相似文献   

Allowing provinces to find their own way forward was central to Vietnam's progress in institutional and economic development. This article examines who drives this process of economic reform and finds that, in those provinces making the most progress, the private sector played an important role, not against, but with government. Both national and foreign enterprises played a role, but small enterprises tended to be marginalised. Some of the best insights come from comparing provinces and observing how different alignments of interest influenced the reform process.  相似文献   

China’s previous contract laws had many contradictions and failed to meet the needs of China’s developing market economy. Although some problems still need to be dealt with, the unified contract law is more advanced, systematic and plays an important role in fostering and encouraging transactions.
Zhai YuanjianEmail:

European pension reforms are dominated by the principles of privatization and individualization. Privatizing and individualizing pension entitlements call for a redefinition of the responsibilities of states and individuals. Moreover, statutorily introducing individualization calls for equal opportunities to be guaranteed. However, the implementation of equal opportunities is a long way off because pension‐determining factors are still subject to gender distinctions, among other things. Gender distinction is inherent in life courses as well as in welfare arrangements. Welfare arrangements determine the legitimate reasons for gaining pension rights, how the measures of different entitlements are interrelated and which factors hamper a person's ability to fulfil the pension norm. This article analyses the link between welfare arrangements and women's life courses for a better understanding of the gendered norms of pension entitlements by focusing on gendered wages and life expectancies, gendered working patterns, and the connection between care and pensions.  相似文献   

This article examines the evolution of poverty in Chile during 1990‐96, a period of rapid economic growth. It shows that Chile has embarked on a significant poverty‐reduction trajectory. The robustness of this result is examined by using nonparametric estimates of the income distribution and a stochastic dominance test. Growth is an important factor in explaining the poverty reduction that has occurred. Using the Datt‐Ravallion decomposition, it accounts for over 85% of poverty reduction at the national level. However, the pattern varies significantly across regions. Both growth, and its contribution to poverty reduction, vary significantly among regions. This seems to reflect the sectoral composition of growth across regions, with export‐oriented activities producing a larger poverty‐reduction impact.  相似文献   

Using survey responses of 577 public relation practitioners, this article examines role conceptions in Chilean public relations, as well as the effects that different individual and organizational factors have on their professional worldviews. The results show that how Chilean practitioners perceive their roles can be grouped into four different types: the long-term strategic, the short-term technical, the passive-complaisant, and the active-vigilant. In general terms, Chilean public relations practitioners distance themselves from the passive-complaisant role, giving greater importance to the other three. The findings also reveal that gender, education level, job commitment, perceived autonomy, organization type, and geographical location are the factors that better predict Chilean PR professional roles, while hierarchy level and organization's reach do not directly affect their perceptions.  相似文献   

业态与现代经济发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
业态是产业的存在方式,是现代经济发展的支撑资源,愈来愈成为企业竞争的重要途径,并非只有商业才有业态。产业链中的研发业态、生产业态和营销业态互动演进代表着现代产业体系中业态变革的未来方向。怎样展开业态创新,如何遵循业态发展规律、把握其基本走势以及科学处理企业竞争与业态竞争关系等均成为核心内容。  相似文献   

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